Android :: Newbie / PC Backup For Password Vault?

Aug 30, 2010

Is there a PC backup, for the password vault?

Android :: Newbie / PC backup for password vault?

General :: Backup Using Carbon - Set Desktop Backup Password Blank

Feb 28, 2013

Whenever I try to make a backup using carbon it says I'd need to set the desktop backup password blank, but I already tried that a few times and it always gives me the same error. What do I need to do to make it work? I'm using an xperia s on ics.

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Android :: Another App Like Photo Vault? [Stash Away Personal Photos]

Nov 12, 2009

I downloaded Photovault, thinking that it would give me the ability to go and hide particular photos, and it hasn't worked. I plugged my droid to the computer and dropped the photos in the "private" folder, however, they still show up in "Gallery", and are visible and do not need a password.

IS there any other app that works for the drod that functions like this?

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General :: How To Reset / Delete Desktop Backup Password

Oct 7, 2013

I had to factory reset my phone.

Now I want to make a new backup using Helum but the app keeps asking for the Desktop Backup Password. I thought that this one should be reset (i.e. deleted) after a factory reset but I can't set a new one.

Is there a way to reset this without doing another factory reset?

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HTC Incredible :: Picture Message Saves To Phone Not SD Card / Change It To Move Them To Photo Vault App?

May 16, 2010

When I save a pic from a pic message it saves to the phone and not the SD card but how do I change that to save to the SD card so I can move sum pics to the photo vault app..

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HTC Droid Eris :: Password Screen Locks And When Asks For User Name And Password It States Invalid User Name / Password

Mar 3, 2010

I have had this same problem happen twice to me on 2 different phones on 2 different Verizon accounts!

The password screen locks and when it asks for the user name and password it states invalid user name / password!

Is this a known problem since when I called and talked to both Verizon and HTC the only thing they could tell me was to do a hard reset and they weren't aware of this problem?

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Android :: Newbie / Touch Wiz Vs Sense?

Sep 13, 2010

I'm new to the Android scene. I've been noticing a lot of talk on here (especially in regards to my phone, the Fascinate) about Touch Wiz vs Sense. Could somebody please explain the difference?

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HTC Desire :: Newbie / HTC Releasing Android 2.2?

Jun 1, 2010

I just encountered the space issue on my Desire due to having too many apps installed and i am considering rooting. However i heard that HTC are possibly releasing Android 2.2 with Sense UI beofr ethe end of the month. If i root my desire will i lose the ability to get this update?

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Android :: Newbie / Upload Photos From HTC Incredible To PC?

May 3, 2010

I've taken several photos on my HTC Incredible and want to upload them to my PC. I tried using the Hard drive function but when I look in the file manager on my PC desktop, I don't see any folders containing the photos I just took. They're in the phone, honest, just can't upload them. How do I do it? I even downloaded a file manager (Astro?) from the droid store but it had dozens and dozens of folders and I have no clue. The manual says photos I take are stored on the sim card so I even tried taking that out, putting it into the SanDisk adapter and plugged that into a multiple card reader and still couldn't find the photos. Where the hell are they?

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Android :: Newbie : Want Good Stock Tracking App

Oct 26, 2010

I am looking for a good app that allows me to track stock prices (portfolio) and commodities/options would also be a bonus.

Can you suggest a good one?

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Android :: Difficult It Is To Create Apps For Say Newbie Like Myself?

Jan 3, 2010

I am curious to know how difficult it is to create apps for say a newbie like myself?

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Android :: Help A Newbie Learn Eclipse / Debugging Best Practices

Jul 25, 2010

I am a newbie to Android and the Eclipse development environment and would like some advice on best practices for debugging my apps when they throw a Force Close.I have researched ADB, however, I can not get this to interact with my phone even though I have explicitly turned debug mode to true on my test handset.Obviously Android comes with a LOG method which I have seen utilized in many example apps, can someone please explain how to review these logs quickly and how to setup logging appropriately to determine the cause of a Force Close (always occurs when I push the Home button).Any advice on debugging effectively in Eclipse would be much appreciated!

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HTC Desire :: Tips For A Newbie To Android / Whats Os For Rooting - Roms Etc

Aug 28, 2010

I'm soon to be getting my first android phone, htc desire on t-mobile UK (so from what ive heard it will be branded), i will be rooting it and ideally a custom rom. im happy with the rooting process (done quite a bit of modding with consoles), im just at a loss with custom roms for it at the minute, if anyone could suggest one that would suit my needs it would be awesome.

Im after a fairly similar to stock, idealy 2.2, but with some performance tweaks, im after:
-HTC sense
-the ability to overclock (and ideally auto underclock settings when in sleep mode)
- battery performance tweak

and also what is the difference in omoled vs slcd screens when it comes to custom roms and rooting, and also just generally in day to day use? are there any differences in quality, display etc?

and also whats the best os for rooting, roms etc? i mainly use a mac but also have xp, vista, 7 and linux. i understand theres no software currently for mac? and id rather stay away from 7 if at all possible (my copys not that stable) all help would be greatly appreciated, and i hope this is in the right forum

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General :: LG Optimus V - Set Boot Password Like BIOS Password On PCs?

May 1, 2012

I'm new to android but just used the guides at this forum to root my LG Optimus V. I was wondering if now that I have root there is a way to install a boot password similar to the one I have on my computer. Before it loads the operating system, the BIOS asks for a password. Is there any similar functionality for android?

Also, is this possible on other devices even if it is not on mine? It's one of my favorite laymen security measures.

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HTC Eris :: OTA 2.1 / GPS From A Newbie?

Oct 15, 2010

I have an Eris running OTA 2.1. The google maps only seems to work via wifi. when not connected it usually does not work using GPS. but i have a GPS tracker & that works all the time telling me longitude & latitude & how many sats it sees. Anyone have any ides, even the app whats close to me does not work if not connected to wifi. do i have the settings wrong, location on, wifi on use gps sats on.

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Android :: Evo Password Pattern Only Or Can Have # Password

Aug 8, 2010

evo password pattern only? or can i have a # password

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HTC EVO 4G :: Newbie / Customize With Different Widgets?

Aug 8, 2010

I just started playing around with Launcher Pro and ADW this morning. Is there a guide to customize them with different widgets and such? I like the look better than SENSE, but I don't know where to DL widgets and whatnot.

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HTC Desire :: Newbie Needs To Switch ROM

Jul 20, 2010

Tried a bit of a buggy ROM and not happy with the outcome.Now, I followed the very helpful guide for one-click rooting to add the new ROM but I wanna switch to the LeeDroid 1.4 release now so what do I need to do? I'm thinking a complete wipe would probably be best so gonna format my backed-up SD card as well and partition it for a2sd+ but can anyone just run me quickly through what I need to do with ClockworkMod etc. to scrub off the old ROM and install the new one pretty please?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Newbie / Way To Turn Screen Back On?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm a former Palm Pre user who recently purchased a Sprint Evo. Although I miss the hard keyboard, I'm learning to use swype. I have a newbie question. Is there anyway to turn the screen back on, once it has turned off, other than pressing the on button. On my Pre, all I had to do was slide the keyboard to turn the screen back on. The Evo's power button is difficult to press, especially using the phone with one hand. Looking forward to any answers. Maybe there is a program that will turn the screen back on when I shake the phone?

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HTC Droid :: Newbie / Which Software I Have In My Eris?

Apr 18, 2010

I'm new here this is my second post. Just curious how I can tell which software i have in my eris. Also what do all these terms mean, such as rooting? If I need to update how would I be able to do that ota?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Newbie - What Is Rooting And Why Should I Do It?

Oct 2, 2010

I understand the wanting to remove Bing as the default search engine and getting rid of the bloatware, but those are just annoyances to me. Not something I'm willing to brick my SF over.So, I'm asking, what exactly are you doing to the phone when you root it and are there any other advantages to rooting other than getting rid of annoyances?

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Samsung Moment :: 2.1 And Rooting Newbie

Apr 9, 2010

If I load 2.1 and root my phone, can I (if so how) ever go back to 1.5 if I need service or what not? A little apprehensive about rooting, since I have never played with the phone before.

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Motorola Droid :: Complete Newbie To Rooting

Jun 17, 2010

I've had my Droid since it came out,but have never understood this whole "rooting" thing. What are the pro's/cons of rooting my Droid? Are ROM's free?Are they easy to install? Will this crash my phone in any way? Can I unroot it if it causes problems? Im debating if I should root my Droid or not.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Newbie - What Are Your Favorite Apps?

Sep 10, 2010

Well, I'm a soon-to-be Galaxy S Captivate owner, and I've been reading and watching practically everything I can find about the phone every single day. I even check this forum every three hours or so!I've finally ran out of video reviews and 9-page written and 10 minute video reviews to read and watch. I'm an Android virgin, so I want to know exactly I'll do the moment I turn on my device and get a chance to play with it the first time!
I've gotten some really great ideas of what I'm going to get already from Lifehacker, but what I want to know is what your guys' opinion, pro Galaxy S owners. What are your favorite apps? Discuss! <3(Yes, one-click lag fix will be my first download )

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Motorola Droid X :: Newbie With Improving X Performance?

Jul 24, 2010

Hey guys, can you do me a favor and go to running services and flick up and down a few times and tell me if you ever get any lag when scrolling all the way up and down? I do every time I go into it and I just don't know if it is normal or not. I see little hickups here and there when I am scrolling but it's always noticeable in the running services screen.( I have LP set to high memory)I am wondering if I have an app slowing things down for me. My battery life hasn't been good either (4-5 hours per charge) and it seems my free memory is low. After a fresh reboot it is 97 + 124 in 34 -- other 87 in 9.I love the phone and would never give it up, but would love it more if it was a bit smoother and more battery life (like lots of others are seeming to get).

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Sam Sung Behold 2 :: How To Start Newbie Rooting On Phone?

Apr 20, 2010

So I was looking through the stickies and I didn't really understand how to start rooting my phone or which of the directions to follow.. sorry if this has been asked a million times but could someone just point me in the direction I need to go to start the rooting? And can I uproot if I need to send my phone to t-mobile for something? Can they tell if I've rooted it? Sorry just a few questions on my mind before I root.

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HTC Incredible :: Newbie Feeling Dumb - Enter Contacts?

Nov 29, 2010

Made my first phone call today but am having trouble entering contacts. SOS! My victim is HTC Incredible.

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HTC Eris : Newbie Seeking Post-root / How Do I Switch To A Different ROM

Aug 2, 2010

I'm sorry for being a newbie with all this root stuff, but I've been searching and haven't been able to find a "set" guideline on what to do with my just-rooted Eris. So I've gotten my phone rooted with the DUMMIES phone-only guide and rom'ed with Evil Eris 4.0, but I don't know what exact measures to take from there to install Engtools, OC, flash new roms, etc. I just want to be careful with everything in order to have the best possible root experience D: Basically, I don't know what "pushing" is and how it's done. I think the first thing I want to do is install Engtools, following this:

But, is amon's recovery already installed from the dummies phone-only root? Do I just vol-up+power-on when the phone is off to start it up? After that, what do I do with the codes? How do I push?

Also, after pushing all these files and getting Engtools installed, do I start OC'ing and whatnot? What do people normally do after rooting for performance improvements and other handy-dandy things?

Finally, how do I switch to a different ROM? Do I have to undo one ROM first?

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HTC Desire : Need To Delete Google Account / Newbie Tips?

Aug 20, 2010

I've got my desire today and am already frustrated because there's so many things needing to be sorted on it! I've started from scratch with the 7 welcome screens and need to build those up (any tips much appreciated 4 example how to get the wi-fi switch etc etc back)

As for syncing my contacts Facebook has mucked everything up. Any chance i can stop info being taken from facebook and just importing them myself?
Also i set up a google account but had to delete it immediately (on my pc due to the email address being entered wrong) Now I've set up a new one how the hell do i change it on the phone.My phone still thinks I'm using the one I've deleted.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Total 100% Newbie To Smart Phones

Jan 29, 2010

I'm so thankful for this place, but there's so much info I'm not sure I can read it all fast enough!I have a couple quick questions(I just got my Eris yesterday)...there are 2 things I want to do:

1) decide which notifications I get...for example I don't need my phone to let me know I have FB messages or updates or emails...I'll check that on my own, but VM and missed calls I'd like to get a notification(tone and flash deal)

2) How do I shut off the vibrations when I'm touching the phone in any way? I don't really need it to vibrate at all...never been a fan of that

I plan on letting the battery drain down all the way before fully charging it back up, and my husband and I are getting the nifty better batteries too.I just want to remove any unnecessary(totally spelled wrong) things...And I did install an app killer.what is the concencus on this? Should I just uninstall it? I don't use a lot of these things so I thought it would be good to kill some apps unless I need them on demand.

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