Android :: Notification On Dead Of App / Restart That Programatically Again?
May 13, 2009How to get a notification on dead of my application.Android is killing my app after every 40 mins. Is there any way to restart the App programatically again?

How to get a notification on dead of my application.Android is killing my app after every 40 mins. Is there any way to restart the App programatically again?
Is it possible to clear a notification programatically?I tried it with the NotificationManager but its not working.Is there any other way i can do it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedA Checkbox found in the Ringer Volume settings that allows you
to set a separate Notification volume and incoming call volume
Is there a way to Check/Uncheck the Check box for Notification volume programatically.
Android Version: 2.2
Network: Telstra NextG
Taskiller Used?: Advanced Task Cleaner installed but not normally used to kill/FC
Are You rooted & which Rom: no - stock
I recently updated my Desire to 2.2 (stock Telstra update) and quickly moved some apps to the SD card to free up some phone storage. Since then I've noticed that after longer periods on standby (definitely hours - haven't worked out the lower limit yet), when I wake the Desire it notifies 'Preparing SD Card' and all the apps appear to have closed. By the apps having closed I mean the weather widget has to load, my Agenda/schedule widget has to load, my Dolphin HD browser starts afresh, etc. I had moved Dolphin to the SD card but not the widgets. The experience is kind of like after startup, so i'm presuming its all apps, but it may not be all - its certainly more than just the apps on SD.
To be clear, the SD card does mount fine, and I've had no other indications of SD card problems before or after the Froyo upgrade. I've seen reference to partitioning the SD card, but am not sure why I would do it or if it is relevant here. Is this a known problem with moving apps to the SD card, or is it a known problem with the Desire 2.2 update? Is it just me?
I am developing a ToDo reminder type of app for android. on creation of a new reminder an alarm and vibrator scheduler is created with a toast. This works on intents and broadcasts and is pretty straight forward stuff with putextras using the reminder id from the db. My problem is, if some one restart the phone, i guess all the scheduled alarm and vibrator tasks for the reminder will be killed. Once the phone restart again how to recreate the scheduler tasks.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have noticed that when aps restart my phone, it takes about 15 to 20 seconds to restart When i Power down, it takes MINUTES!Does anyone know of simple restart app I could use to avoid this? If not, anyone know someone who could make one?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an application I wrote for Android (lat's call it MyMainApp).
My contractor wants me to write another utility (service) to periodically check his website for newer versions of MyMainApp, and if there is one - download it and install.
I know this is handled by the Market app, but my contractor wants to do it in his own utility (he does not want the user to be bothered with the update process).
Of course - the user will be notified and agree to this feature. Can this be done?
It seems like every example I can find of switching between Activity's involves creating an Intent and passing in the context of a View via an OnClickListener associated with a button.But what if you just decide you need to switch Activity's? In my case, a Preference value is causing an Activity switch. How do you create an Intent that can cause an Activity switch without an associated OnClickListener?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a little problem with a ScrollView.I have a layout for an activity which is made with a ScrollView. This scrollview contains two ListViews.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ListView android:id="@+id/accountsListView"
android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:scrollbars="none" />
<ListView android:id="@+id/cardsListView"
android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:scrollbars="none" />
</LinearLayout>In onCreate method of my activity I compute ListViews height according there contents.During execution, on activity launch, ScrollView is already scrolled a bit.So I tried, at the end of onCreate to call method scrollTo(0, 0), but it does not change anything.
I have To set Wall Paper In application by writing the code programmatically. when i press the Grid view Image will get full screen ..... that image i should keep as a wall paper in the android mobile screen how can i do that in programatically. I have done some thing like this it correct or any other way to do it.
I want do set size (in px) of dialog based on screen resolution, so I have to set dialog size programatically during runtime.
Dialog layout is defined in xml with all standard views, so it would be nice to have better way to set dialog size than override-in top view's onMeasure(...).
Are the following actions possible using the latest version of the Android API?:
Temporarily disable sending text messages
Temporarily disable receiving text messages
*Ideally, I would intercept them and queue them up for later delivery.
Temporarily disable incoming calls except from certain phone numbers
Temporarily disable outgoing calls except to certain phone numbers
How do we set the input type for an EditText programatically? I'm trying:
it doesn't seem to have any effect.
Is it possible to remove an application programatically? If so, shall I look at the package manager for that or is there an example some place? When a package is installed, I believe there is a broadcast message to the system saying that. Is it possible to capture that broadcast message?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a FrameView that's created in my XML layout, and in my code, I'm trying to create a series of new ImageViews and add them as children of this FrameView. The ImageViews are small, only about 15 pixels square, and I want them to show up in various positions around the FrameView (I'm trying to implement what looks like a radar screen). I'm able to create them and add them just fine, and they show up on the screen.
However, when I try to set their margins, it doesn't seem to have any effect. No matter what I set, all the ImageViews show up in the top left corner of the FrameView, as opposed to offset by the appropriate margins. My XML layout is listed below, along with the code that generates the child views. Am I doing something wrong? How can I get the margins to show up properly? Or is there a better way to do this than by using margins.
I'm writing a simple caesar-encryption-activity. Two EditTexts on screen, one clear-text, one crypted.
Here's an example for the crypted EditText - the cleartext one is similar.
Now when entering cleartext I have an TextChangedListener running that programatically crypts and fills that crypto-EditText. So far, so good.
When the cleartext entered gets really long, the cleartext-EditText scrolls with my imput, but the crypto-EditText stays at the top of the text. I'd really like the crypto-EditText to scroll so that it always shows the bottom line of its content.
How can that be done, preferably from the onTextChanged()-Method of the TextWatcher?
How can we programatically push our app to run in background? I am doing one browser app. and when I am directly launching my application and clicking back key . It will show in the list of background running process.At this time Category is "CATEGORY_LAUNCHER" but at the same time if we try to run same app via third party app.and then clicking back key,its not showing in the list of background running process.Here the Category is "CATEGORY_BROWSABLE".and its not displaying in the list of running process.I noticed that the same behaviour in default android browser. But is their any way to make my app to run in background by clicking back key without killing my application?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn menu.xml you can specify an icon:
Whereas in code you create entries thus:
How in the code version do you specify the icon please?
I know you need root access if you want to capture a screenshot by using a background application. However is it possible to just grab the screen content of your current visible activity owned by your process? This does not seem like a security constraint since the user has already installed your app is currently using your app. If so how does this work?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create a TableLayout programatically. It just won't work. The same layout in an xml file works though. Tcode...
When I run this, I don't get a crash, but nothing appears. If I get rid of the TableRow instance, at least the button does appear as a direct child of the TableLayout. What am I doing wrong?
I am trying to add permissions to my application manifest, so it can access other apps that the user installs at runtime. I thought the way to do this was to define a permission-tree in the manifest, and then use PackageManager.addPermission() to add permissions under that tree. However, I can't get this to work and the documentation I found wasn't conclusive. Could anybody show me how to do this by means of a simple example?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to change SMS ringtone programatically from a raw resource but I don't find any example to do it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWe are writing an app to substitute screen/pattern lock on G1. Unfortunately, it is impossible to substitute the original screen lock app with a 3rd party one. The only option left is if we can UNLOCK the phone from a service running in the background when G1 is locked. Is it possible? Is there interface to Pattern/Screen lock? What is KeyguardManager for?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow can I programatically launch Browser in my android application? And how can I do that with it opens an URL instead of home page?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to do a little app to list and connect to other Network operator.I list them by going to:
Wireless Controls
Mobile networks
Network operators
Search networks
And I connect to other Network operator by clicking on one of the list.I've been searching methods from ConnectivityManager but I don't find something like connectTo() .Any ideas of how I can do this?
Actually I am new to android. I want to create a .txt file programatically, save data to it and then retrieve the data. I had write one application for that but when I run it it creates file under data/data/ <myPackage Name>/files folder , I can see only size of this file but I can't open it. but when I deploy the application on mobile then there is no any file created. If i supplied path like FileOutputStream fOut = openFileOutput ("/sdcard/ deore.txt",Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE); then it throws Exception. So, please tell me where the actual file is saved under the phone and how to open it.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to programatically refresh Gallery every time I download a video from my application. It doesn't automatically show up in the gallery.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to programatically define my program layout and add a button to it at a certain position. I am not using the layout xml as the content view.I have then added a button that I want to apply the properties
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to programatically determine the value of the call timer as displayed by the phone dialer in real-time during a call (the call duration is available via the call log but this value does not appear to be updated until after the call ends).
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