HTC Droid Eris :: App That Gets Mobile Numbers From Facebook
Jan 12, 2010
Is there an app that gets peoples mobile numbers from Facebook and creates them as a contact in your phone?
I would've thought there would be, but I can't find any that do that. I got an Eris recently and couldn't import my contacts from my old phone, so I was hoping I could do it this way.
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Mar 17, 2010
One day I randomly came across a phonebook on my phone of all my facebook contacts who have published there phone number (after I upgraded to 2.1). I have not been able to find it since. How do I find it?
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May 26, 2010
I am not sure if this came up in one of the topics, but I may have missed it.
For the past week, I noticed some of my contact priority number was defaulting to the number I least call. This morning, while trying to figure how to make priority changes, I noticed it was due to linking it to facebook.
I linked my wife's info with her facebook and the priority number (mobile) pushed it to her home number information she has on her facebook account. So instead of me just going to click on my wife's name or say a command to call wife, I have to scroll to find the number I want to call.
I there a fix for this to let us set the priorities?
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Dec 11, 2009
Is it possible to open the regular Facebook page in the browser? I am almost able to log in to it, but then it asks me for my birthday because I'm not browsing from a "familiar location". So I select my correct birth date from the drop-down menus, but the Login button stays grayed out for some reason and I can't go any further. Has anyone else had any success?My reason for wanting this is so I can access the actual Notifications page. The way I currently have it set up, I get an e-mail notification in Gmail. Then when I click the link in the e-mail for whatever update it's supposed to take me to, it just takes me to the homepage of Facebook Mobile. Then sometimes it won't even list the New Notifications link. This makes it very inconvenient if I want to go find where to reply to a comment or something. I have to know exactly where it is, which is difficult if it's not recent.
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May 3, 2010
I just got the droid eris on Saturday. Then this morning I went to use it and found out I have no phone numbers! Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this? I was told by the person in the store that goggle stored all my phone numbers. but I'm not sure how to access this.
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May 15, 2010
Got 2.1 from download site. Installed, missing HTC widgets, did a Factory Reset and they all came back.
My problem now is, I can't delete certain numbers from contacts. For instance, my girl friend's number has "411" as her primary number (not sure how that happened). It wont let me delete it from her contacts card now :*(
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Mar 1, 2010
When I bring up the list of contacts in the Phone app (not the People app) it shows left and right arrows. However, they don't do anything.So if I want to use a different number for a contact (ie home vs cell) I have to actually hit the Rolodex icon and then select the number.I n every other phone I've had one could always select which number to call. Of course there is always the default number chosen when first setting up the contact.So how does one do this from the list in the phone app?
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May 20, 2010
On my favorite contacts widget, next to each name there is a little green circle with a number in it.. what the heck is that for I cannot figure it out..
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Jul 21, 2010
Is there any other way on the X to sync FB's pictures without it syncing the other junk like their phone numbers? I've tried Syncmypix but the quality of the pictures are kinda crappy.
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May 18, 2010
Like everyone who's updated to 2.1, I'm experiencin the same bugs with Facebook (i.e. all my FB contacts show up in my dialer and my txt msgs). Anyways, I was toolin around in Accounts & Sync under Settings. Right now, the accounts I have set up are Google, Weather, and Facebook for HTC Sense. When I click Add an Account, there's something called just "Facebook," in addition to the "Facebook for HTC Sense."I've always known there were two Facebook apps (or whatever you wanna call them) on my phone, cause when I want to share a pic I take, I can do it using either "Facebook" or "Facebook for HTC Sense." I always share the picture using "Facebook" because it allows me to post a comment as well.Anyways, getting back to Accounts & Sync, I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on how these two apps differ. Maybe if I choose to sync the "Facebook" account as opposed to "Facebook for HTC Sense," that could solve some of these issues we're all having? I have no idea, but I'm hesitant to do anything for fear of clogging up my phone's contact list with Facebook friends.
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May 22, 2010
Has anyone figured out the difference between syncing Facebook for HTC Sense in the account syncing section vs. plain Facebook? I am trying to figure out if the one I'm using (Facebok for HTC Sense) is using up too much memory.
My phone memory is around 33% whereas my husband's memory is 64%! He has very few contacts and I'm wondering if the syncing with Facebook is taking up all my phone memory (vs SD Card memory which is fine).
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May 25, 2010
I set up a family group in "people". When I send an MMS pic to the group it ends up sending it to all their email addresses instead of their mobile numbers. Everything looks right in their contact info and it seems like it should be defaulting to their mobile number when you add them within the "messaging" app.
It works fine when I add everyone manually since it asks me if I want to send to their mobile number or their email. I just want it to default to their mobile numbers if I am working within the messaging app. It's not a deal breaker but kinda annoying since we all send each other pics all the time and having a group set up to do it was actually really easy on my old Windows 6.1.
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Jul 16, 2010
Is there anyway to limit the numbers shown by the Message app to just 'Mobile' numbers?
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Jan 20, 2010
First time I bought HTC Tattoo yesterday . Felt very good after using the mobile.
I have one problem, I am not able to load the Contacts from my Existing SIM Card. It doesnt even appears in search.
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May 28, 2010
I don't understand. In symbian it was possible to add more than one "mobile" number, and even with a custom label. In android i can't do that. I have friends that use 2 or 3 mobiles, for work, personal use etc, that besides the work number from the location.
Is there a workaround or a program i can use? I don't want my contacts staying on the gmail servers.
I guess the question is, how can i modify the labels? there's got to be a way...
If i use the "linked" option, when i view the contact details it just shows me 3 different numbers, it doesn't show me the linked contact's name so i can't now wich number i want to call: work, personal etc.
Custom labels would have been genius. I could add to Andy for example:
1. mobile xxx
2. mobile work xxx
3. boss xxx
And when he would call me from one of this numbers, it would have been nice to look like this:
Andy mobile xxx or Andy mobile work xxx.
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Jun 9, 2010
When entering a work or home number into a person's contact, those same numbers appear as "send message" buttons.
How can I remove these message buttons for other than mobile numbers?
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Jun 3, 2010
Anyone here try this app? a Call Filter - block unwanted phone calls I want to block those annoying repeat marketing calls for things like extended car warranties, and what not.
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Jun 9, 2010
I recently upgraded to 2.1 and have some issues with my contact list. I have all my contacts still, but whether it be the facebook app or the 2.1 upgrade, I now have multiple copies of each contact. Within each contact it has the persons number as well as their "main" number which is the same thing just duplicate, and when I go to add a contact for a text or for calling someone, some contacts show up with all their numbers (home, business, etc) 4 or 5 times. Anyone else have this problem?
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May 27, 2010
Is there a trick to saving numbers in speed dial? I go through the process and hit save, but it still doesn't work.
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Mar 15, 2010
I have the Motorola Droid and my roommate just bought the HTC Droid Eris. He has 1000+ contacts in his Google Account and only wants to display ones with phone numbers. The MOTO Droid does this easily - Dialer > Contacts > Menu >Display Options > "Only display contacts with phone numbers" I'm baffled - the Droid Eris doesn't have this option? Is this an HTC Sense thing or an Android 1.5 thing? And, have any Droid Eris owners found this annoying and found a work around?
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May 3, 2010
I have been using Handcent for 2 days and didn't have any problems until last night. Its now showing only the phone number instead of the contact name. Has anyone had this problem? Any way to fix it?
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Apr 20, 2010
Is there a way to set my "messages" app to send only to mobile numbers? I need to be able to send a mass text to a couple of contact groups, but it keeps sending many of them to people's emails rather than cell phones and many times they don't receive it.
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Sep 27, 2010
Some contacts have different phone numbers. And when I send group SMS, the message is sent to the first number of the contact. So is there a software that can reorganize the position of the phone numbers? So that the mobile numbers are the first in the list.
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Jun 25, 2010
Does anyone have a clever method for inserting phone numbers into a text message? For example- I work in music, and people frequently call or text asking for the phone numbers of cellists and violinists I know so they can hire them for recording sessions. "Sure," I reply, "I'll text the numbers to you." Then, I have to look up the numbers in my People app, write them down on a piece of paper (or on a notepad on my computer), and then write the names and numbers into a text message. That works for home, but when I'm on the road it really screws the process. Can I start the text message and then import the names and numbers as text? I really want to be able to add more than contact to the text message (I'm not talking about recipients here, I mean sending a text that is a list of names and phone numbers).
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Feb 11, 2010
My fiance and I both got the Eris last week, and we both got our contacts transfered from our old phones (hers was LG EnV Touch). We both had existing Gmail accounts which were setup by the Verizon techs at the store as well. The other day, she started telling me that she was getting this weird message on her phone "Too Many Contact Deletes" or something to that effect. I disregarded it as nothing, and carried on until tonight.
She called me freaking out that all her favorite people in her HTC Favorites Widget were gone, including me, and that my number just showed up when i called her, no name, no picture, just number. So I had her check her People list and she said they were all still there, except that all their Phone Numbers were missing. I quickly logged into her GMail account to confirm, sure enough, everyone was still there, but all the numbers were gone.
I did some research and found a little bit on the error message she got originally, but nothing about random deletion of contacts phone numbers. I still have her LG EnV Touch here with all her contacts, and am contemplating deleting all of her Gmail contacts, all of her Phone contacts and then importing the list into GMail, and syncing with the phone. Is that what you would do? I'm worried that this will happen again. What is this caused by and how does she prevent this in the future?
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Jan 14, 2010
Is there a way in the contact list (People Icon) to designate individuals as ICE (In Case of Emergency) numbers? What I have done so far is when I entered all my contacts, who ever I wanted designated as an ICE contact, I just put a comment in the Notes field. Anyone else have another way of doing this?
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Jul 4, 2010
I have my Facebook contacts linked to my phone. But when a comment, post, or message is received by my phone it's listed as a number. These messeges are not listed under that contact but they are in the general list of messages received. When i try to save the post/message to my contact it creates a new phone number for that person. For example, when i get notified of a comment my Facebook contact puts up, it is listed as coming from 3266518 ...then 519 and so on instead of being tied to that person. When i try to save it to that person it saves it as an additional phone # for that person. I have notifications setup on Facebook and my contact linked to Facebook. Are these two different things?
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Nov 11, 2010
Is it possible to remove a contacts phone number that they have listed on fb without unlinking facebook? I still want their updates and pictures but not their outdated numbers!
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Jun 13, 2010
I am probably reposting, but i can't find the exact answer im looking for (if you know the thread, please link it).
Facebook for HTC Sense is a POS. We all know that. But what is killing me is that I can set up a "sync" my HTC Eris with Fb for HTC Sense (that doesnt actually sync) but not for the standard Facebook app.
The HTC Sense Facebook App does a terrible job of syncing contacts w/ the phone, so I am trying to do it thru the Facebook for Android App.
I) Should I just keep on trying with the HTC App even tho its not fully working or syncing?
When I go to Menu> Settings> Accounts&sync>Add account (after removing sycing w/ FB for HTC Sense) I can add an account for: Facebook -or- Facebook for HTC Sense.
But, when I try to click on Facebook, nothing happens. Fb for HTC still works and I can add the account to that, but I wont get the contacts again. (I think).
II) What is going on w/ my Facebook for Android app? (I have updated it, too).
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Jan 9, 2010
My Eris has always had issues with knowing who is who in my recent calls, texts and in google voice from time to time. I reformatted all the contacts to +1-555-555-5555 format(something that someone on a google forum suggested) but it still doesn't fix the problem. For instance- A friend named Steve called me. I see incoming call from and it knows who steve is and says "Incoming call from Steve". I called him back, clicking on the exact icon in my missed calls that says his name and it says I called 5551231234 (unknown). This happens in my messages as well, and it is starting to drive me crazy. I will get a message from 5551231234 and it will only list the number and not the name, so I have no idea who is texting me. For some reason my phone is incapable of putting it together to figure out that the number it lists as unknown is already a contact in my contacts. I have to always call people back to figure out who it is or send a text asking who they are.
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