Samsung Vibrant :: Server Error Has Occoured. Retry Or Cancel And Return To The Previous Screen
Aug 21, 2010I tried to connect android market but i only got "a server error has occoured. retry, or cancel and return to the previous screen."

I tried to connect android market but i only got "a server error has occoured. retry, or cancel and return to the previous screen."
My problem is this, I downloaded Handcent and really like it, however, I can't send messages from home. I have marginal service here (around -98 avg.) but I do get 3G. Whenever I send a message it says Message Failed - Retry, Cancel? I've even had this problem in places with great coverage for both 3G and cell service. The stock messaging app works just fine. So what I've been doing is receiving messages with Handcent and then sending them using the stock app.
So, does anyone have any ideas of what I can do? Are there any settings that can be changed? Does handcent use 3G to send messages?
I'm now trying Chomp to see if that's any better. And, just an FYI, I'm having trouble with text messages, not MMS. I haven't tried sending any pics or videos yet, I've just been sending SMS.
Using appbrain on my PC seems to work fine when I'm not logged in. When I do log in and try to click on an app I get this error message:
"Error: Server Error The server encountered an error and could not complete your request. If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this error message and the query that caused it."
Anyone else have this issue when using Appbrain on their pc?
Well, It looks like I solved the problem. I just deleted my account and created it again and it's fixed (for now).
I don't understand this. When you hit the back button after following a link, you go back to the previous page, but not where you left off. The browser seems to just throw you somewhere near the top of the page. Is there a settings fix for this, or is it just how it works?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have an android application with a LOT of activities, think of something like a book where every page is a new activity. The user can make changes in each activity, for example highlight certain texts with different colored markers etc. and it's crucial that I'll remember this information as long as the application stays alive (and I don't want/need to remember any of this when it's not). As I understand the best mechanism for storing this kind of information is via onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) and onCreate(Bundle)/onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle) rather than lets say, the Preferences mechanism. My only problem is that the user can navigate backwards to previous pages (Activities) and the only way i know of achieving this is by calling finish() which of course kills the current activity without calling onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) and even if it did call it, the next time I would launch an activity representing that page it would be an entirely new instance. So my question is: Is there a way to go back to the previous activity without calling finish()? or, is there a better way to save this information? maybe through static variables?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I dropped my vibrant (with rubber SGP Silk case) about 4 feet from the ground and the screen is completely destroyed. There is no external damage, but functionality is completely gone. I got my vibrant about a month ago.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a kernal on ryans lag fix and then it made my phone get stuck on the VIBRANT SAMSUNG screen so i tried to fix it by using odin, but all it did was make it go to the Galaxy s sign now, any suggestions on how i can fix this? (and also, after the galaxy s sign shows up for about ten seconds or something like that it goes all black and all that stays lit are the home button, the back button, the search button, and the settings button), i need serious help.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I recieve a sms/mms on my vibrant the screen comes on and wont go off until I check my phone, this kills my battery if I get a message while im sleeping and...well..its frustrating and annoying, any ideas how to fix this? I have been up and down every setting
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor the past few weeks ive been trying to do a software update on my phone. i know 2.2 isnt available yet, but i just wanted to give it a try for sh!ts n giggles. my old captivate that i returned was able to connect to the att server and gave me a message saying that there are no updates available. the new captivate i have wont even connect to the att server. it sucks that i have to wait 24hours until i can try again. everytime ive done it, it gives me that error message. anyone else having this issue? i thought being rooted and having the one click lag fix was the problem so i undid the lag fix and unrooted, but i still got the same error message. im worried that when 2.2 is available, i wont be able to get it since i cant even connect to the att server.
View 6 Replies View Relatedhas anyone had that befor and know have to fixed it... im looking ever where for a answer and all the sms app wont work just says i/o error
View 1 Replies View RelatedWifi is on; hotel server found; connected to hotel server; but where do I input the hotel server password? Browser just indicates server error.
I also have my itouch with me and after it connects with hotel server, a sign-on screen comes up and I enter the server password.
Can't get the Captivate to supply a sign-on screen. Is there some other way to enter the server password that was supplied to me?
I cannot find the answer online for this. When I do a search on my corp e-mail it always says no matches. It never works. Anyone have a solution?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHey everyone, I'm sort of new to this but I figured I'd give it a shot to see if anyone might have an answer.
This happens fairly frequently actually, but I'll be in an app (any app - it's not really particular) and sometimes it'll just randomly shut me out of it and return to the home screen. As it does this, the home button blinks and vibrates incessantly until I hold down on it - at which point it brings up a sort of mini-list of six apps (the last six apps I've opened, I suppose). Once I clear out of that list, then the phone resumes working normally.
I initially thought it had something to do with the memory and running too many apps at once, so I downloaded Advance Task Killer and run that occasionally...only to find the same problem occurring, sometimes RIGHT after I kill all the apps.
Has anyone else had this happen? Can anyone help me out?
How do I go to previous screen from current screen in Android app? I know there is a back button on phone, but it takes me to beginning screen of my app and I want my buttons on app to work for going back to previous screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to select the 3G 850 band on my Galaxy Grand (I-9082L), and when I select the appropriate band via service mode, i get this:
I am troubleshooting my phone, for I flashed a I-9082 firmware and lost the 3G, I cant find a I-9082L firmware so,If you can point me to a 9082L firmware or compatible modem.
In the contacts tab when you switch between groups then back to contacts, that color above the names has a noticeable hint of green to it, then when you scroll down a little bit then back up it's black again. Same thing on my vibrant. I'd take a picture or video of it but i dont think it will show on camera.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat do you think is the perfect screen size? Just curious after I saw the release of the new Dell Streak android phone that is a massive 5 inches!
View 11 Replies View Relatedquick question, what is the screen made out of glass?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAnyone know for sure if this will fit the Samsung Vibrant properly?
SGP Steinheil ULTRA CRYSTAL Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy S i9000
It says it's Galaxy S i9000. I'm not sure it's going to be exact.
If not, anyone want to suggest some alternatives?
No, don't bother suggesting invisishield.
I've used Steinheil before, so I know I like that kind.
Is the Ghost Armor closer to the rubbery feel of the Inivisishield or the hard plastic feel of the Steinheil?
How's the Amzer one?
I've heard that the T-Mo one doesn't cover the buttons at the bottom too, so I'd prefer not to get that one.
How's it going fellow Vibrant owners? I'm new here, been lurking for awhile and decided to register to ask some questions and help out others. My question; is this usb cable the same as the one provided with the vibrant? Samsung Replacement USB Data Charging Cable for Samsung SPH-M330, SCH-R100, SGH-T939, SCH-R850: Cell Phones & Service looks identical, but anyone have input? or atleast anywhere thats cheap? I'd like to order from Amazon so I can do a group my order for a screen protector for those curious: REALOOK T-Mobile Samsung Vibrant Anti-Fingerprint Premium LCD Screen Protector 2 Pack: Electronics.
We tried to root it and apply the lag fix via "OneClickLagFix" app (from the Market), and the phone was very fast for about a week, then slowed down SIGNIFICANTLY. Tonight, it just froze and will not boot past the Galaxy S screen. The screen will then go black and the four buttons at the bottom stay lit. We have gone into recovery and wiped the cache but no luck. Have not yet tried to wipe user data.
Transfer all data from internal storage to a separate drive, then wipe phone? If so, will I have to "flash" a stock/custom ROM to get the phone back up?
Is there any way to lock the screen while on a call? My kids can't get through a conversation with grandma without hanging up on her.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a kernal on ryans lag fix and then it made my phone get stuck on the VIBRANT SAMSUNG screen so i tried to fix it by using odin, but all it did was make it go to the Galaxy s sign now, any suggestions on how i can fix this? (and also, after the galaxy s sign shows up for about ten seconds or something like that it goes all black and all that stays lit are the home button, the back button, the search button, and the settings button)PLEASE REPLY, i need serious help.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI installed launcher pro on my vibrant and I love pretty much everything about it. but I lost my feeds and updates screen on one of my home screens that displayed stuff from facebook and such. It came installed on the phone so I don't know how to reinstall it on one of my launcher pro home screens.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a strange issue. I am using KSOAP2 to create a soap request to a .net webservice. I do this in a few other places and everything works fine. The webservice basically queries a data base and takes the values from the data reader and creates a string. This string is then returned. When I run the webservice on my local machine(Without using android) it works fine. When I run it from the webserver (still not android) it works fine. When I call it from my phone however the line: String hazards = (String)envelope.getResponse().toString () ; //Get response from .net Web service Simply is filled with anyType{}. Now if I go to the webservice and I manually type in the contents from the database to represent what the string concatenation should be it works perfectly. The line: String hazards = (String)envelope.getResponse().toString(); //Get response from .net Web service Now returns the string value i need. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening or know a better place to ask this question?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a free app to change my lock screen. I looked at lockbot and it just wasn't what I was looking for. At least the free version wasn't. I am not ready to pay for a app yet. Still new to android. I like my homepage. I use fancywidgets and like the clock and weather and would like that on my lock screen so all I have to do is hit the power button and see the huge clock. I also don't want to have to swipe so far to unlock the screen. Can someone point me in the direction of a app to change my lock screen around? a free app for now.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been monitoring my battery consumption for a while now and noticed that on minimum brightness, with screen timeout set on 15 secs, always 50% to 80% of my battery is being used by the screen! I was wondering if anyone else is getting a similar battery consumption?
View 13 Replies View RelatedWas using odin 3 trying to get my phone to remove ota update . First time I ever tried anything like this . had worker and pick with phone downloading pit and pda. it stopped and all I have now is small phone triange stop sign and pc. I have no idea what to do did I brick it samsung vibrant.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got the vibrant about a week ago, and so far no major issues. Still fumbling around in the apps market for the good stuff. One thing I found annoying was having to press the power/unlock button and then swiping the screen to unlock the phone every time, is there anything in the market or some setting to avoid pressing the button and just swiping the screen or possibly using the touch buttons on the front of the phone then swiping?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got a vibrant for 2 weeks now....really satisfied with it except it keep turning back to home screen by itself, when i try to access to google or some other websites like that......
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