Android :: Need App For Logging CPU Frequency / While Screen Off
Jul 28, 2010Any app to check that the cpu frequencies are being set to low values that I selected from setCPU while the screen is off ?

Any app to check that the cpu frequencies are being set to low values that I selected from setCPU while the screen is off ?
Is there some app that would show me cpu frequency being used over a period of time in, say, a graph view? I want to see what freq is my phone is using while the screen is off.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to discover the frequency of recored audio. I am kinda new to multimedia programming (I am very new to android). Is there a way to get raw frequency information from the Mic?
View 2 Replies View RelatedInstead of seeing the boring old Android logo or my service provider's logo, I'd love to see the standard text-based Linux boot screen that shows the status of all the hardware and configuration info as my phone boots. My current phone is an HTC EVO 3D running Cool ICS with Sense 3.6 and Revolutionary CWM.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to log into you tube using the following code
mService = new YouTubeService("Nothing", developer_key);
//Authentication try { mService.setUserCredentials(mUsername, mPassword); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { Log.v(TAG, e.toString()); }
but I am getting: ConnectYouTube: Error connecting with login URI. This code seems pretty basic to me and I can't figure out what mistake am I making here.
I have a pretty big library I developed specifically for use in my Android Application. However business logic itself has no dependency on Android. To preserve that, I used Commons Logging throughout this library and it's respective JUnit tests (which I run in Eclipse).
However now that I am starting to integrate it into an Activity which I launch on Android, I am unable to get my logging to work. In Eclipse/JUnit, I had simply pulled in log4j's jar file as well as a file. This doesn't seem to work when deploying to a device. After struggling with attempting to get that to work for several hours, I gave up and tried replacing all my commons logging stuff with android.util.Log. Now I can log on the device.. but all JUnit tests are broken. When any JUnit tries to log using android.util.Log, it throws a RuntimeException 'Stub!'.
I would prefer to revert to my commons logging approach.. if anyone can help with that.. otherwise.. what can I do to get my JUnit test cases running using 'android.util.Log'?
I am no good with hardware concepts. So I have this probably very silly doubt.
I want to add Log to my application. When running on an emulator, I know where to see the Log output - it's visible in the Logcat window of Eclipse.
I want to know where I can see these logs when I run it on a hardware device. I am using following command to load my app on to the device : ./adb install helloWorld.apk
So where will the log be created and under what name?
I already know the frequency for the carrier signal and all the technology around gps. The question i have: Is it somehow possible to get the received frequency of the signal? I am asking, because i want to derive some functions from doppler navigation for which i need the received frequency of the gps signal, in order to compare it with the carrier frequency. I know, that this is very hardware related, are there any possibilities to grab the information i want to?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried use ADB shell to execute "echo 528000 > /sys/devices/system/ cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq" to set CPU frequency successfully. But i can't find any API for applet to control CPU frequency. Have any API for this function? or Have any API that has execute shell command capability?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering if anyone knows about an app which would allow me to check cities I've visited? It's okay if it does more, but that would only be a bonus.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm doing a voice recording using AudioRecord class and the main requirement that the frequency must be 16000 Hz. I'm using only emulator in development process for now and met the problem that I can't set frequency more than 8000, otherwise I get bufferSize -2, and can't create instance of AudioRecord with such buffer. Thank you to Szabolcs Vrbos, he told me that this problem is only with emulator and several Samsung phones, device can record with higher frequency.I need a word from Android engineers that I will be able to record voice with 16000 Hz frequency on for instance HTC Hero (Android 1.5)or similar device with os 1.5 or higher.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI wanted to get the frequency of accelerometer output. How many readings can I get per second? And to what precision do I get?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI wish to obtain the frequency of an input signal from the mic. Can anyone send me some pointers on how this may be accomplished.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I login to the Market I get this error.The application setup wizard (process com. android. setupwizard) has stopped unexpectedly. Please Try Again.I'm logging in over a WiFi connection because I have yet to transfer my data plan to this phone but I do have everything else. Is there a reason for the error and or a fix?
View 11 Replies View RelatedAt my campus, to get internet connection, I need to log on to a SSH server like they must manually log in to the firewall server, by establishing a pseudo-tty-less ssh connection to it. The following command can be used on most systems: ssh -T -l [username] [server-URL]I must be logged on to the server for as long as I want internet.Does anyone have any idea how to accomplish this on Android?I have a little experience in writing basic apps for Android, but not much with SSH, any help is appreciated.
Tried ConnectBot, but the server replies "You may only connect without a pseudo-tty!" at login attempt. I have no idea what "pseudo-tty" is, and I have looked in the settings of ConnectBot, there is no mention of this.
Searched for any further info about the pseudo-tty-less function, in connection with OpenSSH. No luck so far, only a definition of the -T parameter which has no equivalent in ConnectBot.
All the messages being logged in LogCat now have the wrong time. It is running about 35 minutes fast. Any idea why or more importantly.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm running Eclipse Ganymede on Ubuntu 8.04 and suddenly with no configuration changes as of yesterday am missing logging on the Console Window. I see startup logging when I launch an app but once launched there are no more lines of information. The buttons for Verbose etc are also missing. Log.v messages are not showing. Anyone else seeing this? I'm wondering if one of Ubuntu's updates screwed things up? I may try reinstalling the plug-in or even Eclipse but thought I would check here first.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am working on an Android Application where I need to display log information when I execute the .apk file in release mode based on some condition.
It can be like below:
display log inf.
normal execution
I will set this variable to true to enable debug mode to display log information.
Can anyone help me in achieving this feature.
I am trying to develop small application for reset Logging on Phone. Can some one throw some Lights on how to achieve logging in AndriodRunTimeInit whenever there is exception? I want to write into file whenever there is RunTime exception.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to log within the application without being in debug mode. When i am in debug mode the application runs too slow.
View 1 Replies View RelatedNew to Android and just looked at
My question is regarding everything except debug. How do these Log entries get cleared such as Error so that they don't consume space? Also, Is there a way that the logfile can be queried so that it can be sent to a central web service or something for quality purposes etc.?
Is there a way to set update frequency on the gmail application? I don't want the gmail app to constantly check for updates and drain battery.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a widget that displays an analog clock. What I would like is for the the widget to write to a database the time when a user clicks on the widget. I've already got the databaseHelper class and have an Activity that displays a screen showing the current date and time and writes the time to a database.The AskTheTime class extends activity and logs to the database in onCreate(). But this means that it displays only the time when the widget was started - not when it was clicked. (I guess this is because I'm starting a pendingIntent) I'm not sure If I should put the database write in another method or if I should be using Intents to do this sort of thing from widgets. Any pointers would be great! I've look at several tutorials for intents but none of them seem very clear to me.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhile my time developing on android I was looking for a functionality to get logcat messages from my real device (when starting an app on it from eclipse) and not only from my emulator.Does someone know how to enable such a feature?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn android source code, it has logging statements like Log.d(). Log.i().
Can you please tell me how to enable the debug logging?
To enable logging for apache commons HttpClient in normal Java application I used:
But on android I don't see logs in LogCat.
I am looking for some help. I'm new to android, and java development. I've got a pretty good handle on the basics, but I'm having an issue figuring out some more advanced operations. I'm working a guitar tuner, which is a stepping stone to a chromatic piano tuner. There is no public API for frequency analysis, so I'm thinking I need to write into code a Fast Fourier Transform, and I'll assume I need to import a different package for this. Once I display the frequency of any given note, I need it to reference it's offset to a pre-measured Mhz. There is alot to write, I'm aware, but my first step is to try to figure out HOW to get the frequency, and display it in the UI.
View 12 Replies View RelatedIs there any Java API for that? How can I read this information.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI try to change the frequency of a single soundfile. I managed to do that in android with the SoundPool thing. But the result sounds really bad.
So I stepped about the Fourier Transformation - but I am not sure if this is what I am looking for.
I want to load a single file and change the frequency of that file every time that file is played. So I can create melodies out of one tone. Is that possible with android/java?
Mobileuncle shows that my device is only on WCDMA 2000 with other frequencies grayed out...particularly WCDMA 850 which the one I want to access to get HSPA, right now only getting 2G.
It might be just a APN problem even though I've changed the APN several times with no results, so I'm wondering about changing the Frequency of the WCDMA, or accessing all frequencies?