Android :: Way To Get Rid Of "warning : Unmappable Character For Encoding Ascii"

Apr 12, 2010

I'm compiling using android tools without eclipse.

I compile launching "ant debug" from command line.

I have found many many instructions around the web about how to remove with annoying warning, but I haven't been able to make any of them work.

I've tried -D option, I've tried randomly tweaking build.* files, I've tried exporting an environment variable... nothing.

I guess some of these methods just don't work, and some others would work but I've been doing them incorrectly. Anything is possible and I can't stand it any more: any advice on how to do it?

Android :: Way to get rid of "warning : unmappable character for encoding ascii"

How To Convert ASCII Character To Decimal Number In Android

Jul 28, 2013

I'm working on an Android app. I have a TextView which contains an ASCII character. This character changes every 2 hours. I need to be able to read this character and convert it to decimal number, and then write it to an another TextView. So let's say the character is "[" and it's decimal value is 91. 2 hours later this character changes to "U" and it's decimal value is 85.

what kind of code should I use in my app to be able to convert ASCII character to decimal number?

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HTC Desire :: Keyboard - Special Character In SMS (Compatibility Warning)

Jul 6, 2010

I have a SIM free Desire and I am on Orange. When I include sign in a text, I get a message on the screen saying "Compatibility Warning - your sms include some special character (RED BACKGROUND), if you send it from t-mobile to other carriers, it will cause the message can't go through". Can anyone tell me how I can include sign in a text without this message appearing every time.

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Android :: String Manipulation Insert Character Every 4th Character

Nov 12, 2010

In Android if I have an edit text and the user entered 123456789012, how could I get the program to insert a dash every 4th character. ie: 1234-5678-9012? I guess you need to say something along the lines of:- a=Characters 1~4, b=Characters 5~8, c=Characters 9-12,

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HTC Aria :: Keyboard With | Character (Straight Vertical Line Character)

Jun 22, 2010

I'm looking for a third party app/keyboard that features the | character; that straight up and down vertical line character. I need it to log into my email, but the stock keyboard doesn't seem to feature it. Anyone have any good ideas?

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Android :: Converting Bitmap To ASCII

Sep 17, 2010

I have a picture taken using the phone's camera and in bitmap format. I want to send it over HTTP usinf Http post in ASCII.Any idea how to do it?

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Android :: Keypress Event - ASCII Codes For A To Z

Nov 18, 2010

When I press the only character button a to z to perform some action in android what is key ASCII code for a to z can anybody tell how to do in android?

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How To Convert ASCII Characters To String In Android

Jul 30, 2013

I am loading a text to TextView from a file on a webpage with my Android app but the problem is that the text is full of ASCII characters, so when the text is loaded to the TextView, I can't see any of these ASCII characters or it shows me a "?" within a black square.

how can I convert an ASCII character to string?

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Android :: Recognize - Replace HTML ASCII Codes In A String / TextView?

Nov 19, 2010

Here are some HTML ASCII Codes:

I have a string that may look like "All in a hard day 's work"

What is the best way to replace that ascii code, with an apostrophe?

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Android :: Web View Encoding? Why?

May 28, 2010

I have started to work with the WebView component of Android Platform, but the API to load data to the component is confusing me, because it includes a parameter with a encoding. In both methods: public void loadData (String data, String mimeType, String encoding); public void loadDataWithBaseURL (String baseUrl, String data, String mimeType, String encoding, String historyUrl); you have to specify an encoding. In both cases, the API documentation says that is is the encodign of the data (data parameter). Well, as know, if you provide data as a String object, the String is internally stored in UTF-16 (unicode). To get a String object from a external source, you need to specify the external source encoding to convert it to UTF-16 and get the String internal representation (String(byte[] data, String encoding)). So, at this moment, when you have an String instance, everything from the original source has been converted to UTF-16. So, why do you need to specify an encoding if you are providing the data as a String object?

I don't know the internal implementation of WebKit, but let's suppose that, WebKit has a method, to render a source, providing as content an InputStream and a default encoding. Well, as I know, when you process a HTML page, you use the default encoding to read the HTML characters, and if you find a <meta> tag specifing a different encoding, from that moment, you have to use the new encoding to decode the characters of the HTML page. But what happens if you supply a HTML page that contains this <meta> tag: <meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/> using one of the methods specified at the top of this post, how are you going to read ISO-8859-1 encoding from a String that it is in UTF-16 encoding? if the WebKit filtering this <meta> tags, and doesn't taking in account the encoding specified in this tag? Well, all of this is very confusing for me, because I don't understand why the API includes this encoding parameter. I also don't know if the <meta> encoding tags are filtered when the source is provided as a String? Can anyone solve my doubts?

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Motorola Droid :: Question Mark On Non ASCII Characters In Text Messages

Aug 22, 2010

I have a Droid with Android 2.1. I am on a CDMA network. I send messages to some people on a GSM and when we use non-ascii characters, like ± or ¡ or Japanese and such, over sms, the other end gets them as question marks �. I don't know anybody on a CDMA network so I can not test if the problem would be there too. I don't know if it is a problem between the networks or something wrong with my phone or what. Finding information in google has proven unsuccessful. Though I found some text naming it a 'common' problem.

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Android :: How To Check Encoding In Java

Nov 19, 2010

I am facing a problem about encoding.

For example,
I have a message in xml format encoding is "UTF-8".


Now, this message are supporting multiple language.
Traditional Chinese (big5), Simple Chinese (gb), English (utf-8)

And it will only change the encoding in specific fields.
For example (Traditional Chinese),


Only "蘋果" and "橙" are using big5, "<product_name>" and "</product_name>" stills in use utf-8.
<price>1.3</price> and <price>1.2</price> are using utf-8.

How do I know which word is using different encoding?

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Android :: Defining Data Encoding Of SMS Messages

Aug 24, 2010

I'm working on an application using the SMS apis for android. The receiving end is an embedded unit that only supports 7-bit encoded SMS and the string I'm sending consists only of symbols from this particular alphabet which makes you think that Android is going to send it encoded as 7 bit. But that is not the case.Therefore I'm searching for a way to specify what encoding to use. See below for what my code looks like today. The method gsm7BitPackedToString turns a byte-array to a 7-bit string, i.e. the string only consists of 7-bit compatible characters and is copied from the internal android api. Code...

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Android :: Default Encoding Of Operating System?

Feb 5, 2010

What is the default encoding of android system?

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Android :: What Xml Encoding Work For Non European Languages

Mar 15, 2010

Assume I want to write an xml resource file with a a non-europian language, say japanese, thai or chinese-What encodings can I use and what do I have to to to both the xml header and the Writer to makes these work - Also is there an easy way to map a Locale into acceptable encodings

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Android : Way To Update SDK / Support Encoding Qcelp

Apr 8, 2009

I've added one new feature to Opencore & Framework to let them support encoding qcelp. But I found that Eclipse cannot figure out this new feature, e.g.


Eclipse now does not think RAW_QCELP & QCELP as legal symbols. So, what should I do to update the SDK to pass though this issue? Overwrite its system.img, boot.img or some *.jar packages?

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Android :: Chunked Encoding - GZIP Input Stream

Mar 3, 2010

I found a problem with GZIP input stream when wrapping InputStream from HttpURLConnection. When the server response with Transfer- Encoding=chunked, Content-Encoding=gzip and Connection=Keep-Alive. The second post always return -1. After digging into the source code, I found the place that could be a bug: (line 190 to 192) if (inf.needsInput()) { fill(); } Because InflaterInputStream doesn't need more input, it doesn't try to read the end of chunked encoding (0x)(30 0a 0d) that cause the second post to return with -1 every time.

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Android :: Http Proxy And Chunked Encoding With Emulator

Mar 24, 2009

I am having a specific problem that is preventing me using the android SDK from work. We are using a MS Proxy here that all internet traffic has to go through. The problem seems to be when the emulator is trying to access a site that uses 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' If I attempt to download (no chunked encoding) into the browser, it works fine. However if I try to go to (uses chunked encoding), the browser fails with the message: can't determine content length, and client wants to keep connection opened My feeling (and I'm no expert in this area) is that the underlying code managing the communication through the proxy is not dealing with the null terminator on the chunk encoded response when the connection to the proxy is being kept open? Does anyone have any experience in this area? Is the source to the emulator available so I can try and understand what is going on here?

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Android :: Convert InputStream To String With Encoding Given In Stream Data?

May 20, 2010

My input is a InputStream which contains an XML document. Encoding used in XML is unknown and it is defined in the first line of XML document.
From this InputStream, I want to have all document in a String.

To do this, I use a BufferedInputStream to mark the beginning of the file and start reading first line. I read this first line to get encoding and then I use an InputStreamReader to generate a String with the correct encoding.

It seems that it is not the best way to achieve this goal because it produces an OutOfMemory error.

Any idea, how to do it ? code...

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Android :: File's Chinese Characters Can't Be Displayed / Droid Support ANSI Encoding These?

Aug 26, 2009

I have two text file, both of them contains Chinese characters, one text file is saved using ANSI encoding, but this file's Chinese characters can not be displayed by htmlviewer on the phone. The Chinese characters in another txt file saved using unicode can be displayed ok by htmlviewer. Do you have any suggestions on this, does Chinese characters using ANSI encoding supported?

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HTC Incredible :: Best Video Encoding Settings

Aug 9, 2010

I'm trying to rip some DVDs from my collection and get them on my phone for a trip that I will be taking. I just tried to convert one 480x880, 30fps, Constant Bitrate @ 100%, MP4, x264. IDK what went wrong but it wouldn't play from my phone but played fine on my Mac. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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General :: Mail Characters Encoding?

Jun 3, 2012

I don't know why but some emails I sent aren't showing properly. If I write something like: "hey, what have you planned for tomorrow"?

It's delivered like this:

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64[code]...

At first I thought it was because of some ROM so I made a clean install of Gingerbread.This didn't fix it so I updated to ICS. Not even changing my written language from Chinese to English worked.

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Samsung Captivate :: DD 5.1 - Video Files Encoding

Aug 10, 2010

I'm able to get AC3 5.1 @ 640kbs to work with my 720p mkv files but the playback skips about every 5 seconds. Other then that It looks and sounds amazing! I've tried encoded to 5.1 FLAC and AAC but it doesn't play at all. Are there any encoding experts out there?

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General :: LG P970 Optimus - Incoming SMS Encoding

Jul 3, 2012

I have LG P970 Optimus black. I know this problem is about a lot of devices and a lot of regions. We are using latin alphabet with some special characters. like "ı, ş, �, ğ, �.." when someone sends me a text message with this characters,

It is normally shown in cm7 and its based roms.
It is normally shown in lg roms which are released for turkey
but it is shown like one space in different lg roms.

For fixing it, what can i do. Is it about message apk? or about some libs?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Text Encoding Mean / Default Is Latin?

Apr 23, 2010

It's in the browser settings I have mine on Latin Japanese and unicode are also some other options. I think default is Latin?

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General :: Samsung Galaxy S - Force SMS Encoding From Unicode To ISO

Aug 16, 2010

I'm from Portugal and here we have some accentuated letters like "à á é ç ã õ".

When the system language is set to English and we insert one of these letters the SMS limit falls down from 160 charachters to 70 because it changes the encoding of the SMS .

What I would like to know is if it's possible to come with an hack to force the system to encode the SMS in a particular way so these kind of letters don't cut us 90 characters off the message.

Actually this is a problem in a lot of countries. Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and the list goes on... Any country that speeks a latin language really.

PS: I own a Samsung Galaxy S at the moment

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Motorola Droid X :: Video Recording / Options For Encoding (MPEG4 Or H.263)

Sep 23, 2010

I have two questions regarding video recording on the Droid X.

1. What options are there for encoding? On my HTC Hero I can encode in MPEG4 or H.263. What about the Droid X?

2. My friend sent me a video from her Droid X, but I can't hear anything as far as audio in a normal setting. The only way I can pick up anything she's saying is if I max out the Media volume and hold the speaker directly up to my ear. Is there something she's doing wrong when she's recording the video? This has happened twice now.

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Android :: How To Add Character?

Aug 14, 2009

How to add the character'&' intto the <String></String>tag?

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Android :: 150 Character SMS Limit

Apr 25, 2010

I've recently gotten my Andriod phone (on Telus) and have been texting my friends.My phone cuts up text messages to 160 character messages and sends them all to my friends.However, when my friends receive them the 160 character message gets cut in to one 150 and one 10 character message, often splitting up words. So 4 160 character messages are received by their Blackberries (several models) or Samsung (Slyde?) phones as 4 150 character messages and 4 10 character messages.Is there an app that lets you sent 150 or even 140 character messages? Handcent doesn't help with all the split options it has.I tried them all, but it splits at 160 so it doesn't matter.Is there any way to split messages at a lower character count?(All my friends also use Telus (and Kobo which is Telus). Does Telus have a 150 limit? Or is it their phones?I receive messages from them just fine, but that's probably because their phones only send 140 or 150 character messages.)

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Android :: How Do I Enter TAB Character?

Jun 20, 2010

You know, that big key on the upper left of ALL standard keyboards that moves the cursor to the next tab position?I maintain several text lists on my Palm TX, with columns separated by tabs. I just can't figure out how to do this on the Evo's virtual keyboard.

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