Samsung Moment :: Multi Task App Like Card System In WebOS?
Nov 28, 2009Is there any kind of app that lets you multitask sort of like the card system in WebOS?

Is there any kind of app that lets you multitask sort of like the card system in WebOS?
Anyone coming from the Pre/Pixi/WebOS to the Moment? What are your thoughts and comparisons? I think Android generally rocks. Though WebOS seems to have it merits too. Granted I have only limited experience with it while in several Sprint stores. what you say?
View 11 Replies View RelatedOn iPhone, iPod touch and (presumably) iPad, Apple has multi-touch event handling available via JavaScript in Mobile Safari. I know the Nexus One recently added multi-touch support via an update, and I believe webOS is also multi-touch enabled. Do Android 2.1 and/or webOS have access to multi-touch in the browser, or is this currently exclusive to Apple devices?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI currently own a Palm Pre and I'm ready to ditch it for an Android device. Don't get me wrong, webOS is clean and has a lot of potential, but for now...lacking would be a good (albeit understated) word to describe it. I want to jump the Pre ship for the Samsung Moment, but one thing I keep reading about the Moment is bothering me - everyone says it doesn't have multi-touch. However, I recently read that multi-touch is something Android doesn't yet support. This knowledge was previously unbeknownst to me since I haven't used an Android device since the G1 first launched. Since the Moment uses a standard Android build, the OS wouldn't allow multi-touch even if the phone were capable of it. So my question is: Does anyone know whether or not the Moment is capable of multi-touch? If it's simple a shortcoming of Android, I can deal with it since I know Android 2.0 should finally support it.
View 40 Replies View RelatedThe moment renders multi touch zooming obsolete as far as I am concerned. Yeah, it might be neat. But IMHO, the zooming buttons on this browser works better. The centering feature when zooming works better. And you can zoom with one hand. Anyway, I will not miss it at all and I think the zoom feature on this is much better.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just read about how the Nexus one doesn't have multi-touch enabled, even though it has the capability. The Moment has the capability for it too, but doesn't have it enabled either. Anyone happen to know why the phone makers bother spending extra money on multi-touch screens only to not enable it?
View 13 Replies View RelatedAre there any decent apps out there that support multiple IM protocols (AIM, Yahoo, MSN, GTalk, Facebook, ICQ) that don't suck? eBuddy crashes almost anytime I change orientation or slide the keyboard in.Meebo just plain crashes or doesn't stay connected.AIM crashes a lot for the same reasons as eBuddy.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHey everyone, I'm hoping to get the answers i'm looking for here so I can become a new Moment owner and a part of this community. First off, I have a palm pre and really do love my phone. It's great for movies and internet browsing. It's also just a slick looking phone. However, it's hard to ignore the growing giant that is Android. I have thought about getting the droid, but I don't like Verizon's plans, internet speed, nor the lack of a physical phone button. With that, i'm hoping some of you can help me with a few questions.
1) Can the phone physically support multi-touch. I know that the phone isn't set up that way, but with the Hero and Droid, you can download the Dolphin app and it will make multi-touch possible. The main thing I want is to be able to pinch zoom. That may sound corny, but I love it. It's the main reason I wanted a Pre.
2) Is there an auto-complete for typing like the iPhone or Droid. When playing with it, I didn't see one, but maybe it's a feature you have to turn on.
3) How is the hardware casing holding up? It looks awfully plastic and that scares me.
4) Is there another Sprint Android phone with a physical keyboard coming out in the next year I should maybe be waiting on?
5) How is the media player? Watching divx, making playlists, going through pictures?
6) Can you multi-task? This is a big one for me. I like being able to text, get a phone call, answer it, and go back to my text without a hassle. Same with the internet. I like to be on a conference call, and go surf the web at the same time, maybe even have a texting conversation, conference call, and surf the web at once. You wouldn't believe how many times that comes up.
7) Overall, what is you favorite thing about the phone. What's the thing you didn't know you loved until you had it.
Thank you all again to those who respond. I'm not trying to be lazy by not searching, believe me I have, but I always seem to get misinterpretations of the questions and answers.
it might be a dumb question or in my manual what does the Satellite mean when it appear in task barat the top of the phone.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI have had my Moment for about 2 months now and was wondering about which is the prefered Task Manager?
My friend had the HTC Ares, and he touted TasKiller which I have been using, and I briefly used Advanced Task Killer before I really understood the purpose.
Any recommendations that are Moment specific?
There's a thread similar to this on one of the Hero forums. I tried to stop using the task managers on the hero, but I noticed a quite a bit of lag once stuff kept building up. On the Moment, I was running into several issues with apps, and I figured it was due to the task manager (i use advance task manager). So to test my theory I stopped using the task manager and the device works as it should. What i found was that even with a lot of usage, this device does not slow down. Not sure if it's the lack of the sense ui (i'm using open home), the fast processor, both or what but this phone can handle everything I'm throwing at it.My advice, stop using whatever task killer you're using. One less thing to worry about makes for a better phone experience.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI don't understand what for this TasKiller and Advance Task Killer?
View 1 Replies View RelatedNew to all this stuff and have a few questions. first, how do i make my phone so it makes no noises at all and only vibrates?(for in class) Also, how do i go about paying for apps in the marketplace? and, what is the best free task manger/killer and the best free web browser?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've got almost everything streamlined for DE03 but I keep seeing two Apps that always reload in Advanced Task Manager:, and
System Updates
First question, since I'm not using Sprint's version of software, do I *need* either of these?
And, if *not*...what are the names of the files, so I can rip 'em out?
I read a review which stated that if you have the browser running you have to CLOSE it, not minimize, to make a phone call. I'm wondering what other multi-tasking type of limitations this phone, and Android, have. I was playing around with a Hero at Best Buy one day and while I had the browser open I couldn't get to one of the other screens. Not sure if it was just me or if you can't do that at all with android. What good is it to have three windows and multi-tasking if you can't open a program in one screen and then leave it running and jump over to another screen. So I'm wondering if that's really true, and what other type of limitations it has? Such as, can I have the browser open while I'm using GPS? Can I open GPS and enter a route while I'm in the middle of a phone call?
View 7 Replies View RelatedJust got the moment from Sprint.According to the phone, it's still on version 1.5Is there a way to update it to 2.1? Would like to get some apps, (Launcher Pro, Epocrates, etc.). When I do a search on the android marketplace, it doesn't show up.I assume its because of the older OS.Help please!Didn't know I was getting such an old phone?
View 3 Replies View Relatedwe all know there are problems with stuttering and skipping in Pandora. Here's some proof of what's going on when it happens. I hooked up my phone and grabbed the system log as I started Pandora and easily got it to stutter and skip. I added notes as to what what happening at each step.Perhaps this log will raise some awareness of the problem and if we're lucky all this will make it back to Sprint and Samsung and get fixed soon.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just got the phone, read over the whole FAQ and had some questions.
1. Is there a way to keep wifi on as the phone seems to turn it off, or does it really kill the battery?
2. Is there any application that is capable of removing the system apps. I didn't understand what they meant when that was asked in the faq.
Under "System select", does "home only" prevent roaming for voice calls?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know a multi-system (MSN, gtalk, facebook etc.) IM client that gives you the option to only do audio notification on a NEW THREAD?
I'm using meebo right now and its great except how it beeps at me with every frickin message. But if I turn it off it won't beep if a new msg comes in on a new conversation and that's no good either. What's needed is a beep on a NEW conversation and no beeps if the conversation is existing...
I can't believe this feature is not there, any tester would have noticed this within 10 minutes.
Can i put to kernels on an sd card and just apply the kernel from the sd card without having to re-flash my phone everytime with the sprint update tool?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am getting sick and tired of these AT&T/I-Phone commercials bragging about how that network and phone can multi-task on the web during a phone call. For anyone wondering why our incredible DROID doesn't do actually DOES. First of all, it is not the I-Phone that can do this, it is their network. All you have to do on your Droid is turn on the Wi-Fi. With it on and connected you can surf the web, use any internet connected app, etc. all during a phone call.
Not a legal expert or anything, but doesn't this sound a little like false advertising by the "other guys"? Sorry if this has already been posted, just venting more than anything. Comments welcome...
I read my manual regarding deleting files from the sd card. I am not sure if i understand it though. Can i safely delete files through my pc's file manager (while tethered) rather than through the phone it self, files such as pictures and music? And what about the folders left behind from downloaded apps? Can i simply delete those while tethered?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI search around and did not find a thread on my subject? But for the love of me and can not find where it gives you the option to Check off box, to save to SD card? I thought it was when you were on the web? Can you please let me know where is located, also do you all think is necessary to have that checked on for when apps are added to the phone?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThere is a stock ringtone on the Samsung Moment that I've been searching high and low for. I believe it is called "Samsung". Is there any way someone could pm me or post the ringer? I loved that ringer on the Moment but I cudnt figure out how to save it on my card.
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust got the moment for my wife and the SD Card is blank? If I wanted to put MP'3s or photos on there. Should I just create folders? How does that all work?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOk I went to partition my card last night and wasnt sure which options to select. I have recovery 3.1.1 and it broke it down into 3 sections with 3 different choices in each. i believe I was soposed to select a partion for each section but not sure. Also I am running mighty dream rom 1.0 and noticed you have a option to store your apps2sd. Will this work with this rom? Is there any other programs I would need to get it to work?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAlso do you need a special App program to watch them? or?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am using a SanDisk 8bg sd card in my Moment, but whenever I activate the camera, it just says "Preparing Sd card..." and just sits there. I can take videos, but soon as I slide the switch to still camera mode, the message comes up again.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have lost every thing on my sd card music, pistures, ringtones, all of it. I'm not sure what did it but the last message I got was there was too many songs on it and that is not true. It's an 8gb card with 700+ songs 15 pics and 4 ringtones so it being full is bs. I don't know what killed it but I suspect Ringdroid or 91Pandhome both have been acting funny for a couple of days force closing alot. Anyone else have this happen to them and is there a way to recover the data on the card as my laptop just does not see it anymore.
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