Android :: Unresponsive Facebook Mobile App / Fix It?

Mar 2, 2009

Anyone else finding the Facebook Mobile app is often unresponsive lately? Often these days I receive a white screen with the animated round arrow and the first screen never appears. Anyone have a fix?

Android :: Unresponsive Facebook Mobile App / fix it?

Android :: How To Stop Facebook Contacts Syncing With Mobile?

Oct 22, 2010

I have recently started using the Facebook App on my HTC Desire and have noticed that now all my Facebook Contacts have been synced with all my phone contacts. How do I stop this?

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HTC Droid Eris :: App That Gets Mobile Numbers From Facebook

Jan 12, 2010

Is there an app that gets peoples mobile numbers from Facebook and creates them as a contact in your phone?

I would've thought there would be, but I can't find any that do that. I got an Eris recently and couldn't import my contacts from my old phone, so I was hoping I could do it this way.

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HTC Desire : Mobile Facebook Inbox Not Working

Sep 13, 2010

Afternoon all I get notifications in the pull down top bar when i have new facebook messages; clicking on those brings up the browser and loads

it always fills the loading bar, says done, but loads nothing but a blank page. anyone else get this, know how to fix it?

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General :: Facebook App Will Not Work Over Mobile Data On GS3

Feb 7, 2013

Facebook app will not work over mobile data on my GS3. It works fine over WiFi, but on mobile data its slow. I flashed the 4.1.2 leak i wonder if that has anything to do with it.

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General :: Facebook App And Mobile Site Not Showing Timeline

Jul 1, 2012

I have a Motorola Atrix and a Asus Transformer prime. Both do not show the new facebook timeline, not on the app and also not on

Only the full website does. So I cannot see the pics from friend and no info.


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HTC Incredible :: Facebook - Differences In Various Clients - Adroid - Touch - Mobile

Aug 21, 2010

Differences in the various ways you can access Facebook from the droid (incredible)? Am I missing something here - why are there so many different ways to access it?

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Samsung Moment :: Facebook App - Can't Upload Mobile Pics From Phone

Feb 19, 2010

Just bought this sprint samsung moment a few weeks ago, and I was wondering why I can't upload mobile pics from my phone to facebook. I have the facebook app on my phone and it does not seem to let me upload mobile pic's. In order for me to upload pic's I have to go to the mobile version of facebook and upload the pic via some email wich then post the pic for u, but the problem is it seems to post my pic's side ways.

I know lots of folks with other phones some of them crappy that just click on the photo and select upload to facebook....why can't I do that on this phone? Why does this phone not give me the option to upload from the pic? Why does the facebook app FOR android not let me upload photo's?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Facebook In Browser (regular Version Not Mobile Site)

Dec 11, 2009

Is it possible to open the regular Facebook page in the browser? I am almost able to log in to it, but then it asks me for my birthday because I'm not browsing from a "familiar location". So I select my correct birth date from the drop-down menus, but the Login button stays grayed out for some reason and I can't go any further. Has anyone else had any success?My reason for wanting this is so I can access the actual Notifications page. The way I currently have it set up, I get an e-mail notification in Gmail. Then when I click the link in the e-mail for whatever update it's supposed to take me to, it just takes me to the homepage of Facebook Mobile. Then sometimes it won't even list the New Notifications link. This makes it very inconvenient if I want to go find where to reply to a comment or something. I have to know exactly where it is, which is difficult if it's not recent.

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Android :: Bluetooth Stack Becomes Unresponsive

Apr 13, 2010

After Bluetooth connection is lost. Bluetooth stack on HTC Legend is messed up. Nothing works till Bluetooth is turned off and on. Here is the sample, the problem is blocking read on the thread but InputStream.available call always returns 0 and cannot be used to implement some ugly, busy-waiting workaround. package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.UUID; import; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ListView;

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HTC Desire :: Facebook Contacts With Mobile Nos On Profile In Contacts - Birthdays Coming Up In Calendar

Aug 16, 2010

Having all my facebook contacts who have their mobile nos on their profile coming up in my contacts and all the ones with their birthdays coming up in my calendar. Any idea how I can stop this because it's annoying having all this info I don't want amongst the stuff I do.

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HTC Desire :: Sending Text - Can't Figure Out If Sending A Message Via Facebook Or To Mobile Number

Jun 24, 2010

I have a friend who is added to my Desire's contact list.

1. He is on my Facebook contact. (His facebook pic appears in my Desire contact list)
2. He is my Gmail contact as well.
3. He is added as a 'Phone Contact' as well.

I sent him a text few days ago but don't remember if it was using facebook or my phone (network provider sms) but now when I go in to 'Messages' and send him a message, I just can't figure out if I am sending him a message via Facebook or to his mobile number.

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Android :: MapOverlay Turns Phone Unresponsive

Jun 11, 2010

I'm trying to draw some points (around 200) in a MapOverlay and noticed that the application gets slow and the phone becomes unresponsive. After adding the Log.i message I found the problem, the loop is run endlessly (note that the phone is quiet and there's nothing happening in the background): Is this a "normal" behaviour, a bug in the OS or am I doing something wrong?Here's my code...

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LG Eve :: Stuck On Android Splash Screen - Completely Unresponsive

Jun 2, 2010

So I've searched the forum database and the internet at large and can't seem to find anyone with 'exactly' my problem. My Eve has been problematic since I got it 3 months ago. I perform at least 10 battery pulls a day to get it to 'wake up' because nothing else works. It started to get really cranky on Friday night but it continued working -- very slowly -- but I kept getting error msgs (don't ask me, can't remember!) The battery dies, so I plugged it in overnight. Since then it turns on, shows the Rogers screen, gets to the Android screen with the light scrolling across the letters, then hangs there. Twice I somehow managed to get it to a screen that said ARM11 has failed and gave me 2 options, volume down or volume up. I tried each of these once, same thing. Today it somehow got to! EMERGENCY MODE but was then completely unresponsive while showing this text.

I called Rogers and he suggested I do an update but that it would erase all my info. I was desperate and tried this, but to no avail. Did not do anything different to my phone. As I sit here typing, the Android screen is scrolling sideways, doing it's thing. Meanwhile I have no cell phone. Apparently Rogers doesn't replace it (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada). They ship it on my behalf to LG who assesses and decides if they will replace or inform Rogers to inform me that it needs to be repaired, then LG charges me $30 for the assesment. Could take 2-3 weeks -- they will give me an old flip phone to use for that time. Meanwhile no discount on the monthly Data/Cell phone plan. It's kind of striking a nerve. I'm considering sending it back and buying a used iPhone 3G for $300 and if I get the Eve back, I'll sell it over the internet.

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Android :: OOM After Image View Make Phone Unresponsive

Sep 16, 2010

My app, among other things, downloads and displays images from the Internet. Some might be too large and trigge an OOM when ImageView.setImage() is called. Of course, this normally makes the application to crash. I've put catch (OutOfMemoryError e) around the method invocation. I know that catching errors is unusual, but in JSE applications it proved to work pretty good, especially when the problem was due to image manipulation that consumed all the memory. The Android app seemed to survive for a while, but then it blocked the computer. All buttons are irresponsive, even though the phone seems still alive (e.g. it's playing the audio notification that new email has been spotted). I tried holding the power button, it triggered the shut down menu, but touching a menu option didn't do anything. Only after a while, the phone became responsive again.

Now, it's reasonable that one can't display everything on a smartphone; I'm sure there's some inefficient memory management I'm doing (perhaps keeping too many images in memory); ok, I have to improve my code. Given that I'll do, how can I add some safety facility to avoid the most severe consequences? Making an irresponsive application it's a 100% sure way to make people to uninstall my app and give bad reviews. I'm thinking of a two-pronged safety approach: 1) whether it's possible to understand in advance whether an image is too large to be rendered by itself;
2) whether it's possible to recover from an OOM in any case.

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Motorola Droid :: What Is Going On With Droid And Facebook Mobile?

Jan 30, 2010

What is going on with the Droid and Facebook mobile? The built in Facebook sucks and doesn't update like it should, and recently the Dolphin Browser and stock Browser just shows a blank white page when trying to connect to Facebook.

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HTC EVO 4G : Lockscreen Unresponsive / How To Fix?

Sep 12, 2010

When I get a phone call, the lockscreen is unresponsive and I can't slide it down to answer...anyone else having this problem? It's been happening a lot on my wife's new White Evo and it just happened on my Evo, very annoying. Anyone know how to fix this or what causes it?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Screen Unresponsive When On Charger

Jun 5, 2010

I have a third-party micro-USB charger that I bought in an airport once for my Tour. When I plug it into my EVO, the screen becomes unresponsive. I'm not using the charger for now. Is this charger potentially causing damage to my phone?

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HTC Incredible :: Touchscreen - Lag - Unresponsive

Sep 4, 2010

Give me reason enough to confirm my impressions of the Droid X and Droid 2's touchscreen compared to the Incredible.

Similar Threads:

From Droid X forum - "Touchscreen Lag?"
From Droid X forum - "Touchscreen unresponsive"

So I had to take my wife's EnV Touch in for a software update on Friday. I started playing with all the Android phones in the store (and yes I own an Incredible...since launch day). There were three Droid 2's and two Droid X phones on display and all 5 seemed to have crappy touchscreens compared to the Incredible. The 1 Motorola Devour actually had a better feeling touchscreen, more responsive and fluid. I felt like the Droid 2 and Droid X touchscreens were rough and had an issue picking up my touch consistently. The two Incredibles on display behaved just like mine.

The LG Ally phones on display worked ok, I hate the haptic feedback. It feels like a capacitive version of my wife's phone. Honestly, it didn't seem much better than the resistive touchsceen on her phone. If a live wallpaper was enabled, forget using the phone lol.

The Devour running 1.6...gotta say I was impressed at it's performance and responsiveness for such low-end hardware. If I had to get my wife a smartphone it'd be an Incredible, but if she HAD to have a physical keyboard I would probably suggest the Devour to her. She could care less for flash, the Android version, or getting a lot of apps.

Anyway, this was just an observation. Some people are probably fine with Motorola's touchscreen but are pissed at the Incredible's battery life. The Incredible really seems to shine with a good custom kernel and a larger battery. If Verizon does get a version of the EVO I hope they go with a minimum of 1500mAh. Then again, I'm fine with my Incredible until 4g enters my area. Given my location, it may be a couple years when they finish the 4g rollout.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Randomly Screen Will Become Unresponsive

Jul 27, 2010

I have yet another problem now occurring with my Evo randomly my screen will become unresponsive it will pretty much be the lock screen without the time and date bar just my background and notification bar at top and nothing works at all the only way to fix it is by taking the battery out and putting it back in.. i have no idea what is causing it, but it seems to happen randomly today it happened about four times throughout the day. thankfully im getting a new one in a week or two because of the usb port randomly breaking

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HTC Desire :: Screen Flickering - Unresponsive

Jul 20, 2010

Had my desire on charge last night as usual, woke up in middle of the night, hit the button on the top of the desire so i could see the time, but rather than the screen lock appearing my homepage appeared but it was rapidly flashing between that and a white screen and was unresponsive. I have the spinning earth and moon live wallpaper for weeks now and the moon was moving back and forth a tiny amount much like when you press pause on an old VCR.

After a few seconds swiping with my finger it eventually responded and the flickering went but came back when i swiped screens once more. i unplugged it from the charger and it did it again.

I then took the battery out and put it back in and since then it seems to be working normally. I also noted that the clock had been frozen at 00.15, when i resolved the prob it jumped to the true time of 03.30. 00.15 was probably about the time i put it on charge so has plugging it in caused it to lock up?

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Motorola Droid X :: Touchscreen Unresponsive

Jul 21, 2010

Has anyone noticed their touchscreen being unresponsive (in other words its like their is lag and it's sticking and you have press down harder than normal for something to register) from time to time? This has occurred while I texting or just trying to scroll through the different screens. Generally when this happens I press the power button on top and press it again and it seems to go away. I have a stock phone with no apps installed aside from Google Maps from the Market.

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HTC Desire :: Wifi Unresponsive After OTA Update To 2.10.405.20?

Oct 3, 2010

I have spent the better part of a day with this and still am without functioning wi-fi. Let me summarise:decided to flash my Orange branded Desire with the stock Froyo RUU on Friday eve. created goldcard, downloaded RUU, all went well and very quickly. Noticeable battery life improvement with Froyo, even smoother when scrolling etc etc. All good Stupidly this morning, I decide to check for an update, without my goldcard inserted. Installed update to 2.10.405.20. Wifi dies I tried instructions to revert back to stock 2.1, using same goldcard. I had issues with this so had to create new goldcard on a new sdcard.after numerous attempts I finally was able to start the update only for the bootloader screen to display CID error: update fail!I know this has been answered on various forums (including here) but the info is now so disjointed and has not been update in about 3 weeks, that I feel a little lost now. Software spec:
H boot - 0.92.0001
radio -
software - 2.10.405.20
webkit - 3.1
baseband -
can someone please offer some help? I simply want to revert back to stock 2.1 again, find an RUU to get back up to froyo again, and this time, ignore the (seemingly insignificant) update that caused my wifi to fall over!

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HTC Incredible :: Unresponsive Screen In Car Dock

Jun 27, 2010

I am well aware of a few threads on this topic but I just got off the phone with HTC. The rep asked me to do a hard (factory) reset of the phone and see if that resolves the problem. I am not ready to do that at this point, and he said there was nothing he could do unless I was willing to reset first. In fact, he said they didn't have a lot of complaints about this at this time.So, please call HTC (or email them) if you have this issue. If enough people do, they will "look into it" and if the problem is similar to the EVO issue, maybe it wont be long for the software fix to come.I am not willing to do a factory reset because I have put too much time into getting my phone where I want it to be and this problem only effects when I try and use in car NOT plugged in (which I rarely do).

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HTC Incredible :: Unresponsive Screen When In Car Dock?

Apr 30, 2010

Basically, the phone screen is unresponsive when your not holding it or any time it's not grounded. If I put it in the car holder and then touch the screen, its very sporadic.I have compared it with the droid eris and the Moto Droid under the same conditions at the same time, and it performs flawlessly. I have tried the incredible with the screen protector and without.If I take it out of the dock and hold the phone in my hand, it works great again.It's not just the car dock either. If I set it on certain surfaces and just touch it with one finger it does the same thing. The car dock itself has nothing to do with it. I've narrowed it down to a grounding issue. I've also tested 3 Incredibles and ALL of them do it. I am going to post another video showing it on top of a piece of styrofoam which also creates the problem. It's definitely more widespread then just a few phones. Basically, If the phone has very little ground it is unresponsive. If you ground it, either by holding it or placing it on a surface that is grounded then it solves the problem. If you plug anything into it that is grounded it solves the problem.

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HTC Desire :: Unresponsive Optical Trackpad

Jul 29, 2010

The trackpad in my desire is a bit "leggy". I don't know if this is normal but in menus it only moves 1 tile at a time even if I drag all my finger over it. I have seen blackberry trackpads and they are supper smooth Sometimes when editing text I have to move it 3-5 times to get to the right position.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Swipe To Unlock Phone Sometimes Unresponsive

Jul 10, 2010

So its only when the phone is ringing. The swipe to get it out of the locked mode can be so unresponsive that I miss the phone call. Is there a calibration for the screen?

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HTC Desire :: Installed Old ROM - Screen Unresponsive

Nov 23, 2010

I have a desire with slcd and I installed an old ROM for AMOLED screens. It resulted in my phones screen being unresponsive. I bought the phone from someone who rooted it and don't quite understand how to do this procedure. Also if there's anyone from Southern Ontario (golden horseshoe area) that could do it for me that would be great as well.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Search Button Sometimes Completely Unresponsive

Aug 18, 2010

My soft button on the bottom right has been temperamental lately. Most of the time it works, but sometimes it is completely unresponsive. The screen above it is fine and everything else works. No separation that I notice.

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Motorola Droid X :: Screen Becomes Unresponsive

Nov 20, 2010

I have noticed in the last couple weeks that my X will start to lose some screen sensitivity and make it almost impossible to type on, whether in portrait or landscape mode. Yesterday I actually had the screen become completely unresponsive. The hardware buttons worked fine. I could bring up my last 8 opened apps, open up the settings bar, even hit home and it would let me check which home screen I wanted to go to. But the actual screen would not respond to anything. I held down the power button to chose to power down the phone for a reset, because for some reason I was expecting to be able to select shut down from an unresponsive screen, and couldn't select this for the said reason. I did a battery pull and was able to use it again. Has anyone had this happen to them? Any thoughts?

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