Android :: Sync Contacts Is Not Finishing The Synchronization

Aug 9, 2010

The revolving icon is stopping and simply don't complete the sync. Is it becasue the 1500 contacts I have?

Android :: Sync Contacts is not finishing the synchronization

Samsung Moment :: Data Synchronization - Auto-Sync

Dec 2, 2009

Originally, when I got my Moment, I had it set up to Auto-Sync my Gmail, Contacts and Calendar. I noticed (especially when managing contacts on my phone) that when I made any changes to a contact, the auto-sync would begin, in turn, freezing up the whole contact app/module. It would freeze for about 30 seconds until the sync was complete.

This would also happen with the Gmail app. So I turned off auto-sync a couple weeks ago, and every time I go into Gmail, I just go to Menu, Refresh. But it's a pain when I get a call saying, "Hey, did you get my email?". So I'm thinking of using IMAP for Gmail now, but I'd rather find out if anyone else is having this issue, or if there's a workaround.

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HTC Desire :: Synchronization Deletes Contacts?

Jun 3, 2010

If i create a new contact and then I synchronize my contact with my Gmail account (which actually doesn't contains any contact) I supposed to have the new contact also on my Gmail account, but that's not the case. The synchronization DELETES my contact on the phone. What's the problem? Am I doing something wrong?

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HTC Desire :: Contacts Synchronization - How It Really Works?

Jul 20, 2010

I have 3 accounts in my HTC Desire. Gmail (or should I call this Google?) - the automatically saved emails that GMAIL keeps when you write to a person.
Phone - which are the phone numbers saved in my phone and
Facebook - So when I go to people, I see that there's like 4 categories when I press MENU and VIEW: SIM(0) ; Google(296); Phone(731) and Facebook (460)

Ok, first weird thing is that even if I choose to View only my Phone contacts, on searches and when I write an SMS, the suggestions include their Gmail and Facebook entries too- which is quite confusing because the reason I hid them is I only want to send an SMS (yeah I know theres an option "Only contacts with phone number"). Is this really the case? Next weird thing is that: Since some of my Phone contacts are actually my Gmail and FB contacts as well, I linked them from the phone app (I clicked Link in the Menu and chose their respective contacts). Okay, so in the list, I see the name of my Phone contact and at the same time if I click on their names I see email and FB info as well (the FB profile pic shows! neat!).

However, I found out that when I try to click on Edit it still let me choose which contact I will edit, in this case: Google or Phone - I thought I linked you 2 already, so it follows that if I add an info, like, another number then it (the Phone app) should assign it to the name as a whole, right? Apparently, the Link command in Phone app only makes you "see" one name in the list- but in other processes still treats your contacts separately. Okay good- at least I know now. But When I try to Delete the contact in Phone it also deletes the Google contact but Facebook contact remains. Does it really treat them separately or as one- basically the problem is that users need to know how the Phone app actually does it's process of syncing. Or at least wouldn't it make sense, for the system to ASK you which account you would want to delete the same way it asked which one you wanted to edit (as my experience did above)? Something like "Do you wanna delete: Google, Phone or ALL?" (I know Facebook is a bit complicated so it's ok if Facebook contact editing and deletion is not totally synced for now).

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Motorola Milestone :: Contacts Disappeared - After Synchronization

Oct 8, 2010

Suddenly some contacts disappeared from my Milestone after a synchronization. However the weird thing is that when i added manually the number of the person, automatically it brought up the photo that i previously had of the contact!

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Motorola Droid :: Synchronization Of Contacts (Thunderbird)

Nov 12, 2009

I am looking for a reliable solution to keep my contacts in sync with Thunderbird and my (planned) DROID-mobile. With my old Symbian-phone I am using the Funambol-services and SyncML - which works very well. I tried to import all my contact details to Google-contacts now. But unfortunately Google does not provide own fields for street, zip and city but a single address field only. Is this the same for the DROID/Android2 - or are there fields for zip and city also? Do you have any recommendations how to handle this? I noticed that the development of Funambol client (SyncML) is stalled. So there is no chance to synchronize the DROID by SyncML, correct?

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HTC Hero :: Turn Off Automatic Synchronization With Gmail Contacts

Dec 17, 2009

Gmail put every email address you send letter to - into the Contacts. I can't turn off this stupid thing in the gmail settings. And from time to time I can see in my htc hero contacts different emails, that were get from gmail contacts. How to stop this? I don't want to see these emails in my HTC Hero!

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Android :: Make Activity To Background With Out Finishing?

Jan 11, 2010

How can i make an activity go to background without calling its finish() method and return to the Parent activity that started this .I tried so much but it really dint help.So if you guys could help i would be very thankful.

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Android :: Show Toast After Finishing App / Activity?

Sep 13, 2010

I want to show a simple toast, when exiting an application. The problem is, that the toast is not shown. I assume it is because the acitivity is finished or because of System.exit(0), but I don't know how to solve it. Does anyone have a tip?

In my activity I have the following code...

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Android :: How To Listen For A Webview Finishing Loading A URL In Phone?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a webview that is loading a page from the Internet. I want to show a progressbar until the loading is complete. How do I listen for the completion of page loading of a WebView?

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Android :: Remove An Activity From Navigation Stack (without Finishing)

Aug 10, 2010

Let's say you have a TabActivity with activities A1, A2, A3, and A4. When you click on the different tabs, no matter how many times you navigate between them, when you press the back key you leave the entire tab group, instead of navigating to a previous tab. My problem is, I am not using an actual TabActivity.

Does anyone know how to specify to Android that I'd like to mimic that behavior with a group of activities? The classic solution (that I know of) would to simply finish() the activity as you navigate away from it. That clears the stack, so that when you went from A1 and then to A2, and pressed back, you don't go back to A1.

The problem with using finish() is that I don't want the activity removed from memory. These activities load data from the network, so unless the data was cached, it would need to be reloaded on every navigation which would not be a great user experience.

I was looking at the flags which you can specify how to change this behavior: I tried using these: intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); But no matter what, when I go from A1 to A2 and press back, I always get back to A1.

In trying to clear the navigation stack without using finish()?

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Android :: Free Up Memory By Finishing An Activity After Calling Another?

Feb 25, 2010

Hopefully the title wasn't to confusing but what I meant was the following:

Lets say activity A starts activity B by calling:

Intent myIntent = new Intent(Activity_A.this, Activity_B.class);

Could I save/free up some memory by finishing Activity_A after Activity_B is begun (if thats even possible). Maybe through the following:

Intent myIntent = new Intent(Activity_A.this, Activity_B.class);

Or would Acitivty_A call startActivity() and wait for Activity_B to finish before it called finish()?

The idea would then be that when the users end with Activity_B, it would just restart Acitivity_A (and finish itself in a similar fashion)? Would this create too much overhead? Thanks for any answers and I apologize if the formatting of this post isn't correct.

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Android :: Make Precise Handling Of Pan And Zoom Finishing?

Aug 25, 2010

I am trying to write an application that will dynamically load data to map while user pans or zooms it.
So I need to track when map finished to change its view state (stops panning or zooming) and then load a new portion of data for creating markers. But in fact Google Maps API doesn't have any events to handle this.
There are some methods like creating empty overlay to control onTouch events and so on, but map panning could last long after user finished his touch (cause GMaps use some kind of inertion to make pan smoother).
I've tried to subclass MapView but its draw() method is final thus cannot be overriden.

Any ideas how to make precise handling of pan and zoom finishing?

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Android :: Get Hour Of Calling And Finishing From Droid CallLog?

Nov 11, 2010

I want to get the hour of the calling from the Android CallLog. It is, the exactly hour that the user start the calling and if possible when he finishes the calling. Someone knows how to?

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Synchronization Failed When Trying Sony Ericsson Sync

Jul 26, 2010

I saw that there are already a number of discussions about sony erricson synchronization but I cannot find one for this specific message: Synchronization failed. It wouldn't tell me why it failed, it just spits out that generic message after I click "Finish" in the Sony Ericsson Sync Client Wizard.

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Android :: Contacts Disappearing - Sync Out Of Sync

Oct 11, 2010

Anyone else having Sync problems. My contacts started disappearing and when I went into my accounts settings there is a message at the bottom that says that Sync is currently experiencing problems and will be back shortly. This started yesterday.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Sync To SE-site Does Not Backup All Contacts And Immature Contacts

Sep 20, 2010

I have two groups of contacts "MyContacts" and "Utilities". When I set up synching I selected to copy "All contacts".

Unfortunatey, when I look what's on my area on I see only the contacts from the group "MyContacts".

I.e. the site creates a false feeling of security - if I need to restore my phone from this site I will irrecovarebly lose lots of data.

I don't know is SE forgot to test their function or Android-hackers don't understand the features of the contacts.

All area of handling the contacts stinks seriously, and mkes you wander if the Android people ever used a mobile phone :

1. X10 does not accept contacts sent via SMS (VCARD-format), (or via MMS or bluetooth)

2. X10 does not sync with Outlook where most of business people have their contacts, and maintain them when receiving corporate mails etc.

3. The only way to get the contacts is to export from PC to a csv-file and import to gmail, and then sync to the phone. This is not that flexible due the export via csv. I.e. If I create cntacts in the phone they will not reach Outlook.

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HTC Hero :: When Sync Contacts With Gmail Account / Phone Only Registers Half Contacts

Jun 13, 2010

When I go to sync my contacts with my Gmail account my phone only registers only half my contacts. Here is what it is doing it shows some as google contacts on my phone and the remaining ones it shows them listed as phone. I cannot figure out how to fix this.

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General :: Numbers Entered Into Contacts On LG L9 Doesn't Sync To Gmail Contacts Online

May 7, 2013

I've checked my phone's sync settings, synced several times, logged in and out of Gmail online to see if anything has been updated. No such luck. Icon by phone numbers saved on phone is a cell phone, rather than the letter "G" which typically represents contacts pulled from Gmail online. I've had this issue - I believe - with my previous Samsung. Although I've seen this question brought up before, the answers are typically not device specific or have not been useful and clear to follow.

As a new user, I had difficulty negotiating this site and finding the best place to post this. There is not an LG Optimus L9 Forum so, if there is a location where this post might encourage more visibility.

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Motorola Droid X :: Automatically Sync Facebook Contacts With Phone Contacts?

Sep 7, 2010

Just wondering if there is an app or a procedure to get your facebook contacts to automatically sync with your phones contacts as well as your google contacts. For instance if you add someone as a friend on facebook and they have their email and phone number filled out in their profile, that information would automatically be added to your phone. Is there a way to do that?

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Motorola Droid X :: Sync Only Facebook Contacts Who Are Also Google Contacts?

Jul 16, 2010

On my Droid there was a setting to only sync Facebook data for contacts who also were Google contacts. On the X, there doesn't seem to be that option anymore. I don't want all of my Facebook "friends" to show up in my contact list on my phone but I would like Facebook data to sync for my actual contacts in my Google contact list. Has anyone figured this out?

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Motorola CLIQ : How To Sync Contacts To Some Sort Of Contacts Using Linux?

Nov 27, 2009

Is there some way to sync my contacts in Evolution, kmail(not prefered), thunderbird ( I found a round about way of doing it), or some sort of program just accessing the motorola cliq?

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Samsung Epic 4G :: My Facebook Contacts Won't Sync To My Contacts

Sep 12, 2010

Am I the only one having this problem? I purchased my samsung epic a week ago and every since I've been getting the message that my facebook contacts is unable to syn at the moment an error of some sort,and too try later.WTH? My facebook calender syncs but not the contacts.I thought that it was th phone so I took it back to the sprint store they restarted my hard drive but it still didn't work,thy sent me to the repair center at another store and the general manager told me to go back and tell them to replace the phone and that I shouldn't be having issues so soon. Well I did that,they gave me a new phone and guess what.yep u guessed it,still the same issue.I went back to the repair center they played with it for 2 straight hours while I waited impatiently and still I walked away with the same problem. What the heck and I suppose to do now?

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HTC Incredible :: Sync Phone Contacts With Google Contacts?

Apr 28, 2010

Every time I add a new contact it goes under "phone". I'd like it to go under "Google" where it would sync and be done with, but I also would like the current 6 I have under "Phone" to go to "Google".

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Motorola Droid :: Can You Sync Your Hotmail Contacts With Your Contacts?

May 20, 2010

I have searched for an hour and a half with no luck. Is it possible to get your hotmail contacts to sync with the contacts on my droid? I am already not happy with the phones ability to get my mail from hotmail but will deal with that later. Has anyone else sync'd their hotmail contacts to the droid contact list. Sorry if I repeated this thread.

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HTC Hero : Google Contacts Sync Failed On Contacts

Mar 11, 2010

Sorry if this has been covered, did a quick search could not find anything specific

When I try and sync my contacts from my phone to google the phone Say's and always has done:

Sync is currently experiencing problems, It will be back shortly.

I'm on a stock OS with the latest updated ROM.

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Android :: Need A Device That Can Have Synchronization With A PC

Apr 12, 2010

Have been following Android news for some time and finally I decide that this platform is the on to love.Now the hardest part is deciding. Right now I am torn between HTC Legend, the upcoming Galaxy S, or Xperia X10.What I need:
1. A device that can have synchronization with a PC and/or internet storage to store contacts
2. Multimedia player. Preferrable able to play MP4, MKV, or AVI files (with Divx and Xvic odecs). Can be native software or third parties.
3. 3.5mm audio out jacks
4. Shipped with handsfree accesories.
5. Can play good games.
6. Can read and edit office documents
7. Agenda software with alerts and such.
8. Loud speaker.
9. Camera must be there. I don't care how crappy, it's just need to be there.
10. Flash that can be used as torchlight. Not a must, but it's not to have (my Siemens S75 has one, and have been very very usable and durable!)

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Sony Sync - Phone Contacts Does Not Sync

Dec 5, 2010

I am unable to sync Phone Contacts with Sony Ericsson website (but the Calendar and Bookmarks are syncing).

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Android :: How Do You Sync Contacts?

Jun 21, 2010

I should soon be moving from my Blackberry to an Evo, so I'm wondering how this works. Currently I just sync my BB with my Outlook contacts list. Is there anything like this for Android? Perhaps an online Google address book or something?I know there may be an option to sync with Gmail contacts, but seriously, I don't want 100s of names on my phone just because I happened to email someone a year ago.So how does the default "Address Book" work for Android? How does it sync and/or back-up the contact list?

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Android :: Exchange Synchronization Only At Work

Jun 10, 2010

At work, I have direct access to the Exchange server which I can synchronize with my HTC Android 2.1 without problems. At home I only have access to the Outlook Web Access webmail (which I can't access at work). Can I disable Exchange synchronization when I'm not connected to a certain WLAN? Also, as a bonus, would it be able for the Android to synchronize with the Outlook Web Access (like Evolution does in Ubuntu)?

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