Android : Photo Resize And Captions
Jul 4, 2010Does anyone know of an app that lets me resize and batch resize photos?how about adding captions to photos?
View 1 RepliesDoes anyone know of an app that lets me resize and batch resize photos?how about adding captions to photos?
View 1 RepliesOk, I am sure this has been discussed... BUT One of the really nice things about iOS is the option to choose size of photo before email is sent.
I hate sending 2-3MB emails.
It is one of the few things iOS has going for it IMO.
I like taking High Res pics, but I shouldn't have to resize the master pic before sending... It is too many steps.
Has no one made the app to allow more of this iOS experience?
I'm thinking of buying a Samsung Notebook and installing the Picasa Android App, and as part of my research, I wanted to know if the Picasa App will show photo captions if they exist in the EXIF metadata for the JPEG photo files. I know that Picasa on Windows will show captions when the photos are displayed using the Full-Screen Slideshow option, and wondered if the Picasa App on Android provided the same feature. the attached screen capture shows a Picasa Slideshow run on MS Windows, displaying a caption at the bottom-centre.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Nexus 7 (got it for $25 because the previous owner dropped it and about 1/2" square area of the upper right side of the digitizer no longer responds to touch, aside from that it's 100% functional, and it's the 8GB model) and I also have a Netflix subscription which my Wife uses quite frequently, but because she's deaf the captions are an absolute must. Unfortunately with the Nexus 7's awesome 1280x800 display the default font size Netflix has chosen is pretty small, it's like a 20 point font or something as this screenshot shows:
I've been searching through the filesystem on this Nexus 7 and I haven't had much luck with locating something like a "build.prop" file for the Netflix app that might allow me to adjust the size of the font it uses by default. If there's a way to alter that and make it about twice as large as the default size I really would love to make that a reality.
I could be missing this, but is there a way to send/tag a photo to facebook from the photo itself? The Facebook app for my blackberry lets me do this. If I pull up a photo I just took, I have the option of sending it to Facebook, as well as tagging it. I can't figure out how to do this on my Moment.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHas anyone else experienced a strange problem with the Milestone (running 2.1) camera - in every photo, the right edge shows a thin vertical strip of the next photo! Shows in both Gallery & Media Gallery.. but don't have a similar issue in a video.
View 5 Replies View RelatedCamera app or organizer app that actually moves pictures instead of just displays them differently via a viewing app?
For example it would be great to have photos automatically go into pre-set albums or quickly and easily reorganize them afterwards etc. I know I can manually move them via file managers but looking for a dedicated app with different options/filters etc.
Here are two pics, one from my canon dslr and one from the HTC evo. Both were reduced by Photo bucket because of a file size restriction. Not bad for a cell phone camera, imo. Sorry, but I didn't have time to do some other examples, Canon T1I, 18-55mm lens, set to 8MP, full auto On the left HTC Evo 4g, 8MP, full auto On the right.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAnyway i can get the photos from my facebook friends to be the photo for there contact photo in my phone book?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to create a dialog-style form which would fill the bigger screen area (left, right, top, bottom padding 10px).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to resize a bitmap and write to a file. what's the best way to do that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm retrieving image from URI and displaying in Imageview.I need to re-size image from URI to fit size of the Imageview.Please help me how I can do this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to have my view resize itself based on the orientation. After extensive googling (maybe i was using the wrong terms) I could find nothing telling me how to detect when the orientation was changed. Here is my layout file: how do I have it automatically resize itself? I want each item (the EditText and the WebView) to fill half the screen (not counting the title/notification bars). I set the height to absolute and not wrap_content because wrap_content defaults to 1 line for EditText and nothing for WebView. and fill_parent has the EditText on top of the WebView.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to resize the imageButton to fit the image exactly..This is the code that i tried, but the image is placed at the position that i am locating using android:scaleType but i can't able to reduce the size of imageButton.
The code that i tried is ...
I have a little problem, I'm doing landscape layouts and I can't resize the Tabs, which are huge like on this .
View 3 Replies View RelatedDianne Hackborn mentioned in a couple threads that you can detect when a layout as been resized, for example, when the soft keyboard opens or closes. Such a thread is this one... However, I didn't understand her answer: "By your view hierarchy being resized with all of the corresponding layout traversal and callbacks." Does anyone have a further description or some examples of how to detect this? Which callbacks can I link into in order to detect this?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedWe have got all our own edit boxes etc. so we call the virtual keyboard from SDK 1.5 in the followng way (when the use selects one of our edit/text boxes):
Context c = getApplicationContext(); InputMethodManager inputManager = (InputMethodManager) c.getSystemService( Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE ); inputManager.showSoftInput(ourCanvasInstance, 0);
This works fine and even populates our edit boxes automatically upon key entry, we can dismiss it by calling:
inputManager.toggleSoftInput(0, 0);
The problem we have now is that we need to know the size of the virtual keyboard so that we can resize all our popups etc to fit within the area of the screen that is not covered by the virtual keyboard. Is there anyway of getting the height of the default virtual keyboard? I have noticed that android.inputmethodservice.Keyboard has access to the height but I can't seem to find anyway to access this, does anyone happen to know any useful pointers to be able to access the height of the VK?
How can we resize our application for different screens on different Android devices?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to reduce the size of images retrieved form the camera (so ~5-8 mega pixels) down to one a a few smaller sizes (the largest being 1024x768).It looks like the OOM happens during the createBitmap. Is there a more memory efficient way to do this? Perhaps something that doesn't require me to load the entire original into memory?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create a method for resizing multi-line text in a TextView such that it fits within the bounds (both the X and Y dimensions) of the TextView. At present, I have something, but all it does is resize the text such that just the first letter/character of the text fills the dimensions of the TextView (i.e. only the first letter is viewable, and it's huge). I need it to fit all the lines of the text within the bounds of the TextView.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am coding a custom view, extended from RelativeLayout, and I want to resize it programmatically, How can I do?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an Edittext view that works fine if the phone is in portrait position with and without the onscreen softkeyboard. But if it's flipped to landscape it works fine when the softkeyboard isn't there. But when it's there the Edittext view suddenly changes so that all the text in the Edittext view is on one line. Is there some settings I can do to fix this or is it just a bug for me?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI created a basic options menu, here an example of creating an element of me menu: menu.add(0, MENU_BACKWARD, 0, "").setIcon(R.drawable.btn_backward);
As you can see I don't want to show any text in this menu, just an icon ! But when the menu is showed, there is a "ugly" blank under the icon (the text is supposed to be there) and I want to avoid this. A least if it's possible to center the icon the options menus, it will be great.
I put a webview inside a scroll view according to this But I found that if the webview already loaded a long content, and then load short content again. The webview doesn't resize and the scroll bar is still here.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am using the following attributes for an activity and expect a window to resize automatically to occupy space available above IME: android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" android:theme="@android:style Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" When IME is opened the window does not resize and the bottom appart is hidden by the IME. I've observed that if I remove the Fullscreen flag, window resizes as expected. Is there a way to make window resize with Fullscreen flag?
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