Android :: Google Apps And Google Accounts Merging - Android Impact?

Jul 5, 2010

According to: What's changing : About the conversion - Accounts Help, Google will be merging Apps Accounts and regular accounts. Anyone know how this might impact Android? I currently use an Apps account and a regular account both with a login. Once I got the hang of which services used apps vs, regular vs. both (and how to tell which one I was using for what), this seems to work OK on the desktop. But on Android certain services like Checkout seem to only work with accounts. I wonder if this change will make things more or less confusing on Android.

Android :: Google Apps and Google Accounts merging - Android impact?

Android :: LVL And Google Apps Accounts

Oct 20, 2010

The primary account on my N1 is a Google Apps account. I added code to one of my apps to support the LVL. Now I am trying to test it on my N1. Since the address associated with my market publisher acct is an @gmail address and not my Google Apps account the license check fails every time. I tried adding my Google Apps account to the list of "test" accounts in my profile. It continues to fail. Has anyone else encountered this? Has anyone been successful using a Google Apps account as a test account?

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General :: Removed Google Accounts Can Still Remotely Install Apps

Aug 24, 2013

I have a problem with my android phone. During the holidays I added my mothers and girlfriends gmail-account to my android phone (android 4.0) so they could check their email at wifi points. Afterwards (about a week ago now) I removed their accounts again. So, there is no trace from their accounts left on my phone. However, I just noticed that when they go to the play store on a pc, they can still install apps! Even though they are not logged in to my phone! I tried it, and indeed, my phone started downloading the app.

Googling how to stop this did not turn up anything useful, How do I disable their ability to install apps? I even added the accounts again to the phone, made sure all syncing was off, removed them (with all syncing off), and it still worked!

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HTC Droid Eris :: Merging Google / Phone Contacts

Dec 19, 2009

I imported the contacts from G Mail (just a few e-mail contacts I had). All the phone gets is e-mail contacts I already have in my phone (e-mail address entered in that contact with their phone info). Some of my contacts are now two times in the phone, once tagged Google and once tagged Phone. How can I merge these contacts? Also, the contacts aren't being synced up to Google, just from Google to the phone.

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General :: Merging Contacts Of Facebook / Twitter And LinkedIn To Google

Jun 17, 2012

is there any app that merge contacts of fb. tweeter, LinkedIn to google contacts, so that just we sync the google contacts, not individual?

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Android :: Google Apps - Any Apps For Integrating With Google Picasa?

Jan 25, 2010

I'd like to confirm if those are apps built by Google for GDoc (Google Documents) GTask (Google Task)Any apps for integrating with Google Picasa? If you know any other Google apps,

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Android :: G1 Dose Not Come Preloaded With Apps For Google News And Google Reader?

Nov 3, 2008

I greatly prefer using apps like the telegraph news program over googles mobile versions why aren't their dedicated apps for Reader and News?

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General :: Setup Two Different Google Accounts To Stream Music From Google Music?

Oct 8, 2012

Any way to setup two different google accounts to stream music from the google music service minus using two different devices. Is it even possible.

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Android :: Sync With 2 Google Accounts

Apr 15, 2010

I have one gmail (personal) account, and one google account (for work, not email, just google services account).My main account is my gmail one on android and it's fine.But I would also like to see my work contacts and calendar.I added it to my "accounts & sync settings" but it always said "Sync is OFF", no way to turn it on for this account.Just to make it clear, my work account is NOT a gmail account, I use my work email address as a log-in for all other google services (mainly calendar and contacts)

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Android :: Can't Buy Apps Or Use Google Listen - Keeps Asking For Google Account

Nov 8, 2009

I use Google hosted apps with my own domain for e-mail, calendar, chat, etc. and I use the e-mail address from that with my main Google account as well. So, both my Google account and hosted apps account use the same address. I had no problem setting up my account on my phone when I got it Friday, but I've been running into a few issues. First off, every time I try to buy an app in the Market, it asks me to set up a Google account to associate it with, even though I already have. Also, when I try to use Google Listen, it asks the same thing. Is there a way around this, or will I have to create a separate Google/GMail account?

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Android :: Setup For Multiple Google Accounts?

Jul 9, 2010

Here's the deal: I will be upgrading to the Droid X very soon. I know that when you setup the phone you have to tie it to a Google/gmail account, but what if my wife wants to check her email and stuff as well? She isn't going to have a smartphone of her own. Is there a way to designate an app or widget for her Google account on my smartphone? Or will she have to go through the browser every time and log-in?

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Android :: Syncing Two Google Calendars On Different Accounts Possible?

Aug 18, 2010

Is there any way to sync multiple google calendars on multiple accounts. I would like to have both of our calendars synced so we don't double book things. She has her own Android so we only want to sync the calendar.

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Android :: Switching Accounts In Google Talk?

Oct 20, 2010

I did a search and found some old (4-11 months old) threads but I'm hoping there's been some updates.I just decided to give Google Talk a whirl and it looks great, but the first account I added to my phone isn't the account I primarily use (which has the majority of my contacts). Is there a way to switch accounts in Google Talk so I have all the contacts from my main account?If not (that'd be something they need to address in a GTalk update) is there an app that will allow me to use the other?

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Android :: Google Buzz With Google Apps?

Feb 15, 2010

I've never understood the appeal of Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc. Google Buzz caught my interest only because it appears in things I already use on my Droid - Google Maps and Google Reader (via the browser). In Google Reader I can clearly see who I'm logged in as - the name appears at the bottom of the screen; it's my Google Account. I assume this works via a cookie in the browser.The only account I have setup on my phone itself is my Google Apps account, and the email address for this account is different than that of my Google Account.While out sledding with my kids today, I felt the urge to buzz, and attach a picture. I couldn't see how to do that through the browser interface, so I opened Google Maps. It appears that I can post to Buzz in Google Maps, and even attach a picture. The only problem is that I can't see any buzz other than my own via Google Maps, but I can see more buzz via the browser, but none of what I posted.I think somehow Google Maps is using my Google Apps account for Buzz, but it's not actually working. Anyone have a clue as to what's going on here?

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Android :: Can't Buy Applications Because Google Accounts Poorly Designed

Dec 11, 2009

My main Google account is a "Google Apps For Your Domain" (GAFYD) account. I have my Gmail, Calendar, etc. on this account. Unfortunately, GAFYD doesn't include Google Voice. Following the Google recommended method, I set up a regular Google Account for Google Voice (see here: Using your Google Apps address with Google Voice - Google Voice Help) that has the same username (but remains a distinct account). I do not have Gmail on this account because that would create issues. I set my phone up with my GAFYD account, as per this link: Android and G1 Forums, Mods, Hacks, News, Downloads, Skins, Themes, and more! | ModMyGphone - View Single Post - Primary Google Account in conjunction with Google Apps Account on Android Phone

Most functionality is there. In particular, Google Voice works with Gizmo and Sipdroid. However, there are some problems. Here's a thread discussing some of them: Anyone else having issues with your Google Apps for Domains account on the Droid? - Google Mobile Help

1. Cannot buy paid apps in the market.
2. Unable to use my maps layer in maps app.
3. Cannot login to google finance app.

I want to solve problem #1 - Cannot buy paid apps in the market. Many people are solving it by using another regular Gmail account. However, that's not working for me. I do have another regular Gmail account and I have been using it on my desktop computer for Check Out. However, Android on my Motorola Droid will not accept this account. I assume because it uses the same username as my GAFYD account (which is the way Google recommended doing it!). I have all my purchase history and credit card info in that account already. Creating YADGA ("yet another d*** Google account") is not an option.

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General :: Facebook Contacts Merging With Google Contacts Stop It?

Oct 18, 2012

My Facebook contacts are merging with my ICS "People" address book and Google contacts. I don't want this.

I opened the FB app from my Rezound (ICS) and looked at the settings. The "Sync Contacts" option is set to "Don't sync"

Then I looked in the Android Settings --->Accounts&sync--->facebook where there are three boxes, sync calendar, sync contacts, and sync live feed. I made sure all those boxes are unchecked.

I figured I'd just try deleting FB from my Rezound but it seems to be undeletable if that's a word. It's like standard bloatware that I actually use on occasion.

So why are my FB contacts still merged with my Google contacts? I am seeing my contacts with their FB photo and this drives me crazy. I don't want FB communicating with my address book. Gingerbread didn't do this.

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Android :: License Verification Library And Multiple Google Accounts

Aug 12, 2010

Does the Android License Verification Library support a device logged in to multiple Google accounts?

Does it use the first Google account to determine who purchased an app?

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General :: Browser Sign-in Method For Adding Google Accounts In Android?

Apr 16, 2012

Android 3 and 4 have a new option that allows the user to add new a Google Account to the phone by using the Browser Sign-In. The option is available when you try to add a new Google Account to Android (see screenshot).

Use Browser Sign-In with SAML based Single Sign-On? It is not working with our SAML setup.

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General :: Unable To Uninstall Google Search And Google Play Apps Completely?

Feb 17, 2014

l uninstalled Google Search and Google Play store apps, but they were not completely uninstalled and now I can't reinstall them because the store says they are installed. I cannot find them on my android tablet and so I cannot use them. What is a good app to completely uninstall them. Some of these apps will not install on my Lenovo tablet.

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General :: Google Apps Like GMAIL / GOOGLE+ / PLAY / Maps Not Working In Airtel 3G

Apr 16, 2014

I am using Nexus 4 Bought from US thro my friend.Current Android version id 4.4.2..My Service Provider is Airtel. All my google applications like Gmail, Maps, Play,Google Plus are working fine in WIFI.But when i try to refresh or update these application thro Airtel 3g,i am getting No Connection Error.

All my 3rd party apps like Facebook,Whatsapp are working fine in 3G.

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HTC Incredible :: 2.2 Google Accounts

Jul 28, 2010

It seems that 2.2 locks google talk into the first google account you sign up with.I thought on 2.1 I could sign in to the account I wanted to use, however it appears that's not the case now.I use gmail (for google checkout) however my main "google" account is an apps account.So I believe for the market to be associated correctly with my gmail account, that one needs to be created first.Any way to get google talk to use my apps account, or any way to play with the accounts (create, clear/remove, re-add) to get them setup so the market works with my gmail account but gtalk uses my apps account?

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HTC EVO 4G :: EVO Syncing To Google When There Are TWO Accounts

Sep 1, 2010

I've read and re-read and (still) read some more about this topic, but I am getting no where... Perhaps If I post the question, some one can PLEASE assist?I have a Gmail addy for a side business, and I created that account on my (EVO) phone "initially". I originally did a sync with it. However, after some thought, I decided to create a personal Gmail account and wanted ALL of my phone's contacts to sync with THAT newly created personal Gmail account. No can do.Although I have the original Gmail account's settings on "off" (not to sync at all), when I sync the phone to Google, all calendar events are there on the new G account, but NOT the contacts. They are simply not coming over?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Why 2 Google Accounts?

Sep 21, 2010

I just got the Galaxy S yesterday and so far I love it.But when I added my Google account for syncing purposes, it sync'd my contacts and calendar twice.It's really annoying.So I get 2 email notifications for the same email and I see 2 of the same entries in my calendar.When I go into SETTINGS -> Accounts, I see 2 Google accounts. One has the Google symbol in Blue, the other is in Black.

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Android :: Official Way To Authenticate For Google Data API On Android Using AccountManager Accounts?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm trying to use the Google Data API for an installed application on Android 2.1. I don't want the user to have to enter their credentials if he already has an account configured on the device. Thus, I'm using the AccountManager with Account type "".

But where to go from there? There are no samples from Google on how to do Google authentication (authTokenType etc.). There's a project trying to do it ( in a general way but without any success, yet.

This is really keeping back applications like Google Reader clients which have to ask the user for their Google credentials (which hopefully nobody gives them).

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Android :: - Android.accounts.AccountManager.getAuthToken?

Jan 8, 2010

I've got working code that uses the gdata to retrieve feeds from my user's Google Finance portfolios, but I had to use setUserCredentials(username,password). What I'd like to do is avoid asking the user for their username/password since the Android device already has access to their Google account.

I believe I should be able to do this with setUserToken(String), but I can't figure out how to get the appropriate token from Android. I've tried AccountManager.get(context).blockingGetAuthToken() but that's either not the correct call or I'm passing it the wrong arguments. Has anyone gotten gdata working with the user's existing Google credentials on the phone?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Multiple Google Accounts

Sep 26, 2010

I bought a Fascinate yesterday and I have two google accounts.The primary one works fine. However the second one has a calendar that's not being picked up by my phone.Under 'Accounts and sync 'Manage accounts there only 'Sync contacts' and 'Sync Gmail' but no 'Sync Calendar' like I can with my primary account.I set up the calendar in Google and got the mobile part registered and received the code and it says it's working...the phone just isn't realizing it's there.

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Motorola Droid :: TWO Google Voice Accounts?

Jan 13, 2010

I have two google voice accounts. On the first one, I did not choose a Google number, I ported my Verizon number instead.On the second one, I chose a Google number to get maximum benefits from it. So, the question is, if I give my Google number to some people (business associates), and give my Verizon number to others (family, friends, etc.), can I still receive calls and texts to both numbers on the same phone?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Multiple Google Accounts?

Jul 22, 2010

So here in the land of 2.1 on the Sprint Hero we're supposed to be able to have multiple Google Accounts. It says so straight up when you go to Settings Accounts & sync -> Add Account -> Google ("You can use more than one Google Account on your phone...").When I try to add the 2nd account I get the issue that other people report when trying to replace their first account, or if they skipped account setup when activating the device. This is the "unable to connect to network" / "unstable network connection" issue detailed here: [Fixed]I Want To Use a Different GMail Account

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Changed Google Accounts

Mar 25, 2010

when i first set up my hero at bestbuy she had me set up my gmail. Well this being my first time using a touch screen i typed it wrong! basically i use my name for my email anyways my last name is OROSCO and i accidently typed OROSCP! so my email readed This didnt bother me till i began to use my gmail account as my main email acccount so i decided to change it BUT when i deleted the mispelled account i forgot that my paid apps were linked to that account so now i cant update my paid apps cause it does not recognize my gmail account as the one that purchased it am i screwed or is there anything i can do? Also im afraid when 2.1 comes out i might lose my paid apps and will not be able to get them back! anyone?

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General :: Way To Merge Google Play Accounts?

Jan 6, 2013

Any way to merge Google Play accounts? I have two email accounts on my phone, I wish to take that down to one but there are purchased apps in both accounts at Google Play. I looked into this some time ago and Google told me back then that they could not merge accounts -- which I thought was rather ridiculous. Doesn't Google have the (sometime scary) power to do just about anything? Anyway, they told me that I'd have to contact each and every paid app maker that I'd purchased from and see if they'd give me a new download under a different email addy since I'd already paid once. I finally gave up and just re-purchased the most important apps.

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