Samsung Galaxy S :: Google Maps Work With The Compass And Spin The Map Around?

Nov 22, 2010

Is it possible to make the google maps work with the compass and spin the map around according to where you are pointing.I notice the iphone4 does this.Have 2.1

Samsung Galaxy S :: google maps work with the compass and spin the map around?

HTC Desire :: Compass Mode In Google Maps?

May 31, 2010

I just tried an iPhone and I saw that it has a handy compass mode in Google Maps which rotates the map to the direction you are looking to. If you don't know what I mean here is a video showing it: YouTube - iPhone 3G S; Google Maps + Compass

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HTC Hero :: View Google Maps In Compass Mode?

Oct 4, 2009

Is it not possible to view Googlemaps in compass mode, I mean in map view, not streetview. Like on the IPhone?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Google Sky / Compass Doesn't Work Right

Aug 22, 2010

First day or two Google Sky worked fine, but I realized yesterday Google Sky didn't want to move left/right from holding the phone sideways but would move up/down. I found if I gave is a good shake left/right it would work right as far as I could tell. I checked around for what it might be and saw it could be a problem with the magnetic sensor. I tried the compass app and I get a "abnormal magnetic field detected" message right away. Should I return this or maybe reset some sort of setting or is there another way to calibrate?

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Samsung Fascinate :: GPS To Work On Google Maps

Nov 12, 2010

I'm sure there is a million threads but how do I go about getting the GPS to work on Google Maps? It keeps stating "Searching For GPS" even though it does indicate drive directions and my location?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Google Maps Work When Not De-binged?

Oct 28, 2010

Does Bing affect Google apps such as Google Voice and Voice Search? How do Google Maps work when it is not de-Binged? I don't know if I'll root, but I do really want to use those apps and for the moment, would just keep Bing at first. I've read posts on how to de-Bing and am wondering if it truly works or if it just hides Bing. If I get a SF, I want to be sure I can access all the Google apps easily with 3 or less clicks. This will be my first Android, so all this stuff is new to me. Bing is what really seems to be dragging the SF down in my book as I think Android should be all about Google. I'm still looking for the deal-breaker between the SF and Dinc. I've researched it to death.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Google Maps Navigation

Oct 6, 2010

When I'm using the navigation feature in my galaxy s the screen will turn itself off after some time. The time it takes for the back light to turn off vary each time. The time out setting goes from like 10 seconds to 30 mins, there us no option for never. Is there a way to keep it on? Its very frustrating on long journeys when the screen keeps going off.

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Samsung Galaxy I7500 :: GAOSP : Possible To Have Google Maps 4.4?

Oct 7, 2010

Is it possible ? More important, if it is, can someone tell me how ? I really, really hate that search bar ....

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Google Maps Not Finding Me In Correct Location / Way To Get

Oct 13, 2010

My google maps is not finding me in the correct location

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Samsung Fascinate :: Compass Does Not Work

Sep 27, 2010

I returned my first Fascinate due to it kept complaining the memory card was not plugged in. Would have to pop off the back of the phone off and remove then reinsert it to get it online again to use camera. Had to pay for an advanced replacement tell they get the old one back. Ugh. Well the replacement I just got does not do this but the compass does not work on it. I downloaded a compass app and it keeps saying abnormal readings and I need to recalibrate but no avail. My previous Fascinate seemed to have a working compass. Did I get a second defective phone?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Best Compass App

Sep 24, 2010

my wife wants a compass app on her phone (I think this is so she knows which way to walk to the most expensive shops, and becuase her friends with iPhones have them ).... as it appears that there is not one on the SGS, can anyone reccommend the best one to download? I presume that they are all as accurate as each other, but are there any that have any nice additional features?

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Samsung I7500 :: Google Buzz Won't Work On Galaxy

Feb 12, 2010

Google Buzz Won't Work on the Galaxy... because it only works on 2.0 and above and Galaxy is 1.5.The list of Android applications that won't work on Galaxy is growing and with it my dissatisfaction.Google Goggles was cool but not something you'd use often, however,Buzz sounds like a useful thing.

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Android :: Can't Get The Navigation To Work On Google Maps

Nov 29, 2010

I've just had a HTC Wildfire, I can't get the navigation to work on google maps. When I open google maps, there is only a zoom in and out button. Does anyone know if it works on this version of phone.

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Android :: Google Maps Doesn't Work On The HTC?

Jan 23, 2010

I am developing application with Google Map. I've tested on the emulator and saw error line In the log: 01-23 16:04:28.453: ERROR/MapActivity(733): Couldn't get connection factory client But it worked fine on the emulator. Then I've signed the application and created its .apk file. I've put it on the web server downloaded and installed it on the real device (it is HTC with Verizon). But my application didn't appear google maps on the device. I've checked API key and other configuration. Everything was ok. But google maps didn't work. Have you faced to problem same as mine?

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HTC Hero :: Get Google Maps To Work Without GPS Signal?

Dec 16, 2009

When i used google maps with my N96 it used to load up first and show my approximate location, so it would guess where I was to the nearest 100metres or something like that, and then when the GPS loaded up it pinpointed my exact location. Is it possible to do that with google maps for the hero?

It would make using things like "places directory" and generally getting directions with google maps a lot easier if you could check out something indoors, then it would lock down your location when you went outside and found your gps.

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Samsung Galaxy S : Maps For GPS / Where To Download?

Nov 19, 2010

Since I cant use Google maps navigation in my country Id like you to tell me where to download the best maps?

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Android :: Offline GPS Maps For Samsung Galaxy S

Oct 11, 2010

I am a newbie to Android operating systems, I own a Samsung Galaxy-S (i9000) and am from India. Its widely known as Samsung Vibrand, abroad.Is there any offline maps for "India" available for this mobile?The mobile has GPS device inbuilt in it.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Samsung Galaxy S - Android - Managing Google Contacts

Sep 5, 2010

I have configured my Samsung Galaxy S using my normal Gmail account. This has helped me to sync the Google Contacts with my phone.

Following are my questions:

1. Right now I have about a thousand google contacts synced to my phone. I want to remove them at one go. I know how to disable them from being appearing in contact list, but I want to know if I can delete them without going to factory settings.

2. I am using three applications (a) Gmail (b) Contacts (3) MVOIP. I want to know if there is a way that following combination works:
a- Google contacts appear on Gmail app
b- Google contacts (with phone numbers) and normal phone contacts appear on "Contacts"
c- Google contacts (with phone numbers) and normal phone contacts appear on "MVOIP application".

I know how to do

(a) - By synchronising google contacts,
(b) - by choosing display options
(c) - I do not know how to handle this and I want help.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Maps Showing Incorrect Location

Jul 7, 2010

I'm located in Bangalore, India. When using Maps on my Samsung Galaxy S, its showing my location to be somewhere in Canada. Why is this so?

I have WiFi connectivity currently on my mobile. Is there any settings that needs to be enabled for the maps to give my correct location?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: GPS Not Turn On Despite Maps Or Navigation Being Chosen

Nov 20, 2010

i know there are problems with the GPS on this phone. I have read loads of posts and tried changing various settings but am pinning my hopes on Froyo fixing it or else i will seriously be looking at returning phone as not fit for purpose. I am sorry but i feel that having paid ?380 for something advertised as having GPS, maps, navigation etc that i should be able to have this in a usable fashion. I dont want to be told its a phone, sat nav is a bonus. It was advertised and sold as having sat nav and this should be workable. OK sorry rant over, just trying to head off some of the comments i am sure will be posted, anyway back to the problem.

when i start maps or navigation it shows a small radar looking icon in top left hand corner, indicating it is looking for satellites, yet at other times this does not appear and it shows "Searching for GPS" at bottom of screen. The manual states this icon means GPS activated. When it is not showing does this mean that the GPS has not turned on despite maps or Navigation being chosen. I can drive about for an hour with this message showing but navigation not starting. The strange thing is if i have map on the screen it will show my location moving yet still say searching for GPS, if thats the case then how can it update maps, how does it know where i am. I an really annoyed at the lack of this function (can you tell). Thanks for any insight into this.

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Samsung Galaxy I7500 : Galaxo 1.6.3 Bugs - Speaker Doesn't Work In Call - Scrolling Contacts By Letter Doesn't Work

May 2, 2010

I have so far found two bugs in Galaxo 1.6.3:

a) Speaker doesn't work in call (very weak). works well in ringtones etc.

b) Scrolling contacts by letter doesn't work.

Other than that this is a leap forward, especially with the overclock options!

Both bugs, as well as others, fixed in update!

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Samsung Captivate :: Google Maps Downloading

Sep 3, 2010

i took the captivate on the road and used it as navigation. it worked great for the first 3 hours of the trip, reception or not. i was amazed until i received a notice that my phone internal app memory is low and i need to uninstall my apps. theres no way my memory should be full because i've checked it every few days and i've had 1.6 gb free. all of a sudden i've got 126mb. i'm guessing that Google maps had downloaded the maps in advanced and had just filled up the internal memory. unfortunately i have no clue how to clear the maps. until i can figure this out i cant receive emails, or texts or any messages because the memory is full. does someone know how to clear the old maps from the navigation app? i'm on the road so i havent been able to look at it extensively. i will research it more when i get a chance and post anything i find.

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Samsung Captivate :: Update For Google Maps (4.5.1)

Sep 29, 2010

Google Maps 4.5.1 Update Includes Live Wallpaper with Weather - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog

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Samsung Fascinate :: Google Maps Not Working

Sep 8, 2010

People are saying that you can download Google Maps, but it does NOT work and crashes on launch. What is going on with this phone?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Google Maps / Nav Audio Gone Over BT

Nov 6, 2010

In the last week, I've somehow lost the ability to hear Google Nav turn-by-turn directions over my Bluetooth adapter in the car. (Just last weekend, it worked fine.)Any ideas of how I can get it working again? I've checked all the logical things, like the mute/unmute button and the navigation volume.Verizon Navigator audio is working fine, but I'd like to dump it, if I can get Google running properly.

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Samsung Moment :: Way To Tag Locations In Google Maps?

Nov 25, 2009

I can't figure out how to tag locations in google maps, or if there's an app I can get that will. IE: when driving across the state I found some places where I wanted to stop on the return trip to take some pictures, so I wanted to mark the lat/long in gps so I could find it later.

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Samsung Moment :: Google Maps GPS Incorrect / Fix It

Jul 21, 2010

So for some reason my google maps program shows an incorrect gps position for my current location. It has me like 6 streets over . Anybody have any idea as to why this is occurring and how to go about fixing it?

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Samsung Captivate : New Google Maps Update - GPS

Sep 9, 2010

Downloaded the new Google Maps in the market and my GPS has been working flawlessly! Am I the only one? Feedback please!

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Samsung Moment :: GPS Google Maps Layar App

Dec 4, 2009

Anyone else using the Layar app and notice that the phone defaults to another location when it cannot see GPS? If I'm inside, my phone thinks it's located in Cork, England, not where I am in the middle of the US. Same issue when I use Google maps. I took it to a Sprint store initially when it just wasn't seeing the GPS and they "fixed" it but didn't know how. I'm pretty sure they just reset the phone and it found the GPS inside the store.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Samsung Galaxy S On Tmobile 3g - Work

Jun 5, 2010

I just pre-ordered mine from the UK and I was wondering if I will able to use it on Tmobile's 3g in the US. I am so confused about all the frequencies! I would hate it if I have to stick with using EDGE on it. Also I did a little snooping around and it seems like the galaxy S will be coming to the US later this year...on all 4 major carriers? So is it correct to assume that the phone will work on Tmobile 3g or are they going to sell different carrier exclusive models so that it will work on each individual network?

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