Android :: How To Programatically Refresh Gallery View?
Sep 17, 2010I want to programatically refresh Gallery every time I download a video from my application. It doesn't automatically show up in the gallery.

I want to programatically refresh Gallery every time I download a video from my application. It doesn't automatically show up in the gallery.
After implementing some Android Apps, including several Map activities, I try to refresh the activity when the GPS listener's onLocationChanged() mehtod is called. I have no idea how to tell the map activity to refresh on its own and display the new coords. the coords to store will have to be in global values, so that the location listener will have access to it. In my sample GPS-class (see code below) I just changed the text of a text view....but how to do that in map view?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am currently using a modified Gallery widget to display real-time events coverflow-style. What I now need is some Method to scroll to a specific item within the Gallery. Such method IS available within frameworks/base/core/java/android/ widget/ as scrollToChild but is declared as private. Do you know of any manual way to move/scroll around a Gallery / List Widget?
Current workaround would be to inject DPAD_RIGHT using the Instrumentation Framework, which is as really ugly solution.
I have an application where I want to have the ability for the user to save one of the photos they are viewing to their phone locally. I got saving working, and now I want to automatically refresh so they don't have to turn off their phone before it shows up in the gallery. I googled around and saw this: sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED, Uri.parse(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() ))); I tried doing that, but it didn't refresh for me. Does anyone have any ideas?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to set the selection of a Gallery in code. I would like to have the Gallery smoothly roll down a few items over the duration of a second or two. At frist glance, it appears that two members would to the trick:Gallery.setAnimationDuration(int animationDurationMillis); Gallery.setSelection(int position, boolean animate); It turns out that the setAnimationDuration only seems to affect the rubber-bandy "return-to-center" effect of the Gallery. In other words, when a gallery comes to rest after a fling, and a gallery item is off center, the animationDurationMillis is used to control the duration of the Gallery centering up the item. However, the value seems to have no effect on the setSelection. No matter what value is set with setAnimationDuration, the Gallery seems to render about 2 or 3 frames when flying between items 1 and 10 for example. Is this working as designed? Does anyone know a trick or workaround that would let me properly animate setSelection? I'd be especially grateful if we could do it with an "Ease Out" effect.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a quick way to refresh the gallery? I download pictures from the browser, so it automatically adds them to the gallery. But i don't like my downloaded pictures showing up in the gallery so i made a hidden folder within download/ called .pics/. after i download pictures i always use a file manager to move them to the hidden folder. but when i check the gallery, it sill shows shows them as being in the download/ folder. the only way Ive been able to refresh the gallery, to hide the hidden images, is to reboot the fone.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a FrameView that's created in my XML layout, and in my code, I'm trying to create a series of new ImageViews and add them as children of this FrameView. The ImageViews are small, only about 15 pixels square, and I want them to show up in various positions around the FrameView (I'm trying to implement what looks like a radar screen). I'm able to create them and add them just fine, and they show up on the screen.
However, when I try to set their margins, it doesn't seem to have any effect. No matter what I set, all the ImageViews show up in the top left corner of the FrameView, as opposed to offset by the appropriate margins. My XML layout is listed below, along with the code that generates the child views. Am I doing something wrong? How can I get the margins to show up properly? Or is there a better way to do this than by using margins.
I am trying to programatically define my program layout and add a button to it at a certain position. I am not using the layout xml as the content view.I have then added a button that I want to apply the properties
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have checked setId() method of the view, it accepts integer parameter. But there are possibilities of assigning same id to different views, which may create problem for me while i do findViewbyId().
My question is "How to set unique id to the view programatically?"
I am trying to find out how I can add an item (from xml drawable/workaround_item.xml) in a LinearLayout that is vertically aligned.
At the beggining I was trying to use a ListView but as far I as know there is a bug using listview inside a scrollview. I was doing this because i have more components on the view that should be scrolled together with the list view. So I decided to remove the listview and implement a simple linear layout where i will be adding each element bellow other and so on.
The layout for the activity is as folow (layout/workaround.xml) and i would like to start adding the elements below the top bar.
Thats my java code:
Thats the result i am getting:
Does android allow us to do this? If so, Hoe can I add the elements and set their values? (this layout will be dispalying results of soccer games).
I am having a problem trying to refresh a View in an Android application. I have a button that have a image and what I need to do is to change the image when someone clicked the button. Where is the problem? The image don't refresh until the activity finished proccessing the code. Any idea how I can refresh the image as soon as It execute the instruction
I've added an inserted in Gallery using android API as following:
"scard/test.jpg", "Hello", "description");
Actually the image that I passed its full path (scard/test.jpg) is already successfully inserted in the DB, but when you open the gallery you can't see it unless you switch off/on the device or Mount/Unmount the external memory. It there any way to refresh the gallery on demand?
I have a ListView that contains some data from sqllite table.the table is updated by some other process, and I would like to refresh it's data.The strange thing is that if I open another activity, then go back -it WILL refresh itself.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCurrently I am working on IM, and I am facing problem during implementations. I am implementing this messenger using XMPP client and using smack API for implementing all features like contacts list, online offline status, and chat also. Prblem which I am facing:
Its my list view where I am showing contacts list
public class ContactsList extends ListActivity implements OnClickListener{
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ContactsManager manager = new ContactsManager(this); setListAdapter(manager);
} public class ContactsManager extends BaseAdapter{
private LayoutInflater mInflater; private Bitmap mainListIcons[];
private static ContactsInfo contactsInfo; public ContactsManager(Context context) {
mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context); mainListIcons= new Bitmap[3];
mainListIcons[0] = BitmapFactory.decodeResource (context.getResources(),;
mainListIcons[1] = BitmapFactory.decodeResource (context.getResources(), R.drawable.offline);
} @Override public int getCount() { return Global.contacts.size();//
contacts is vector where I am saving my contacts
} public Object getItem(int position) { return position;
} public long getItemId(int position) { return position;
} public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
ViewHolder holder; if (convertView == null) {
convertView = mInflater.inflate (R.layout.main_settings_lists_icon_text, null);
holder = new ViewHolder(); holder.mainListDisplayText = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
holder.mainListDisplayIcon = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(;
convertView.setTag(holder);}else{ holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();
} contactsInfo = (ContactsInfo)Global.contacts.elementAt (position);
String username = contactsInfo.getUsername(); String status = contactsInfo.getUserstatus();
if(status.equalsIgnoreCase("unavailable")) { older.mainListDisplayIcon.setImageBitmap(mainListIcons[1]);
}else{ holder.mainListDisplayIcon.setImageBitmap(mainListIcons[0]);
} holder.mainListDisplayText.setText(username); return convertView;
} static class ViewHolder { TextView mainListDisplayText;
ImageView mainListDisplayIcon;}
public class ContactsHandler implements RosterListener {
@Override public void entriesAdded(Collection<String> c) {
for(String s:c) { Log.i("ADDED Contacts",s);
} } @Override public void presenceChanged(Presence p) {
Log.i("PRESENCE",p.getFrom()); Log.i("IS Available",""+p.isAvailable());
Log.i("UserStatus",""+p.getStatus()); if(p.getFrom().contains("@") && p.isAvailable())
{ ChatManager chatmanager = Connection.getVopConnection getXMPPConnection().getChatManager();
Chat newChat = chatmanager.createChat("gulfam@imran-mehmood", new ChatHandler());
} } }
I'm writing an application for Android and have multiple Activities, there are three to be exact. When a user drills down to the record they would like to view, they can modify it.
The issues is that when I click the back button to move to the previous screen, i'd like to refresh it to reflect the update performed by the end user. I can't figure out how to hook onto the appropriate event and then refresh my data on that view.
I have multiple listviews and would like to add those to Gallery View.I tried by using addView method but that is not supported in Gallery since its AdapterView.Can someone suggest me how to add views to Gallery?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have multiple ListViews and would like to add those to Gallery.
I tried with addView but it is not supported since Gallery view is an AdapterView.
Can someone let me know how to go about it?
I have created a child class from the Gallery view, named MyGallery. I did this because I wanted to get rid of the onFling event in the gallery view. Having that achieved, it lead me to a different problem. Scrolling the Gallery with the Dpad doesn't work now. When I tried using the original Gallery class, the dpad works fine. But when I extend the Gallery and use my custom gallery class, the dpad stops working. Am I missing something?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want a custom view which will contain one textview and one imageview ,in a gallery as an item. can anyone send me the code for that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe api demo for gallery uses resource id's to access the drawables in the gallery.I have tried multiple ways to use images from file. My steps...
1. grab filepaths and save all files as a drawable array
2. using the same logice in the api demo, I ste the background to the drawable instaed of the resid
That's All I felt the need to replace from the api demo, which seems to fail miserably since the images do not appear in my test app.
The Android's own app Gallery is very cool, now I have a requirement to add an external app to view the media, let me describe it detail, the following is the steps: 1. Run android's Gallery, in the first page, Gallery list all directorys which include media (image / video). 2. Long touch one of the directory, then a context menu will pop up where has two menu items: Slideshow & View. My requirement is to lunch other app when clicking the menu item View, for example, in other app (I will implement it) user can multi select the medias then process them (i.e. delete them, compress them to a file, or copy them to other place)..........
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to add images to gallery view after downloading them (like in android market application). All examples of gallery uses images stored in drawable folder. So how can I add images to gallery when image gets downloaded??
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can i make gallery view as circular.i am able to done left to right infinite when i drag right to is showing end point.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn placing images(back and forward images) at two end of my gallery view ,i have gallery to list menus to scroll horizontally,and this gallery is in RelativeLayout how can i get the images at two ends of gallery without scrolling.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use Gallery, and don't know why the background color has weird green color on sdk 2.1. It didn't happen on 1.5.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to auto select an image in gallery and focus the selected image. I know the position (index) of the image in gallery. I am trying to use in res/layout/main.xml
android:layout_weight="1" />
gallery = (Gallery) mView.findViewById(;
ImageView view = gallery.getItemAtPosition(position);
Unfortunately the above code is returning null. Can you please help in this matter.
I am using a Gallery view where the view corresponding to each item is non-trivial and consists of text as well as multiple buttons. When I click to drag the gallery view (somewhere not on one of the buttons) the button's drawable state changes to pressed and appears as if all of the buttons are currently being pressed. Additionally, the same behavior happens for the selected state (e.g. all of the text of the child TextViews changes color). I am trying to prevent this behavior and have found the android:duplicateParentState xml attribute as well as the setDuplicateParentStateEnabled property. This seems like it should accomplish what I am trying to do, but it seems to have no effect.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am new on android and building an application which uses webservice to collect user information in XML. I also get path for a small jpeg picture of each user. (Currently there are about 200 users) I am parsing the XML and storing the information in SQLiteDatabase. Pictures are stored as blob and able to retrieve them.
I display names of users on listview with images as well. But is this a good solution for storing pictures in SQLite Database ? or should consider storing it in file system ? Which is suitable in terms of performance , as well as memory and any other pro and cons on Android.
Also like to know which is best performing XML parser for Android ?
My purpose is only to parse xml files which I get through web services and sort out the data to store in storage. And lastly my memory goes off easily when I load all images to display in list view after making thumbnails of each (which is obvious).
Was wondering is there any library/framework/app available which dynamically loads images as and when required (when that list item is on display) something like Gallery program ?
I'm currently facing a big problem causing me inconveniences.I've just update the samsung galaxy s3 software yesterday, then when I try to upload photos, I couldn't open anything, any photos, sometimes the albums will disappear itself,sometimes come back again.
I tried to remove my memory card or sd card and put it back again but useless.
Always stuck in the gallery main page, cannot even use return key/button.
Is there a view or option I'm missing? The thumbnail would be great if I didn't have 20 videos with the FOX 21th century logo as the picture.
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