Android :: Applications Copy Protection Work?
Jan 27, 2009I didn't find any information about how works app copy protection. Where can I read something about it?

I didn't find any information about how works app copy protection. Where can I read something about it?
I'm having a lot of issues where people can't even find my app in the Android Market. It appears that it's all because of copy protection, which I WISH I had never even seen, much less activated in my app. So, can Google PLEASE, response and let me know what will happen if I disable it now? What will happen to my existing customers? I've not seen a single definitive answer on this topic.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have "Copy Protection" turned on for my app, but now i want to remove it Will there be any problems if i remove it now?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'd love to revert to no copy protection on our games for a number of pressing reasons, but these bugs bit us pretty bad last time I tried.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have an app with Copy Protection on. Since a number of users have reported being unable to find the app on Market since upgrading to 2.1, I have researched the issue and copy protection seems to be the culprit. Turning off copy protection is the answer, but it seems that it leads to file access problems and can require a reinstall, which is not a very good user experience.
However, this ought to have been fixed in 1.6 which means I should be able to turn off copy protection and everything is ok. But some people have still encountered this issue and their users had to reinstall. So, my question is this, if I turn off copy protection, will all users have to reinstall the app? Will only 1.5 users have to reinstall (30%)?
Has anyone turned off copy protection on their app recently? We're finding that Motorola Backflip users can't see our paid apps, so we'd like to turn off copy protection as it doesn't seem to prevent pirating. But, we're worried that existing users will lose their saved preferences. According to bug 2047, the issue was fixed in November 2009, but according to some discussions, it actually still exists. It'd be great to hear positive or negative examples from anyone who's tried this recently. We're also thinking of putting out a dummy app to test things out and will report back if we do.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my app, I access my sqlite database at the following hard-coded location in my code: /data/data/ com.mydomain.appname/databases/database.db
If I turn ON copy protection in the Market Place, will my app still have access to this location?
Or will I have to change it to something like: /data-private/data/ com.mydomain.appname/databases/database.db
(or something like this)
Since I have a Dev phone only, I have no way of testing to see if my app still functions normally after turning on copy protection.
1. When the "copy protection" checkbox was first introduced on Android Market, I heard about a lot of issues with people not being able to download etc. Have those issues been resolved now? If I turn on copy- protection on an app with over 10K active users, do I risk a major rebellion?
2. I'd like to sell my app on other stores like slideme, andappstore and handango. Since some of these just redirect the user to your own site to download the app, there needs to be a license key that authenticates the user and unlocks his app. I saw that andappstore has a framework for that (not sure if that will only work with them or is a generic solution). I'm looking for a free, generic licensing solution. Is there one that you know of or use? My concern is to not throw in a wrench in the process of user download and use of the app, where I start getting a ton of emails from people whose keys arent working or asking for new keys etc, where license support turns into a full-time activity.
Off (Application can be copied from the device) On (Helps prevent copying of this application from the device. Increases the amount of memory required by users to install the application) AFAIK apps are *always* installed in device's internal memory. Right? Hence, apps can't be copied (with stock G1 w/o any mods).
View 6 Replies View RelatedIf I publish a new version of my application and remove copy protection will any of my users be impacted? For example if users using 1.6 and greater will not be impacted but users still running 1.5 would have to reinstall and resetup the application I could live with that.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhy if I set the Copy Protection ON from my developer console, my apps isn't available on many phones like Sony Ericsson X8 Q1.6 ?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have an paid app currently selling in the market with its copy protection turned on. I'm thinking about turning this off in order to reduce the size of my app and allow the "move to sd card" function to work. I've read that, in the past, people were having issues when the dev switched the copy protection setting from off to on. Is this still an issue? If users are still having problems then I'll leave things as they are. I understand that copy protection isn't really helping and I should just leave it off, but since I've had it on through several updates now, I'd hate to cause my users grief by changing now.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi am providing copy protection for Android paid applications by using Android Market Licensing mechanism. But it supports only for the paid applications. How can i provide copy-protection to Free application. Is there any alternatives?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have uploaded an update for my app on Android Market. And at the same time I have enabled the copy protection of the app. When I downloaded my the update, there was an exception and the app crashed. I had to reinstall it. After reinstall it worked fine...
Exception was: W/zipro ( 1103): Unable to open zip '/data/app-private/...': Permission denied D/asset ( 1103): failed to open Zip archive '/data/app-private/...' W/ResourceType( 1103): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x7f090000
Is this a know bug when switching to copy protection? Or is there another reason this error occured?
For example, firstly download the app "ABC", "Open" button and "Uninstall" button will be displayed at the bottom of the screen when the installing is completed. Secondly, activate "ABC" by tapping this "Open", and tap HOME key when the app is running. After that, restart the same app from the Launcher on the Home screen, and finish the restarted one from BACK key. Then, despite having closed the restarted one, the same app is displayed. (I forecast the cause, it is maybe the multiple activation of the app.)
Q1. Is it the problem as the specific of Android Market that multiple activation occurs when the app is activated with above process? If it's no problem, is the cause the app "ABC" which I downloaded? Q2. Is there any way to avoid the multiple activation in designing of apps?
About the copy protection of Android Market.............
I emailed HTC last week with these questions, thought I would post up the replies if anyone else wants to know...
1) Is this safe to use 3rd party extended batteries and will it make a difference to the capacity (it's 1600mAh)? Also, are HTC going to release an official extended battery in the near future?
2) When will the copy protection issue with Google get sorted out?
3) Are you going to release a version of HTC Sync for the Mac operating system?
I'm getting many complaints that users can't find our paid app in the Android Market. I know exactly why. Our app is "Copy-Protected". So the questions is, if our paid app is already available all over the internet for FREE!! What's the point of copy protecting an app? Should I even care at this point about that feature? It seems I'm gonna get more sales if I disable copy protection, but makes me wonder.
View 6 Replies View Relatedi know theres been a few posts about mms settings but im still having trouble. I have an unlocked Hero currently on O2, ive tried several mms settings and have now just erased them all as non seem to work. Does anyone have some settings that work which i can copy? And also when i goto the htc hero isnt selectable to be sent the settings.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFirst I'm very new to smart phones: I use the application called Handcent SMS, if I hold down the Message bubble when texting I have an option menu appear > Message Options > Copy Message Text.
1) Question: Where does it save the copied text to and how can I paste it to lets say another app like the already built in Phone Book.
2) What is a good place to see a list of function apps for the Droid, and why is the latest build still 1.6 when other phones already have 2.2? (sorry if that question has been asked before.
Can anyone give me a hand finding a direct copy of camera 360. I work for Verizon Wireless.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been looking around today and am trying to find a VoIP application that will actually work.
Let's say, what if I got my phone shut off from VZW, would there be a way to make VoIP calls over wifi? I have seen posts about using Google Voice in conjunction with other programs. Also, Nimbuzz? Anyone have a positive approach they have used for this?
I will be going out of the US for a while and will be getting my VZW account inactive for a while. I am looking for a way in which I'll be able to still use my Droid Incredible to make calls to the US using wifi. I'd even be willing to make calls just to Skype friends or Nimbuzz friends. I am hoping that someone else has found a way to accomplish this.
I did the manual upgrade to 2.2 Froyo last night and 2 applications have stopped working
-1) Ringo Lite is totally gone and will not install at all manually.
-2) Open Home is installed but cannot seem to make it stick as the default "home" application. Everytime I hit the Home button on my N1 it goes back to the 2.2 (froyo) default home screen.
Happy droid user on Nexus One. Thinking about playing around with one of those cheap android tablets. If I logon to that tablet with my google account, will it mess up my N1 and existing account/settings? Also what happens with my apps? can I download the ones I've paid for again (onto the new device)? etc.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI know a lot of apps using microsd for storage. I am not talking about the app themself I know they are limited to the storage in ROM I am just talking about data the app reads/write. I was searching why my maps weren't working with the weather channel app and found this thread:
Also tried to download and use Epicurus and it crashes every time (thinking it stores usage data on your MicroSD. I'm theorizing because I don't have a microsd card in my phone and maybe a lot of apps have trouble using the incredible internal 8GB of memory? Thinking on buying a 8GB MicroSD card just for this.
I just got the Droid 2 after using Blackberry phones for many years. I had the Blackberry Curve, and then went to the Blackberry Tour. For other users that have switched from a Blackberry, what sorts of things should I be aware of that might have been something I took for granted on a Blackberry that might require more of a work around on a Droid? I'm trying to get fully integrated to google apps for simplicities sake. I know there's the Push email thing, but I'm hoping just using everything through GMail will help that problem. I transferred my calender to Gmail from my Blackberry by exporting it to a Yahoo in syncing, and then going to Yahoo and exporting it to Outlook CSV, and then importing the CSV to Google.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI thought It would be nice if people listed the applications that don't work for them, and then say what ROM they are using that It doesn't work on Bugless Beauty.
- Battery Life 1.3.3 (curvefish)
I was wondering how these apps work. I was looking into Pandora. Seems pretty cool but then I saw that in order for these "streaming" apps to work, you're basically paying for internet time the whole time you're listening to the music, right? If this is the case, why use this type of app vs. simply downloading the music files to the phone?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been trying out some different ROMs trying to pick out a daily and I have ran into a very annoying problem. When I download a sense ROM I cannot send MMS through Handcent or ChompSMS. However, the stock messaging app works like a charm when sending them. The only problem is that I hate the stock messaging app. I always wipe and don't flash any other zips before I try sending the MMS and it still doesn't work. The weird thing is that I can use Handcent and ChompSMS on the CM6 ROM. I've tried the APN method and factory data resets. Nothing.
Here's the sense ROMs I have tried with no luck:
-Myn's RLS2 and 3
-Nil's business sense
-Virtuous v3.1.0
-SkyRaider 3.3
Today I actually unrooted my phone and got everything stock again, and Handcent and Chomp still didn't work. This is very annoying because I have flashed probably 30 times in the past 3 days trying to find a Sense ROM I can get to work.
my galaxy grand duos received firmware and software upgrade. After that, some applications no longer work properly, for example, the planner lost all the characteristics. It doesn't shows weeks. The contact application lost things like favorites.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using Google Calendar and syncing it to my Eris, and for some reason it's damn flaky. Half the time it works, but then if, say, I delete one event out of a recurring pattern from the phone, provider. calendar crashes every time the phone tries to update its calendar! It will continually do this until I force stop it, reset the calendar storage and re-sync manually from Google's servers. That, and I've deleted a few events on and have re-sync'd the phone manually a bunch of times and it won't seem to affect the data on the phone. I mean, it's nice to not have to pay for push calendar sync (like Apple asks you to with MobileMe), but c'mon Google & HTC. First the YouTube app never works on mobile network, Google Maps won't let you arbitrarily pick a location to map to, and this calendar syncing bs? These are things that should just work on a phone with the Google logo on the back.
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