Android :: Converting Bitmap To ASCII
Sep 17, 2010I have a picture taken using the phone's camera and in bitmap format. I want to send it over HTTP usinf Http post in ASCII.Any idea how to do it?

I have a picture taken using the phone's camera and in bitmap format. I want to send it over HTTP usinf Http post in ASCII.Any idea how to do it?
I would like to convert a Bitmap to a grayscale array of bytes (one byte per pixel). At the same time I want to just crop at section from the middle. Having looked though the various api's it is not clear to me what the best way would be.
1) What is ALPHA_8? is that grayscale? I have a feeling that the grayscale effect should be done via some "saturation" on the paint object, right?
2) once I have the Bitmap in grayscale and the right size, what is the best way to get that to a byte[] of pixels (one byte per pixel)?
I started a test project just to get this down. No changes to main.xml. I want to create a widget-sized ImageView (80x100) that contains a Bitmap converted from a TextView. Yes, that sounds very roundabout but this is just for testing; in the end I want the ImageView to have a background image and multiple TextViews. I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing wrong, but nothing is being pushed to the screen.
Is it a problem with declaring the TextView/ImageView and passing it "this" in the constructor? Is it a problem with my layoutParams? Here is the code:
package com.doaf.testproject;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.TextView; Code...
I'm relatively new to Android, and pretty lost with this one.
My app will have an SQLite database with some embedded JPEG images -- basically the binary contents of a JPEG file stored as a Blob in the database. Can someone point me in the general direction of where to start to figure out how to convert this "array of bytes" into a Bitmap object that can be further manipulated and displayed in an ImageView?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I press the only character button a to z to perform some action in android what is key ASCII code for a to z can anybody tell how to do in android?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am loading a text to TextView from a file on a webpage with my Android app but the problem is that the text is full of ASCII characters, so when the text is loaded to the TextView, I can't see any of these ASCII characters or it shows me a "?" within a black square.
how can I convert an ASCII character to string?
I'm working on an Android app. I have a TextView which contains an ASCII character. This character changes every 2 hours. I need to be able to read this character and convert it to decimal number, and then write it to an another TextView. So let's say the character is "[" and it's decimal value is 91. 2 hours later this character changes to "U" and it's decimal value is 85.
what kind of code should I use in my app to be able to convert ASCII character to decimal number?
I have a very large image and I only want to display a section the size of the display (no scaling), and the section should just be the center of the image. Because the image is very large I cannot read the entire image into memory and then crop it. This is what I have so far but it will give OutOfMemory for large images. Also I don't think inSampleSize applies because I want to crop the image, not lower the resolution.
Uri data = getIntent().getData();
Input Stream is = getContentResolver().openInputStream(data);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, null);
Any help would be great?
I am 1) taking a picture and 2) then draw another Bitmap on top of it 3) then I store it
I am doing it as follows and it works on the emulator.
On the device I get a OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget Method) in the line copy the Bitmap to get a mutable Bitmap.
What I am asking:
a) Is there a better way to do what I am doing? 1) take a picture 2) draw another Bitmap on top of it 3) then I store it
b) What is the best way to create a mutable Bitmap from the picture I just took with the camera?
In my app, resolution is not an issue. If it works better for small photos that would be fine.
Here are some HTML ASCII Codes:
I have a string that may look like "All in a hard day 's work"
What is the best way to replace that ascii code, with an apostrophe?
I have two questions actually:
Is it better to draw an image on a bitmap or create a bitmap as resource and then draw it over a bitmap? Performance wise... which one is better?
If I want to draw something transparent over a bitmap, how would I go about doing it?
If I want to overlay one transparent bitmap over another, how would I do it?
My goal is the draw a bitmap onto another bitmap but rotated 90 degress. whats the most efficient way to do that. My current method is as follows which is horribly bad because it creates a new bitmap every time.
I have a Droid with Android 2.1. I am on a CDMA network. I send messages to some people on a GSM and when we use non-ascii characters, like ± or ¡ or Japanese and such, over sms, the other end gets them as question marks �. I don't know anybody on a CDMA network so I can not test if the problem would be there too. I don't know if it is a problem between the networks or something wrong with my phone or what. Finding information in google has proven unsuccessful. Though I found some text naming it a 'common' problem.
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I have found many many instructions around the web about how to remove with annoying warning, but I haven't been able to make any of them work.
I've tried -D option, I've tried randomly tweaking build.* files, I've tried exporting an environment variable... nothing.
I guess some of these methods just don't work, and some others would work but I've been doing them incorrectly. Anything is possible and I can't stand it any more: any advice on how to do it?
I want to draw a shape(many circles particularly) into a Specific Bitmap. I have never used canvas / 2D graphs etc. As i see it i create a Drawable put the bitmap in it then "canvas-it" to the shapes i want etc.
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When i type a txt message, as soon as i hit 4 txt,s in length a message flags us saying 'converting message to mms'. Which it promptly does. If i send the message it does indeed send it as an mms. Anything under 4 in length is sent as a txt message
I spoke to T-mobile and they said update software to fix it. Which i did. And it did not fix it.
Phoned them back and they did not have a clue.
Not being able to send long text messages without being charged mms service rate.
I am working on an application that downloads images from a url. The problem is that only some images are being correctly downloaded and others are not. First off, here is the problem code:
public Bitmap downloadImage(String url) {
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpResponse response = null;
try {.......................................
So what I have is a method that takes the url as a string argument and then downloads the image, converts the HttpResponse stream to a bitmap by means of the BitmapFactory.decodeStream method, and returns it. The problem is that when I am on a slow network connection (almost always 3G rather than Wi-Fi) some images are converted to null--not all of them, only some of them. Using a Wi-Fi connection works perfectly; all the images are downloaded and converted properly. Does anyone know why this is happening? Or better, how can I fix this? How would I even go about testing to determine the problem?
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