Android :: Delete All Photos But Not Contacts
Sep 13, 2010I'd like to delete all the photos on my phone to make the space available, but NOT my contacts. Formatting the disk will delete everything won't it? So what should I do?
View 4 RepliesI'd like to delete all the photos on my phone to make the space available, but NOT my contacts. Formatting the disk will delete everything won't it? So what should I do?
View 4 RepliesSeems I'm unable to fully remove my contact photos. If I delete the current contacts photo it reverts to a previous blurry photo that has no option to delete. I dont have anything synced so I dont no why Im unable to fully remove the photo.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know how to delete single photos but any way to delete bulk videos, like 2 or 300 at a time or do I have to delete each photo individually ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan anyone tell me how to delete photos from the x10 - this phone is just so annoying with all it features - nothing is straightforward and clear to the eye
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow I can delete Instant Upload photos from my device.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI was just wondering if anyone knows how to add photos for your contacts so they show up beside the bubble in Handecent SMS. I tried going into my contacts and adding a pic there, but it doesn't pick up in the APP. If I touch the box where a picture should be it just says "Call?" Is there any way to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf I have photos on my sd card that I want on Astro can I delete the photos off my sd card after putting them on Astro?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to delete unwanted backup photos from samsung galaxy s3?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe standard way of getting contact photos/uris from ContactsContracts.Contacts.CONTENT_URI does not work for any photo that is not of GOOGLE descent! meaning, if the contact does not have a Google contact with a photo, then I cannot pull a contact photo.This is not only my problem. I see that no one has really answered this question.I know that the Android Incoming Call Screen displays a Facebook photo just fine, so I am not sure why I would need to do something different.Is there someone out there, from Google/Android, who can tell me what I need to do?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm writing a small backup application for contacts and i encountering some weird problems. Firs of all I retrieve data through the content resolver code...
} Such operation done for each ContentProvider I retrieved data at backup. I'm not backuping Contacts.Photos, because I don't want to do that. But next, strange thing happening, when i try to attach photo to a contact in Contacts application. First of I select a contact i wish to modify. Then clicking to add icon. Selecting photo, cropping it. And it appears near the contact name in contact editing activity. But after I click "Done" and android says that changes were successfully changed, icon just disappears like i never added it to a contact. And nothing helps after this restore, I tried rebooting my phone, deleting all contacts, deleting all contacts programaticatlly and all this doesn't helps. The only thing that helps is factory data reset. This problem both happens on emulator and on g1 phone. Later i had an idea so I've taken contacts.db file from fresh emulator, where photos feature were still working and saved it. Then i performed backup- restore operations. And compared the databases. They were identical. And still photos weren't inserting anymore. And this problem also happens whether I had any photos added to contacts before backup or all contacts were without photos. So I'm kinda desperate now, because I don't know what to do.
I'm happily retrieving contact photos with the new Contacts Contract APIs and cursor.getBlob, but I'm having great trouble working out how to set a contact photo.
I believe I have the right URI (at least, it works for retrieving the photo), but it just won't work for updating or adding one.
Here's my best bet:
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, bytes);
Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath( ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, friendId ); uri = Uri.withAppendedPath( uri, ContactsContract.Contacts.Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY);
// eg: content://
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo.PHOTO, bytes.toByteArray()); values.put(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo.MIMETYPE, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE );
context.getContentResolver().insert(uri, values);
And here's my exception:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Unknown uri: content:// at ( at ( at ( at ( at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.update ( at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact ( at android.os.Binder.execTransact( at Method).
I promise I searched. I also looked at the "Here are the similar threads we found:" suggestions.
Anyways. Just got a Moto Droid. Downloaded Handcent SMS. It's great. However the ONE thing I can't figure out, is why do SOME of my contacts have their Facebook pictures, and others don't? I have "synched" with Facebook multiple times. The contacts I have saved have the exact same names as their Facebook profiles, so it should pop up, right?
Okay so I've moved from Sense to launcherPro. Very happy with it, but I REALLY miss the FULL screen widgets that you get with sense.
I used to have the full screen Music App, the Photo App, Bookmarks, and Contacts taking up some of the sense screens. Now I have 3 blank screens in LP that I want to fill up.
Do you guys know of any full screen Apps/Widgets for Music, Photos, Bookmarks, and Contacts?
I tried setting photos for my contacts today, but it seems I can only add photos for my email contacts and not my sim card ones? It's only my contacts on my sim that I want to add photos to! Am I doing something wrong? Or is there a way I can do what I want to without adding everyone's email address?
View 10 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to change the incoming call screen for unknown numbers and contacts without photos? The little robot (foryo or whatever) is a cute logo.. but it looks like a waving dildo.. Often times I have to answer calls in front of customers, family and friends. It's a little embarrassing having to pull a noisy, illuminated, vibrating green dildo out of my pocket every time I get a phone call.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI know this might have been addressed but i just did a search and couldn't get a clear answer. What I want is the have my current contacts in my phone synced with facebook photos. But I do not want the 1,000 friends on facebook to be under contacts. Is there a way to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just set up my Droid Eris to sync my contacts with their Facebook profile so that their photos would show up in my contacts. I synced them all and them matched up properly, but their pictures are not aligned properly. When I first did it, their faces were aligned and everything looked ok, except some pictures were pretty pixelated. But after a few minutes, the pixelation went away and the quality of the pictures was better, except a lot of my contacts have their head not in the photo or just misaligned. More than half are off.I thought at first it was that they didn't set up their picture properly on Facebook, but I looked at their mini pictures (like the ones that show up in the news feed) and their faces were showing up properly. Even their mini pictures on the facebook app are correct. And these seem to be the same size as the pics in my contacts.Why is it that my contacts photos aren't aligned right on some of them and how can I fix this?
View 23 Replies View RelatedMy friend's BB Storm shows all of his contacts with their respective Facebook profile pictures.I would like the same for my Moment.I was wondering if there was an app for that.I couldn't find one through searching. Any ideas?
View 15 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know why the photos assigned to my contacts show up blurry?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOut of about 900 contacts, only 30 are personal with photos. Is there an app or widget that would allow me to see contacts without a photo placeholder? One of the widgets I love is the favorites people widget, but I can't stand that it has photo placeholders. Of my 800+ business contacts, none have photos so I'm staring at a page of grey faceless dudes.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have just got phone and was wondering how to put photos to my contacts
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do i attach photos to my contacts in my phonebook?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI spent a considerable time and effort attaching photos to all my 100+ contacts. These photos were crops from larger photos so, stupidly in hindsight, I did not preserve any of them. I would like to copy all my contacts, complete with photos, to another phone. Copying the simple contact info is easy via the Gmail export/import procedure, but that does not copy the attached photos. Is there a simple way of copying contacts complete with photos?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm on HTC tattoo, and my contacts are duplicated on the people application. This is strange, as they all say phone contacts (thus aren't sim or google contacts or anything), but on view settings, it says I have 300 or so contacts which is how many I have if they were NOT duplicated. I have tried restarting my phone. For some reason, it shows fine then when it loads fully, the duplicates are back. I also noticed that only contacts synced with Facebook seemed to be duplicated, though not all synced are duplicated. I have attempted deleting one of two of a same contact, but this resulted in the other entry being deleted too.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just set up my contacts in Outlook as I like them, and want to start fresh on my HTC Dream. I am using HTC Sync. Is there a way to delete all contacts from the device, then upload them again fresh?
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust got the incredible and I LOVE it.However after importing contacts from gmail, there's a lot of junk emails that I'd like to delete, but there's so many that going through one by one and deleting is pretty tedious. Is there a way to delete multiple ones at the same time? Also, when you make a new folder, is there a way to rename that folder?? I can't seen to figure out how to do it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm working on security application which will copy all contacts to some other database and delete all contacts from phonebook.I'm testing this on android HTC HERO.I'm successful to delete contacts from phonebook and create new contact info database,Till 200 it is working, but after 200 contacts its not working properly.After tht application starts throwing error.There is one Sync with Google Option in Menu>Setting>Data Sync, I think that is creating problem.There is notification that "Too many contacts deleted"n if i click tht there will b a dialog with title "Delete Limit exceeded".Is there anything i can do to stop syncronization or any other ideas by which i can achieve required output?
View 1 Replies View RelatedJealous girlfriend searches phone, deletes female contacts she doesn't like. They were facebook sync'd, and after adding one of these girls back, I can't sync her back with her facebook profile (it's not there o_O). Any way to "un-delete" the facebook contact and add her back to my contact list? (only deleted from the phone contact list, and not actual facebook, just to clarify)
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a weird problem. Some of my ex-wife's friends are still listed in my phone list. I have deleted them from "People" (there is no contacts app on my Droid Eris.) I have deleted them from my Gmail account. And I have unfriended them on Facebook. My sympathetic daughter showed me that I could simply hold the contact listing until it opened to edit. Then press menu and then choose delete. And that works just fine--for any contact except those who were friends with the Ex!! Yeah really funny to me too! Since I don't have the most finesse with the touch screen (I'm an old-school full computer keyboard guy) sometimes it is easy to accidentally dial one of these people of whom I have zero desire to talk to. I know computers and know there is an answer somewhere. Glad if one of you could help me find this answer.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have just got phone and was wondering how to put photos to contacts on phone
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