Sprint HTC Hero :: No Signal After Reboot

Dec 5, 2009

Does anyone else run into the same problem as I do? If my phone dies or I do a reboot I get to the lock screen and it says no signal and does not pick up a cell signal at all. During normal use it said no signal before, but a few seconds later it got a signal. Now it will not get a signal at all and the only way to get a signal again is to do a factory reset. Is the jump to 2.1 supposed to fix all this too?

Sprint HTC Hero :: No signal after reboot

Sprint HTC Hero :: Possible To Turn Off The Sprint Voice & Data Signal?

Mar 4, 2010

I am trying to turn off the Sprint coverage and just enable wifi so I can do some VoIP testing. Is this possible?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Just Randomly Reboot ?

Dec 9, 2009

I have a hero and so does my boyfriend and they both just randomly reboot. Sometimes while we're using them and sometimes they are just sitting on a table and they reboot! Has anyone else had this problem? If so, is there a fix? We are both out of the 30-day time frame but we do have insurance on both.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: How To Reboot Phone

Mar 29, 2010

How do you reboot your HTC Hero? Pull the battery?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Reboot When Exiting Browser?

Jul 4, 2010

I've notice recently my Hero has been acting up, almost as if it is rebooting. However, I don't believe it is a full reboo, i.e. no sprint logo during boot. Only occurs when exiting out from the internet browser. As soon as you hit the home screen to exit, the phone returns to the white htc load page. It appears like it is the full reboot but it does not move next to the Sprint/Now pages. Next the desktop appears but it is grayed out (i.e. my desktop still shows but grayed out, no icons or widgets showen) and the spinning loading icon shows up. Once it finishes loading things appear back to normal. Almost makes me wonder if this reboot is more like sense rebooting and not the entire phone/system. Not sure if this is possible but I want to get anyone's thoughts and if anyone else had expirenced this.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: How Often To Reboot To Keep Phone Speedy?

Nov 12, 2009

I was just curious how often you reboot your phones? Since I've stopped using a task killer and letting android manage things, I've been having to do it twice a day to keep it speedy and usable. Usually in the morning I reboot, read my rss feeds, check this forum & facebook (browser), some emails and some light texting. Once I get to working around 7:30am (I work landscaping) I pop in the earbuds and listen to soma fm with droid live lite till lunch at 11:15. Lunch time I plug in the phone for about 40 minutes to boost up the battery to get me through my music habit for the rest of the workday which ends at 3pm.

I've noticed that if I don't reboot after lunch, my phone is just sluggish and slow as can be. Especially if I've got droid live running and I get a text or an email. I only run two widgets, the "flip clock" and the small style calendar underneath it on my home screen. So I don't think that has much of an effect on my phones performance in the long run. When I was using a task killer, the only time I would reboot was when I woke up in the morning and I was good for the rest of the day. I've been considering running a task killer again, as android doesn't seem to be doing as great of a job managing things as I'd like, but I wanna hear some of your input and experiences first.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Unable To Reboot To Recovery

Nov 10, 2010

I am using a CDMA HTC Hero (sprint). I have rooted the device via Universal Androot which worked flawlessly. I am now trying to flash a custom rom, which is already loaded onto my SD Card (Red Dawn). Here in lies my problem:

Using Rom Manager, I flashed the ClockworkMod Recovery successfully but when i chose to ""Reboot from Recovery" the phone gets hung up at the white HTC boot screen indefinitely until I battery pull.

I have tried many, many different approaches and am now seeking some desperate advise as to how to get into recovery mode so i may flash the new rom. I have tried to enter recovery manually (vol down/pwr on) only for it to get hung on the HTC screen as soon as I chose recovery. I have tried to "Flash Alternative Rom" and the re-flashing the ClockworkMod Recovery all to no avail.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: No Signal

Feb 11, 2010

She went and downloaded a notepad style program called easy something. long story short everything in phone quit working. Phone doesnt even have signal to go to market to uninstall. Pretty much all the android setting stopped working..

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Rooted - No Data Connection After Reboot

Nov 8, 2010

I originally posted this in the CM 6 thread, but after doing a nandroid restore and also flashing to Fresh 2.4 I'm still having this issue. I rebooted my phone this morning (was running CM6 6.1.0 RC1) and ever since the reboot I cannot connect to any google services and the data connection when connecting to webpages is hit or miss. When I try to connect to my google account on the initial setup for CM6 and for Fresh 2.4 I get the error: 'cant establish a reliable data connection to the server'. I have good to great signal strength yet terrible connection. Would updating my radio help? After doing some googling someone suggested updating my profile through the system settings. Can I do that with a rooted phone or do I have to flash back to an official update?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Recovery Reboot Screen Freezes

Feb 24, 2010

I rooted a friends phone and when I try to get to the recovery reboot screen it freezes on the HTC screen, I have to remove the battery and boot normally, and it works just fine. I have rooted two other hero's with no problems. I've tried a wipe and doing the process over again and the same thing happened.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Where To Download Damage Control V2.5 / What Reboot To RA Mean?

Apr 7, 2010

What does Reboot to RA mean? And where do I go to download Damage Control v2.5? Also If I perform a data wipe would it delete all my apps from my sd card?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: App That Helps To Get Better Signal?

Dec 15, 2009

Is there an app that allows you to use other networks, towers, etc. to get better signal on the hero.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: How Can I Boost My Signal !?!?

May 12, 2010

I have a DC 2.08 rooted sprint hero FYI. i work in a high school 8 hours a day. i go through out the entire day without pretty much any signal. most of the time im in my office within the high school and i get no signal at all. is there anyway i can tweek the phone so i can get signal. i already tried different radios.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Free App That Reboot Phone Without Having Root Access?

Dec 5, 2009

Is there a free app that will reboot the phone without having root access?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Constant Reboot - Unable To Boot Recovery

Aug 29, 2010

Today my phone started continuously re-booting itself. Only gets to the HTC screen and then re-boots. I have done multiple battery pulls with no results. I cannot boot into recovery either, tried that many times as well. My only option is a screen that I have not seen before that asks if I want to clear all data and then reset the device.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Screen Freezes And Random Reboot On Phone?

Mar 24, 2010

I'll be on my phone browsing through the net, on my apps etc. Then once I get back to my home screen all of a sudden my screen freezes and the "HTC screen" pops up (same screen when you reboot your phone) and then I will have to wait a minute or two for everything to load up again. I've had my hero since January and this problem recently just began last week. It happens quite often and it's really irritating. I always clear my cache/data/history. Could it perhaps be some of the applications I downloaded from the market causing this?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Signal Strength Icon?

May 26, 2010

Anyone know if you can replace the bars icon at the top with the actual dB reading?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: SMS Randomly Stop Working Until Reboot - Not Same As Memory-related SMS Issue

Nov 4, 2009

Anyone else's phone randomly stop receiving SMS messages? I even have SMStomail installed and it doesn't catch the SMS messages at all. I can make calls, get emails, but no SMS at all until I reboot. It's happened twice and is beginning to get annoying.

This is not the same as the SMS/VM issue because a simple reboot solves it, and I am no where near 40mb on my ROM, and the SMStomail service doesn't catch it.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Got Error Message Of Losing Signal In FB

Mar 21, 2010

So last night i had my phone sitting on my dresser while i watched the dodger game about 2 hours later when i picked it up and attempted to check face book, it kept giving me error messages. Convinced that this was another stupid FB error i went to surf the web only to say I was not connected to a network. I looked at the top of my phone and i had 3 bars but next to there bars there was no 1x or EV signal just the bars. I went into my settings and un clicked the mobile network and then clicked it again and it worked This has happened to me about 4 or 5 times since i owned the hero since December. Anyone have any similar stories or explanations? Also sometimes it seems that when my phone is sleeping, i wont get text messages until i unlock it?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Signal Strength / Call Quality

Jul 18, 2010

Been thinking about flashing a new radio for my hero but I'm just not sure what is a good signal or a bad signal. At my house my phone shows 2-3 bars and between 84-93db most of the time. Is that good? what should be a standard for evaluating signal strength? Sorry if this has already been done. In past threads i've seen posts re: decibals but none i've ever seen has stated what the norm/standard is or what a person should expect. As far as flashing a new radio I know its trial and error. I was just wanting to know what I should expect. TYVM in advance for your answers. BTW running Fresh 2.3.3 with his stock radio

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Signal Strength / Dropped Calls

Nov 9, 2009

Greetings all. Another "long time lurker, first time poster."I am wondering if anyone else is experience dropped calls and occasionally dodgy reception with their Hero. Specifically I am having problems dropping calls in my apartment, which seems to be at the edge of three different towers (I will connect to all three just by walking from room to room...don't know if that is typical).I am new to Sprint, so I don't quite have a feel for what I should expect from the network, but my fiancee--also on Sprint but with a different phone--doesn't seem to have the same issues.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Unknown Apps Causing Lost Signal / What To Do?

Dec 1, 2009

I searched and couldnt find anything.

PROBLEM: Even in areas that I know I have great Sprint coverage, my phone is not connecting to the network and I have no phone signal - "No Service". (WiFi works fine.)

This is the second time this has happened. The last time was last week - I had just installed about 5 new apps (games), rebooted the phone, and I had "No Service". I uninstalled the new apps, rebooted, and service was regained.

Tonight, I didnt install anything NEW, but a handful of apps had updates (Where, Twidroid, Voice Recorder, TWiT.tv, Depth of Field Calculator.)

Actually, now that I think of it, that was my first reboot since I installed ShopSavvy.

I'll uninstall ShopSavvy and Voice Recorder - I dont use the recorder at all - and see where that gets me. But does anyone else have this problem, or am I the only lucky one?

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HTC Incredible :: Random Reboot - Signal Strength Is Unbelievable

May 25, 2010

My Dinc literally just rando-booted and when it started back up my signal strength jumped from 90dbm to 72dbm from 1-2 bars to 3-4! No idea what just happend but was curious to see if this happened to anyone else. BTW I'm in PHX, tempe area!

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Dropping Calls In Your House Due To Poor Signal Strength

Dec 4, 2009

I was having issues with constant dropped calls from my house, which is in an area according to the Sprint coverage map that should have excellent coverage. I went to my Sprint store, which is a repair center, and they told me to go to menu>settings>Wireless controls>Mobile network settings>Roaming, and switch from Automatic to Sprint only. I did this, and have not dropped a call yet. The tech told me that depending on exactly where you are and where the nearest Sprint tower is compared to the nearest say Verizon tower, the phone will continuously try to switch between the two towers for the best signal when set to Automatic, and that can cause dropped calls, static calls etc. Ever since I switched this setting I have not dropped one single call or gotten any static, even with 0-1 bars for signal strength. He told me only use Automatic if you are in an area where your phone has no service due to no nearby Sprint tower.

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Samsung Moment :: Signal Strength Apply To Data Signal Or Just Voice Signal?

Nov 4, 2009

I want to reach out to others here before I take my Moment back to Best Buy to exchange it for another Moment.

My signal strength fluctuates wildly just sitting in the same spot. With the Hero I got a constant 5 of 6 bars, but the Moment will vary between 0 and 5 of 6 bars. But it's more complicated than that.

It seems that whenever the EVDO data kicks in, it causes the signal strength to drop to 0 or 1 bar. Once the data is idle, the EVDO indicator turns grey and then changes from EV(^v) to EV(D). At that point the single strength will return to 3 or 4 bars.

At times, though not as consistently or often, the EVDO connection will fall back to 1xRTT and will switch between them every few minutes. This will occur even when the signal strength bars are in the 3 to 4 range.

So, the my questions are...

Does the signal strength apply to the data signal or just the voice signal?

Is there any legitimate reason for the signal strength to vary wildly like I've described, even when sitting in the same recliner where the Hero had a constant 5 bar connection and data service that never wavered?

Is anyone else having signal strength and/or data service issues?

Should I exchange the Moment for another Moment or will I likely experience the same issue?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Sprint Navigation - What To Do When Signal Is Lost?

Sep 26, 2010

Earlier this weekend me and a couple of friends took a trip north to one of our favorite oyster farms for some good oyster. On the way up there I volunteered to use my gps on my phone to guide us there. Using the Sprint Nav app while we started to hit the mountains I lost signal on my phone and when that happened the app reverted back to showing me a guesstimate of where to turn and then it said eventually its said "could not cannot connect to server" or something similar. So we were basically driving blind and I was looking like my Evo wasnt worth the I payed for. What do you guys do in events like these where you get stuck in the booneys trying to navigate without a cell signal?

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HTC Hero :: What Is Meant By A Reboot?

Jan 7, 2010

what is meant by a reboot? Is it just turning off the hphone then back on, taking the batery out or something completely different??

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HTC Hero :: How Do Apps Survive Reboot If They Live In RAM?

Sep 23, 2009

On Hero, do the apps reside in RAM? If so, how do they survive reboot?

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HTC Hero :: Market Enabler Make Device Reboot

Nov 20, 2009

Everytime I try to fake another provider, my Hero reboot. It was working before I run MoDaCo 2.9.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Android 2.2 On (sprint) Htc Hero With Google / Texts Are Only Sending In Roaming

Sep 16, 2010

after installing 2.2 on my hero, everything was working fine, until now. im having problems with my text messages, they wont send under sprints network, if i put it in roaming then they send right away, but roaming has awefully slow (1x) network speeds, but if i put it back to the 3g network speeds of sprint then everytime i try to send a text it just swirls in circles (the little thing next to the message) and wont send. is this sprints network being down? or does this have to do with the 2.2 update?i dont think its sprint because my mom and sister arent having any problems with there phones from the same plan. but i tryed restarting many times, taking out and leaving out the battery, putting it in airplane mode and turning that back off to reset connection, iv tryed everything and cant get it to work, so idk what to do, and i dont understand why if it was a software problem with the 2.2 installation, why would they send in roaming but not on sprints network?

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