Samsung Moment :: Touch Screen Doesnt Work
Aug 1, 2010My touch screen stopped working whe I tried to load a custom rom on it. Are there any ideas i can try to fix it? Ive even tried wiping it back to factory settings.

My touch screen stopped working whe I tried to load a custom rom on it. Are there any ideas i can try to fix it? Ive even tried wiping it back to factory settings.
Okay so all of a sudden yesterday the lock button on my Samsung Moment kind of stopped working. When you press the hang up button on the phone, its supposed to lock. If you hold the hang up button it brings up a menu for power off, sounds off and airplane mode.
For some reason when I press the hang up button to lock the phone, it doesnt work but when I press and hold the hang up button, the menu thats supposed to pop up does.
If the button semi works I cant see it being a problem with the button. My friend says its a software glitch but it worked fine for months and then all of a sudden yesterday morning it stopped working. I HAVE NOT updated the phone or anything recently.
Ive had my moment for approx. 9 months now and I have taken very good care of it, never dropped it and ive had a case and screen protector on it the whole time and now i am losing my touchscreen. on the top right of the screen when you touch it it either doesnt do anything or it will think that i touched something on the left upper side. so you all know where im talking about when you pull down the notifications bar and you hit the clear button it doesnt work at all. is this phone just done or can it be fixed? anybody else have this problem? I just don't understand i took so good care of this phone!
View 2 Replies View RelatedDid the Moment 2.1 Update and installed the old HTC Keyboard and it doesnt work. Is there an updated version for the 2.1 moment?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have the camera open and I long touch an object and the little box turns green and it makes a noise but no picture is can i make it take the picture using a long touch
View 13 Replies View RelatedWent into test mode to check out the battery. And through my curiosity went into the 'touch-fw update', and now I can't use my phone. I have the touchscreen lock so can't unlock it, otherwise maybe I could use the keyboard or the optical joystick to use the phone. Is there any way to fix this? I might attempt a hard reset, but saw on another forum, that it's unfixable. I bought it at Best Buy and they aren't even open tomorrow, would another Best Buy or Sprint store exchange it if I can't fix it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedFirst of all I searched and couldn't find anything on this. Is anyone else having an issue with the screen not being very accurate? The on screen keyboard seems fine for me, but choosing something such as a link in the web browser is a little off on my phone.
An example would be opening (my local news), then trying to click on news on the left hand side...instead of news, it will choose what is below it (in this case weather). I thought it was my fat fingers, but others who have tried my phone experience the same issue. I was just wondering if it was just me? Any way to calibrate the screen?
For example, I can scroll a page but when I stop and hold my finger on the screen, it moves about very jittery even though my finger is not even moving. It can be annoying at times when I want the screen to be steady.
Has anyone else had this problem? BTW, I do have a clear screen protector on my screen, could that be part of the problem?
Does anyone know of a app that download a more user friendly qwerty board?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI updated my Evo to 2.2 when it came out, but I just noticed something about flash in the browser: I cannot interact with any of the buttons. For example, when browsing the youtube full site in the browser (not the youtube app) you can hit the button to turn on captions, and hit the other button to switch to HD resolution. For some reason, I cant figure out how to hit those buttons. I tried zooming in all the way, and I hit the resolution button, and the resolutions popped up for about .5 of a second, then went away, its too quick to hit it. I tried double tapping the flash to make it full screen and that doesnt work either. The only thing I can get to work is the slider bar, which seems to work fine.
View 4 Replies View RelatedOkay so i created a folder on my sd card called ringers, worked great for allowing me to use my mp3 files that i croped for my ringtones, however when the phone rings it doesnt ring at the desired volume from the begining, it vibrates only for 1 pulse then the volume slowly comes in from min to the desired level it is as if it is set to escalating. I have searched through all the settings but if there is a way to turn this off i have missed it. I know the mp3 file doesnt escalate because i use the same file on my moment and it rings at full volume from the beginning.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI currently own a Palm Pre and I'm ready to ditch it for an Android device. Don't get me wrong, webOS is clean and has a lot of potential, but for now...lacking would be a good (albeit understated) word to describe it. I want to jump the Pre ship for the Samsung Moment, but one thing I keep reading about the Moment is bothering me - everyone says it doesn't have multi-touch. However, I recently read that multi-touch is something Android doesn't yet support. This knowledge was previously unbeknownst to me since I haven't used an Android device since the G1 first launched. Since the Moment uses a standard Android build, the OS wouldn't allow multi-touch even if the phone were capable of it. So my question is: Does anyone know whether or not the Moment is capable of multi-touch? If it's simple a shortcoming of Android, I can deal with it since I know Android 2.0 should finally support it.
View 40 Replies View RelatedJust a quick question about the Captivate. I just got myself an HTC Aria and I love how easy it is to use the touch screen on it. Its extremely responsive. Now my sister has the SamSung Instinct on Sprint and the touch screen is horrible compared to HTCs touch on the Aria. Im thinking about taking the HTC back to AT&T and getting the Samsung Captivate. I am just worried about the touch screen on it and if it will be like the Instincts? If the touch is as good as HTCs Ill get it. If its not, then Ill stick with the Aria because despite its size, its an extremely fun and responsive phone. Any thoughts?
View 10 Replies View RelatedHello everyone. I am on my 2nd windows mobile phone. I bought the touch pro 2 a few weeks ago and while the phone is great I am tired of the typical wm headaches. I am doing daily soft resets, etc. Grrrrr! Anyways, has anyone made the leap from the TP2 to the moment? how has the change been? I have one week to decide whether I will return the tp2.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy Galaxy doesnt lock the screen anymore after i dial any number from my contact list.
The steps to reproduce the problems are:
- Turn on the phone
- Unlock the screen
- Press "Call" button
- Select "Contacts" tab
- Select some contact and make a call
- Press "End" button (dont need to wait the call to complete)
- Press the "Lock" button
- At this point, the screens turns off, but the phone doesnt lock. If i press any key the screen turns on and the phone remains unlocked
From this point, the phone doesnt lock the screen anymore, even after the lock timeout.
To workaround this problem i need to restart the phone OR use a task manager to end the process "Dialer", so i presume the dialer application is preventing the screen to lock.
Actually im using GalaxyHero v1.1, but i had the same problem since i bought the phone with the original Android version. I upgraded to IH4, IH8, II5 and others, restored to factory defaults many times, but the problem persists with all versions.
my touch screen doesn't work or work sometimes on the different place where i touch.I remove the protection from the screen and make a reset to the fabric settings but problem is still here.Early i can make a calibration but now i can't do this.Problem is worest every next hour.Now is a problem also to unlock the phone,i do this once in ten or more times.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I have fake nails and I wanna be able to hit the keys with my nails so I can get accurate "touches" on my new hero that I just bought today? Any ideas on how to do this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI know this has been asked on other forums... but wanted it specifically for the Hero... how well does the application work with a touch screen?
I know 4 bucks isn't a lot... but meh... I'd rather make sure it works first.
Ad I have to ask for the sake of asking... sheer curiosity killed the cat.
Jail breaking an ipod lets you get apps for free... putting a rom on your phone doesn't make apps free for us does it? (not that I'm looking for free... just curious)
If you are needing an extra ac adapter, car charger and sync cable, I found an awesome deal here... For 5.95 + shipping of like 2 something you can't beat it. Ordered mine today. Now I can keep a charger at work and you never know when your sync cable may die and a car charger.
Google I saw that these do infact work with the Samsung Galaxy S but don't know if they work with the Moment. Has anyone tried?
View 1 Replies View Relatedanyone have wave secure work on the moment? I get the splash screen, then over the license agreement, a message
Wave secure is only available for x?t?[][][][]??Kf?? users. Please insert a x?t?[][][][]??Kf?? SIM to continue registration.
pressing ok closes the application.
I was in the pool when I dropped my phone in it. It was only submerged for about 2 seconds. I was at a friends and they didn't have white rice so i had to put it in brown rice-- all day. Then today I put the battery in it and it acting the same, everything works but when I touch the screen it doesn't do anything. It has now been in a air tight sealed bag full of white rice for about 3 hours... It still doesn't work.. I have college tomorrow and I need my phone...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI tried several times and wheres my droid will not work. I put the phone on silent and have someone text me the attention word and it does nothing
View 18 Replies View RelatedI am a long time viewer first time poster ... i was trying to download the Scrabble game from the EA site, however when it sends the txt to ur phone then u follow the url to download, it cant find anything for the samsung moment ... does scrabble not work for the moment ??
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have a brand new x10 mini pro.and touch screen wont work after i use the phone for a few minutes or sometimes when it came out of standby. only thing i can do is to remove the can i fix the problem? is it a hardware problem? s something wrong with proximity sensor?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have noticed that after the last update, my touch screen doesn't work for a few seconds on random occasions and then works again after about 3 or 4 seconds. when I'm reading a book and they're about to reveal the mystery or enthusiastically playing a game and it stops working, I get increasingly frustrated that I can't turn the page or that I lost the game because during the last few seconds my touchscreen decided to temporarily stop working.. I just want to make sure there's not something wrong internally.
View 6 Replies View RelatedThe moment renders multi touch zooming obsolete as far as I am concerned. Yeah, it might be neat. But IMHO, the zooming buttons on this browser works better. The centering feature when zooming works better. And you can zoom with one hand. Anyway, I will not miss it at all and I think the zoom feature on this is much better.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just read about how the Nexus one doesn't have multi-touch enabled, even though it has the capability. The Moment has the capability for it too, but doesn't have it enabled either. Anyone happen to know why the phone makers bother spending extra money on multi-touch screens only to not enable it?
View 13 Replies View Relatedthis keyboard is light years ahead of the default virtual qwerty.I bought the Moment for the hard qwerty and absolutely love it, but hated to have to open the phone for each and every little thing due to the god-awful virtual keyboard.Installing HTC's Touch Input was the best decision I've made. It's super responsive and typing is almost as easy as with the iPhone. I use the T9 numeric as opposed to the full qwerty. There's also a compact qwerty if that's your thing (Blackberry-esque)It's not on the Market AFAIK, but a quick google search will show you where it is. Even has a calibration tool!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a widget that would do weather like my old HTC Touch Pro did. For example, when it is raining, when it updates, you get a windshield wiper for a second or two. I just liked the look of this and was wondering if this is out there. I have weather widget right now.
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