Android :: Writing Unit Test For Parcelable Object
Feb 6, 2009I follow the following example in creating a Parcelable object: /reference / android /os / Parcelable .html . Writing unit test for parcelable object

I follow the following example in creating a Parcelable object: /reference / android /os / Parcelable .html . Writing unit test for parcelable object
I am following the Parcelable example in the Android developer guide with the intention of having a more complex object that I send to different activities. Right now, my class is a wrapper of a String member. If I put the object in the intent and read it back from the Intent it reads as expected, however, on the receiver side, it is always null-pointer.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm writing an Android JUnit test and want to copy/reset a test fixture file (it's an SQLite database file.) If I were within the main application, I know I could just place the file in the assets directory and use getResources().getAssets().open(sourceFile).However, this API appears to be unavailable from the ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 class.Is there an easy way to copy a file over from the testing PC, or should I just keep a fresh copy of a test fixture on the device and copy it over a temporary file?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 to do some test for an activity. I get a button in the setUp() method like this: protected void setUp() throws Exception {super.setUp(); act = getActivity(); btn = Button)act.find ViewById ( ); // this button has been defined in layout} Then I use this button to perform a click in a test method like this: public void testBikeButton(){ //click the bike button btn.performClick();}
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm working on a school project and I'm researching testing possibilities for Android applications. On this page: http: // developer . android . com/ resources / tutorials /testing /hello android. Google writes about a unit test. Is this really a unit test? A Unit test will not integrate all classes and will not test in his context. So my opinion is it is not a Unit Test but an Integration Test.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSorry if this is a bit of a vague question, however im struggling to find a single solid example on how to do unit testing (isolated testing) with Android. So one project contains models and logic, then another project contains tests for said library. There is no front end or UI, so I want to do the bare minimum to just be able to test that my methods all work in isolation.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just switched the way my Android project is being built and non of my unit tests work any more...I get errors like WARN/dalvikvm(575): VFY: unable to resolve static field X in WARN/dalvikvm(575): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature These errors only come from my Unit Tests, where classes defined in it can't even see other classes defined in the unit test. Before each project had it's own directory with copies of the 3rd party jar files. I've read around that Dex does weird things with references but haven't been able to figure out how to fix this problem. Is there a better way to do this? I would love to see an example of a large Android workspace where there are multiple projects, jar references, etc.Is it possible to fix this with an Order/Export tweak ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have downloaded donut branch and build for emulator. I am running the author test case in the following way cd /data;test_pvauthorengine -test 5 5 -video yuvtestinput.yuv - videoconfigfile mp4_config.cfg -audio amrtestinput.amr - audioconfigfile amr_config.cfg -output mp4.3gp Starting Test 5: AMR & YUV to AV using M4V Encoder .3gp Test PVSCHED:Scheduler 'PVAuthorEngineTestScheduler', Thread 0xafe43c24: Error! AO PvmiMIOFileInput Error 101 not handled PVSCHED:Scheduler 'PVAuthorEngineTestScheduler', Thread 0xafe43c24: Error! Reason 101
View 3 Replies View RelatedI my main app and tests are organized like this (standard from "android create project"): AndroidManifest.xml assets/ main app asset files src/tests/AndroidManifest.xml -- uses <instrumentation> to point to the main app assets/ -- test-specific asset files src/ Writing test cases with AndroidTestCase, I'd like to load asset files from the test-specific assets/ directory, not from the main app assets/ directory. How can I accomplish that? The normal way to load an asset would be getContext().getAssets().open ("foo.txt"), for assets/foo.txt in the main app. I assume I just have to somehow change the Context or the AssetManager to point to the test- specific assets directory, but I don't see any way to do that. I have looked into the tests/bin/MyApp-debug.apk to confirm that the test assets are in there. Now I just need a way to access them.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to unit test a class that does SAX parsing and creates an object.This class takes a string as a parameter representing the URL of a document on the internet, parses it and then creates an object based on the contents.I don't want to have the unit tests actually access the network, so I'd like to have a few test xml files to parse. However I can't figure out how to access them from my AndroidTestCases. I don't want to include the test files with the actual application, I want them in the test project (it's a separate project, as is the norm for Android tests from what I could gather - due to the need to have a custom AndroidManifest.xml, for one).One way would be to put the XML files in the test project's assets directory, I can read them using getContext() .getAssets().open(filename) into an InputStream in the test case, but my class expects a URL string. I'd rather not have to provide an InputStream to this class instead of the current URL string. I can test just the parsing by making two methods, one that takes a string and one an Inputstream, and test the second, but how can I then test the one that just takes a string?How should I design my class and or tests to circumvent this problem?
View 1 Replies View RelatedBeing able to write Android apps in regular Java is a huge win. However, I am confused about unit testing Android apps. Many of the 'best practices' seem to boil down to 'split your business logic off, and test it separately using JUnit'. This is great as far as it goes. And I understand that truly testing the UI will require firing up the emulator. But it seems there is a category of UI tests that I should be able to run without the emulator. The various Mockxxx classes seem to be going a long way towards this. But why (oh why oh why!) do they all. throw new RuntimeException( "Stub!" ); in their constructors? I can understand them doing this in their METHODS (then I could subclass them as needed) but why their constructors? I cannot stop this functionality so I cannot do (limited but useful) UI tests such as public TextView createTextView ( Context context ) {return new TextView( context );
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am creating an EditText object which i then try to reference in a unit test. what is the best way to add a new 'id' to for this dynamically created object so that i can later reference it via findViewById() in the unit test?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi'm trying to write an unit test for my Android's RelativeLayout. Currently, my testcode setup is as follow:public class SampleRelativeLayoutTest extends AndroidTestCase {private ViewGroup testView;private ImageView icon;private TextView title;@Overrideprotected void setUp() throws Exception {super.setUp();
// inflate the layout
final Context context = getContext();
final LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
testView = (ViewGroup) inflater.inflate(R.layout.sample_layout,
// manually measure and layout
testView.measure(500, 500);
testView.layout(0, 0, 500, 500);
// init variables
icon = (ImageView) testView.findViewById(;
title = (TextView) testView.findViewById(;
}However, I encountered NullPointerException with the following stack tracejava.lang.NullPointerException
at android.widget.RelativeLayout.onMeasure(
at android.view.View.measure(
at com.dqminh.test.view.SampleRelativeLayoutTest.setUp(
at android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest(
at android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest(
at android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner.onStart(
What should I change in my setUp() code to make the test run properly ?
I am starting with an Activity based off of this ShakeActivity and I want to write some unit tests for it. I have written some small unit tests for Android activities before but I'm not sure where to start here. I want to feed the accelerometer some different values and test how the activity responds to it. For now I'm keeping it simple and just updating a private int counter variable and a TextView when a "shake" event happens. So my question largely boils down to this: How can I send fake data to the accelerometer from a unit test?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI approached this problem as an oh hey that's not too bad, I can write a bunch of unit tests, and I have been keeping my suite green. However as things get more involved continuous integration and testing is a great great thing to have. And then I saw oh Android has emma integration as well awesome ... and then that's where it get's iffy. So I setup Hudson and have it call the coverage target of the ant build.xml that the android executable in the sdk can generate. And then it hits me. adb -s <emulator> shell am instrument -w ... will never return a result code that is not 0 ... because adb technically exited cleanly and usually will regardless of how the shell command that executed did..............
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm writing unit tests for a ListActivity in Android that uses a handler to update a ListAdapter. While my activity works in the Android emulator, running the same code in a unit test doesn't update my adapter: calls to sendEmptyMessage do not call handleMessage in my activity's Handler. How do I get my ActivityUnitTestCase to sync with the MessageQueue thread and call my Handler?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan you please tell me if you know how to get the Andorid unit test instrementation to call my activity's onActivityResult()?
I can't find anything here:
I want to be able to have two projects, one that contains production code and one that contains test code. This shouldn't necessarily be an Android-specific question, but I'm want to write some unit tests for some non-platform-specific Android code on the host PC.
I created a new Java project so I can run the unit tests on the PC and only include the non-platform-specific classes from the Android project. Both projects are opened in the same Eclipse workspace. I assume I need to somehow include these Android-project sources explicitly in the new project where I'll run the Junit tests, but I can't figure out how to do this.
The problem is, that I wanted to write a JUnit-Test for some of my classes - but this stupid Anroid SDK does always lauch this absolutely lame AVD!
So I came up with the idea to move all my non-Android related classes out of the actual Android project into standard Java project. There I can easily test my classes and by adding this standard Java project to the BuildPath of the Android project, I can easily access and use my classes: no error is shown in the IDE - everything is fine.
But if I launch my full application in the AVD, it exits with following exception: NoClassDefFoundError!
I found out, how to run a normal test from an Android project. But why is it not possible to reference to a non-Android project? Regarding code reuse, this is really big disadvantage!
I can run the unit test cases either by :
1. command line ' adb shell am instrument -w'
2. Go to 'Dev' and clicks 'Instrumentation' and click 'Test API Demo'.But my questions now is, how can I debug my unit test cases? I try 'Debug' my APIDemoTest eclipse project and then do #2 above, it did not break at any of my breakpoints I setup.
I want to test parsing of data returned from server.I thought I might create several test XML files and then feed them to the sax parser which uses my custom data handler (as in the application that I test).But where should I put those test XMLs?I tried with [project_root] /res/xml, but then I get the error: android.content.res.Resources $NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f040000 type #0x1c is not valid at android.content. res. Resources. loadXml ResourceParser( android.content.res. Resources. getXml(Resources. java:779) Does that mean that the xml is invalid, or that android couldn't find the XML file?(I use the same XML that comes from the server - copied it from the firebug's net panel and pasted into the file).Can I somehow read that XML as a text file, since etContext(). getResources() .getXml (R.xml.test_response1) returns XmlResourceParser instead of String (which I'd prefer)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHere is my manifest file:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android=" http://schemas. android. com /apk/res/android" package="com. wsandroid.test" android:version Code= "1" android:versionName="1.0"><application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android : label ="@string/app_name"><uses-library android:name="android.test.runner" /></application> <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" /><instrumentation android:targetPackage="com.wsandroid" android :name="android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner" />
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to test my IBinder object that Service return on onBind ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have
ArrayList<String> ids = ArrayList<String>();
What would be the cleanest way to make it Parceleable? Apparently String itself is not parcelable, so Parcel.writeList(ids) is not working.I was thinking to either parcelize ArrayList<Uri> or put array contents into a Bundle.
Why does Android provide 2 interfaces for serializing objects? Do Serializable objects interopt with Android Binder and AIDL files?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use a custom Parcelable to carry some data to a BroadcastReceiver. Here is what i do:
I register my intent and set the extra Parcelable on it along with an extra classloader (intent.setExtraClassLoader(..)). Next i schedule the execution of the broadcast via an AlarmManager.
So when the AlarmManager fires it looks at my intent with its parcel which it can not process since it doesn't use the supplied classloader (as it seams).
I think the classloader gets lost when Inten.fillIn copys the intent to a new one (see stack trace).
I'm trying to create class with generics that will have ability to serialize its state using Parcelable interface.
The problem is that class has to contain constructor with single parameter - Parcel, but in my case I need to create class with additional parameters.
Besides, Parcelable.Creator doesn't allow to use generics.
Here is an example:
public class Sample<T> { ...
public Sample(Context ctx, SomeInterface iface, Parcel parcel) {...}
What is the best practice to do it?
I want to do some automated testcase with Instrumentation . Suggest that my AUT has 2 Activity. After clicking the button in ther first Activity, the second one will be shown with new content base on what we enter in the first Activity.) Instrumentation provides us the function called startActivitySync() and return the Activity object for processing. My question is how we can get the pointer of the second Activity after the it is shown by clicking the button on the first activity.?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to convert a Picture object to Bitmap object in memory, without writing data to disk.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an Activity that running on system. I can get the Intent that is used to start the activity. But i don't know how to get the Activity object from the Intent object or something else. Can anyone tell me how to do this??? Note that, I don't use Instrumentation object.
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