HTC Desire :: Attach Photos To My Contacts In Phonebook?
Apr 6, 2010How do i attach photos to my contacts in my phonebook?

How do i attach photos to my contacts in my phonebook?
I save all my contacts to Google, so they are backed up automatically on Google's servers. However, when I go to People > View - it says Phone (13) when I don't have any contacts saved to my phone. Even when I only have Phone (13) ticked, it doesn't display anything. Why is this?
View 3 Replies View Relatedsynce phonebook to google contacts. how do i do this, cant figure it out?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI tried setting photos for my contacts today, but it seems I can only add photos for my email contacts and not my sim card ones? It's only my contacts on my sim that I want to add photos to! Am I doing something wrong? Or is there a way I can do what I want to without adding everyone's email address?
View 10 Replies View Relatedevery time i try to attach a picture to a text message it comes up unable to attach.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't find out how to add photos to the contacts I have on my phone.I read in another post that I should go to Google mail and do it from there, but my contacts aren't synced with anything. I just want to access them on my phone, and see a photo when they call. I added everyone's details myself, but I can't believe there's no Add photo option (or non that I can find anyway!)
View 7 Replies View RelatedIt would seem that when someone updates their profile pic in Facebook now, I lose their picture in my list of contacts.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a contact that is linked to a Google and a Facebook contact. Both have photos. If I open the contact, press the link and then press the drop-down that overlays over their image at the top-left, I can change the contact to use the Google picture - which I prefer.but the picture ALWAYS reverts to the Facebook one after a while. Why is this?I should note that the Google picture is not THEIR google picture in GTalk - it's one I uploaded for them.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need a widget on my htc wildfire, one that looks like the People Widget but only for the Phonebook contacts and not FB or other social networks. I have tried so many but none are good enough.
Any suggestions? Or is there any way to make the People Widget display the phonebook contacts only?
I downloaded ringtones and applied them to some contacts.However, all calls come in with my default ringtone.
View 7 Replies View RelatedHad my Hero a while now but still cant figure out why all my contacts do not appear in my phonebook.
I'm still having to go into People to find phone numbers. Surely both the phonebook and People should have the same contacts in? Or do they just appear on the phonebook list once you've contacted them?
I have a small but annoying problem with my android phone. In my contacts i have ~70 contacts named "(no name)" as you can see here:
If I tap on it, it shows me that it's somehow connected to Whatsapp:
Why are those entries not linked to the regular contact? I have this problem with every ROM i use....
I can't delete those entries but the phone tells me that they will be hidden instead. Is there an easy way to fix that instead of trying to delete every single contact?
Whenever I import my contacts from my sim. It gets cleared a few minutes later. Anyone know how to fix this problem?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a problem in querying phonebook contacts. What I need to do is get a list of contacts that have both phone and email entered or are of a specific type.
Basically like this:
Now, the problem is, that RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE does not exist in the ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, which I use with my query. I'm guessing I'd need to join another table, but have no idea how to do so.
This seems to be a very annoying feature if there is not a way to disable it (and I can't find one). I have my google contacts all set up and they are the only things I want in my phone book. I know in "people" I can just show google, but when I got to dial a number, all of my facebook friends with numbers show up too. For some reason they are showing up in my google contacts too (when I log into gmail on my computer). It is nice how the facebook picture syncs with my contacts, but that is all I want, not everyone on else facebook who are not in my google contacts.
View 15 Replies View RelatedCan I possibly sync my phonebook to the phonebook I have on Facebook with all my contacts on there??
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow come when i save a contact it doesn't appear in my contact list but when i dial the number it shows the name?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIm not sure what i did to cause this, but after syncing my phone today, I got my facebook friends' phone numbers added to my contacts. I went into the settings to delete the FB account on my phone, yet the people are still there. at first I thought it was kinda cool to have them all there, but its really a PITA. anyone know how to get rid of them from my contacts?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWay back when I had a LG dare and I used BitPim to transfer my phone book and contacts over and it was simple (even with bluetooth) without using a Google account. So what I am asking is this possible to use BitPim v.1.07?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am a pastor and would like to have our entire congregation's contact information in my phone but do not want them all in my contacts list. I can export our database in any sort of database. Is there an app that I can import contacts into that is a standalone directory?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs anyone getting the same problem as me when trying to upload photos taken with the camera to Google Photos, directly (from Photo->Menu->Share->Picasa). Photos are uploaded 100% complete but when i go onto Google Photos, the photos are chopped, only top 80-90% are there, the rest is filled with a grey border.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I make my contact photo stay as the google photo.I have several contacts who are linked to facebook contacts and have selected the google image are their main photo. Unfortunately some of the contacts seem to keep changing back to the facebook photo after a short while, whilst others remain OK.I have been struggling with this for quite some time, each time I change the selected image back to google but it always changes itself back.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have a X10. I had loaded all of my contacts from BB via BT (weeks ago). Yesterday I noticed that all my contacts disappeared. Just says: "no contacts". The last thing I remember I did was an update to google maps (it took forever to load and yet the application does not work) The other key piece of info is that I use DME for corporate data syncing, emails etc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to develop an application on Android 2.1 emulator, My application connects in background to a remote server through an HTTPConnection with REST Protocol, and gets updates in JSON format. A Digest parses these JSONObject and then fills its local Databases with the new datas. The Server can also send to the mobile application a list of new contacts to add in the system PhoneBook. Here's my question: how can I make a new contact from a bunch of datas and insert it in the system PhoneBook in Android 2.1, without any interaction with the user? Moreover, how can I get these datas back when I need it? I have tried to do it like the ContactAdder in the ContactManager sample( index.html) does, but it works only if I specify an account for the sync function, and I don't need this feature in my application, so I don't have any account to select! Is there a way to do the same things the ContactAdder does without specifying an account (something like creating "Phone-only (unsynced) contacts")?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to create group contacts in your phonebook to send group texts to those contacts? If so, how could I do it please.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am new to the captivate. I have all my contacts in my phone now, about 300. Is there a way to either group or create groups of them and then set one of those groups up as the contact default? I know some phonebook apps probably do this but are limited in their information. I am looking for the full contact info (with phone numbers) and then isolate those I use frequently into such a group.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOne day I randomly came across a phonebook on my phone of all my facebook contacts who have published there phone number (after I upgraded to 2.1). I have not been able to find it since. How do I find it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI use all the Contact Example in my android Emulator but it is not displaying phone numbers, it only displays names, so can u just give me one example of android Contacts api which import names and numbers form phonebook.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got my 2.1 update this week in Belgium. As i was synchro'ing my facebook contacts in my phonebook, i noticed that my phone doesn't sync all my contacts with facebook. Wen i tried to do this manually per contact, some fb persons do not appear in my "choose contact" list however the contact has the same name in my phone as on facebook ? It appears that the sync is random in choosing the contacts and some contacts'fb profile don't appear if u do the sync manually ? Anyone with the same problem? Example: a friends name is Bianca in my phone, on her facebook profile the same name followed by familyname, but my phone doesn't find her profile when i search manually.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm hoping to get my hands on an X10 soon and want to copy the contacts from my Hero across easily. I can't find an obvious export function. I thought that I could sync the phone contacts to my Google account. However, each time I try that, it comes up with an error message something like "Google Sync is currently experiencing problems", then I get a "Force Close" message.
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