Android : How To Achieve Logging Inside Framework?
Oct 8, 2010
I am trying to develop small application for reset Logging on Phone. Can some one throw some Lights on how to achieve logging in AndriodRunTimeInit whenever there is exception? I want to write into file whenever there is RunTime exception.
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Oct 30, 2010
I've been a couple of days trying to solve this thing but I can'f figure it out.The problem is, simple activity, with simple layout, ScrollView -> LinearLayout -> and a lot of buttons inside the layout (within the scroll content). Everything works just fine but one tricky thing. When I click a button let's say at the top of the scroll content and inmediatelly I scroll down to the bottom of the content and I click other button there, nothing happens until I click a second time and all come to normal again.This can be reproduced anytime and it's code independent (i've tried more than 20 scenarios). I've not much experience in android yet but looks like the scroll listener stops the onclick listener or something like that.
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Jul 7, 2009
So I've been extremely frustrated by this for a long time now.I've posted before, but can't seem to find a good solution. My goal is to have something pretty much exactly like the installed application details page in the Android Market.I need a list of items displayed along with other content above the list, and would like the content above to scroll up along with the list (exactly like the application details does for the "My Review" and other descriptive info).Due to responses to my previous posts, I came to believe that it really wasn't possible to do this with a ListView.So rather than using a ListView, I refactored my code to use a simple LinearLayout and add individual View items to the list, thinking I could just set each View as clickable and add an OnClickListener to each View in the LinearLayout.That's not working at all though, and now I'm getting even more frustrated.If someone can help me get the OnClickListener working, then I think it'll work, but I do need a separator for the LinearLayout.How do I add a separator like the one used for ListView to my LinearLayout?
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Jul 11, 2010
Is it possible to do polling in Android? For example, I want my application to monitor a directory continuously. If there is for example a new folder created in that directory I want to log it down. Is it possible to acheive this by polling? Or is there any other way to do this?
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Jun 24, 2009
I have a webview and need to trigger a function when a user clicks on particular url. How can I achieve this?
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Sep 17, 2010
So I'm struggling a bit with what is probably a fairly basic concept.. Activity Lifecycle.I have read a bunch of thread on the topic, and I feel I understand well both the functionality, and rationale behind the lifecycle model implemented for Activities, but it raises a bit of a problem for me. My app (game) has a couple of distinct Activities for various sections:
1. The TitleActivity is a very small Activity that just launches a GLSurfaceView and renders a startup logo.I use this to detect the OpenGL capabilities of the device (eg so I know if it's using a software renderer)
2. The LaunchActivity is the main menu screen where the user can access options etc and start a game
3. The GameActivity will either launches a GLSurfaceView or a standard View depending on hardware capabilties.
The issue I am having is that I want to pre-load some "slow-to-load" resources, specifically audio, in the Title Activity so when the Launch Activity renders I can play some background music.I have the concept of a "media library" which I use throughout the game.Because of memory limitations in the SoundPool, I have limited this to only absolute real-time sounds and all others are played using mulitple instances of MediaPlayer.Hence my media library has a bunch of pre-loaded MediaPlayer instances which I access regularly during game play.. so it makes sense to have a centralized access point for all audio.All fine, however the problem is that when I launch one activity from another.. for example the TitleActivity starts the LaunchActivity (via a call to startActivity(Intent...)), the former goes through the onDestroy stage of its lifecycle.Now logically I had assumed that if I allocate a bunch of resources in the onCreate of an Activity, I should clean them up in the onDestroy, however in the case of my "media library" if I load up the audio files in the onCreate of my TitleActivity they will be torn down when the LaunchActivity is started because the TitleActivity will have its onDestroy() method called.
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Aug 22, 2010
I'd like to populate a listview from 2 tables. Anyone know how I can achieve this? Currently what I have looks like but it only works with one adapter.
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Oct 26, 2009
I am developing an application in which a user keeps on scrolling and each view displays a single text. The views are not suppose to end. How can i achieve that?
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May 28, 2009
I want to make my android project Internationalization,but i don't know how to achieve it. I have searched on the internet,and just know i have to make values-xx file in
es.I want to know what should i do about the code.
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Jul 15, 2009
Is there any way to achieve perspective drawing of an image.. are there any APIs.. or is OpenGL the only solution..
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Apr 19, 2010
Things go fine, and i am able to design a layout like this...
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Feb 1, 2010
I am drawing a pretty simple scene, with one large texture the about size of the screen (two triangles). I notice that the frame-rate is irregular: in most of cases, a frame finishes in 17 ms. However, in about 1 of 10 times, the frame finishes in 33ms.
My guess is probably some background services need to run. However, the Linux scheduler is biased towards my FG app, so the BG services are usually starved, until they can't take it anymore and they grab the CPU from my app ....
I am seeing stuttering in the animation. Is this due to the irregular frame rate? Should I delay each frame so that all frames are rendered with 33ms frame time? If so, what's the best technique of achieving this?
Is there an API that I can call to guarantee CPU resources for the render thread .... I really hope Android runs on some sort of real time kernel ...
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Jul 5, 2010
On iPhone, Mobile Safari is WebKit based and supports hardware-accelerated -webkit-transform CSS properties. To be specific, I use the translate3d() transform.
What alternative is there for the Android browser? I need it to work on Android 1.5.
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Oct 30, 2010
I would like to have a layout with 5 times 5 buttons. Each of them should have the same width and height (they should be square). And I want the whole matrix to use the screen width (or height, depending on rotation).
I currently do it "by hand" in the Java code:
This can be improved by obtaining screen width first and then dividing by 5 to get rid of this literal 60. But I'm wondering how I can do this in the res/layout XML file? How can I specify for the height to be the same as the width? (I can set the width to match_parent.)
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Mar 24, 2010
When i use toast to display some text on screen it displays little bit above the bottom(default position).
now i want to display it in the middle of screen or according to my choice can any one guide me how to achieve this?
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Jan 30, 2009
When using a mediaplayer to play back an audio file, you can set looping to true - that's not the issue here.
If looping is set to true, there's still an audible gap between the file finishing and then starting again.
How could I achieve true gapless playback? I've attempted using two instances of the same file, overriding oncomplete and onseek.. can't seem to improve the gap though.
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Apr 12, 2010
Strangely I find no support for Midi in Android.
The only thing that comes close is the Jetplayer, but this only takes a existing .jet file.
I want to dynamically generate a midi file with some intervals and play it.
I even thought about just manually creating a .jet file with a tone and then transposing it with the jet player, but it limits the transposing to -12, +12. Which is not so good for me.
There also is a ToneGenerator on Android, but it's limited to predefined tones with no way to transpose.
Does someone know how to achieve midi generation and playback on Android?
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Oct 12, 2010
I am preparing to program an useful application, I would like to collect your ideas.
Any new ideas of apps that helpful in daily life, even achieve the society?
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Jun 30, 2010
The following code executes a function that retrieves a file via ftp and then displays it in an imageview. Since I'm using the main thread the UI locks up, somebody tells me I can use asynctask to make this work but I can't figure it out :<
Is anybody familiar with this that could offer me some guidance? code...
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Sep 14, 2010
How can I achieve the following layout in Android?
What I would like, is to have the 3 blue boxes top aligned in their view, and then I'd like to have the red box centered underneath the blue boxes, but so that when I animate the red box up, it slides underneath the blue box.
I have tried placing the blue and red boxes in different layouts, but as soon as I animate the red box up, if it goes outside the border of its layout, it disappears (I don't want the red box's layout to clip the red box, I want the red box to slide under the blue box so that the blue box occludes the red box.)
I have also managed to create this layout using a series of nested layouts, but because of the draw order, the red box always appears on top of the blue box. I attempted to use the bringToFront() method, but I found out that this only works on sibling views within the same layout. Unfortunately I can't get this type of layout while keeping all 4 views within the same layout. Any suggestions? (also, if anyone has better suggestions for the title of this question I'm all ears)
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Oct 31, 2010
Is there a way to achieve 'right click' functionality. Basically, I want to save some pictures from few web pages by using right click->save image as.
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Sep 26, 2010
I am trying to log into you tube using the following code
mService = new YouTubeService("Nothing", developer_key);
//Authentication try { mService.setUserCredentials(mUsername, mPassword); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { Log.v(TAG, e.toString()); }
but I am getting: ConnectYouTube: Error connecting with login URI. This code seems pretty basic to me and I can't figure out what mistake am I making here.
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Jun 17, 2010
I have a pretty big library I developed specifically for use in my Android Application. However business logic itself has no dependency on Android. To preserve that, I used Commons Logging throughout this library and it's respective JUnit tests (which I run in Eclipse).
However now that I am starting to integrate it into an Activity which I launch on Android, I am unable to get my logging to work. In Eclipse/JUnit, I had simply pulled in log4j's jar file as well as a file. This doesn't seem to work when deploying to a device. After struggling with attempting to get that to work for several hours, I gave up and tried replacing all my commons logging stuff with android.util.Log. Now I can log on the device.. but all JUnit tests are broken. When any JUnit tries to log using android.util.Log, it throws a RuntimeException 'Stub!'.
I would prefer to revert to my commons logging approach.. if anyone can help with that.. otherwise.. what can I do to get my JUnit test cases running using 'android.util.Log'?
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Oct 18, 2010
I am no good with hardware concepts. So I have this probably very silly doubt.
I want to add Log to my application. When running on an emulator, I know where to see the Log output - it's visible in the Logcat window of Eclipse.
I want to know where I can see these logs when I run it on a hardware device. I am using following command to load my app on to the device : ./adb install helloWorld.apk
So where will the log be created and under what name?
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Jun 4, 2010
I'm wondering if anyone knows about an app which would allow me to check cities I've visited? It's okay if it does more, but that would only be a bonus.
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Jul 28, 2010
Any app to check that the cpu frequencies are being set to low values that I selected from setCPU while the screen is off ?
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Dec 26, 2009
When I login to the Market I get this error.The application setup wizard (process com. android. setupwizard) has stopped unexpectedly. Please Try Again.I'm logging in over a WiFi connection because I have yet to transfer my data plan to this phone but I do have everything else. Is there a reason for the error and or a fix?
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Sep 20, 2010
At my campus, to get internet connection, I need to log on to a SSH server like they must manually log in to the firewall server, by establishing a pseudo-tty-less ssh connection to it. The following command can be used on most systems: ssh -T -l [username] [server-URL]I must be logged on to the server for as long as I want internet.Does anyone have any idea how to accomplish this on Android?I have a little experience in writing basic apps for Android, but not much with SSH, any help is appreciated.
Tried ConnectBot, but the server replies "You may only connect without a pseudo-tty!" at login attempt. I have no idea what "pseudo-tty" is, and I have looked in the settings of ConnectBot, there is no mention of this.
Searched for any further info about the pseudo-tty-less function, in connection with OpenSSH. No luck so far, only a definition of the -T parameter which has no equivalent in ConnectBot.
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Apr 13, 2010
All the messages being logged in LogCat now have the wrong time. It is running about 35 minutes fast. Any idea why or more importantly.
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May 29, 2009
I'm running Eclipse Ganymede on Ubuntu 8.04 and suddenly with no configuration changes as of yesterday am missing logging on the Console Window. I see startup logging when I launch an app but once launched there are no more lines of information. The buttons for Verbose etc are also missing. Log.v messages are not showing. Anyone else seeing this? I'm wondering if one of Ubuntu's updates screwed things up? I may try reinstalling the plug-in or even Eclipse but thought I would check here first.
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