Sprint HTC Hero :: Adjust Media Volume Without First Playing Media?
Oct 14, 2009
I noticed that you can't adjust media volume without first playing media. Like you have to, for example, press the play button before pressing rocker volume in order to adjust media volume or else you'll just be adjusting ringer volume. This is unfortunate since games also use media volume. So if you wonna start up a quick game in a quiet setting, your in trouble if you were listening music before and never turned down/off the media volume. Unless I'm missing something and there is in fact a way to do it?
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May 19, 2013
As much as I knew, There are 4 volume types in Android Phone. They are "Ringer Volume", "Media Volume", "Alarm Volume", and "Volume". But the volumes which are adjustable in Settings are only "Ringer Volume" and Alarm Volume" in Settings - Audio Profiles. I can't find where to adjust "Media Volume" and "Volume".
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May 8, 2009
I have an I Tech Clip M bluetooth head set. It appears to pair correctly, but I don't enter the 0000 code.
However, no sound seems to come from the music player. I mean it comes from the G1's speakers, but nothing though the headphones.
Tried adjusting volume on headset, nada
Is there a setting I need to set?
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Nov 11, 2009
I listen to Pandora on the Eris and podcasts on the media player. At full volume with earphones, the volume is still quite low, much lower than what my blackberry puts out, and not very good. Any way to up the volume besides the side volume rocker?
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Dec 15, 2009
Last night I was bored and browsing through my soundboards looking for a new ringtone. I was opening and closing apps, running task killer, if I thought it necessary. Everything was fine, until all of a sudden my media volume stopped working. On screen, while I'm playing media, I can pull the volume up and down, but no sound comes out. The Alarm volume, and ringer volume continue to work. So this morning I snooped around the forums and decided to reset my phone. All was going well, until I accidentally played some mp3's that were on my SD card. Now the media volume has stopped working again and when I turn on my phone, my music app has attached itself to that screen that you have to pull down to log in.
I didn't request that, and can't find a way to turn that off in the settings. To be honest, I am a new user. I've had my hero for two weeks, and I'd love to know that my problems are user error and not a faulty phone. I've also re-downloaded task killer and am wondering if that was a bad choice. I'm still at the point of just playing with my phone: launching apps, installing, uninstalling, etc, and it seemed like a good idea. In a worst case scenario, I'm thinking of deleting the mp3's and doing another reset. But if I have to keep doing this regularly, the exercise will get a little old.
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May 26, 2010
I have HTC Desire with Android 2.1 and Windows 7 Premium 32bit. I have created some 3GP videos on the HTC and can play these successfully. When I transfer the file to Windows 7 the playback via Windows Media play doesn't have any sound. Same files playback with volume via iTunes. I'd really like to use these files with Windows Media Player. Is this some sort of codec issue? Why are such task seemingly simple tasks made so difficult?
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Jun 7, 2010
The tracks in an album playing alphabetically instead of by the track number?
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May 10, 2010
How do I adjust the volume on the alarm clock? For some reason, it only vibrates and I get no sound...luckily I'm a light sleeper.
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Apr 24, 2010
Every time I go on youtube the video plays but the audio doesn't.
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Jan 8, 2010
I need to know if there is a way for watching .WMV videos on the HTC Hero.
I already know that it will play MPEG-4 videos without a problem (you can use the RealPlayer Video Downloader to download HQ/HD videos from places like Youtube and it automatically saves them to MPEG-4 format).
However, I want to transfer some files like music videos onto my HTC Hero and having tried several times, using the RealPlayer Converter, to convert the .mpg files to .wmv, I can't watch them on the Hero.
However, I recently looked at one of the threads (I think on a different forum) and he said that he could watch videos in WMV format using 750kbps on resolution 480x320. But RealPlayer only allows for 768kbps and resolution as 480p HD as the nearest possible (which was the setting I ordinarily chose).
The other strange thing is that when I go onto the Albums part of the phone to see if I can view any videos, it shows a thumbnail image of the music video (a preview image of the video) and when I play it, I can hear the music, but the video itself fails to appear.
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Oct 25, 2009
I have a strange thing going on with my htc hero, whenever someone calls they can hear james blunt your beautiful playing over the ringing until I pick up. I haven't set it up and i dont have any james blunt on my phone even after a full restore it still does it. Any ideas how to stop it from doing this?
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Apr 10, 2010
I had an Ipod touch and just sold it because I got an Eris. I really like the phone but the media player is lame compared to ipods. I listen to downloaded radio talk shows and if I stop and listen to another song, it doesn't save my place. Not horrible in a talk show but in an audiobook, it really sucks. I don't want an iphone if it comes to verizon but I also don't want to have to keep track of two devices. Does anyone know if there is a bookmark capable app for media playing or will there be in the future? Thanks. I did search and didn't find anything on this, so if I missed it somewhere, sorry.
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Aug 31, 2010
Is there any way to get the details of media files that is executed in android(default) media player?
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Apr 14, 2010
I just started with creating my own media player application by looking at the code samples given in Android SDK. While I am trying to play a local media file (m.3gp), I am getting IOException error :: error(1,-4).
package com.mediaPlayer;
import java.io.IOException;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.AlertDialog;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.os.Bundle;...........
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Jan 10, 2010
Even registering the broadcast receiver at the highest priority still fails to receive the Bluetooth media button events on the HTC Hero phone. The Bluetooth media button registration code works fine on the other Android phones that I have tested. Apparently this isn't the first time HTC has done something like this, as I also found a report of a similar problem on one of the HTC Microsoft Mobile Devices reported here
It seems extremely short sighted of HTC to code their media player so that it grabs the Bluetooth AVRCP media button events in such a way that other applications are unable to work with the Bluetooth head phone buttons and Bluetooth in car stereo systems.................
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Oct 12, 2010
On one page of my app there are sounds. Is there a line of code to allow the volume up/down buttons to switch to media volume control for that page of the app only? Or do I need to set it for the entire app, and how do I do that?
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Apr 30, 2010
I don't know if it's from some app I installed or what. But I noticed recently that suddenly the volume rocker only controls the Media Volume or the In-call volume (if you're in a call), not the Ringer Volume. I don't have anything playing, so not sure why it's like that. I want it to default to ringer and I'll worry about Media when I'm actually in a program that uses it.
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May 5, 2010
My dad somehow changed his volume control, so it only affects the media volume. Any clue on how to change it back? Instead of Ringer Volume, it says Media Volume on the box that pops up when pressing the volume controls.
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Dec 22, 2009
I've got a ton of music on my SD card in my phone, approx. 6.5GB worth on an 8GB card. The problem is, the music players in Android (I've used the default, RockOn and MixZing, though I want to stay with MixZing) only recognize about 80% of the music, in their libraries. The thing is, the music is there! If I browse to the folder and launch the file it will play, but there's no artist/title data, even though all the files are properly tagged (mp3s), plus, it opens in a weird verion of the default music player that will stop playing if it loses focus.
This has been a issue ever since I got this phone. It's a brand new SD card (my previous one, in addition to this problem, had major corruption issues; I originally thought it was the card but I guess that's not the case). Also, I've gone through two different ROMs (one when I first got the phone, and a second that I upgraded to about a month ago), so I don't think that's the issue. It seems to affect random folders (albums) at different times, whenever the library is refreshed, but I can't refresh the library manually (that I've found) to see if it's just not scanning those files, or if it's a more underlying issue. I'm stumped
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Feb 9, 2010
i got a media message from someone which i would like to set as a text message ringtone i long pressed the message that contained the media and it asked me to save so i saved it but now i cant seem to find anywhere
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Nov 25, 2009
I've been a long time palm OS guy but the Pre & Pixi weren't for me. Too girly I guess. But I digress- I'm having 1 problem in particular and after reading up on forums, and numerous google searches I've reached the end. I concede!Whenever I'm using my hero to play music in the stock player (and I believe Last.FM too) & I receive a notification- be it IM, text, email or anything else- my phone remains silenced after the notification is over. So I'll get a text, the phone will silence my music to play the notification (short beeps, long beeps, full ringtones,) I'll check the notification & my music player still remains silenced (edit: while its still playing- & when I hit play it continues where it was paused @ not where I was last listening to it.) I have to pause & replay whatever song is on or wait for Last.FM to move to the next song or skip the last song to hear anything. This is happening no matter how I'm listening. Cabled headphones, bluetooth stereo headphones, the speaker.
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Nov 20, 2009
I have been working with the ORB software getting a server up and running with live TV. It would seem that the Hero does not like very much of anything when it comes to streaming. I have been running into this a lot with several web sites. Has anyone heard of a codec pack in the works for the Android OS? Orb just rocks but is limited with the Hero.
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Feb 15, 2010
Anybody else run in to this! Your at the gym listening to some Crue, Iron Maiden or some Hagar and all of a sudden the next song comes on and it's a f'ing ring tone, WTF is that doing playing! They all play, the ones I made and the ones I got from Mabilio ringtones! Anybody know how to fix this, it's just stupid!
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Feb 25, 2010
SO i pushed the volume rocker down all the way to silent on the sprint hero for my weekly office meeting, thinking that the phone was completely muted, and then I opened up gang wars on the phone and it started BLARING rap music on full volume through the speakers!!! WHAT IS WITH THIS??? Would the stupid phone know to mute everything? Or did I do somethign wrong and not doing this properly? My old treo had a volume kill switch on the top of the phone and NO sounds would work. Is there any way to quickly MUTE all sounds without having to also go to settings sounds media and scrolling it down to zero?? also, even when i set the media volume down, a lot of times an app causes it to be set to high again. WHATS WITH THIS?
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Oct 11, 2010
I have a couple of MP4 videos that used to play on my HTC Desire before it got its Froyo uodate, that dont appear to be now. When I click on it to play, it comes up Cannot Play Video - Sorry, this video cannot be played. When I look at the details it has Type : Video/mp4 Am I doing something stupidly wrong? Also is there an easy piece of software that can copy DVDs into a format my Desire will understand. I'm after an ease of use rather than cheap bit of software.
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Apr 9, 2010
We're currently launching a site with live (TV) and non-live streaming of video material.
The RTSP live feeds play fine on Android (.sdp extension) however other videos published on the side in MP4 format - don't. Neither the browser nor the Meridian player recognise the files and play them.
Any ideas where we went wrong?
PS. I'm not the guy in charge of the video encoding etc. but I'm looking for some tips and information for our team.
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May 21, 2010
Liking the phone but the video playback is driving me nuts. I transfer Mp4s to the SD card, a new folder called Video and the phone sees them but only plays the audio. These Mp4s all work on my iPod Touch so is there something not right about them for Android? ie do they need reconverting?
They all have .mp4 as extensions and I have tried having the new video file on it's own on the SD card as well as trying it in the DCIM folder as suggested on another forum. Cheers for any help as I'm thinking this is all too much of a faff and I will have to get the iPhone. Shame as the HTC deal with Orange is very cheap.
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May 12, 2010
Media volume is too low on my HTC Incredible, even if turned all the way up. My ringer volume seems just fine though. After reading several posts for other android phones it seems the suggested route is to restore the phone to its original settings. I would rather not lose everything I've installed on my phone.
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Sep 10, 2010
My media volume is always muted right now, even after I go into settings and increase the volume and accept, I'll go right back and the volume bar is back at mute.
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Feb 12, 2010
I don't have time to dig in right now, and will this weekend if I need to but, is there an app out that will stream the following two URLs:
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