Android :: How To Define An Activity For The Search Button
Sep 24, 2010I am not using a SearchManager, but I have built my own custom search activity. I want this to be shown when the user clicks on the Search button. How can I do this?

I am not using a SearchManager, but I have built my own custom search activity. I want this to be shown when the user clicks on the Search button. How can I do this?
I would like to start MyActivity class when the user clicks on the search button on the handset.
Are there any strategies you can suggest for this? Any code examples would be very useful.
I need to start an Activity with two different Intent, can I define two Intents In an Activity node?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a button on a relative layout that hugs the buttom of the parent, but since there is not much above the button, the height of it is massive and extends to the object above it.What kind of code can I use to make sure the button stays at a normal height while still hugging the bottom of the parent?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI define a class Rect and a aidl file as below. code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedBefore, when I pressed the search button (the one with the magnifying glass) it cued up the google search bar. Now, after theming, the search button does nothing from the homescreen, but does still work while in applications, the browser, the market, etc. I am running launcher pro, deodexed w/ revolution.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have 3 activities in my app: Activity1 -> Activity2 -> Activity3. Inside Activity3, if the user presses Back, I would like to return to Activity2. In Activity3's onPause event, I added a finish() statement. That's probably not even necessary, but I wanted to make sure this Activity gets cleaned up. This works fine.
However, while in Activity3, if the user presses Home or starts a new app (through notification bar or some other means), I want both Activity3 and Activity2 to finish. If the user returns to this app, he should resume with Activity1.
I have figured out how to do one or the other, but I can't figure out how to handle both cases, if it's even possible. Can I trap the "Back" button in Activity3 and send a message back to Activity2 telling it not to finish()? It seems like the Activities follow the same lifecycle flow (Pause, Stop) regardless of what you do to send them to the background. Just to answer the question of why I want this behavior, imagine that Activity1 is a login screen, Activity2 is a selection screen, and Activity3 is a content screen. If I press Back from the content page, I want to be able to make a new selection. If I exit via any other means (Home, notification bar), I want the user to be "logged out".
Need an example of how to create/start a new activity from the main activity. I have a button click event on the main layout. Originally I just used setContentView(R.layout.secondactivity); which brings up the layout but I don't think that is correct since the secondactivity class is not instantiated at this point yet. I have looked for such an example and can not find one.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to display the Search Box in an activity. But I am not able to get it implemented it properly.
Can anyone provide me with a simple demo of implementing it. I have tried using API Demos example but the Search box just dont appear. I don't know what is the problem. What I want is the Searchbox at the top of the screen and below is the other UI needed for that Activity.
I want to add a search bar in my activity. I have some lat long stored in a vector and i want to search a lat long using search bar and want to animate map to that point.
How to do this?
I have an activity which starts with a progress bar and I do not want the progress bar to go away until the processing is done, I have set the dialog to be setCancelable(false) so now user cannot cancel it with back but there are several other situations which hides the dialog for eg pressing 'search'.On clicking of 'search' button the search box and keyboard pops up,back button hides it and shows my activity which is always in the background but the dialog is gone.I can disable the search button but ideally I would want dialog to come back when the activity comes in foreground again. Any ideas how to do it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm using android qsb feature in my app. Qhen user click len button on hes keyboard, i open quick search box with one input box and one button.
I want to know if i can add another button in qsb.
I think it is possible, Google has added search by voice button in qsb.
I have a package with two activities
1. A main activity 2. A search activity
The search activity is invoked by a search suggestion provider in two possible ways
1. By clicking directly on a suggestion invoking the search activity through a VIEW action 2. By clicking on the explicit search icon invoking the activity through SEARCH action
If it is invoked through SEARCH I stay on the search activity and show some text to the user. Now when I click the back button I go back CORRECTLY to the home page.
ODD Behaviour: However if I came to the search activity through the VIEW, I invoke a browser activity and call finish() on the search activity. Now I have the browser in my view. If I now go back I would expect to go back to teh device home page. But from now where the "main activity" is showing up.
I see in the logcat a message from ActivityManager indicating
moveTaskToBack: 8
I have tried various flags to invoke the browser activity the tried flags include new task previous is top and I have also tried both a singleTop and otherwise with the SearchActivity as well. Same end result.
When I am browsing this forum on Dolphin HD and I click in the search button at the top right it will bring down a new menu, when I click in the text area, the keyboard will pop up but then disappear along with the menu. I basically can't search on the phone.
View 2 Replies View Relatedmy activity shows help dialog when it starts but as soon as i click the click search button on the phone, search dialog appears and my dialog goes away. i can ignore the search key in my activity like below but it is still working when i have any dialog on top................
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust updated my HTC desire to froyo. So far I am loving the chrome2phone features and the wonders of mobile hotspot. Everything seems faster in rendering and processing. Also I am using dolphin browser and its a great browser compare to our stock. 1 word - tabs. Just wanna share 1 noticeable difference that kinda made me disappointed.
Our search button.
Back in 2.1. Our search button searches everything, from people contact, internet, maps, music etc. Now the search button only limited to well even tho there are 3 options. All, Web, App. If u choose web, it searches the web. If u choose App, it goes to market app. If u choose All, it just went to the web. Now if I want to search for people contact. i have to open people app then click the search button. If I want to search something in my email, I have to open mail app then click the search button. Seriously, tho 2.2 is really impressive with the features. Losing the old search functionality is. Well I have to click twice to get to what I want...
Now 2.2 people app> search button=profit
then 2.1 search button= profit.
I've been trying to make my app implement the built in quick search, similar to how it is done in ApiDemos' "app/search/invoke search". I have tried everything from trying to follow different examples, to copying the code exactly as it is in ApiDemos. All I've found for the former have been concerned with older versions of the SDK, and simply not worked. As for the stuff that I can actually run and see working in ApiDemos, I've tried copying the following
res/layout/search_invoke.xml res/layout/search_query_results.xml
res/values/arrays.xml res/values/strings.xml res/xml/searchable.xml
And everything under "Search Samples" in AndroidManifest.xml
This copying gets me a view that looks exactly like the one I'm facing when running ApiDemos, but when I click the search button, in the quick search box, Android always just opens up a browser window, with Google search results for the given query. I simply cannot find the critical component in ApiDemos that tells android that I want to use my own custom code for handling the search request. Both documentation and other online resources seem very lacking when it comes to this.
have an activity handling search (ACTIVITY_1), which works perfectly when I use the search (via SEARCH button on the phone) within/from this activity. However, when I use search from another activity (ACTIVITY_2..x) by implementing onNewIntent and forward the query string to my Search_Activity.class (ACTIVITY_1) it always pauses ACTIVITY_2 first and then goes to onCreate() of ACTIVITY_2..................
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe 1.5 AVD doesn't seem to follow the documentation in:
which says it's enough to call onSearchRequested() to call the search activity. I need to call startSearch() to make it work. However, when I check the source code of, onSearchRequested() does call startSearch().
This works in 1.6.
Is this a bug in 1.5, or did I miss something?
By default, if we long press search key it opens quick search box with the keypad slided up. what should be done if I want to change this default action to launching of an application when ever search key is long pressed. This obliviously requires changes in the framework. i tried changing some code in Search dialog.Java file but we can't use Start Activity there. pls guide.
View 2 Replies View RelatedActivity A is main activity. Whereas Activity B is SearcActivity (Search Manager). Activity B is List Activity, so whatever result comes, result is displayed in the list. Once user clicks on the list, I want to get that list selected item to be returned to ActivityA.What I did. Code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a tab host with two tabs. I want one of those tabs to be a search screen. The content for the tab is a ListActivity. I'm pulling the content from a web service. My problem is, when I execute the search a new intent is pushed onto the screen. I've used the android:launchMode="singleTop" property in my manifest for the search activity. What that seems to have done is, once the new intent is pushed on top of the TabActivity, every time I run the search it reuses that intent. But I want the already existing intent which is set as the tab's content to be the one it uses.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an ActivityGroup with an embedded TabActivity and another simple Activity.
The TabActivity has three tabs, each one with a ListActivity.
When I try to start a search from a list (calling onSearchRequested()), I get a WindowManager$BadTokenException.
I've tried requesting focus in the list, but the same error occurred.
I can't figure this out. Some apps have a EditText (textbox) which, when you touch it and it brings up the on-screen keyboard, the keyboard has a "Search" button instead of an enter key.I want to implement this. How can I implement that Search button and detect press of the Search button?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnybody get light leakage on the new batch of phones? I have it slightly under search button and looks like it may be starting under home button. Its not a big deal and is just a spec right now but was wondering if anybody had issues with new batch of phones
View 40 Replies View RelatedOf the 4 buttons on the bottom of the phone, the search button does not light up. The button works fine and the other 3 buttons light up, but not the search button.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy soft button on the bottom right has been temperamental lately. Most of the time it works, but sometimes it is completely unresponsive. The screen above it is fine and everything else works. No separation that I notice.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to use the heros search button to perform a google search in dolphin browser? It's a big drawback at the moment.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've had my Captivate for a few weeks now. I've noticed since day one that the search button 'hard button' on the lower right of the phone, mysteriously 'pressed itself'. The first few times I figured I pushed it on accident with my pinky or something. That Is Not The Case. I know I'm not going crazy but every once in awhile, the hard button lights will go on and the vibrate (I have vibrate set to on) will go on and the search will pop up. All on it's own. This happens at least 5 times a day. If not more. It doesn't do it on any one specific page, it does it no matter what I'm doing on my phone. Sometimes I'll literally watch it just laying in my hand when my phone is on and the search will pop up.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo here's what i have.
Model Number = HTC Magic
Firmware version = 1.5
Baseband version = 62.62S.20.18U_322.20.17
Kernel version = 2.6.27-357075db herbert@and18-2 +1069
Build Number = 2.15.901.4 146733 CL#30006 release-keys
alright. Here's what i would like to know. I bought this phone just recently. And i love it. I want to find out one thing. The landscape orientation does not have the send or search button. The phone is from TIM.