Samsung Galaxy S :: Easy Way To Read Text From Webpages On Screen?
Aug 26, 2010Just wondering how easy it is to read text from webpages on the screen?

Just wondering how easy it is to read text from webpages on the screen?
My work is setting up a secure webpage and we are expected to be able to access it 24/7 to log alerts received when there are server errors at work. To access this secure webpage we were given two certificates, one for windows (home use) and one for mobile ( a .p12 file which I've read is compatible). I cannot access the webpage via Android browser or chrome browser (or any other 3rd party browser). I've imported the certificate using the import feature in Settings->Security and it showed a brief notification that the import was successful. However, the certificate isn't listed in the "User" section of the trusted credentials list. Now, I would suspect that the certificate wasn't made correctly, but the same exact one works on a co-workers iPhone (pains me to say that). I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Nexus, rooted, but otherwise stock.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have 2 galaxy S phones from T-Mobile, and have Easy Tether installed on both.My wife's Dell Inspriron laptop uses Windows XP, and she has no problems on the tethering.internet access is great.My Dell XPS laptop has Windows 7, and when I open Easy Tether my display goes all funky and loses definition.colors get screwed up, and everything gets very tough to read etc.If I use my phone with my wife's lap problem, so I assume that my laptop has something that's fighting with Easy tether.Can anyone tell me what I can do to fix this?I need help!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to develop an application to read the screen text for the blind. Do you know if there is any way that I can read the text (word, or line of text) under the cursor at any time.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI use HandecentSMS to text and I can send and recieve, but when I do recieve them I can only read in the quick reply screen and the notification bar, but it won't show up in my conversation screen so it looks like I am talking to myself. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app and it still won't work properly.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI had a 2 gig sd card and put an 8 gig into it and formated it using the android OS and it says I have 7.4 gigs but all of my external PC device managers like ******** say I only have 1.7 gigs and it won't let me put more then 1.7 gigs onto it.
It's a Samsung Galaxy W and on the phone under sd card it says I have 7.4 gigs and in windows explorer it says I have 7.4 gigs. but the phone says I only have 1.7 gigs of usb storage, and when I upload mp3's it uses up that 1.7 gigs.
Over the last week I've had two different people attempt to send me a contact's information from their phone via text message. In both cases I see a text that says just:
I own a samsung galaxy s
when i navigate into an Arabic website or receive an Arabic sms the phone can't read it
i saw this link :How To Add Arabic Font Browser Support to the Nexus One | Android Devs
can you tell me if it works for the SGS?
Earlier today I got an OTA upgrade of my Samsung Galaxy S4 to Jellybean 4.3.
Everything is working great except for some reason my external SD card (A 64 GB SanDisk MicroSD) is read only. The only thing I can do with it is to format it. Otherwise all write operations to it fail.
I have tried two different cards and several different apps (Terminal, Astro File Manager for instance) and none of them can write to the device.
I am almost thinking it is a matter of a missing new permission but I can't find anything in the SDK docs about it (If this is the case that is fine because my main use of the card is a home made music player that I've written).
So I got my Captivate this weekend, and have been using it on my WiFi at the apartment and everything is working fine. But today I went to work, and now any webpage I try to access just shows up as a blank white page with the words "Access Forbidden". Other apps work just fine, I just can't visit any webpages. I'm definitely connected to 3G, with a strong signal strength. I read in one thread that clearing APN proxy settings solved this problem for them, but I can't find any way to edit the APN settings on my phone (can only view them). I read another thread that this happens to people who switch over from an IPhone; only problem is, I've never owned an IPhone. I'm contemplating giving AT&T customer support a call, but wanted to check here first to see if anyone else is having this problem/has a fix. Here are my APN settings in case this clears anything up:
APN: wap.cingular
Port: 80
Username: Not Set
Password: Not Set
Server: Not Set
MMS proxy:
MMS port: 80
MCC: 310
MNC: 410
Authentication Type: None
APN type: internet + mms
These are the default phone settings and it won't let me change any of them, although it will let me create a new APN and edit the settings of that. It seems odd that the default APN is Cingular...that is the service I had years ago, but it merged with AT&T a while back.
When I try to load certain webpages my browser will crash as soon as it loads 100%. An example, it only happens with the full version of the site not the mobile version. It appears to be javascript related, because when I disable javascript the page will load without crashing. This happens both in the standard browser and in DolphinHD. Also, sometimes before crashing DolphinHD will show a page saying: "The Web page at file:///android_asset/webkit could not be loaded as: The requested file was not found. webkit/"
View 21 Replies View Relatedanyone else have an epic that loves to display colors at different levels on webpages?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI just got my Samsung Galaxy S and im wondering how i can start a new conversation thread. Ive downloaded handcent sms but i just cant figure it out.
I am receiving alot of messages off my other half and like to keep some but i don't want to have to keep going back to a 121 message thread. can i not have 2 or 3 threads from the same contact?
Does anyone have an option on either of these apps? Or think one is better then the other? I need a text app that will allow me to text to a "Group" instead of text and picking each name separate.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new at this text message stuff, and just got a HTC hero.I would like to move all my text mesages from my hero to my PC.I can forawrd each to my e-mail address and then open them up and ave them on my PC. Problem is, with a long string of messages, 80 to 90, it would take a long ime.I tried connecting my phone to my PC, via USB, and then tried to find the messages in the folders.Couldn't find them. So, anyone have an easy wayto move large numbrs of text messages off my HTC hero to my PC.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a broken Galaxy 3 phone where the screen suddenly stopped functioning with a total blackout so I can't use the phone at all. There is no problem getting the phone fixed within a couple of days but the problem is I want to save all my messages, contacts and other data, especially one conversation text message thread that has gone on for about a year, to my pc. I want the information to be able to be viewed independently on my computer like I read emails etc. and then I can store it on a portable hard drive by copy and paste.
Samsung kies doesn't seem to allow for this. I can back up the phone apparently but the info can only be read by another similar phone so it is restricting how you see your own information. I want the information on my computer without the need of another similar phone because what if I decide to buy a totally different phone that has software that's not compatible.
The shop representing Samsung who will fix the phone said that everything gets wiped and they won't even have Kies on their computers because they think its unstable software. Ideally it would be great if there was some kind of software for my computer that enabled it to read all the info on the phone as if the phone was a flash drive connected by USB and then I could simply copy and paste across from phone to computer. The phone is recognised by the computer through the USB but obviously it can't read inside the folders on the phone which just show as empty. How to get the results I want?
I have the screen timeout set to 1 min which works fine until I use the phone. When using the phone the screen times out (and locks) in about 5 seconds. This is a real pain when using voicemail etc and you need to interact with the keypad.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've only had it for a week, so how do I exchange it?, or what do I do?
In case you wonder how I know, the screen goes to blackness after the galaxy S screen
i have tried to install kitkat version for galaxy y duos s6102,for that i installed clockwork mod n cynogenmod n kitkat file..but after installing the screen goes blank,nothing appears except Samsung logo screen,
View 2 Replies View RelatedAt certain angles under strong lighting (basically when light is shining onto, but not reflected back off the screen) I can see a line that looks like it might be the edge of a circuit board behind my screen (when the display is off). Initially I thought it was a scratch, but on closer inspection, it's too thick a line, and much too precise and engineered looking to be one.
It's sorta this shape and runs across behind the screen, about 2/3 of the way up:
Has anyone else noticed this? Tis rather odd.
Just can't text in Chinese when using SMS.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a samsung galaxy s on T-Mobile in the UK. (Contract). I read somewhere that the update is only for Pay-As-You-Go and not contract phones? Is this true? Also, Will this fix the "Text being sent to wrong person bug"?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I set my phone so it will vibrate when I recieve a text message. Right now if I am using the phone I get a small vibration like the haptic response for the notification, but if the phone is in standby nothing happens.
View 1 Replies View Relatedthe messaging process froze when I tried to read a text using Social Hub. A force close didn't seem to make any difference clicked back to the home screen, powered off, waited a minute and restarted.Everything started up fine. Went back to Social Hub only to find that ALL my text threads are gone.E-mails are fine, but all my texts are gone.I know there is no way to undelete text messages, but technically I didn't delete them. They must be stored somewhere. Is they anyway to retrieve them or has the system "deleted" them? Only had the phone just over a month *sobs* - I got rid of my iPhone (which successfully kept every message ever despite several crashes)
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes the phone have text reflow?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo, I have this annoyance on the S4 that occurs whenever I use the in-built Gallery and Internet app. Whenever I select a photo to delete, the phone goes "Tick box, ticked." Or when I unelected a photo, "Tick box, unticked." Another example of this is when I go onto the Internet on the phone, and I go to a webpage, the phone goes "Page, refreshed." I've tried to turn everything associated with this problem, off but it just keeps re-occurring. How to turn this off.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I was on 2.1 xt9 predictive text worked on the net and posting on forums but now on froyo I cant get it work but it will when i send a message so it got to be working. Can any body see if it works for them on froyo on the net as i think it must be a bug.
View 14 Replies View RelatedMy wife has noticed that when she does a text message, once it has gone over a certain character limit (which seems to be about 50 characters), when she hits send a message comes up saying 'Converting to MMS' (or something like that). On all our other phones, if you do a long text like this it just sends the message as mutliple texts instead of converting to mms.
What this means is that as it goes as mms instead of a text message, she gets charged for it (she gets unlimted texts on her plan, but this doesnt include mms).
Is this normal with the SGS, or is there a way to stop it converting to mms?
Every time i try to access adb shell on my galaxo i get the strange garbled text:
I am trying to find a way to stop text history being stored in the history screen not in the actual text message screen, anyone found a way to do this? I know I can untick boses but everytime you go out of the history screen and back in the blooming boxes are ticked again.
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