Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Turn Off Phone Theme And Revert Original Android?
Jul 23, 2010Is there way to turn off Sony blue theme and revert original android?

Is there way to turn off Sony blue theme and revert original android?
how can i set a theme on my xperia?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to change the theme, the normal one is getting boring.
Also everytime m on the menus or anything, its the same light blue background... I'm bored of it.
I took a picture and then installed it as my background. I'm not happy with it and so I want to change it back to normal settings. Where on this phone can I do that? I've searched and I also deleted the picture, hoping the background would disappear with it, but nothing happens.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there an easy way to turn 3G on and off on the Xperia X10?
View 6 Replies View Relatedwhen making calls on x10, how do I turn on the speaker?I don't see the button for it and it gets annoying, especially when I am on the phone and I need to type something.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen making calls on x10, how do I turn on the speaker? I don't see the button for it and it gets annoying, especially when I am on the phone and I need to type something.
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow do I turn the flash on, Xperia X10?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy Sony Xperia X1 was doing some crazy things so I turn it off. Now I cant turn it back on. I tried to charged it but then the on/off button either turned red or the luminous light turn red. I tried to take the sim card and memory out but that didn't work either.
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow to turn off the sound the Email notifications makes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy x10 is having me problems it used to turn off it self automatically and very hard to on.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I turn off the Delivery Receipt on my x10 mini, please?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI rang my husband on my x10 mini & when i tried to hang up i couldn't, & i cant turn the phone off, so i took out my sim card so i wouldn't be charged, but it is still saying the call is active & i now don't know what to do!!?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI raised over and over to your Accredited Service Centers here in the Philippines namely MemoXpress and Semicon. I already escalated a lot of issues but they were not able to fix all of it and they just replaced my phone with new Xperia X2 phone not just once but twice. Unfortunately, some issues are still open and haven't fixed yet. See issues and recreational steps below.
1. Backlight is ON even the phone is turned OFF. Keep open any media file (i.e. picture, video, so on) >> Turn the phone off >> Backlight is still on
2. Battery is drained when the battery is removed and inserted it again. Turn the phone on >> Turn it off >> Remove battery >> Insert battery >> Turn the phone on >> Battery is drained..................
too any one who has updated to 2.1 is there an option to close the slidy thingy bar to unlock the phone. I have a password on mine so I dont need that bar.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got a X10 mini today and have a couple of questions if some one could help?Is there anyway to turn off or set it to ask me each time I connect to service providers internet? It just seems to connect whenever, even if I'm not expecting it, I don't have a data plan and don't intend on having one.Is there anyway to set it use use Wifi instead? Certain features I would only use in house.GPS is there anyway to just use the internal GPS and not the network?
Why do the menus seen different to other phones (more complicated)? is it just the phone or is it what to expect of Android phones?
Simple things like message ringtones menu, what are they called now?
SE and all X10 user, it's so great after the x10 had officially released the androind 2.1 OS,but there are few problems that i had experienced which really irritates me and disappointed me.
1) i'm not sure anyone of you has experience what i'm having here. while i'm typing the message, most of the time the qwerty keyboard's key will stuck and keep pressing even though my fingers are not touching on the screen, e.g while pressing the spacebar, it wil keep continue pressing... the most irritates me while i'm pressing backspace key it's stuck and what i've type previously all gone just that way.
2) i'm used to typing with chinese sms, while the words that i want to use was not in the small bar, there's a key to show all the words i want from the page. i scroll down and saw the words i want, but it's unresponding toward my touch, not only the words i want, but also the remaining words below the page.. why? wish you guys will be able to understand what i'm trying to say.
3) my headset was come in the box originally with my x10i, during the android 1.6 OS the button on the mic is able to answer/hang up the call.. but after updated to android 2.2, that button is not anymore useful,why?
Is there a way to edit/delete the original if an e-mail that I am replying to or forwarding? WM could do it out of the box and the BB could with*forward, reply, edit" app. I find this quite useful.
View 18 Replies View RelatedToday I started to explorer how to change color in the notification/statusbar. I've tried to follow the guides in here and other forums, but when I want to change color I get an error after typing java -Xmx512M -jar colorChangev3.jar clock=FFFF9300 date=FFFF9300 I'm using color changev3.jar. In the guides they're all talking about some classes.dex inside the service.jar, but the only thing I can find is some MANIFEST-MF
Screenshot :
how do i download new themes for my x10i? the phone says it doesn't support downloading bored of the blue theme i want to get a more stylish one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedNo idea if anyone knows or if theres any info out there as haven't been able to do so myself as yet - but hey, i'm northern and stupid so probably looking in the wrong place, An absolutely awesome user on here - Android Forums - View Profile: X10iUser - showed me how to do the rooting and offered some new fonts which i was really after. However after watching THIS. i really think i wanna change the whole style of the phone - the question is, how do i do this. can it be done from a one click app root or do i need to do it "properly" Even if its just getting rid of the CRAP blue UI i will be happy as i ONLY use EMAIL and SETTINGS menu from the stock sony UI.
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View 5 Replies View RelatedHow to use a Theme that i have downloaded on Marked. I have downloaded a lot of them but cant use them.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am looking to pimp my homescreen, I have had a look at ADW launcher and I can't see how to customize the theme very good, has anyone got any good apps or widgets to make my homescreen look really good, plus is there a way to shorten the space between app rows on the home screen.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a question...i want to root my phone and install the new villain 5.3 rom so that i can have droid 2.1 but my question is, what happens if it craps out on me and i need to revert it back to the way i got the phone from sprint.where can i find instructions on how to do that and where can i find that software? sorry if this is a repeat question but i searched a bit and didnt find it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI created a backup while following rooting instructions for mac ( so I figure I should be able to revert the phone back to its original state. How do I do this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedAfter plugging my phone into my computer and following instructions for so called update from my x10 i cannot get my phone to turn back on. it simply sticks at the sony ericsson page - the instructions did state that after you turn the phone back on that the start up would take a little while but 10 hours later is little to long me thinks. i have tried charging it but no luck.
View 8 Replies View RelatedAre there any good alarm applications for the X10i?
Basically I use my phone as an alarm to get up for work. My old Nokia N96 I could set the alarm and then switch the phone off at night and the alarm would still go off on time. This does not seem to be the case with the X10i. It doesn't even go off when the phones in airplane mode which is poor. I just don't want to have to leave my phone on overnight in case it rings and i wake up.
Are there any good alarm apps that allows you to turn the phone off and the alarm would still ring at 6.30 for work?
Probably a silly question, but anybody here able to tell me how to turn off 3G on this phone?
I just want to see what impact it has on battery life.
After updating my phone i noticed i cant find half my contacts. how can i get the contacts back to my original ones
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