Samsung Captivate :: Get Droid Smileys On Phone?
Oct 24, 2010Is it possible for me to get the droid smileys on my samsung captivate?

Is it possible for me to get the droid smileys on my samsung captivate?
I received my droid x lastnight and love it. I can't seem to find the amulets that have the android bots on them.
View 12 Replies View RelatedHad my phone reboot today at 3:15 pm cst, and it being the first i was hoping that is was a gps update but it does not work any better. anyone else's captivate reboot today?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe Captivate (and Galaxy S in general) all come with Swype, right? But Swype isn't a market app right now, right? As in, the HTC Aria can't get it unless it is rooted/worked around (not too hard, but a hassle)
So is the Captivate the only phone on AT&T that can officially have swype? We all know that Apple won't let Swype in their market
Is swype coming to the official android market? is it already there? (I don't have an android, but I want one)
Im still learning a ton about the android OS and I have a dumb question. Are there apps the Android market that is made for a rooted phone only. Reason im asking is because I saw something on there but it looks like its made for a rooted phone only and I dont wanna risk screwing up my phone over it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs AT&T blocking Easytether and Pdanet from downloading in the Android Market on the Captivate?
View 5 Replies View RelatedTrying to send smileys back and forth to my wife's Palm Pre and while she gets my smileys, I do not get them to appear when she sends them to me. Odd thing is, both my phone and her phone use the same symbol ": )" for example. Also, anyway to get different ones besides the android ones?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAm from Singapore and am new to these forums. I just purchased my Tattoo , but many things which I had looked forward to are amiss , and I need help going about configuring them , so here goes.
1. How do I get smileys on my messages? Smileys being the android faced ones , and ones that I don't have to type the emoticon representative (=-D or D-=) to get. I'm tryin' to get the smileys auto placed , so that I can just tap on one when I want to use it.
2.Is there a facebook app that does NOT connect me to the browser?
3.On my main page , I've put the big clock + weather widget that's most commonly found on HTC Phone advertisements:
I wanna ask a few questions on that.
-Does the weather update even WITHOUT wi-fi on?
-And the section that's supposed to show the area of which you're in ; I got that section to show Singapore and even my EXACT location before , but now , even if wi-fi enabled , it just shows "Current city". I think I toggled with the wi-fi settings a little bit for that to happen. Does anyone know how that works?
4.I previously used a SonyEricsson k85Oi. I'm not sure if that changes or means anything , but when I had just got my Tattoo and put in my SIM card for the first time , my contacts integrated perfectly , but under each name there is a /1 after it , eg John/1. I know that means the count of numbers I have in my phone , but is there any way to remove that? My contacts weren't saved like this in my k85O. And also , my contacts aren't synching with my facebook , or anything for that matter of fact. I'm not sure why , but I've saved two new contacts after I got my Tattoo , and only those two are appearing when I decide to add them in my "Favourtie contacts" app. Is there anyway to just combine all my contacts from before and after together , and also sync ALL of them to my facebook?
5.How do I go about configuring my GPRS / GPS settings so much so that I can have internet anywhere? Even though my provider doesn't allow me free data charges , I would just like to know how , and possibly try it at least once.
Do the apps get stored on the internal SD card on the phone? Or on the section where it says Internal phone storage?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have an HTC Desire, now my wife has a brand new Android phone. What would make her happy would be able to view smileys in a more traditional form rather than the Android-themed ones.
Is it possible to download an alternative set of smileys?
Just curious if there is a way to get this style Phone Launcher/Dock at the bottom on my Captivate?
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo I got my phone a week ago or so and it just now started having problems with the GPS and randomly shutting off as well as the battery life being drained within a couple of hours from fully charged. Im guessing I should exchange my phone for a new one within my warranty period. Do I need to bring the original box and everything along with it to exchange it?
View 10 Replies View RelatedOn my x10 i use handcent to manage my text messages when i someone texts me with a smiley in the text - i get the shortcut instead of the small pic if i enter a smiley and send it to my phone...i get the picture.
The difference i can see is the one i get does not include the - between the colon character anyway of changing this?
how to make our own smileys on Android 4.4.I would like to have the one of Samsung or the one of iOS. The original looks not so well.I know all the icons are in the NotoColorEmoji.ttf font file, but i cant find a way to open and editing it..finding a way to make my own emoji pack?
View 5 Replies View Relatedcan not find an extension / plugin for smiley's to the default SMS application that is in the Android 4.0.3
View 1 Replies View RelatedBeen doing a lot of research and I like both phones. My contract with AT&T is about up and I'm not thrilled with AT&T but it's not to bad in central Florida. My big question is just how big a difference is there with the Skin on the two of them? I've held the X in my hand but not the Captivate yet. Is there a big difference between the two software wise? Anything software wise that one can do that the other can't?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just removed the DC ROM that I was using and installed the .6 Sprint Stock 2.1 ROM and rooted it With the grand help of this forum. It really does all that I want in my phone but I missed the XDA HTC_MOD Keyboard w/smileys. After some research on XDA I found that for this phone I needed the LOW RES. version of this keyboard. Here is the link for The instructions and where to download the .zip file to get the job done.
[MOD] HTC_IME (8th June) v27: Small fix - xda-developers
The process was very straight forward on the unzip and install but I ran into trouble getting the keyboard to actually start on my phone. When they say to "kill" the keyboard.
Here are the instructions that worked for me:
"You don't need to kill the keyboard to enable it, but there is an option at the bottom of this keyboards settings menu for "Kill Keyboard" and that's what it's referring to."
"After you have enabled it you need to select this as your active keyboard. Go to any screen you can type in (compose a new text message for example) and long press in the text input box. Select choose input method, then select the HTC_IME mod."
This is really just a silly thing but it's bugging me - I've put the Android keyboard on the phone after the upgrade to 2.1 and the preview of the smileys has disappeared
I can see them in their raw form by long pressing the smiley face on the number pad, but I'm not fluent in smiley language! and also, not all of them translate anyway; I can't get the angry face anymore for example.
Is there any way of getting the smiley page to work as it did on 1.8, where the More button would bring up the pictures? (can you tell I have a banging headache this morning, having trouble with words.
I would like to mod the google keyboard to display noseless smileys instead of standard ones?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I support Smiles and symbols in any font using FontCreator v5.6 program?!
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust got the phone on friday, i had an update last night so i installed it. now phone will not turn on. did battery pull ect.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way or a app that allows u to set a time for your phone to turn completley off and back on at a certain time. I could do this on my Blackberry and would set it to turn off at night then back on in the morning.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWill this phone get the Android 2.2 update? Anyone know?
View 13 Replies View RelatedAny one else have this issue? I noticed that when I play npr or am on the web for 20 minutes my phone really heats up almost too hot to touch, Is any one else have that happen?
View 22 Replies View RelatedSo, got my Captivate yesterday.. first Android device (and loving it). Noticed something weird, when i went to bed last night it was at 50% battery, turned the phone off and plugged it in figuring it would charge overnight. however when I turned it on this morning the battery was at 10%. Not sure if this was just a fluke or not (i'm assuming fluke since I don't see any other posts on it). Can't see why it wouldn't of charged, let alone drain the battery.. any ideas? I can assure you it was off all night.So does this phone only charge when on? Something specific to Android or just a fluke maybe something i should think about a return trip to at&t for? Gona see what happens tonight when I do the same thing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe lady at Rogers (major provider in Canada) said that you should charge you captivate while its off. These will help extend battery life. What do you guys do?
View 16 Replies View RelatedIn the latest version of Google Maps for Android, is there a big search box at the top of the map that you cannot hide? I saw this on a Captivate at the ATT store and it didn't look like there was a way to hide it. This would definitely keep me from upgrading from my current version, 4.3.0. Can you guys take a look and let me know if it's something that can be hidden?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't mind paying as long as the game is good. For the specs of Captivate (1.0Ghz Processor, 512MB ram), Most of the games out there are just pitiful I don't know whether that's the result of lack game developers on Android or programmers today don't know how to optimize, I used to play way better games on a Pentium MX 166Mhz computer with 32MB ram (Quakes, Red Alert, C&C, Diablo just name a few so you know I am not bull shiting).
View 17 Replies View RelatedIf this is possible with the current version. If any of you have a ps3 and would be willing to give it a try, please tell me what happens. Hack your PS3 with your Android: NexusOne or Desire | PS3 Hacks :: PS3 Homebrew :: PS3 Downloads
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've tried everything and Kies won't connect, I have it on TW Launcher, and it always say "Phone Not Recognized", it's driving me insane.
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