Samsung Moment : App That Download Touch Screen Qwerty Board?
Mar 5, 2010Does anyone know of a app that download a more user friendly qwerty board?

Does anyone know of a app that download a more user friendly qwerty board?
Like in portrait mode? Does Epic Also Have A Touch Screen key Board?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWent into test mode to check out the battery. And through my curiosity went into the 'touch-fw update', and now I can't use my phone. I have the touchscreen lock so can't unlock it, otherwise maybe I could use the keyboard or the optical joystick to use the phone. Is there any way to fix this? I might attempt a hard reset, but saw on another forum, that it's unfixable. I bought it at Best Buy and they aren't even open tomorrow, would another Best Buy or Sprint store exchange it if I can't fix it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy touch screen stopped working whe I tried to load a custom rom on it. Are there any ideas i can try to fix it? Ive even tried wiping it back to factory settings.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFirst of all I searched and couldn't find anything on this. Is anyone else having an issue with the screen not being very accurate? The on screen keyboard seems fine for me, but choosing something such as a link in the web browser is a little off on my phone.
An example would be opening (my local news), then trying to click on news on the left hand side...instead of news, it will choose what is below it (in this case weather). I thought it was my fat fingers, but others who have tried my phone experience the same issue. I was just wondering if it was just me? Any way to calibrate the screen?
For example, I can scroll a page but when I stop and hold my finger on the screen, it moves about very jittery even though my finger is not even moving. It can be annoying at times when I want the screen to be steady.
Has anyone else had this problem? BTW, I do have a clear screen protector on my screen, could that be part of the problem?
I want want want where is download capture screen on ANDROID MARKET is not here grrr. i can't find here unavaiable sad.
View 15 Replies View RelatedNow I'm not a professional reviewer, but I think I have some good insight to share. Also you may be wondering why this is in the EVO 4G forum, well the EVO is considered one of the best phones out there and I happen to own an EVO myself. I think the phone is great, but I'm usually critical of my devices and I like to take a look at the keyboard as I'm an avid texter. I see a lot of posts of people wondering why one keyboard is not as accurate as another phone. If you're a big texter and you're looking for a really good text phone, I promise this is a good read. So what makes the best touch QWERTY keyboard? Well we would have to look at the criteria of what makes the best QWERTY keyboard:
Keyboard layout
Capacitive touch screen quality
Accuracy of predictive text
If a phone can do all of these things perfectly, you'll have a phone that will be a texting monster. Lets take a look at what I think is the most important criteria, keyboard layout.
Portrait Keyboard Layout
Unfortunately, I think the EVO comes in last for keyboard layout. It has the largest screen, but it wastes most of it with its oversized cursor buttons. The cursor buttons need to be smaller for the other keys to breathe and need to be in a D-Pad layout. If the keyboard is top notch, we shouldn't be using the cursor keys so frequently to fix errors. Also why the keyboard takes up 2/3 of the screen confuses me. This is purely opinion, but I would rather have the "hide keyboard" button not take up space and move it in the upper right like the Nexus One and iPhone as a "Done" button. Lastly the EVO has the shortest "width wise" space bar. The space bar is used frequently and shouldn't be gimped like that. So that leaves the Nexus 1 and iPhone. If you look closely, the iPhone has the most space between keys. Most typing errors are from keys being so close together and hitting the wrong key.
The EVO faces the same problem, although the keys are bigger, so are the keys that are right next to it. Bottom line, keys not only need to be bigger, they need more breathing room in between each other. Another close detail is the "q" and "p" key. The EVO has those keys farther away from the edge of the screen than the iPhone and Nexus 1. The edge of the screen is the least responsive area, so is this space a benefit or a negative? My take on it is that one of two things happen, you either hit the neighboring key, or the key doesn't register at all. If you hit the neighboring key, it takes much longer to edit, rather than to just try and hit the key again. So even though the edge is less responsive, its more beneficial to have the "q" and "p" key closer to the edge and away from its neighboring key. Portrait Keyboard layout goes to iPhone, 2nd Nexus1, 3rd EVO 4G
Landscape Keyboard Layout
Next is landscape mode. I thought this deserved to be addressed as it changes everything. Although the iPhone still has more space between the keys, I'm gonna have to give this landscape mode to the EVO. Unfortunately the space bar on the EVO is STILL the shortest out of the three. So why does landscape make such a big difference even though the keys on the EVO are tightly packed? Well the difference is that the keys are now squares, instead of thin rectangles. This increases accuracy a lot and pretty much negates the disadvantages of having narrow spaces in between the keys. Again HTC could of capitalized on more space for the general keys by not taking up so much space with the cursor keys. As for the Nexus1, the keys are slightly bigger than the iPhone, but are still really tightly packed, so I would say its a tie.
Landscape mode goes to EVO, tie for iPhone and Nexus 1
Capacitive Touch Screen Quality
What good is a keyboard if the screen can't even read your touch actions? I know that the EVO is not tested in this, but we can still use this as a base of comparison. I really believe that the quality of the screen plays a very big role in the responsiveness of your touch actions. Nothing is more annoying then having your touch actions not being registered correctly or not at all. Right off the bat, the Nexus1 is out. So its now the iPhone and EVO 4G. From what I have read, but I can't seem to find the article. The EVO 4G uses a much higher quality capacitive touch screen compared to the Nexus1, most likely very close to the iPhone. So I'll say its a tie between the EVO and iPhone.
Capacitive Touch Screen quality goes to, EVO 4G/iPhone tie, 2nd Nexus 1.
With a multitouch keyboard you're able to type faster. All those fast typers out there can really appreciate a multitouch keyboard. I'm not sure if the Nexus1 supports this, but I don't think it does, so correct me if I'm wrong. So in this case you either have multitouch keyboard or you don't and the iPhone is the only one to have it.
Multitouch goes to iPhone, tie for EVO 4G and Nexus1
Accuracy of Predictive Text
I don't have any experience in this on the Nexus1, but only on the EVO 4G and iPhone. So anyone can chime in if I'm incorrect on this matter. I would think the EVO and Nexus1 would be the same considering they're both Android devices. From my experience and watching many videos, it seems like the iPhone does a better job at correcting and predicting text input compared to the EVO.
Predictive text goes to the iPhone, tie for EVO 4G/Nexus1
So the last thing I think all the phones adds a little something to make texting easier that doesn't quite fit the criteria. The iPhone OS has a pretty neat magnifying glass where you can move the cursor. I found this extremely handy. The EVO 4G has the cursor buttons instead, which isn't as slick, but can prove to be more precise. Then finally both the EVO 4G and Nexus1 has the voice to text feature from Google, which is pretty dang accurate.
MISC goes to the EVO 4G, tie for iPhone/Nexus1
So what phone do you think has the best, most accurate touch QWERTY keyboard? Is it one of these three, or another phone out there. Also what do you think makes the best touch QWERTY keyboard phone? I appreciate those who took the time to read, took me a while to type up.
I currently own a Palm Pre and I'm ready to ditch it for an Android device. Don't get me wrong, webOS is clean and has a lot of potential, but for now...lacking would be a good (albeit understated) word to describe it. I want to jump the Pre ship for the Samsung Moment, but one thing I keep reading about the Moment is bothering me - everyone says it doesn't have multi-touch. However, I recently read that multi-touch is something Android doesn't yet support. This knowledge was previously unbeknownst to me since I haven't used an Android device since the G1 first launched. Since the Moment uses a standard Android build, the OS wouldn't allow multi-touch even if the phone were capable of it. So my question is: Does anyone know whether or not the Moment is capable of multi-touch? If it's simple a shortcoming of Android, I can deal with it since I know Android 2.0 should finally support it.
View 40 Replies View RelatedJust a quick question about the Captivate. I just got myself an HTC Aria and I love how easy it is to use the touch screen on it. Its extremely responsive. Now my sister has the SamSung Instinct on Sprint and the touch screen is horrible compared to HTCs touch on the Aria. Im thinking about taking the HTC back to AT&T and getting the Samsung Captivate. I am just worried about the touch screen on it and if it will be like the Instincts? If the touch is as good as HTCs Ill get it. If its not, then Ill stick with the Aria because despite its size, its an extremely fun and responsive phone. Any thoughts?
View 10 Replies View RelatedHello everyone. I am on my 2nd windows mobile phone. I bought the touch pro 2 a few weeks ago and while the phone is great I am tired of the typical wm headaches. I am doing daily soft resets, etc. Grrrrr! Anyways, has anyone made the leap from the TP2 to the moment? how has the change been? I have one week to decide whether I will return the tp2.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe moment renders multi touch zooming obsolete as far as I am concerned. Yeah, it might be neat. But IMHO, the zooming buttons on this browser works better. The centering feature when zooming works better. And you can zoom with one hand. Anyway, I will not miss it at all and I think the zoom feature on this is much better.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just read about how the Nexus one doesn't have multi-touch enabled, even though it has the capability. The Moment has the capability for it too, but doesn't have it enabled either. Anyone happen to know why the phone makers bother spending extra money on multi-touch screens only to not enable it?
View 13 Replies View Relatedthis keyboard is light years ahead of the default virtual qwerty.I bought the Moment for the hard qwerty and absolutely love it, but hated to have to open the phone for each and every little thing due to the god-awful virtual keyboard.Installing HTC's Touch Input was the best decision I've made. It's super responsive and typing is almost as easy as with the iPhone. I use the T9 numeric as opposed to the full qwerty. There's also a compact qwerty if that's your thing (Blackberry-esque)It's not on the Market AFAIK, but a quick google search will show you where it is. Even has a calibration tool!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a widget that would do weather like my old HTC Touch Pro did. For example, when it is raining, when it updates, you get a windshield wiper for a second or two. I just liked the look of this and was wondering if this is out there. I have weather widget right now.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have tried both itune and sprint media manager .(I had the samsung instinct before).
View 8 Replies View RelatedFor some reason my notification bar is no longer sensitive to touch. All the notifications are showing up but when I go to pull the screen down it no longer recognizes this action or that I'm touching it. Every once in a while it will work again for no reason that I can tell.
When I try and press on the bar it usually thinks I'm pressing whatever widget is at the top near it. I've tried moving finger positioning but to no avail.
Hey everyone, I'm hoping to get the answers i'm looking for here so I can become a new Moment owner and a part of this community. First off, I have a palm pre and really do love my phone. It's great for movies and internet browsing. It's also just a slick looking phone. However, it's hard to ignore the growing giant that is Android. I have thought about getting the droid, but I don't like Verizon's plans, internet speed, nor the lack of a physical phone button. With that, i'm hoping some of you can help me with a few questions.
1) Can the phone physically support multi-touch. I know that the phone isn't set up that way, but with the Hero and Droid, you can download the Dolphin app and it will make multi-touch possible. The main thing I want is to be able to pinch zoom. That may sound corny, but I love it. It's the main reason I wanted a Pre.
2) Is there an auto-complete for typing like the iPhone or Droid. When playing with it, I didn't see one, but maybe it's a feature you have to turn on.
3) How is the hardware casing holding up? It looks awfully plastic and that scares me.
4) Is there another Sprint Android phone with a physical keyboard coming out in the next year I should maybe be waiting on?
5) How is the media player? Watching divx, making playlists, going through pictures?
6) Can you multi-task? This is a big one for me. I like being able to text, get a phone call, answer it, and go back to my text without a hassle. Same with the internet. I like to be on a conference call, and go surf the web at the same time, maybe even have a texting conversation, conference call, and surf the web at once. You wouldn't believe how many times that comes up.
7) Overall, what is you favorite thing about the phone. What's the thing you didn't know you loved until you had it.
Thank you all again to those who respond. I'm not trying to be lazy by not searching, believe me I have, but I always seem to get misinterpretations of the questions and answers.
I wonder if anyone knows how to install android on Samsung Ultra Touch S8300?
It doesn't have a WiFi, I thought put it on the micro sd card.
Anybody know for sure whether the Moment's screen is glass or plastic?I've looked around for the answer, but there seems to be conflicting reports.So far I'm amazed at how scratch resistant the screen is.Still pristine after heavy usage, so I'm assuming it's a glass screen.But I haven't been able to find any definitive source.
View 10 Replies View RelatedSorry if this has already been discussed but I did a search and couldn't find anything. Anyway, I just checked my email on my Moment and downloaded an attachment. When I tried to open it an error message popped up saying "out of memory". I have plenty of memory left on both my sd card and internal memory so I am stumped as to what "memory" the message is referring to.
View 12 Replies View RelatedWhere can I download Odin v3.98. Post a link please.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded to a rooted 2.1 system and all worked well for about a week, including use of the Market. But now I can't download anything from the Market at this point. I've tried every solution I've seen on this and other forums, but nothing has solved the issue. I've tried rebooting through recovery, pulling out the battery, starting Google Talk (apparently that helps with other phones), checked the 'okay to download third-party apps/unknown sources' mark in settings, and cleared the cache out of every application. I've uninstalled every application I've downloaded in the last 3-4 days.
However, I can't find the Market app to clear the cache - would seem like if I cleared the cache from the Market app, that might do the trick. I remember seeing it as an manageable app in 1.5, but it's not showing in 2.1.
Is the Market app in 2.1 hidden somehow? I've used Root Explorer, ASTRO and the stock apps manager but none show the Market program as an application.
Also, are there other suggestions I haven't tried?
The reason it's an issue right now is because I removed the mms.apk program (moved it to the SD card, but it won't re-install -- tried ASTRO and Root Explorer) and was using Handsent SMS exclusively for texting. But Handsent had some problems so I uninstalled it and was about to re-install it but now I can't successfully download anything from the Market. So, I have no texting ability right now.
Simple question really, I'd like to replace my wall paper and the ones with the phone are not to my liking. What are your favorites or do you know of any Android ready, Moment sized, wall paper website galleries that I can browse?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to get anything to download. Any clues?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI get pdf attachments daily ... I clicked "open" and got the message that the Moment was "fetching" it, but it never appeared. (I did not try "download," only open, as i just want to read the thing quickly.) Any tips?This is the "mail" not the "gmail" app, I mean.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter wasting over an hour trying to update to 2.1, I've given up on trying to get the drivers to work, but now my phone is stuck in Download Mode. Is there a way to get out of this, and turn my phone back on, so I can use it for now, before taking it to the Sprint store tomorrow to have them do the update?
View 2 Replies View RelatedTrying to determine how to upload / download via USB cord. Are both possible? Can someone explain how to upload video from the phone to computer if this is possible?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know where the voicemails are stored when they download to the phone?I have 2 voicemails from my father a day before he passed away and I forgot about them when I recently wiped the device. Anyone have some advice?I realize they are probably gone forever, but I thought I'd post here in case they get stored somewhere on the SD card.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have read through all the threads and tried the different suggestions but I am still unable to download apps. My husband and I switched phones so we did the factory reset and it hasn't worked since. Any ideas?
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