Samsung Epic 4G :: Turning Off Sound When Service Is Found
Sep 11, 2010When I go from no service to a few bars the phone beeps.I went through the settings and couldn't figure out how to turn that sound off.Any help would be appreciated.

When I go from no service to a few bars the phone beeps.I went through the settings and couldn't figure out how to turn that sound off.Any help would be appreciated.
I went to the sprint store, and I looked all over my phone for some sort of setting to get the phone to stop making the notification noise when out of service. Anyone know how to shut that off?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI know some of you have been wanting to get rid of that annoying startup sound on your phone. Here's what you'll need....(some instructions copied from Maerlim to save time)
You'll need the Android SDK (guide to download and install is here)
You'll need the USB drivers (Stickied post in this forum)
You'll need root access (look for the Captivate Root thread by chaoscentral)
You'll need Busybox (available on the market after you root the phone)
Connect USB to phone with USB Debugging ON
Open a Windows Command prompt in the SDK install directory
cd tools
adb shell
cd etc
I suggest backing up the file before deleting
cp PowerOn.wav /sdcard/
rm PowerOn.wav
THAT'S IT! I renamed the Windows 7 logon .wav file to PowerOn.wav and copied it to the /etc directory on the phone played it on startup, so you should be able to put whatever you like in there!
If you want to copy a file there.....
Open a Windows Command prompt in the SDK install directory
cd tools
adb push "the location and name of the file on your pc" /sdcard (example adb push %userprofile%DesktopPowerOn.wav /sdcard)
adb shell
cp /sdcard/PowerOn.wav /etc
What's the trick with getting sound through the headphones? Just inserting them won't do it? Help an old dog learn a new trick?
View 5 Replies View Relatedis any1 having the issue where the screen goes black in middle of use after a momentary pause but the soft keys are lit up and nothing can be done to wake up screen yet keys stay lit & only thing to solve issue is pulling battery as a means to soft reset phone ? i already hard reset device cuz of this & phone is 100% stock including zero market apps
View 12 Replies View RelatedIs there any1 else having this happen? I hit the power button to turn the screen off & it lights right back up as soon as I hit it; I hit it again to cut it off, & again it turns right back on; then when I do get it to shut off, about a minute or 2 lata it turns on again & will stay on until I fight to turn it off. I'm jus checking before I hard reset it & see if there's an app causing this.
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View 5 Replies View RelatedI am getting following message when i try to launch service.Also is there any specific path on file system where we need to place the .apk file which contains my serivce component only.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I make it not play the full notification sound while on a phone call?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy wife just got the Samsung Epic 4g.According the map for 4g coverage I live in a solid blue area (strong coverage)The 4g connection is constantly dropping in my house.Does anyone know what this issue is or of a fix?
View 11 Replies View RelatedAnyone else having issues with the volume and or quality of visual voicemail? I can hardly hear any of my messages when using visual Voice Mail. However if I call my voicemail, volume and quality are fine. Obviously something is getting lost when your voice mail is getting routed through a data connection.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm getting dropped calls left and right on this damn phone.Everything else about it is perfect but what's a phone when you can barely use it to talk? Does anyone think this would be an easy fix or the EVO is the way to go?
View 13 Replies View RelatedWhenever i receive a call and answer it or make a call, my phone starts making a weird sound,but the funny thing is that it doesn't happen when i put it into speaker mode.Can somebody help me?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo if I have the messaging app open and on screen I don't get a notification sound for the message that I just got sent I have looked into settings and nothing, so if I respond to a message and put the phone down and they respond I dont know unless the app is closed - or I assume the screen is turned off but never tried that. I got 9 text messages from someone and it was important that I respond quickly, well I did and then put the phone down, they texted back 1 min latter and then again 1 min after that and again 1 min after that 8 times, I never saw them until I looked at the screen and that was like 5-6 min latter - screen timeout is set to 2 min but after the text after 1 min it reset that timer and again and again so I never got the message until 5-6 min after it was sent resulting in messages like "hello?" "WTF" "answer" and so on.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a app called zadge or something and all I want to is have that aol "you got mail" for my texts ad it won't work. I tried setting it with it and it won't work then when I go to menu and notifications I can't select one I have downloaded on my sd.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI listen to a lot of music and podcasts while walking and have noticed that there is a tremendous amount of stutter that happens. Does anyone else get this issue? I wonder if it is the headphone jack or the software that causes this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI thought my Palm Pre had excellent sound quality. But the Epic sound is phenomenal. I talk with my girlfriend every night and last night I heard tons of background noise from her 10 year old cordless phone.
I never heard any of it before. I actually thought I might have a defective Epic,but today I made other calls and the Epic is outstanding. Actually every aspect of the phone is outstanding.
I go to the settings>wireless & networks>mobile networks and didn't find any option to turn this off. Also looked everywhere in the sounds menu and nothing - am I missing something? There is an option in my EVO but I find nothing in the Epic 4G - inside our house we get poor reception (Airave here I come!), so the Epic connects regularly to a Verizon tower and that sound is driving me crazy!
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I was on looking at accessories for the EVO I don't even own yet, a chatbox came up with this Customer Sevice Rep talking to me.So, I asked her when the Epic 4G was to be released, and she blatantly ignored me.I was hoping to bring better news, like, "I found the release date!", but alas,I cannot.
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy "beloved" Epic was working perfectly last night but this morning as it sits here, it is making a low clicking noise (about every 3-5 seconds). Almost sounds like electrical something. Nothing has happened to the phone (no water, dropped or anything).
Has anyone experienced this with their phone? I only got it less than 2 weeks ago too. The phone is perfect so far (obviously room for improvements with 2.2 but I am actually quite happy as is). I am so hesitant to even have to replace it because my battery life has been amazing! I feel like a got very lucky with this one. I still have tons of juice left by the time I go to bed at night (which is when I recharge it.)
I have what I thought was a flawless Epic, till this morning my speaker started sounding like static was coming out of it. Now everything that comes out the speakers sounds like static or like a blown speaker. Sucks cause now I have to take it back to bestbuy. I'm hopping somehow it fixes by its myself.
View 12 Replies View RelatedSort of two things which might be related. I've been having call quality issues with this phone since I got it. I thought it sounded very electronic and could hardly stay on the phone. Took it to a Sprint store and they did a soft reset and said they couldn't duplicate the issue. I made some calls, some said it sounded better. As long as I have the volume turned down it seems to be okay. But then it's hard to hear what they are saying. If I turn up the volume it sounds like someone is yelling too loudly too close to a microphone. Like bad speakers rattling or something (especially with "s" sounds).
On my headset which was $100 and worked so well on my old phone (people couldn't even tell I was on a headset) the person on the other side either says it's "okay" or says they can definitely tell I'm distant, to one friend saying it was "awful." When listening to Visual Voice Mail it's awful sound, regardless of the volume. Want to try to get a new phone, but then worried I'll have one of the other issues everyone else is having (WiFi or GPS or whatever).
I just got the Moment and I like it so far, but for the love of God I can't figure out how to turn the sound off when my phone goes out of service. Where can I find this!?
I live in an area with poor cell service (I knew this and I hate talking on my phone) and just want the noise shut off. I don't need a stupid beep to tell me that it's outta service. It's driving me nuts.
How to disable Service tone on the epic?I am in areas where network signals keeps fading in and out and am always hearing a service tone for loss of signal and also when it reconnects.Its very irritating and would like to disable this?any help?
View 3 Replies View Relatedso I ending up having to do a Factory Reset (after only 3-days), and now I am having to input ALL my contacts again manually - After much searching on Google, I found that Sprint does offer a FREE backup service, however, it's NOT available on the Epic yet - I mean really?!? *rolls eyes* So, are there any other safe + free services out there to backup my contacts? I'd much rather use Sprint's Mobile Sync service, but that may be a ways off yet.
View 7 Replies View RelatedOk, so i go to check running services and i see that sprint hotspot is running. i have not started it since the day i bought the phone. i have no intention of using it, for now. why is it running and how can i stop it from starting? is it supposed to be running?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got my phone today, but I'm having an issue with the earpiece speaker rattling. It makes a high pitched buzzing sound basically. Does anyone else have this problem? If I press on the grill covering the speaker it seems to go away. I'm planning on taking it to a Sprint store to compare.
Let me know if you have any thoughts.
I am coding a basic android application that has to call a web service, using KSOAP2, I am sending a request with one parameter (city) and need to get the response of the web service (basically a short String) from this site:
When execultin the application, I only get a message: "This application has stopped unexpectedly". When debugging, I am getting the following error:
Thread [<3> main] (Suspended (exception VerifyError) And: ViewRoot.handleMessage(Message) line: 1198 that says: Source not Found And shows a button allowing to: Edit Source Lookup path. What does this basically mean?
My source code that generates the is the following:
private static final String SoapAction = " webservices/GetWeather"; private static final String MethodName = "GetWeather"; private static final String Namespace = " webservices/"; private static final String URL = " webservices/weather.asmx";
And the main part of it: SoapObject request = new SoapObject(Namespace, MethodName); request.addProperty("City", cityname); SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope (SoapEnvelope.VER11); envelope.setOutputSoapObject(request); HttpTransport androidHttpTransport = new HttpTransport(URL); try { Result.setText("... Processing ..."); //error here:, envelope); ...
I am using Eclipse with Android plugin and KSOAP2 library.
All of a sudden I can't figure out how to disable the notification sound (like when I get a new email). I have gone into sounds and selected notification sound and expected there to be an option for silent among the other sounds but no dice. And I don't see any other way to turn it off. I know it is probably incredibly obvious, but I just can't figure it out.
View 6 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone else find it annoying when your in a meeting or lecture or church and someone tries to turn down the volume on their phone, only to have the phone beep with every change in volume? Is there any way to turn off this volume response when using the volume controls on the side of the Sprint Hero? Likewise, any way to turn off the sound when turning the phone on/off?
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