Samsung Moment :: 2.1 And Rooting Newbie
Apr 9, 2010If I load 2.1 and root my phone, can I (if so how) ever go back to 1.5 if I need service or what not? A little apprehensive about rooting, since I have never played with the phone before.

If I load 2.1 and root my phone, can I (if so how) ever go back to 1.5 if I need service or what not? A little apprehensive about rooting, since I have never played with the phone before.
I understand the wanting to remove Bing as the default search engine and getting rid of the bloatware, but those are just annoyances to me. Not something I'm willing to brick my SF over.So, I'm asking, what exactly are you doing to the phone when you root it and are there any other advantages to rooting other than getting rid of annoyances?
View 19 Replies View RelatedI've had my Droid since it came out,but have never understood this whole "rooting" thing. What are the pro's/cons of rooting my Droid? Are ROM's free?Are they easy to install? Will this crash my phone in any way? Can I unroot it if it causes problems? Im debating if I should root my Droid or not.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I was looking through the stickies and I didn't really understand how to start rooting my phone or which of the directions to follow.. sorry if this has been asked a million times but could someone just point me in the direction I need to go to start the rooting? And can I uproot if I need to send my phone to t-mobile for something? Can they tell if I've rooted it? Sorry just a few questions on my mind before I root.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm soon to be getting my first android phone, htc desire on t-mobile UK (so from what ive heard it will be branded), i will be rooting it and ideally a custom rom. im happy with the rooting process (done quite a bit of modding with consoles), im just at a loss with custom roms for it at the minute, if anyone could suggest one that would suit my needs it would be awesome.
Im after a fairly similar to stock, idealy 2.2, but with some performance tweaks, im after:
-HTC sense
-the ability to overclock (and ideally auto underclock settings when in sleep mode)
- battery performance tweak
and also what is the difference in omoled vs slcd screens when it comes to custom roms and rooting, and also just generally in day to day use? are there any differences in quality, display etc?
and also whats the best os for rooting, roms etc? i mainly use a mac but also have xp, vista, 7 and linux. i understand theres no software currently for mac? and id rather stay away from 7 if at all possible (my copys not that stable) all help would be greatly appreciated, and i hope this is in the right forum
I'm kinda a newbie but i know a few things.1st should i root my samsung moment 2nd Would rooting it unflash the phone because I currently have it flashed to metro pcs 3rd is it possible to put some type of 2,2 rom on the moment
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhat rooting is and how one does it? Sorry if you've done this a million times already. I couldn't find it. Way too new at this.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo we've seen threads asking if/when the moment will be rooted. well i think its going to be awhile. mostly because i don't think anyone is working on rooting it. so i'm sure many of us would like to know if anyone is actually working on rooting the moment?
View 23 Replies View RelatedAfter a lot of thought, I finally decided I would root my Moment even the whole bricking issue had me really worried. I decided to try it anyway. I got it all done last night well, I think I did. I never actually went into anything that verified that I had rooted it just assumed it was rooted after the instructions I was reading said it was. Well within these instructions was a link to the SDX website where I could download a custom update zip, and had a link to create my own update zip, so I chose to create my own. I'm not sure if I made some wrong choices while creating the zip or what, but now I am having some major trouble.
After creating my zip, I placed it on my SD card. Then, I shut the phone down, and started it up in recovery mode (maybe that's what it's called.... volume down, talk, and end buttons). I went to apply from SD, or something like that, and then went to the custom zip I had just downloaded. The phone did it's thing, said it was installed and then said I need to reboot. I did.
I've not been able to get into my phone since. It gets to the Samsung splash screen, finishes it's animation, and then nothing. It's just black. It won't do anything at all until I take the battery out and put it back in. Then, I am able to get to any of the startup screens or whatever they're called, but no matter what, always goes black after Samsung Splash.It could be that the phone is actually starting, but just not showing me a screen....not sure about that.Well, I read a little bit, and decided I would try to fix it by installing a different update zip, so I put my sd card into my laptop and removed the custom zip. Then, I put the SD card back into my phone and ran the joeykrim zip again. It's still doing the same thing.Has anyone got any ideas for me here?? I am so sick that I decided to do this. I sure hope it's worth it in the end.
Before I get started rooting what would you say the main benefits are over stock 2.1? Just want to make sure it is worth it as my phone is working fine atm. A little extra speed is always nice but anything else?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm copying this from another post because I don't want it to get buried. This is for everyone out there having trouble getting Live Wallpapers to work on their Moment. I give FULL credit to the other posters.*6/30 EDIT! - The new links are now working properly! -This post is assuming you already have the 2.1 update-Files Used:
New Recovery File
Live Wallpaper ZIP
-Follow EXACTLY. Don't deviate-
1) Go to Control Panel. Remove EVERYTHING Samsung from your Add/Remove section. This will remove all of the drivers etc.
2) Go to your Program Files (x86 if needed) section under 'My Computer'. Delete the 'Samsung Electronics' folder.
3) If you have CCLeaner and are comfortable using the Registry tool, clean your registry of anything Samsung. This will ensure that your new install doesn't use the old stuff.
5) Install the OLD CL14 SAMSUNG INSTALLER onto your PC. This is important as the NEW installer won't use non-signed packages.
7) Download the new Recovery and KEEP IT IN ITS DOWNLOADED FORMAT. Take off the MD5 at the end of the file so it ends in TAR.
8) Go back to the Samsung Electronics folder (that you would've deleted earlier) and head to SWUpgradeModelsBinary. Remove the file inside, probably called "SPH-M900_MR2_DE03_REL_1.tar". Delete it, move it - whatever.
9) Copy the Recovery file you just downloaded into that folder. DO NOT EXTRACT IT.
10) TURN OFF YOUR PHONE and remove the battery for about 10 seconds. Replace battery. DO NOT TURN IT BACK ON.
11) HOLD 'VolDown+Camera+End'. A DOWNLOADING screen should appear.
12) Start the SWUpdate that should be on your desktop. Otherwise, it's back in the Samsung Electronics folder from earlier.
13) FOLLOW THE ONSCREEN INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY. I can't stress that enough...
14) After it applies the Recovery file (which is why you placed it in the Binary folder), RESTART YOUR PHONE.
15) Copy the Live Wallpaper ZIP file to your SDCard. DO NOT put it into a folder. Just copy it to the root of the card (meaning it's by itself and not in a folder). DO NOT EXTRACT.
17) HOLD 'VolDown+Call(Green)+End(Red)'. This will put you into Recovery Mode. Using the VolUp/VolDown keys, scroll to 'Apply' and press the center key. Select the Zip File you just copied to your SDCard. After it processes, RESTART YOUR PHONE.
18) BOOYA! After your phone boots up, you should be able to hit Menu then Wallpapers and you should see Live Wallpapers as a heading.This doesn't ROOT your phone, only adds Live Wallpapers to your Moment. If you want to run CUSTOM Live's, you'll need to ROOT your phone.After the zip is applied, you can delete it from your SDCard.
Greetings everyone, I rooted my moment today. After that i tired to load the market and I am getting an error msgs that says A sever error has occurred. Retry or cancel and return to the previous screen.
Any ideas? I have seen some posts on a google site saying this might be related to google checkout, however everything there is current.
I know this may be basic stuff, but just need to check to make sure i dont F it up. Just got a new moment because i fried my old one updating to Dj07. Old one had rooted stock 2.1 with krims's custom kernel (did root with video from this board and did kernel in the kitchen).
New phone has stock baseband - Dj07 and Kernel-2.6.29. I would like to now root the new phone with a custom kernel (any suggestions on best kernel to save battery also would be helpful). i need to do anything differently?
i have a non rooted samsung moment, & i want to backup my apps, even my paid apps, but i cant seem to find a way to do a backup unless my phone is rooted, any ideas or ways i can backup all my apps w/o rooting my phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am a complete noob at this stuff and was planning on using my samsung moment with stock android 2.1 but..........the battery life sucks. I'll be lucky if i get through a day with only two phone calls and a couple of texts. I was reading on these forums about how rooting can increase battery life on the moment, but how? can someone explain to me how? Oh and if i wanted to root my moment, would this be the easiest way?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWell, I'm a soon-to-be Galaxy S Captivate owner, and I've been reading and watching practically everything I can find about the phone every single day. I even check this forum every three hours or so!I've finally ran out of video reviews and 9-page written and 10 minute video reviews to read and watch. I'm an Android virgin, so I want to know exactly I'll do the moment I turn on my device and get a chance to play with it the first time!
I've gotten some really great ideas of what I'm going to get already from Lifehacker, but what I want to know is what your guys' opinion, pro Galaxy S owners. What are your favorite apps? Discuss! <3(Yes, one-click lag fix will be my first download )
I used the the Lagfix app to "root" my captivate. so i'm wondering what's the difference between doing it this way vs. doing it through a computer or some other way? Also, how can install non-market apps now? Well I know how, but what's the easiest way to do it? is the an app market I can get?
View 4 Replies View RelatedNew to the forums and new to Andriod.Any suggestions on must have apps I should check out while waiting for my Epic to get shipped?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHere I am with 2 HTC Hero phones, with only one on an active account. I would love to try out the Samsung Moment, but don't have the $$ to just go out and buy one.My hero comes with all it had when new, plus I have an extra battery for it I will add to the deal. This hero has only been used for about a week, and while using it, it "lived" in my Blackberry Tour holster to give it maximum protection. There are no scratches or rub marks on it, never been dropped and I have reset it to Factory Specs via the SECURITY MENU and the ESN is clear and ready to be activated on your SPRINT account.Please email me at if you are interested. Maybe we can work out a swap.Now for the additional 1 to 2 feet of snow that is forecast for this afternoon and tomorrow, on top of the 2.5 feet still on the ground.
View 11 Replies View RelatedRecently on Sprint's Moment forum a member by the name Mkeng5 has been posting pretty vocal complaints about the Samsung Moment. Not only does he claim the Moment is defective, but he goes a step further and even cites Samsung's own Warranty Policy.
View 38 Replies View RelatedI currently own a Palm Pre and I'm ready to ditch it for an Android device. Don't get me wrong, webOS is clean and has a lot of potential, but for now...lacking would be a good (albeit understated) word to describe it. I want to jump the Pre ship for the Samsung Moment, but one thing I keep reading about the Moment is bothering me - everyone says it doesn't have multi-touch. However, I recently read that multi-touch is something Android doesn't yet support. This knowledge was previously unbeknownst to me since I haven't used an Android device since the G1 first launched. Since the Moment uses a standard Android build, the OS wouldn't allow multi-touch even if the phone were capable of it. So my question is: Does anyone know whether or not the Moment is capable of multi-touch? If it's simple a shortcoming of Android, I can deal with it since I know Android 2.0 should finally support it.
View 40 Replies View RelatedI am trying to open a secure website (https) and the Moment stock browser balks. Will another browser work or is this a limitation on the phone?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've already done the update but both pre and post update, my Moment intermittently won't respond when getting a call. The call comes in, I hear the ringtone but no matter what buttons I press, the phone won't respond. I have to wait until voicemail kicks in or the call has ended.
I called Sprint technical support and they're going to send a new (I hope it's new) phone. I hate to set up the phone for the third time. Is there a fix or should I just bite the bullet and get the new? phone? Has anyone had this problem?
What experiences have you had with replacement phones from Sprint?
Should I be worried about getting a lemon phone?
Does setcpu speed up the Moment at all or is its only real use for downclocking to save battery?
View 3 Replies View RelatedGizmodo has a Black Friday list and just added the Moment at a big discount. About the 12th deal listed under Cell phones. It's supposedly offered from Wirefly. Come on and join us the more the merrier. I got mine from BB @ $99.
Black Friday Deals: The Only List You Need - Black Friday - Gizmodo
I currently have a voice plan, with sprint, for my dying LG Musik and my father's Palm Centro and am seeking to replace my Musik with a Samsung Moment. I have an upgrade available on my account, however I don't want to get locked into a data plan, since I rarely spend any time away from Wifi.
Does anyone know if there is a way for me to use my upgrade to aquire the Moment without commiting to the data plan?
set up the wifes new moment her gmail still says 109 unread I went intp gmail on the pc and marked all as read then refreshed on the phone, no luck, tried going to manage apps and clearing all gmail and refreshing, still no luck short of one by one deleting all 109 any way to fix the count?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo i had a hard decision to make when buying a new phone. It was between the HTC Hero and the Samsung Moment. After about 2 weeks I finally made the jump. A lot of the apps are on the I phone and I touch which is pretty cool. But can anyone tell me if it is possible to maybe change the phone kinda like jail breaking? Is there anyway of making the Moment a wireless tether for internee?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMost every other "issue" to this phone has been a non-issue for me to this point.However, the one feature Samsung really screwed us on is the voice capabilities of the phone.I think they are tied to the Nuance system and therefore unusable by other apps like google voice search and where.I hope samsung or sprint writes a live search app for this phone.I bought the phone with the expectations of this phone being capable of voice commands without being limited by nuance.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI know nothing about rooting phones, so i thought Id ask here. Im in the process of choosing between the moment and the hero, and I cant decide. The biggest concern I have is how fast will the Moment be rooted. Its sounding like they are close with the Hero, and once that is done will that make it easier for someone to figure out how to root the moment? Or is it like starting from scratch from phone to phone? Im also a bit concerned that no one at XDA will be helping with the process since the moment is not an HTC phone. I had a Treo800 when it first cameout, and it seemed like it took FOREVER for roms to make it way to that device. Any thoughts?
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