Samsung Behold 2 :: Cases - Protection - Etc
May 16, 2010what do you guys use? im ocd about dropping my phone without a case but it looks soooo good without the case

what do you guys use? im ocd about dropping my phone without a case but it looks soooo good without the case
Whats the best screen protector for the Samsung Behold 2?I got one on ebay but its nothing compared to the ones available for the iphone. If someone knows where to get the best one can you direct me to it so i can buy one?And whats the best hard case for the Behold 2. I was looking around to see if theres an Otterbox for it, like there is for the iphone but no lock.Links with where to purchase these accesories would be greatly appreciated.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI take no responsibility for wasting your time or making you stupider.
View 13 Replies View RelatedIm after some screen protection for my beautiful screen. I'm in the UK found this website with plenty of Screen Protectors. any recommendations suggestions or experience.
View 24 Replies View RelatedAlright whats up people I was recently searching through and through for a way to get mobile internet without paying that ridiculous android price so as I was searching I stumbled across a regular behold forum at Samsung Behold Forum - New Proxy (TMobileX (Free Internet!)) - UPDATE: Analysis 01.07.10 -> 1500 Users because someone said free internet for it and I gave it a run to see if it would work with our behold 2 and surely enough it does.
Instructions on how to use proxy:
Open up the (default) browser on your Samsung Behold.
Type in the following address into the :
Type in the address you want to visit in the form on the page and select whether or not you want to use my HTML trick (free; allows you to see sites in full HTML not 'WAP-stripped').
After many attempts to try and use the terminal emulator that is already preloaded onto the behold 2 , and many failures..After trying out different Terminal Em.'s and always having my phone lag because they wernt made for it...i have finally found a way to get terminal emulator working with no lag or no slow down in performance... First you must have root,of course, Next, Use an app called root explorer or something similar and goto the folder /system/app/ and find the two files Term.apk and Term.odex, and MOVE them to your sd card from your phone,you want them gone from your system/app folder After that simply goto the market and search for Terminal Emulator , re-download and there you have it, Working term. em. on the behold 2.Peace Ladz.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have just recently bought a Behold 2 with the price drop. I like the phone except that it is very slow.
So i would like to root it and run a factory1.6 no twiz rom on it, but I'm having issues while doing it!....
I was succesfully able to get adb to detect my phone serial. but whenever I type in: adb shell /data/local/try3 /system/bin/sh
in the CMD, it returns with "permission denied"
Well I really want a case because I know i drop my phone once in a while. I didn't like the clear case to be quite honest, and I was hoping there are some cases that I should be told about. (btw I would rather have a case than a leather pouch but all suggestions are fine ).
View 22 Replies View RelatedNot sure this has been posted or not since I hadn't read all of the GPS threads up till now since I didn't think I was having a problem...
When I got the phone I wasn't using a case and the thing locked on to GPS right away. Then I purchased that clear plastic case at&t is selling in their stores. GPS was fine but I hated the case so today I returned it to get the rubber body glove one that was being sold. Tonight I tried using the GPS and suddenly it's not locking on, and when it does lock on it's way off...
Anyone else experiencing this?
Does anyone know if you can use any multitouch because any app that says it has multitouch doesn't work
View 8 Replies View RelatedThis phone has the WORST idea for an sd slot.When trying to take out my sd card, i took off the cover that holds the sd card.I could use some pictures on how its supposed to look when connected. I have been trying to put it back on and all I ended up doing was bending it.I got my hands on an HTC Leo Windows mobile 6.5. Best implementation of an SD card slot ever.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter reading about the android not needing a task killer, since its linux based and it could make it worse, I got rid of it. Would this be true for security apps, such as firewalls and virus protection, are the really needed I could understand the one that helps find your phone. I have lookout installed and it says it does a virus check after an app is installed.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAnyone know where to get some good cases or screen protectors for the captivate?
View 39 Replies View RelatedAnyone know of if there are or will be any kind of cases for the Galaxy at all?
View 25 Replies View RelatedI can gladly say that I will be joining the Android platform in a couple days when I get my Samsung Galaxy S, however I'd like to know fr om YOU, experienced SGS users, what are the cons on this phone. Also what cases do you recommend? I am planning on getting a full body invisishield from ZAGG? Your opinion is also welcome!
View 10 Replies View RelatedI need to find a hard case for my phone with lots of protection any ideas i have the bodyglove already
View 4 Replies View RelatedLooks like samsung is getting tired of all the tweets asking about android updates for the behold 2 they just posted this on the samsung mobile twitter page:"Samsung Behold II users: At this time, we don't have information on an Android update for the Samsung Behold II.If we receive information on an update for the Behold II, we will be sure to keep everyone posted.
this was posted by samsung and is NOT in response to a question, they're just "keeping us posted." guess they are sick of us asking all the time, well...just give us a godd**n update then Sammy!!!!!
Sprint release the 2.1 update for the Samsung Moment today. Here is the link to the update on Sprint's website. Will this update work for our Behold II? I'm willing to try to install it on mine (I'm currently running 1.6 no twiz). What do you think guys?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there a good and comprehensive way of getting the Behold 2 recognized by Linux (ubuntu 9.10)? I have the SDK installed and everything works but I don't Know how to get Ubuntu to recognize my phone, when I do ./adb devices it comes up empty.
View 9 Replies View RelatedG1 and my Behold 2 her phone had good reception and the behold had nearly none. Half the time I don't get phone calls. They go straight to VM. My roommate's BB pearl gets double the reception mine does. My other roommate's Nokia gets even better reception. All on the T-mo network. Another friend who has a G1 same thing, he has reception I don't. Not to mention the other problems I have had. This is my 3rd Behold II by the way. Been replaced twice and back to Samsung for 3 weeks once.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to know if there is an app for my behold 2. The app in iphone is called dragon it is a speech to text app you say the message and it writes it and then you just send it.I looked in the forum but did not find anything for this phone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMade these earlier in Photoshop. Go ahead and use them if you'd like. I'll be updating this thread with all sorts of different wallpapers. You are more than welcome to request any certain kind of wallpaper.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAnyone try this ? Use rom of Samsung i5700 for Behold 2. I think they have the same rom.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor whatever reason my comp no longer recognizes my phone and i've tried everything i know to do like downloading new driver software and everything. a friend of mine said it may be my after market data cord thats not encoding things right, but there has to be some way to fix this problem. i can't download anything onto my phone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know this has Been Posted... Almost sure of it.I would Like to see more Behold 2 User Using it more Regarding help / thought's & whatever comes to mind.... Mainly to Save Un-needed Posts with Questions that Have Been answered... Plus more People, the Faster Help can Be.Also, Could a Mod sticky this Thread So it's not lost?
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Has anyone gotten a better keyboard on a Behold 2? Every time i install Better Keyboard or the voice type, my Behold locks up (4 hard resets yesterday). I get an error about twsettings, the phone starts to mess up, i reboot, and it locks up. I cant get it to finish booting. It freezes on the android logo screen (45 minutes). I like Better Keyboard.I really dont like the Samsung keyboard but im sick of hard resets.
View 15 Replies View RelatedIs anyone know how to reset Behold II with key combination to hard reset?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am having my Galaxy S delivered tomorrow and was wondering what protection people are using. I was going to use some sort of film protector, such as Zagg invisible shield and a Flip Case. But the only flip case I can find for the Galaxy S looks horrid, and I am not sure on the texture of Zagg Invisible Shields.I have also considered silicone gel cases, but I am having trouble finding one that is nice, and pouches in combo with a screen protector.What would you use and if I did buy a screen protector, which brand should it be, I want one that will protect but with minimum difference to the feel or colour of the screen.
View 18 Replies View RelatedTalk about how you got the best deal for trading in Your BH2.This is here to prevent people from clogging up dev and faq threads about roms and other misc things to help stay on topic.Feel free to post new ones and I will try keep this title post updated as they come in.
What has been suggested thus far. Best Buy Trade In..Walmart Trade In w/ Gazelle
I really like this phone and I'd like to keep it in good shape. Because of the slide out design, do you think it will be hard for top manufactures to make cases for the moment?
View 4 Replies View Related