Samsung Behold 2 :: Switching ROMs / Still Need To Flash Boot And Phone?

Apr 30, 2010

I am currently running BH2 1.6 no twiz. I was thinking on trying the galazy 1.6 but on the BH2 1.6 no twiz thread. It says that flash boot and phone only once, why? I want to go back to 1.5. should I only flash PDA? Why BH_MAN says only flash boot, phone once?

Samsung Behold 2 :: Switching ROMs / Still need to Flash Boot and Phone?

HTC Incredible :: Switching Between ROMs - Dual Boot Device?

Jun 23, 2010

So I am new into the world of playing with phones. I come from the computer realm as an engineer for the past 10years or so. So far I have not tried to root or anything but I fully intend to give it a try in the very near future. Anyways the reason behind this post is I am interested in the possibility to dual boot my device. i.e. I want to keep the stock build of 2.1 with sense but I want to be able to still play around with a 2.1 or even 2.2 (hopefully) ROM without losing my stock setup. Is this even possible? I hear a lot of people also saying they switch between ROMs often. Can you do that without losing all of the data that you have loaded on the phone already? If that is the case then switching back and forth between stock and a new ROM takes out the need for the dual boot requirement.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: ROMS (Phone Lock & Home++ Menu)

May 4, 2010

1) If your phone is waking up repeatedly upon pressing lock, and you don't want to restart: HOLD LOCK & PRESS THE ROUND MIDDLE BUTTON!

2) Home++ Menu Restarting on each press, MANAGE APPLICATIONS+FORCEKILL. If you are feeling lazy and don't want to go into the Manage Apps Menu, simply bring up and 'return button' the menu 5 times, it'll lock up, and kill it from there.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Possible To Get 2.0-2.1 Hero ROM To Flash On New Phone?

Dec 6, 2009

is it possible to get a 2.0-2.1 hero ROM to flash on this new phone? if so, will i need to update the radio and all?

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Samsung Behold 2 :: What Kind Of Features Does Phone Have And Does Flash Still Work?

Jan 27, 2010

Could someone tell me about the Galaxy Camera. I'm about to load the Galaxy rom on my Behold 2 and I'm just curious about the camera on the Galaxy. What kind of features does it have and does the flash still work? Is it working okay with the Behold hardware?

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Samsung Behold 2 :: HTC _ IME.apk That Works With BH _ MAN's Roms

May 15, 2010

Can someone post a link to an HTC_IME.apk that works with BH_Man's roms? I hate Swype, and every HTC_IME.apk file I find force closes when I select it under Input Method. Help?

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Phone Flashes - Goes Through Boot Screen And Then Screen Turns Off

Apr 13, 2010

Tried rooting so I started off flashing r8 of bh_man's 1.6 rom. Went through the setup, odin turned blue to pass and I let the phone run past the android system and then the screen turned off.

Thing about it is that the phone is still being detected by the computer and odin. It's like my phone is on a screen lock but not responding to when I push unlock.

Ive tried every custom rom and each one does the same. I try to go back to stock and most of the time the program closes, when it doesn't I try to flash it and it goes through the process but goes on forever. One time I let the timer go on for 2 hours and it was still on 5/9 completed.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Different Revisions Roms And Roots

Mar 30, 2010

Im confused about bh man and all these different revisions and roms and roots and such. What im looking for is a rom that will run a bit faster but leave the camera app alone. i personally like twiz but i'd like to try the phone without it. the problem is that i dont know if the camera app build in to the camera is twiz or not. i dont want to lose all the camera options. is there a rom that removes twiz but leaves the camera and its app alone? the camera the app for it and how it ran were the big selling points for me.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Trouble / Success With GPS In 1.6 ROMs?

Apr 8, 2010

I just updated from R5 to R7 and I'm still having issues with the GPS. Specifically I'm using Google Maps/Navigate and they can't seem to find my location. The first day I flashed R5, it took a few minutes, but Navigate eventually locked on and started working. I just let it run for 45 minutes and it couldn't locate. Has anyone else has any trouble or success with GPS in the 1.6 ROMs?

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Will Galaxy Roms Work With B2?

Dec 13, 2009

i found this rom on the internet for the galaxy and i was wondering if i would be able to use it on my b2.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: List Of Availible Roms For BH II

Mar 26, 2010

I have compiled a list of the Roms and Mods that are available.

Special Thanks to BH_MAN, Nu11u5, =KLRS=ZERO, bleufox99 for most of this info.

PLEASE don't ask questions about them in this thread...Use appropriate link below!

Number 1 RULE when Changing Rom's....
1. Fully Charge Before doing an ODIN....
2. Let It Fully Die and Power Off & Charge Full while Off..
3. Doing the above will Show major Improvements!

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Samsung Behold 2 :: How Do We Start Making ROMs?

Dec 9, 2009

I have little doubt that the battery problems would be solved by bumping out of cupcake. I actually like Touchwiz, but it seems to be causing a ton of problems. Once we get 2.0 from Samsung, I don't think we can rely on it to fix the little things. It's time to bump it up to stock ourselves. I'm no ROM cooker, but I'm willing to try. Now that we have persistent root, what next? How do we start making ROMs for this thing?

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Samsung Behold 2 :: How To Create Themes For Custom ROMs?

May 9, 2010

I have a couple of ideas for theming but have no idea on how to actually go about making them for the phone.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Creating Custom ROMs / Backups For Odin

Mar 18, 2010

Here is a brief much more complete guide to creating your own Odin images for distributing custom ROMs or making backups. Thanks to kam197, BH_MAN, chadmd23, SoulCreator, and all the other community members.

A Samsung Behold 2 to backup/edit/test ROMs on
Root via try3/asroot2, persistent su, or modified kernel
Working ADB connection
SD Card with ~300MB free
Cygwin - if you are working in Windows
Basic knowledge of a command line

Making the ROM Dump: The Behold 2 has 14 partitions in its flash memory, but only a few of these are useful to modify. You will want to focus on different partitions depending on what you want to do. After you make a ROM dump you will need to package it using the instructions in the following section before you can flash it. Backup your personal data? You may want to backup your data while trying out a different ROM. It is simple to do. Start an ADB shell session and obtain root access. Run the following command to dump the UserData partition: Code:

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Flashing ROMs - Applications Always Disappear After Reboot

Oct 4, 2010

So I've had my Behold 2 for about 2 months now, and I've tried several different ROMs, but all of them have this same problem, apps always disappear after a reboot. Things such as google maps, navigation, places, springpad, dropbox, astrid tasks, handcent sms, even the android market sometimes is completely gone, not even in the apps list from settings. It only shows a white box with the green android, and when opened, it just says app not installed. If I reboot/pull battery some of the apps mix n' match for which ones to appear and not. After one reboot, dropbox will be gone, while on another springpad will be gone but dropbox is back.

So it's never the same. I'm currently using BHMAN's latest take5 ROM, and I've tried 1.6 no twiz, microhaxo's OTA 1.6 tweaked as well as bearsfan's all having similar results. Now when I first flashed a custom ROM, I used the unlockr's guide, and followed the rooting instructions there. Could it be that the rooted ROMs are interfering somehow with the already rooted phone? Is it possible to unroot the phone and flash back to stock 1.5 or 1.6? Then I would try flashing to one the latest ROMs.

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Samsung Behold 2 : Cannot Boot To Recovery Mode

Feb 20, 2010

Seems I can't boot to recovery mode on my BH2. I've been all over the place looking for the exact method for booting to recovery, and I've seen all sorts of variations. The most common methods are to hold BOTH the Home and Power/End keys at the same time and continue holding them until you reach recovery, or to hold ONLY the Home key and continue to hold it after you have pressed the Power/End key to power up the device. I've also seen a couple people suggest that you should hold the Camera key while powering up. Suffice it to say, NONE of the methods I've tried have worked. When holding the Home key during power up, my phone hangs at the Android boot screen for about 2 minutes, but then continues to boot normally. Every other attempt to boot to recovery have resulted in a normal boot.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: How To Flash Using ODIN

Apr 23, 2010

1. Open up Odin Multi Download
2. Under Select OPS, choose Behold2_partition.ops
3. Click PDA, choose the PDA File you are Trying to Flash Rather it Be BH_MAN Rom / or Stock
4. Power Off Phone
5. Make sure you have it connected via USB
6. Hold and Press Volume Down, OK, Power (the red end button)
7. Phone will say Download Mode
8. Click Start on Odin Multi Downloader.
9. Wait a couple of minutes
10. Stock Touchwiz phone working again!

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Alpha Recovery From The Last BH_MAN ROMS Dumped Into Odin Ready Image

Aug 16, 2010

I am looking to see if anyone (BH_MAN... ) has Alpha Recovery from the last BH_MAN ROMS dumped into an odin ready image. I am trying to get A2SD to work on the OTA, and I would like to be able to partition the SD card directly from the phone, which Alpha Recovery does...

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Won't Boot After Deleting Management.apk Cache

Jan 3, 2010

This phone is less than a week old , would T-mobile take it back? LOL

I was simply messing's stuck at the ANDROID screen

What else can I do to it to revert it back?

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Flash Galaxy Firmware?

Jun 16, 2010

Could we flash the samsung galaxy's firmware on our phone just like the 1.6 galaxy?

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Samsung Behold 2 :: How To Flash Back To Stock?

Mar 3, 2010

a few days ago I was flashing my phone and had a power outage when I was almost done. Now I get can't it to show up on RSL or ADB. It's lagging like crazy. I did resets, I've been searching for 3 days for a way how to just put this phone (behold 2) back to stock, and I can't find a damn thing. I always hate to ask for help but I really need it. This thing freezes and randomly reboots by itself all day long. It's pretty useless. Does anyone have or know of a file I can download and flash or use in some other way to take my phone back to stock condition?

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Custom Boot Animation / Google Builds

Jul 16, 2010

I am trying to create a custom boot animation and I have been following this tutorial ([Ref Tutorial] Changing the boot animation screen on google builds - xda-developers) but I can seem to be able to find the system folder. I am using take5 ROM but when I unzip it its md5 file, not a bunch of folder like the tutorial says.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: SD Card Recognized As Internal SD After Rom Flash

Aug 18, 2010

SO I flashed my BH2 to Eugenes 1.6 for galaxy rom and now my external sd card...yeah, the 2 GB one that came with the phone, is being recognized as the internal sd card....and there is no setting i can find to fix it. I formatted the sd card and reformatted it, but to no avail...still comes up when inserted into the phone as an internal sd card. b/c of this issue, i cant save pretty much anything to my phone, b/c many apps require an external sd source to save to.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Is There Way To Open Or Extract Flash Images For Editing?

Mar 26, 2010

Is there a way to open or extract the flash images for editing?

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Way To Save Apps / Information / Restore It After Flash?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm considering trying one of the ROMs available here for my behold 2.Will I lose all the apps and other user data I have?If so, is there a way to save the apps/information and then restore it after the flash ?I have a few paid apps in particular that I'd prefer not to lose.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Flash - Odin And Root - Android System 88% Battery Status

May 16, 2010

I just got my Behold II with android 1.6 on it.

I don't understand what is root the phone , flash the phone using ODIN to save battery .

Also my phone rightnow when I check the battery information , it said " Android system 88% of battery" " Phone Standon 6% " , Is this because the new Android 1.6 making my battery drainning so fast because rightnow I am using with a little of playing around , WIFI , and then I turn off the WIFI again , the battery still didn't last for at least 24 hours . I didn't making too much calling also .

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HTC Incredible : Android Tethering / Switching ROMs

Oct 22, 2010

I'm gonna ask two questions in one thread so that I don't saturate the thread too much.Android tether. Why does it keep cutting out? I'll be watching netflix and it cuts out all the time. I have good service where I live. Is Verizon doing this?I decided to switch ROMs and I went for skyraider. Well I liked it a lot until it went into infinite reboot. How can I stop it from doing that? Why did it force close a lot?

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Sprint HTC Hero : Switching ROMs On Mac / Fresh 1.1 To 2.0c

Mar 26, 2010

I have my Hero rooted with Fresh 1.1. I love it, but I have a few questions for the future.

1- I recently switched from a PC to a Mac. If I want to switch ROM's or go back to stock, can I do this on a mac? Or do I have to use a Windows pc?

2- I was interested in switching from Fresh 1.1 to Fresh 2.0c, but I'm a bit confused. Do I have to go back to stock, then root and flash 2.0c? Or can I flash it on top of 1.1?

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HTC Incredible : Switching Between Roms - Best Way To Restore Apps?

Sep 28, 2010

A question for all the frequent ROM-switchers. I've got the premium edition of Titanium, and up 'till now, every time I try out a new ROM, I have to re-load all my apps/data. It's not terribly inconvenient - I just do the batch 'restore apps/data' option - but I still have to 'confirm' the re-loading of each app, and it takes forever. It give me an 'install' prompt for each app which I have to press. Is there a faster way of restoring all my apps/data?

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HTC Eris :: FYI For Those Switching From A2sd Roms To Non A2sd Roms

May 11, 2010

Just a little heads up out there for people like me who flash roms ten times a day. If you haven't already experienced this issue, you are likely to come across it in the future.

It is probably a good idea to make a backup of the contents of your sd card to keep when flashing from an a2sd enable rom to a non a2sd enabled rom. If your partitioned for a2sd and flash a non a2sd rom it will hold you phone at the boot screen or send you into an endless boot cycle.

I had to take everything off my sd card, re format the card, then flash the rom before I could load everthing back onto the card.

I may be a total noob, and for all you smart people this is probably a no brainer. But if I can keep anyone else from having this headache I thought it best to post it.

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