Samsung Behold 2 :: Application Or Setting For Battery Pull?
Apr 25, 2010Is there an application or setting that stimulates a battery pull?

Is there an application or setting that stimulates a battery pull?
When I compose a new txt message I type the name of the person im txt'ing and its supposed to auto-populate the name based on the first few letters I type. But it doesn't always. I have to go to contacts pick the person I want to txt and do it that way. What am I doing wrong.
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes any one know of an Application for Android that will allow you to reset your device (like a battery pull would do) only with out having to physically pull the battery yourself. Also, I would like to know if there are any such apps, do any of them allow you to schedule the pulls?? (Good for letting your phone reset itself at times when your not using it) There's a similar Blackberry App (Quickpull, just google it) Thanks for the help and if there are no such apps, I wouldn't mind paying for a developer to make such an app.
View 13 Replies View RelatedAre there any apps out there that mimic the galaxy s's toggles in the pull-down menu?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWell Like 3mins ago i was running the audio player app with eq and all of a sudden my phone and i had to do a battery pull!
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust picked up the Epic yesterday, and already been having issues all day long. The phone has does this about 5 or 6 times today. It will fade away, and when I come back to it a little later to check messages or anything, it will all be blacked out, and nothing will come back. (by hitting the power button) No matter what I push, the screen stays black, and the phone seems like it is off. (A few times, the lights have stayed on, and the buttons act like they are responding, but nothing works still) It has also lost signal completely twice today, and I've had to restart it to get signal back.
View 10 Replies View RelatedRunning a Bell Galaxy-S with 2.1 and the OCLF. Recently when I lock my phone or it just goes to sleep (screen shuts off) I can't unlock it. The screen just stays blank and it requires me to pull the battery and replace to boot it back up. There doesn't appear to be any consistency with this error and I haven't installed any new apps in recent time that would have changed the phone around.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFirst off, i have vista x64 and I installed the drivers and my computer recognizes it but when i put my phone into debugging mode i get that sound on my computer but nothing happens. On the phone there isn't a usb icon in the top left either.
View 14 Replies View Relatedis anyone else having problems setting up google voice on their phones?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMotorola clears up Droid X battery tab confusion with design change | Android Central. Anyone with newer phones seeing this change?
View 40 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to add common system setting into the notification pull down menu?
On my old Samsung Galaxy S3, when you swipe down from the top of the screen and pull down notifications, at the top above notifications are buttons for common system settings to access (in order they are: Wi-Fi, GPS, Sound, Rotation, Bluetooth, Smart Stay, Airplane Mode, Power Saving, Hands-free mode, Screen Mirroring)
This was very useful because was easy to quickly access key functions. For example "1) swipe down and 2) press WiFi to turn on/off" or "1) swipe down and 2) press GPS to turn location on/off".
On my new Nexus 5 this functionality does not exist. When you swipe down to see notifications, key system buttons are not present. Instead there is a single system button in the upper right corner which you need to press to for common system settings (Brightness, Settings, WiFi, Mobile [ATT/Verizon], Battery, Airplane Mode, Bluetooth, Location)
This means to access common system settings requires an extra step. For example "1) swipe down, 2) press system button and 3) press WiFi to access WiFi page"
Is there a way to put these common system setting into the notification pull down menu?
I was wondering of those of you that pushed this file on the galaxy 12 rom, did you notice a big difference in your battery life?
View 3 Replies View RelatedOk so when i go my behold i thought the battery life was great, it lasted one and half days of excessive usage. But now the battery seems to deplete extremely fast even when i dont use it at all.For example it is fully charged in the morning and in the afternoon its one bar down even though i dint use it at all.i run taskiller to moniter running programs and have only wifi on. Is it some app i downloaded? Please help i dont know what to do.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI know this phone isn't know for blinding speed (at least running it stock), but lately it's having trouble keeping up with text input from the keyboard. Is this normal? I am using taskiller to kill any not needed background apps and normally have over 120mb left in RAM. Any tips on what I can do to fix this? I'm trying to hold off rooting until I get the t-mobile update. Also, does the phone normally give inaccurate battery readings to the widgets? Because I am literally looking at the phone and watching the percentage go up... up 6 percent in the last hour. lol anyone else getting this?
View 7 Replies View Relatedi have an interesting problem. for some reason, when i charge my phone while off, it will only charge itself to 96%, and will only charge to 100% while turned on. i noticed this and figured that maybe i did not fully charge it before i flashed it last time, so i repeated the process and got it to a "true" 100% (i know this because when i plugged it in, it immediately said battery full, as opposed to before i discovered this when after charging (while off) and it said battery full i'd pull the battery then reinsert, it would begin charging again) i then reflashed (warheads). i now run my battery until it dies completely, then charge while off (still only get to 96%), but when it finally gets to 100%, the "battery left" widget says less and less time left each time i charge. (the first time it said 24hrs, then it went to 22, then to 18, then 16, now its 14)what have i done wrong? and does anyone have ideas on how to fix this one?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI didn't have this situation until Twix and now, DOTS. When I check "Battery use", I see a bunch of programs in there, without turning them on or using them like Android OS, Media, Swype, Market, Dialer ... In Twiz, even when wifi is on, it won't actually connect unless I manually connect it and it disconnects when the screen is automatically turned off. I had great battery life.
I drained the battery and recharged before I flashed ODIN. I pretty much did everything the same way as the previous times I flashed a new rom. I drained the battery again but that didn't seem to help.
I installed Advanced Task Killer. A while after I kill selected apps (a long list), the apps tend to turn on on their own. I had unchecked "Background data" but that didn't help either. Wifi connects unless I literally turn it off. (That wasn't the case.)
Is there a few check marks that I miss?
Not sure if my problem is similar to this.
I wonder if Samsung Moment use the same battery as BH2.I was looking at eBay and found Moment Battery and charger around $10, and thought it would be nice to have an extra battery.Does anybody know if they are compatible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI ended up buying a Behold 2 off of ebay (new) and I still sort of have a battery problem after reading and doing most of the tips on here. My phone charged overnight and has been unplugged on standby since 7am (now 2pm) and the battery is at 74%. Is this normal? WiFi/BT/GPS are all disabled, I always kill unnecessary tasks with taskiller but still, any other suggestions?
Also: it's some cool stuff you guys are doing with the galaxy ROM; I tried rooting it last night but got $ when I typed in su instead of #. Oh well, I can wait until the galaxy ROM is 100% working, afaik the vibration still isn't. With classes picking up again next week, vibrate would be my only setting.
I got the Behold 2 in the mail about four days ago, and it was working out pretty well for me. This was mostly because I'd previously been using an archaic piece of crap and hadn't had any experience with Android, so I was pretty blown away by the customization and yada yada yada. Touchwiz didn't even bother me because I've never seen Android without that UI. Then the battery issues started, which a few other people have obviously had judging by the threads on this forum. I was losing roughly 1% of battery power every 5 minutes without me even touching it, which is absolutely ridiculous. I followed the basic procedure and turned everything off, etc., and am recharging it now. So, waiting to see if it gets any better. But it seems like a hassle to have to constantly keep wifi disabled or to take all the widgets off the home screen......
View 16 Replies View RelatedAs I just got my phone with installed rom 1.6 for the Behold 2, I am frustrating when the battery life drains so fast after last night. I was playing a bit with the WiFi and the battery status bar was still less then half bar. After I woke up today, the battery has shown that the battery is less than 5%. I did turn off my WiFi and using only 2g network to save battery life. I clicked on "why", it showed the Green Bar with the word Android System 95%. What does this mean and how can I save more battery life since I don't use it the whole night. So the phone suppose to be less than half bar battery life at least.
1.Putting the phone in sleep can save battery life or not on the Behold II?
2.What are some ways that can save the battery life on the Behold II?
3.Does the charging technique can at least save some part the of the battery life? If so , How do I charge my Behold II ? Leaving it all drain out, turning off the phone and then charge it ?
Here are some ways that I have read in android forums
1. use spare app
2. use task manager
I didn't try these two.
I dont have a data package, I use net only through WIFI. I think my phone is still searching for 3G network and eating up my betery life, it doesnt last more than a day. Is there any way to turn off the 3G or any other way to improve my battery life ? Its a new phone, only a week old.
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow to install Froyo framework-res.apk - HTC Battery. just wondering how do I even install it
View 1 Replies View RelatedI used to get about 35-40 hours on one charge before the wonderful update to 1.6.I got off the charger at 6am TODAY and now i am at 20%.ridiculous nothing on my phone has changed except the 1.6 update (and some app updates cause 1.6).Anyone else seeing this issue?
View 49 Replies View RelatedSo i am working on the m900 battery issue right now and we know exactly what is wrong with the meter reporting values (samsung set 15% to = 3.74V while the nominal voltage is 3.7 so it reports 15% when it is really more like 60-40% somewhere in that region).Does the behold 2 suffer from this same problem or is there really a battery life from full charge to phone wont turn on?If you dont have this issue, and have access to the open source files for it please let me know.. i need the battery.c and .h since these phones use the same battery
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust wondering now that people have had the phone for a while, any feedback on how the battery life is?
View 23 Replies View RelatedWill putting the Behold 2 stock that BH_man is working on fix the phones problems such as random apps opening and horrible battery life?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI wonder if there are anyway that we could lock applications ? like i want when i open certain apps (for ex : message or video players... ) they will ask for a password in able to open the apps.
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust for starters I have not rooted my phone or done anything of that nature. I've only had the phone for about two weeks. I've had an issue with it rebooting on me, though it was due to Locale since the first time it rebooted on me, that was the only thing I had done to the phone. The developer said there was an issue with the api's from samsung.Well since then I havent used Locale, removed it, yet its rebooted just a couple of times(compared to 3 times in an hour when I had locale). Now today, I found my phone completely unresponsive. Black screen, no lights, dead. I pulled the battery, reinserted and tried to power on. It charged overnight so it cant be a dead battery.
When I plugged in, the battery charging logo didnt show up, so I did a reset(vol down+ call+ power), got the behold ii boot logo with Recover text, so I hit the home button. I then got a logo I've never seen. It was a logo of the phone with the warning exclamation point inside a triangle. I left the phone alone for a while but it was still there. I pulled the battery again, reinserted and powered on to a normal boot and the phone came on.I'm going to talk to Tmobile about replacement as this is really weird and I havent seen anyone else say thing like this. And just for info, my battery does have the same serial number that others have found to have an issue with. I'll update with any other info I find out, but I'll probably just get a straight swap without any feedback.
so i am new to android a bit, coming from there a way like on winmo to stop running apps to preserve battery life? like turning off data after browsing the web? also what are some tips for using this phone, like maintaining battery life etc.
View 15 Replies View RelatedSo I am trying to see if there is anyway to set the phone to do different things at different percentages. B/c once my moment it 5% it dims and keyboard no longer lights up. But I know it really isn't that low do to the well battery reading issue.
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