General :: Plugin For Smileys To Default SMS Application
Mar 24, 2012can not find an extension / plugin for smiley's to the default SMS application that is in the Android 4.0.3

can not find an extension / plugin for smiley's to the default SMS application that is in the Android 4.0.3
how to make our own smileys on Android 4.4.I would like to have the one of Samsung or the one of iOS. The original looks not so well.I know all the icons are in the NotoColorEmoji.ttf font file, but i cant find a way to open and editing it..finding a way to make my own emoji pack?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI would like to mod the google keyboard to display noseless smileys instead of standard ones?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I support Smiles and symbols in any font using FontCreator v5.6 program?!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm new to android programming.
Does anyone know how to listen for actions that other applications do?
I want to override the default android messaging application.
If I receive a sms or mms I want to send that to email but i don't want any notification on phone.
So basically I want to replace the default messaging application.
How can I make my application the default one that receive the sms?
I have the Galaxy S4 with 4.2.2 Android.
I am trying to find the "default" task/todo application but I can't. I need something that is activesync or exchange aware so my tasks from Outlook/ Exchange will sync to my device.
How can i change the default application for the use of the contact address in cm7?
If i touch the adress, then maps Starts. I want to start an other app. How Can i change IT?
I have owned a bunch of Android since the original my touch - how do you actually save a default application to open a file type? For instance, when I do a Google search on something and click a youtube video, it asks me every time which app to open it with even though I always select the YouTube to set as default.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have built an SMS application and install it on my HTC Hero. but whenever i receive an SMS i receive 2 copies.How can I make this application as the default application to send and receive SMS.
View 1 Replies View RelatedTrying to send smileys back and forth to my wife's Palm Pre and while she gets my smileys, I do not get them to appear when she sends them to me. Odd thing is, both my phone and her phone use the same symbol ": )" for example. Also, anyway to get different ones besides the android ones?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAm from Singapore and am new to these forums. I just purchased my Tattoo , but many things which I had looked forward to are amiss , and I need help going about configuring them , so here goes.
1. How do I get smileys on my messages? Smileys being the android faced ones , and ones that I don't have to type the emoticon representative (=-D or D-=) to get. I'm tryin' to get the smileys auto placed , so that I can just tap on one when I want to use it.
2.Is there a facebook app that does NOT connect me to the browser?
3.On my main page , I've put the big clock + weather widget that's most commonly found on HTC Phone advertisements:
I wanna ask a few questions on that.
-Does the weather update even WITHOUT wi-fi on?
-And the section that's supposed to show the area of which you're in ; I got that section to show Singapore and even my EXACT location before , but now , even if wi-fi enabled , it just shows "Current city". I think I toggled with the wi-fi settings a little bit for that to happen. Does anyone know how that works?
4.I previously used a SonyEricsson k85Oi. I'm not sure if that changes or means anything , but when I had just got my Tattoo and put in my SIM card for the first time , my contacts integrated perfectly , but under each name there is a /1 after it , eg John/1. I know that means the count of numbers I have in my phone , but is there any way to remove that? My contacts weren't saved like this in my k85O. And also , my contacts aren't synching with my facebook , or anything for that matter of fact. I'm not sure why , but I've saved two new contacts after I got my Tattoo , and only those two are appearing when I decide to add them in my "Favourtie contacts" app. Is there anyway to just combine all my contacts from before and after together , and also sync ALL of them to my facebook?
5.How do I go about configuring my GPRS / GPS settings so much so that I can have internet anywhere? Even though my provider doesn't allow me free data charges , I would just like to know how , and possibly try it at least once.
I have an HTC Desire, now my wife has a brand new Android phone. What would make her happy would be able to view smileys in a more traditional form rather than the Android-themed ones.
Is it possible to download an alternative set of smileys?
Is it possible for me to get the droid smileys on my samsung captivate?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn my x10 i use handcent to manage my text messages when i someone texts me with a smiley in the text - i get the shortcut instead of the small pic if i enter a smiley and send it to my phone...i get the picture.
The difference i can see is the one i get does not include the - between the colon character anyway of changing this?
I received my droid x lastnight and love it. I can't seem to find the amulets that have the android bots on them.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI just removed the DC ROM that I was using and installed the .6 Sprint Stock 2.1 ROM and rooted it With the grand help of this forum. It really does all that I want in my phone but I missed the XDA HTC_MOD Keyboard w/smileys. After some research on XDA I found that for this phone I needed the LOW RES. version of this keyboard. Here is the link for The instructions and where to download the .zip file to get the job done.
[MOD] HTC_IME (8th June) v27: Small fix - xda-developers
The process was very straight forward on the unzip and install but I ran into trouble getting the keyboard to actually start on my phone. When they say to "kill" the keyboard.
Here are the instructions that worked for me:
"You don't need to kill the keyboard to enable it, but there is an option at the bottom of this keyboards settings menu for "Kill Keyboard" and that's what it's referring to."
"After you have enabled it you need to select this as your active keyboard. Go to any screen you can type in (compose a new text message for example) and long press in the text input box. Select choose input method, then select the HTC_IME mod."
This is really just a silly thing but it's bugging me - I've put the Android keyboard on the phone after the upgrade to 2.1 and the preview of the smileys has disappeared
I can see them in their raw form by long pressing the smiley face on the number pad, but I'm not fluent in smiley language! and also, not all of them translate anyway; I can't get the angry face anymore for example.
Is there any way of getting the smiley page to work as it did on 1.8, where the More button would bring up the pictures? (can you tell I have a banging headache this morning, having trouble with words.
I want to install gcc plugin for c4droid.but when I download it and select install, it says: Application not installed..I've test it at galaxy tab 7 plus and memopad hd 7.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt seems there is a lack of support for using tasker.
My aim: When ran, use a tasker task to execute the WiFi for Root users tether start, and if I'm lucky, stop as well in a separate task.
What I have done: I have locale execute plugin. I start an execute task and in configuration I typed
/data/data/ start
as this is what is displayed when enabling tethering in the WiFi tether app itself.
The problem: Though when ran, this exe task does nothing. Wrong code? Wrong plugin in tasker? I want to do this not just for convenience, but also to learn.
See attached for reference.
Is there such thing as a QuickTime player add on for android? I have an online class and I bought the note to do class work but if I can't even play lectures- which are in QuickTime format, this bad boy is going back to best buy. I looked in Google play but no luck.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm following a guide for creating the android project in eclipse from the android developer site, and I've followed every step up to creating the project, and the ADT plugin has been correctly installed and configured. The problem: Under the android tab in the new project wizard there is no option for android project. There are various other android options like Android Activity, Android Application Project, Android Icon Set, etc. How I can enable the option for Android Project?
I attached a picture of the problem.
I'm trying to get the LiveView plugin template to work but upon import of the project into Eclipse, I already have 13 errors and 2 warnings. I have already downloaded SDK for Android 1.6 which I believe is what it requires. The errors are as follows:
The method startPlugin() of type AbstractPluginService.LiveViewCallback must override a superclass method /com.sonyericsson.extras.liveview.plugins.PluginPreferences/src/com/sonyericsson/extras/liveview/plugins line 173 Java Problem
Can I use adobe flash plugin on galaxy ace gts5830 without cyanogen mod
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan create a Plugin to connect the Tasker software with the IOIO Board?
View 1 Replies View RelatedApp like xbmc livestreams plugin to play audio/video streams from xml file (url) with streaming links. looking to use it on android TV box.
Or if there is something allready available
First of all I have a Sprint Epic Touch 4G AKA Samsung Galaxy 2 S and not rooted,
I keep getting prompt to select which launcher(launcher or twlauncher) when I press the home button. I would select set as default and then select twlauncher. This would work fine and I could do what I want and the home button acts normally. BUT if I long press the home button to bring up task manager and a list of recent apps, it would break the default setting on twlauncher. I could go to setting and manage app and see that the default on twlauncher is now cleared even though I did not manually clear it. I tried checking set as default and then select launcher. It too won't stick AFTER I long press the home button.
Long story short, I downloaded several launchers from the market and none of them will stay set as default IF I long press the home button. It breaks the default every time and ask me to select the launcher to use when I press the home button. Now this would be great if I could just delete all the other launcher and have only one but I can't delete the stock launcher or twlauncher.
So the first time this happen, I was driving down the road using telenav when I see the prompt to select which launcher(something that I've never seen after using the phone for 2 weeks).
1. Start task manager and kill all active app and clear memory from RAM
2. Clear defaults from manage application....twlauncher
3. Click home button, click set as default and then launcher instead of twlauncher- still does not stick after long press home button.
4. Manage application...twlauncher CLEAR DATA (sure enough my neatly organized homepage and apps folder was reset to stock).
5. Pull battery
6. Cycle power on and off.
7. Gave up after 24 hours and factory reset the phone.
8. Went on my merry way and reinstall apps and customizing home page and apps pages and so on.
9. In hindsight, I should have long press home button every time I installed a new app to see which one will break the default.
10. Phone works fine for 24 hours and then it mysteriously acts up again. It ask me to choose which launcher again.
11. Went back to googling and tried the following which did not work:
a. clear media hub data and default
b. installed Sprint "clean" ID and then later deleting it.
c. installed go launcher and see if it will stick
d. installed launcher pro
e. installed home switcher
f. I don't have Qik or some child lock apps
g. search XDA and found about 15 threads and tried everything in those thread short of using Titanium to freeze one launcher.
Right now I just won't long press the home button to bring up task manager or recent apps and everything will work just fine. Minor annoyance but I guess I can live with it until the ICS update.
I have handcent and when I click on my message icon, it asked me what I wanted to set as a default. I don't believe I clicked anything and went about my business. I read that if I set my handcent as my default, when I click my message icon, it will bring up handcent. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling to get that box to pop up, but it won't. What do I need to do so that I can access my handcent through my message icon?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor professional use, I need to uninstall default application (camera, browser, etc...). It seems not to be possible via the application manager. Is there a way to do it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been using the default SMS program since I'm OK with it and don't really need the fancier customizable stuff of Handcent and such. However one thing that does bother me about the SMS program is that when I hit "Messages" it brings me back to the conversation of the last person I was texting with/I sent text to, not the SMS that just came in.
For ex: I've been texting Person A back and forth. Then I get a text from Person B- I see it in the notification bar preview. So I press Messages, but it doesn't take me to Person B's message- it takes me back to the thread from Person A. I can't even figure out How to get to the Person B message except to go to "Menu" key, then hit All Messages, then it shows all the threads and of course the most recent (person B) is up at top. But wouldn't it make sense that pressing Messages after receiving a message takes you to the most recent incoming message? Am I doing something wrong/have some options checked off wrong? Is there a way around this default behavior?