Samsung Behold 2 :: Disable All Data Connections
Dec 15, 2009I would like to not have to buy a data plan for my phone, so is there any way to disable all data connections besides when connected to Wifi? any help is appreciated.

I would like to not have to buy a data plan for my phone, so is there any way to disable all data connections besides when connected to Wifi? any help is appreciated.
I have a Galaxy on O2 UK. It's via work, and on a business tariff that boasts unlimited data.After a couple of huge bills, it turns out that apparently 3g data is unlimited, but 2g data is charged at the usual eye-watering rates. Phone Bloke is checking with O2 whether they are serious.In the meatime, I'd like to disable 2g data connections.I can't find a way to do that.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI'm a new droid user and have tried desperately to disable all data connections.I'm without a data plan so I feel very unsafe just going on the net or using the apps I downloaded, afraid that it might accidentally use data connections.I've tried disabling the 2G network, data roaming, background data (what is it anyway) and even going to the key pad, typing *#*#4636#*#* to disable the data connection and data on boot up. I'm left with disabling the APN but don't know how to. And the thing that worries me is that I am unable to go to the Android Market because I will need to enable the background data which I'm afraid that will cause $. And also, I don't know if doing all that will be effective.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anyone taken a stab at accessing ad hoc connections with the BH2? I tried following this tutorial meant for the G1, but I couldn't install busybox, nor could I find the tiwlan.ini file.
Connect G1 to Ad-hoc network SOLVED - Android and G1 Forums, Mods, Hacks, News, Downloads, Skins, Themes, and more! | ModMyGphone
Is there a way to disable that stupid button? I hate the location of it. Also, is there some kind of slide-to-unlock feature for these phones? I know we have the slide security pad thing, but I was wondering more along the lines of the iPhone and Droid... slide a button across the screen to unlock.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm not using BeholdII's Sms program, but Handscent instead. This means that when I click the '5 new notifications' thing at the top, it doesn't go away, because it doesn't see me as having opened messaging. How can I disable this and just use the HS notifications?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI have turned off the phone sound, turned off the shutter noise on the camera, but it still beeps (and quite loudly) on focus lock when using the camera. Shouldn't there be a way to turn off/deactivate/silence that beep?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am still trying to figure out how to disable the screen lock on my Samsung Behold 2.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI only get a phone signal about a third of the times i start the emulator. I've read on these groups that you have to have an internet connection before starting the emulator. Since i'm connected to the internet 24/7 :) this is not the problem I've also read somewhere that you should try do disable all other network connections (which i've done) and the problem persists. I'm using Windows 7 and Android 2.1 + API's emulator. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to android
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got another phone and gave my wife the Behold 2 without data plan. I signed in using my SIM card, then put her SIM in and signed in. So we can dowload apps using wifi (or do I just THINK it's using wifi?) and she gets her gmail. But no apps access the web and can't browse the web.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was having problems w the data connection in 1.6no twiz.I googled prob and found nexus one users having similar issues.I would loose data connection or switch constantly to 2g.Anyways to fix this Under Settings > Wireless & networks > Mobile networks > Access Point Names: I changed the 'T-Mobile US' APN from to can also use switching i reboot and prob gone.Posting this cuz i no a few others were having similar issues here and hope this helps.
View 6 Replies View RelatedGot my Behold II 2 weeks back but I do not have data plan. Slowly exploring my 1st antroid phone and enjoying. I tried to use GPS but it won't work; it says, it's not available. Do I need data plan for it to work? Just wondering.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am looking for an app that can:
- make a log of all the other apps, including stock ones, that make attempts or actual connections to the internet, and at what time
- be able to intercept those connections
- preferably I would create a white list of apps that are allowed to connect, but others do not have permission.
Purposes include:
- saving on bandwidth in poorer countries where internet is expensive.
- making sure apps or malware doesn't try to send off my data when it shouldn't be.
- prevent annoying background sync/apps from running when I don't want them
I find it strange that we either give all the permissions the app wants, or it doesn't work. Why can't we restrict their internet access?
Does this sound feasible? Does it already exist?
I'm rooted and using an Asus Transformer.
I don't have the Tmo data plan and I still have not got the update yet. Have anyone without the data plan received the update?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat am I losing without the data plan?Will IM still work? Is there a text based email? If I use a proxy can I reroute the gmail and other program links to function by editing their urls to the proxy url?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've got no data plan from t-mobile and despite this have been able to access gmail via the gmail app through 3G.Yesterday I was forced to preform a hard reset (volume down+call+end call).After the reset I connected to my Wifi and logged into the Google Network as I did when I initially got my phone.I've found that I can access everything as before including Weather Channel App, My T-Mobile, as well as Sync Calender via 3G, but whenever I try to Sync or Refresh Gmail or Contacts it fails to connect. (I get "! No Connection").
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am working on developing an application that requires me to establish multiple client-server based connections. Connection can be of two types where the Android device can be a server or a client. I can have up to 6 - 8 connections. Once the connections are set-up they need to be running in the background and are not typically affected by UI actions.Since each connection can be blocking, I am wondering what is a good away to design this app. Should I have two services for handling the server and client connections? Each service could have a "connection manager" that can spawn new threads when necessary. Or does creating two services even help? I presume spawning new processed would not be good as they will be expensive. Is this correct? I would appreciate any suggestions. Also, if this use case is not typical please let me know if you need more information to make any recommendation.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAny way of disabling the data on the moment to save battery?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to get the $10 plan work with BH2. I tried to add that plan to my number yesterday and it didn't work ?
View 49 Replies View RelatedI just recently bought the Samsung Behold 2 and installed the Behold 2 1.6 No Twiz from this forum and so far I'm loving it! Much faster than the stock rom. Now the only problem I have is that when I use an app with ads, such as Alarm Clock Plus V2, I get this "Subscription Upgrade Required" page from my browser since I don't have a data plan. I really don't need a data plan since I just connect through Wi-fi to download all necessary apps/games from the market and use the web. So my question is, is it possible to disable these notifiers? I mean, if I'm connected through Wi-fi I don't get these notifiers, but that's not always the case.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got new Behold II but I do not have a data plan. Initially, using WiFi, my son logged on to his Gmail account but then I cleared his login within Application settings. Now, I try to login to my Gmail account or Antroid Market but it doesn't work.I keep getting "Cannot establish a reliable connection with server.This could be a temporaty problem or your SIM card may not be provisioned for data service,. If it continues, call Customer care.Do I have to have data plan? If that's case, how did my son logged on to his account?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI am knew to android and am absolutely loving it on my Desire, so glad i never went with a certain fruit company
Anyways, i have had a search around here and on the market place and cannot find an app that suits my needs.
Basically, i run timeriffic (which is fantastic by the way) and mostly i use a wi-fi connection. However there are times when i know there is no wi-fi around eg. when i travel to work, so i have it turned off. What i would like to know is if there is any app out there that would allow me to schedule a time to turn on my 3g data connection (i have APNdroid installed and 3g disabled as default) for those periods when my wi-fi is off so i always have a data connection.
I did see the app Data on Demand and this would have been perfect but it did not work with my Desire.
Can anyone using a Desire let me know if they have tried Data on Demand and got it working and what conditions it was working. Can someone recommend an app that meets my needs? I guess if not i will need to contact the developer of timeriffic (who i have seen around here) and see if there is anyway he could intergrate with APNdroid and control 3G data connections.
I take no responsibility for wasting your time or making you stupider.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI would like to play around with some ideas and develop a soft keyboard for Android to replace the default one.
Is there any general information about soft keyboard development for Android out there?
Any best practices or guidelines?
Can I do with my keyboard application pretty much anything I could do with a normal Android application?
Can I do HTTP connections to synchronize keyboard data with a cloud DB and other phones I have?
Can I open other windows/screens from a key press, e.g. to display a custom input interface different to a normal QWERTY one. If that doesn't work, can I use a pop-up dialog instead?
Alright whats up people I was recently searching through and through for a way to get mobile internet without paying that ridiculous android price so as I was searching I stumbled across a regular behold forum at Samsung Behold Forum - New Proxy (TMobileX (Free Internet!)) - UPDATE: Analysis 01.07.10 -> 1500 Users because someone said free internet for it and I gave it a run to see if it would work with our behold 2 and surely enough it does.
Instructions on how to use proxy:
Open up the (default) browser on your Samsung Behold.
Type in the following address into the :
Type in the address you want to visit in the form on the page and select whether or not you want to use my HTML trick (free; allows you to see sites in full HTML not 'WAP-stripped').
After many attempts to try and use the terminal emulator that is already preloaded onto the behold 2 , and many failures..After trying out different Terminal Em.'s and always having my phone lag because they wernt made for it...i have finally found a way to get terminal emulator working with no lag or no slow down in performance... First you must have root,of course, Next, Use an app called root explorer or something similar and goto the folder /system/app/ and find the two files Term.apk and Term.odex, and MOVE them to your sd card from your phone,you want them gone from your system/app folder After that simply goto the market and search for Terminal Emulator , re-download and there you have it, Working term. em. on the behold 2.Peace Ladz.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have just recently bought a Behold 2 with the price drop. I like the phone except that it is very slow.
So i would like to root it and run a factory1.6 no twiz rom on it, but I'm having issues while doing it!....
I was succesfully able to get adb to detect my phone serial. but whenever I type in: adb shell /data/local/try3 /system/bin/sh
in the CMD, it returns with "permission denied"
Does anyone know if you can use any multitouch because any app that says it has multitouch doesn't work
View 8 Replies View RelatedThis phone has the WORST idea for an sd slot.When trying to take out my sd card, i took off the cover that holds the sd card.I could use some pictures on how its supposed to look when connected. I have been trying to put it back on and all I ended up doing was bending it.I got my hands on an HTC Leo Windows mobile 6.5. Best implementation of an SD card slot ever.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLooks like samsung is getting tired of all the tweets asking about android updates for the behold 2 they just posted this on the samsung mobile twitter page:"Samsung Behold II users: At this time, we don't have information on an Android update for the Samsung Behold II.If we receive information on an update for the Behold II, we will be sure to keep everyone posted.
this was posted by samsung and is NOT in response to a question, they're just "keeping us posted." guess they are sick of us asking all the time, well...just give us a godd**n update then Sammy!!!!!