Android :: Podcast Application That Allow Authentication?
Oct 20, 2010
Are there any podcast players that allow authentication? I have the streamlink account for coast to coast am and they dont yet have an android app. I can download the MP# files of the shows every night but would much rather be able to just stream with podcast. I have a link to the RSS feed for said podcast but it requires a UN/PW. Can anyone suggest an app that will handle this? They also provide Real Player links and Windows media player links so if anyone knows how to make these work with the droid that would work as well.
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Dec 30, 2009
I've been using Google Listen since october (started on htc hero, now on moto droid), what it lacked in features I figured updates would soon bring but what I've received is frustration after frustration.
*I need a podcasting app that will be able to automatically download new episodes (when plugged in and/or only on WiFi)
*Automatically add the latest download episodes and add to some sort of a queue/playlist and automatically remove them once listened in full.
*Have a UI that works well from a couple feet away, I dock my phone in the car and use daily on my commute, so I need to be able to reach over and tap pause/play/next/ffw/etc.
*And the Big One - When updating podcasts, actually pings the RSS feed direct (unlike Google Listen) instead of a single server. I can't stand being 12-24 hours behind on most of my podcast feeds, especially when I want to listen to a daily podcast that comes out in the morning at 4:30pm on my way home from work and can't without browsing to their website.
I'm willing to pay, really don't want to pay the $7 I see some clients go for but will pay up to $7 if it works well enough.. I do not need a full on RSS news reader, I'd prefer a dedicated podcatching client.
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May 24, 2010
Got used to listening to my podcasts on my iPod touch in 2X speed. Would like to use my Incredible the same way. Anybody know of a way to speed up the playback? I looked in settings, and didn't find anything, so suspect will need an app or something. On second note, is there a way to access the Market from a computer? Searching via the phone is pretty hard to do.
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Sep 19, 2010
I use listen for my audio podcasts, works great. Anyone have any recommendations for video podcasts. Search found nothing.
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Apr 28, 2009
I have created a web application in ruby on rails and I want to use it now in my android application. I use http basic authentication in my website but I don't get any success to authenticate me trough the android application..
I have protected resources and pages on the website that needs authentication to access it! How can I get this right in my application?
How can i do the authentication? i have tried with a arthroscope and BasicCredentialsProvider but i think i am not doing it good! Can someone help me!
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Sep 19, 2009
I have searched but failed to find a definitive answer on the matter! I have used "listen" by google, but it dosen't update automatically, or find the new "kermode movie review" podcast for this week. So my question is, what android podcast app can I subscribe to a podcast to and just let it update like on itunes? Or am I using "listen" incorrectly and what should I do to get the most out of it?
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Jul 8, 2010
I found a few, but I was wondering what the most popular one is out there?
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Aug 30, 2010
I been trying to decide what phone I wanted to go with between the Iphone4, Droid x and the Windows 7 phone. After hearing from many people and looking a reviews I think I am going with the droid X, the one thing that is really kinda holding me back is that I listen to a lot of podcast and its so easy to manage listening to them with itunes. It just seems very easy to upload new episodes and auto delete them from my ipod. I am curious is there a program that droid has that operates like itunes? I have looked all over and I cant find a program that droid uses to upload music and podcast in a easy way.
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Jul 31, 2010
Any of you using a podcast app? I cant find a decent free one and I don't want to pay for one I wont like. The Zune Market Place was perfect for free podcasts. I just want to get Car Talk and House of Reggae!
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Nov 13, 2009
Anyone know of a good podcast management app. I was spoiled with apple's os. Right now I am just dragging them over, but when I have music everything gets mixed in with each other.
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Aug 30, 2009
I'm connecting to my AppEngine application using the Apache HttpComponents library. In order to authenticate my users, I need to pass an authentication token along to the application's login address ( and grab a cookie from the header of the response. However, the login page responds with a redirect status code, and I don't know how to stop HttpClient from following the redirect, thus thwarting me from intercepting the cookie.
Fwiw, the actual method I use to send the request is below. How would I stop the client from following the redirect?
Update: As per the solution below, I did the following after creating a DefaultHttpClient client (and before passing it to the execute method):
More verbose than it seems it needs to be, but not as difficult as I thought.
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Nov 8, 2009
I am using the standard gmail app that comes with the motorola droid. However password authentication is only required the first time the application is launched. This means anyone who picks up your phone can see your email with one touch. Is there a way to require password authentication each time the application is launched?
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Feb 7, 2010
Is there a podcast made for droid? Just droid or would it have to be an android podcast. If so what is out there. I like listening to podcasts, my faves are nintendo ones. But a droid or android one could be great
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Oct 24, 2010
I am slightly new to podcasts. I have a HTC evo and I used to use listen but didn't have much luck finding what I was looking for. I now use .Podkast for android and I've gotta say it's great. Now that I have a better computer with windows 7 what is a good program to use for podcasts. I know itunes does it but is there anything equal to or better than itunes?
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Oct 24, 2010
Anyone know how i can get the radio show Full Metal Jackie from to play on android?
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Oct 10, 2010
I'm trying to get access to the metadata about podcasts, such as the show notes/description, the show title and the icon image. I'm at least partially using ContentResolver to query for most of the AudioColumns information, but for some reason ALBUM_ART is missing, there seems to be no column for the description, and in general, it's not clear what the mapping is. Since podcasts are not songs, they don't generally have "composers", "artists" and "albums" they have show titles, episode titles, hosts, etc. Is there any information out there on what standards are generally used for podcast metadata and how I can efficiently access it?
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Jul 22, 2010
I've done lots of searching, and I've found partial solutions, but not exactly what I'm looking for. Not sure it even exists, but I'm going to ask! Got a new Droid X last week and love it. Coming from iPhone with iTunes. I listen to podcasts for several hours most nights at work using Bluetooth headphones. My iPhone worked great for this because I would plug it in each day and it would automatically sync the newest podcasts from the list I selected. I'd like to continue using iTunes because it is very nice for auto updating and I have dozens of podcasts subscribed to already. But here's what I need to do:
1) I need a way to sync the newest 3-5 podcasts from Select podcast subscriptions. I've found an Android solution or two that will sync podcasts, but they appear to either sync All podcasts, or unplayed podcasts from All subscriptions. What I want to is what the iPhone can do: sync the most recent 3-5 podcasts from only the ones I select. I would have to delete Dozens of subscriptions to be able to sync them to my Droid if I use the current tools I discovered.
2) I need a way to play the podcasts on the Droid, knowing which ones are unplayed. I've found solutions that will allow me to play the podcasts, but I can't seem to tell which ones I've listened to. On the iPhone, there's a dot that tells you if its unplayed or not. On the Android, there's just a big list of podcasts and there's no way to tell if I listened to it or not (from what I've found).
3) This one is not a requirement, but it would be nice if I could do this wirelessly because I've had a bit of trouble consistently mounting the Droid X to my iMac. I tried TuneSync, which does wireless iTunes syncing, but again, I can't choose individual podcasts to sync, it appears to be all or nothing.
I'm not hopeful that there's a solution for this, so I'm prepared to continue using my deactivated iPhone for listening to podcasts if I have to. It'll just be a pain having to carry both the Droid X and my iPhone with me at work.
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May 22, 2010
Moved from an iPhone 3G. It an do more but it sure take hacking. I have a few problems but I'll start with the main one. I am absolutely annoyed by the (wired) headset button behavior. On the iPhone I used the button for three things. Phone operation (pick up when rings, hang up to end call). Stop and start (and skip to next/previous) for music and for podcasts. I absolutely cannot replicate this functionality on the N1. I tried close to a dozen podcatchers. Most worked just fine but I either had to tell then to take over the button in which case it did not work in the music player or I had to disable it in which case it worked for the music player but not the podcast app. Behavior for incoming phone calls were pretty random depending on which app I used. Some overrode the podcast and rang into the headset and allowed me to pick up with the button, some didn't and I had to scramble to get to the phone. And it is absolutely annoying to press the button expecting to pause whatever I am listening to and to get a second thing playing on top of it. Not cool. I had no intentions of developing a new hobby: unexpectedly listening to music, a podcast while trying to order food at the counter. I am waiting for the moment I'll get to try all these things while trying to pick up the phone. (I think you get the picture).
After doing some reading I am not optimistic that I'll fix this. It sounds like applications have to hijack the headset button from each other. This explains the total randomness of actions. It never is assigned to the last thing I was listening to (with priority to phone controls when needed). That would make sense.
Thinking of possible solutions (short of anything destructive to the phone), I developed a few that theoretically could work.
1, I heard of apps in which I can regain some control over what the button does. Sounds like a pain in the ass especially since I do not want to think about these things but I have not tried these yet.
2, Getting a podcatcher that downloads podcasts in the background and allows the media player to see them. This way I would never have to run the podcatcher and could do everything from the media player. So far I only messed with the defalt audio player app on the N1. When I tell the podcatcher(s) to allow the music player to see the podcasts, it usually shows up as chaos. My music directory is chaotic enough. This just does not sound like a good solution (though I admit I did not explore alternative music players and how much order they can bring to the status quo with some tweaking).
3, Theoretically speaking it sounds like if I could find an awesome integrated music player with a built in podcatcher (an app that could take care of both downloading and playing my podcasts and dealing with my music) that could work great assuming it allows the phone to take over controls inside and during incoming calls. I have not found such an app yet.
4, Anything I missed?
I am pretty much a perfectionist when it comes to this thing. We are talking about the three main functionality of my personal smartphone (closely followed by email, the browser and possibly the map which all work great). I need these things to work seamlessly and flawlessly to be happy as they worked with the iPhone. (Well, the iphone didn't have the automated podcatching capability but I was able to sync whenever I wanted so it was close enough.)
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Oct 29, 2010
Having a little trouble with my music/podcast management, primarily because of my Bluetooth connections. I have the stock music app for my music, and then Doggcatcher for my podcasts. Unfortunately, this causes confusion when I am pausing and playing via Bluetooth - both apps will start playing, or one app will play and the other will pause...
It would be mostly solved if Android would give priority to the focused application when responding to Bluetooth commands (so I could just open the app I want and then it would act normally), but unfortunately, such is not the case.
Is there any kind of good music app out there that does good podcast management? I don't need much, just the ability to download podcasts on demand, and remember how much of the podcast I've listened to.
Suggestions? DoubleTwist claims to do this, but I have to connect to the computer to sync, which I think is friggin' stupid. I just want to be able to do everything OTA.
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Jan 22, 2010
I have read, and other related questions, but I have not found anything Android-specific.
Does anybody listen to any such podcast? Want to recommend it?
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Dec 6, 2009
I am trying to get a specific podcast on my Eris. I can find the podcast on itunes but when I search through google listen it does not come up. Is there anyway to get google listen to find this podcast and download it.
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Mar 24, 2009
I am beating my head against a wall trying to figure out why I cannot get Authenticated on my server whilst using HttpUrlConnection. I need to post a file in a post method and it seems I cannot do so with the DefaultHttpClient and a regular HttpPost (unless I am completely missing something?). I can get DefaultHttpClient to authenticate just fine using setCredentials() but the same doesn't exist for HttpUrlConnection so I try to set through setRequestProperty: conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64EncodedUserNamePassword); to no avail.
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Mar 11, 2009
I am new on SSL programming. The Android app I am developing needs to open an SSL socket to a secure server which requires the client authentication. When running on the Emulator and trying to talk to a Server running on the host PC, the following Android code snippet always gives me a SocketException at the line, SSLSocket c = (SSLSocket) f.createSocket(hostName, 8888) :
private void openSslClient(String hostName) { try { KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance (KeyStore.getDefaultType()); InputStream fis = this.getAssets().open("client.bks"); keyStore.load(fis, "clientjks".toCharArray());
KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance ("X509");
kmf.init(keyStore, "clientkey".toCharArray());
TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance ("X509");..............
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Dec 28, 2009
I am checking out the class org.apache.http.auth. Any more reference or example if anyone has?
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Jul 19, 2012
I am new to android and know very little about authentication. Ive been asked to build an rss feed app that will need to do Client side certificate authentication through SSL.
I've looked into the keychain api but how to use it and seen no tutorials of its usage.
I am a little lost as ive not done anything with authentication before. How to do mutual SSL client Authentication in android 4.0?
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Jul 21, 2010
I am currently writing the backend for a service which has 3 clients: browser, android native and iphone native. I am having a little trouble with coming up with an authentication system since I don't know what can really be done on the clients.
I am using django + twisted for the backend.
Basically, I am going to be writing RestfulAPIs to open up for the clients on both phones to call.
Now the real question is, how should I come up with an authentication system?
I have thought about using sessionids, this works very well with the browser and I can use django's integrated app for that.
However, I don't know if it's possible for both the iphone and android to obtain a unique sessionid on the handset. Should I write an API call to distribute unique sessionids?
if that's the case, is it possible for me to still use django's authentication system since a lot of the stuff here are customized? ( I am not even using a rdbms - I am sticking with mongodb, so I was on the verge of dropping django's authentication app ftm).
I have looked at foursquare's API and their basic auth method requires you to pass in user:password in every http request header. That adds 1 additional authentication each call which can kind of seem excessive.
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Aug 8, 2010
My website uses Facebook Connect for authentication on the desktop and mobile sites. When a user clicks the Facebook button, the browser opens a popup window where the user can login to Facebook. When the user logs in, the window closes and messages the main window to go on.This works great on iPhone. A new window opens and is brought to the foreground. After logging in, brings the original window to the foreground. Everything is happy.On Android, the user experience sucks. Trying to be clever, Android opens a popup window on top of the current window. However, the login popup is completely zoomed out and the input boxes are tiny. Predictably, many users just close the popup and give up.How can I use the Connect JS library to force a real window to open, or at least force Android to make the login box presentable?
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Sep 1, 2009
I'm trying to figure out how to develop a network-based authentication for my apps. I need some way to authentication an ID from the phone with an ID from the purchase order. Google Checkout has an ID in the order listing at the end:
"Trackmaster - Trackmaster is a powerful racing lap timer that runs on your Google Android Phone. It's for the motorsports enthusiast. Record your speed and times, analyze and replay your data, and share with your friends. Works great for autocross, hillclimbs, road rally, and track days! Satisfaction guarantee... - ID: -9037815002946116244"
I checked and this isn't the IMEI.
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Aug 5, 2013
iam using miui pepper on CM9.In my college there is a 4 MB/S wifi connectivity,unfortunately android and ios users cant access wifi but connections are available for laptop users!.while connecting in laptop wifi asks authentication, after entering username and pass lap is able to use wifi!!!.
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Jan 18, 2010
I am new to android and I have created a login page after verifying login. I get results true or false on the bases of user authentication now my goal is to show another screen on successful authentication with some new textboxes and button I mean new layout how to achieve this?
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