Android :: How To Test IBinder Object That Service Return On OnBind?
Apr 27, 2009How to test my IBinder object that Service return on onBind ?

How to test my IBinder object that Service return on onBind ?
I follow the following example in creating a Parcelable object: /reference / android /os / Parcelable .html . Writing unit test for parcelable object
View 4 Replies View Relatedi seem to have a classic task, yet i can't find any examples on how to do it.i want to download something. well i call a web service and get a response but its pretty much the order to do this i have an activity that starts a service that spawns a thread that does the i would like to use the data i got in the activity that started the service.(i assume that starting another activity to handle the job of displaying the result would be simple)my problem is how does the service notify an activity (the one that started it or another one) of something.
View 1 Replies View Relatedif the service dies, and i know it can during request processing, it's an issue for me, first i've seen it, the process wont die until the net request returns (then the thread dies gracefully), unless kill -9 is used on the process... then i'm not sure what android does with the connections. I'm not sure what's the approach i should take here.(it will be true though even if this was a local thread and not a service)if i want the service to listen on a callback and call it once the network processing is done, i'm in a problem, no instances can be passed on using Intents.
So i need some other solutions, all the ones i though of sounds bad to me: A. use IBinder to get instance of the network service class then i can call one of it's methods and pass on an instance, this will work since they all run in the same process, BUT requires me to use Async way to get a Network instance which is not so suitable for me. B. Use static member in the Service i can access, then what to i need the service for ?. use intent to send parameters only to the service, the service will compose a Request out of it and put it in the queue, then once done will send a response using intent which will encapsulate the response (which might be long!) and will also contain the name of the calling class as a string so all the Receivers will know if it's for them or not - BIG overhead of encapsulating data in Intent and search in all the receivers for the right one to get the response.I don't want to use the service as a local running simple thread since i'm afraid if i'll run it in the root activity i will have to use static container so it will be visible in each activity and if the root will be destroyed for some reason it will take all the service with it, even if i start new task and the process is still alive.Anyone got some nice ideas on how to approach this thing ?
I currently have a service called ConnectionService. It instantiates a Connection object that gives me access to a controller of TCP.
I start the service from a splash screen activity, which sends and intent and starts my "main" activity once a connection has been established. In the "main" activity, I can access my Connection object and communicate with the controller. However, when I start a new activity from the "main" activity and bind to the service, I get a NullPointerException when I try to call methods in the ConnectionService.
I have followed the Local Service example provided by Google, but my Context::bindService(...) always returns false and there is Service Connection::onServiceConnected is also never called. I understand that Context::bind Service() returns immediately, but my Service Connection object is never triggered. I don't know if these apply My activity is running inside a tabHost and I was wondering if that can affect service binding in any way. The Service itself may have a problem, but I can call start service to the same service with the same Intent and it works as expected. Does anyone have experience with this? Please help me out.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new in Android. I encounter the following situation, I have a background running service, which will get a keep-updating string from a webpage, I need to show this keep-updating string in my UI through Activity, since this string is get from service, I am wondering, How can the service pass the string to Activity so that activity can render the string on UI.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a strange issue. I am using KSOAP2 to create a soap request to a .net webservice. I do this in a few other places and everything works fine. The webservice basically queries a data base and takes the values from the data reader and creates a string. This string is then returned. When I run the webservice on my local machine(Without using android) it works fine. When I run it from the webserver (still not android) it works fine. When I call it from my phone however the line: String hazards = (String)envelope.getResponse().toString () ; //Get response from .net Web service Simply is filled with anyType{}. Now if I go to the webservice and I manually type in the contents from the database to represent what the string concatenation should be it works perfectly. The line: String hazards = (String)envelope.getResponse().toString(); //Get response from .net Web service Now returns the string value i need. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening or know a better place to ask this question?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy web service is returning quite a bit of data, so i'm storing it in an arraylist and returning that to my application. I don't know whether or not this is the preferred method or not. When the arraylist is returned and displayed in my application, it also displays the arraylists "anyType" section. I'm new to this whole process so i'm sure i'm missing something somewhere or going about this incorrectly. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to get the current focus view in my Service to check the view is a EditText and append some texts in it (for all EditTexts, not only in my application).
I found some methods to do this, like Activity.getCurrentFocus() and Windows.getCurrentFocus(). But these methods are used in a Activity.
How can I use these methods in a Service? Or is there another way to do?
I have an API Object that I made, and I would like to share it between a running Service and various Activities in my app, almost like if I was to make the class static. How could I go about sharing the created object between the two?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs is possible to send an object to an Android Service through an Intent without actually binding to the service? Or maybe another way for the Service to access Objects...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm in the process of developing Lua/Python based Test harness automation test suite for testing IBinder based message interaction. How to achieve this? Is there any Lua/Python or any scripting sample or examples provided?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI define a class Rect and a aidl file as below. code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedDo anyone have idea about testing a service using instrumentation framework.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am playing around with C2DM service. What I am concerned about is that I cannot test my device-side application from Android 2.2 emulator. The application was built more or less according to doc, but when register intent is sent from application, Logcat shows this: Unable to start service Intent { (has extras) }: not found I also tried to run chrometophone and jumpnote applications and the result is the same when registring device. Any ideas? Is it possible to test C2DM service from Android emulator?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to include about 40 packages in monkey command.But when I tried to include 40 packages using -p option, adb shell returned me "Service name too long " error .This seems to be limitation of adb shell. Is there any way to overcome this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to start/bind a service from a test case. I tried using the ServiceTestCase and somehow I am getting the context as null and the test is not launching/starting the service.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWas flipping through the xda forum the other day and found a hidden menu you can enter through the lock screen;
When the screen is on but locked you press menu(left hardware key), back(right hardware key), back, menu, back, menu, menu, back
This enters you into service menu. decided to check out the service test menu and there's a test option for 'earphone'. when you press it... my my how clear the earpiece can sound - with this kind of loudness and clarity i might have a chance of hearing my phone calls outside of an isolated soundproof room!
I want to do some automated testcase with Instrumentation . Suggest that my AUT has 2 Activity. After clicking the button in ther first Activity, the second one will be shown with new content base on what we enter in the first Activity.) Instrumentation provides us the function called startActivitySync() and return the Activity object for processing. My question is how we can get the pointer of the second Activity after the it is shown by clicking the button on the first activity.?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to convert a Picture object to Bitmap object in memory, without writing data to disk.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an Activity that running on system. I can get the Intent that is used to start the activity. But i don't know how to get the Activity object from the Intent object or something else. Can anyone tell me how to do this??? Note that, I don't use Instrumentation object.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI'm writing an Android JUnit test and want to copy/reset a test fixture file (it's an SQLite database file.) If I were within the main application, I know I could just place the file in the assets directory and use getResources().getAssets().open(sourceFile).However, this API appears to be unavailable from the ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 class.Is there an easy way to copy a file over from the testing PC, or should I just keep a fresh copy of a test fixture on the device and copy it over a temporary file?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 to do some test for an activity. I get a button in the setUp() method like this: protected void setUp() throws Exception {super.setUp(); act = getActivity(); btn = Button)act.find ViewById ( ); // this button has been defined in layout} Then I use this button to perform a click in a test method like this: public void testBikeButton(){ //click the bike button btn.performClick();}
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have never used JUnit before, and now I'm trying to set it up on an Android project.My project under test is fairly complex, including some JNI, but my test project, at the moment, is completely trivial. I have found many examples (that look totally different) online of how to make a test project, but it seems that no matter which one I follow, I get the same results.Here's my JUnit project code:package com.mycompany.myproject.test;
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;public class SimpleTestCaseExample extends Android TestCase {public void test_testOne() {fail("Just Always Fail");When I run, I see the following in Logcat:
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: test=test_testOne
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: id=InstrumentationTestRunner
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: class=com.mycompany.myproject.test.SimpleTestCaseExample
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: test=testAndroidTestCaseSetupProperly
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: id=InstrumentationTestRunner
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: class=com.mycompany.myproject.test.SimpleTestCaseExample
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: test=testAndroidTestCaseSetupProperly
stdout Test results for InstrumentationTestRunner=..
stdout Time: 0.07
stdout OK (2 tests)
But, I get the following in the Console:Launching instrumentation android.test. Instrumentation TestRunner on device emulator-5554 Collecting test information Test run failed: No test results I have tried a variety of different things, messing with the basic TestCase class, or the TestSuite class, or a variety of other options. I tried to just go for the most trivial example because I'm really still trying to learn how this works.Whatever I try, I see this error.
I'm working on a school project and I'm researching testing possibilities for Android applications. On this page: http: // developer . android . com/ resources / tutorials /testing /hello android. Google writes about a unit test. Is this really a unit test? A Unit test will not integrate all classes and will not test in his context. So my opinion is it is not a Unit Test but an Integration Test.
View 7 Replies View RelatedOne more video about the fancy touchscreen of the Droid X. This one has happier results! Check it out at the link below.Droid X Touchscreen Test See you later. you'll know why this post is short when you read the blog. running downstairs!
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan one buy a used device with no phone service and use it for testing apps?Second question: can wifi be used on such a phone, to connect to the internet?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a project (that compiles and runs in the emulator.) I have a test project that tests part of this project. This test project also compiles with no problems, but when I try to run (test) it in the emulator, I get a NoClassDefFoundError exception on one of the classes my test class tests (I hope that made sense!) when it starts to run in the emulator. This is coming out of the adb log. I looked in the bin directory (of the test project) for the missing class, but could not find it... Should it be there? I found no reference (apk, etc) of the project I am trying to test either in the test projects bin directory. How does the test project get the classes it needs to test against (in the classpath, I assume.) How do the tested classes get moved to the emulator? I did try running the app before testing, so I know it is installed and runs correctly. BTW, I am using netbeans with the nbandroid plugin.
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