Nexus :: Icon Error In Drawer
Feb 7, 2010Anyone else having this problem? The only way I know to fix it is a reboot.

Anyone else having this problem? The only way I know to fix it is a reboot.
Can't find it, several people have posted screenshots with it, and I WANT IT. It's not part of that icon pack, I don't think.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI accidently replaced the app drawer icon on my ADW theme (the centre of the 5 icons at the bottom) How do i get the drawer icon back, or access the app drawer.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have this icon in my app drawer and have no idea where it came from or what it belongs to. It looks like a figure wearing a ninja suit holding a rifle and it says superuser permissions under it. When I click on it all that shows up is a black screen and brings up nothing when I press the menu key. Any ideas on what it's from and how to remove it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to hide an icon from drawer without disabling the app and without using any launcher app?
i have samsung galaxy y duos.
Stock icon app drawer it looks like 4 white quarter circles with 6 white squares inside.
View 4 Replies View RelatedTrying to find a theme for nova launcher that has nice drawer icon...(where the apps are) no luck atm...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI noticed after doing a restore to Rubix 1.6 when I tried to access Settings they would not show nor was the Setting icon in my app drawer. Is this just a bad restore or is the Nandroid corrupted? I'm running DarkSlide v3 just fine right now just trying to figure out if my RubiX 1.6 nandroid is crap or not.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got a new AT&T Radiant (aka ZTE Z740). I had it for a few days while I waited for a SIM card to come in the mail, installed one app, and just got a feel for how it worked on wifi. (I've never had an Android or any smart phone before). Last night after activating the phone and setting up the data connection with Consumer Cellular, I noticed that the Chrome browser icon was missing from the app tray. I don't know exactly when that happened, but it was possibly related to the data setup process.
I've searched Google and the forums here and haven't come up with a solution. I've seen suggestions for unhiding icons, but I don't seem to have the option to hide/unhide icons, or at least I'm not finding it (if I hit the menu button from the app drawer, I just get 'manage apps' and 'system settings').
I also a suggestion to look at the disabled apps list, but the 'manage apps' function doesn't indicate that Chrome is disabled. It is still there - I don't think it can be uninstalled.
I'm not sure what else to do. Is factory reset the next step? Not looking forward to setting up the data connection again (I guess I would need to go through all the settings and write them down, unless there is a way to back them up).
I got the Play Store update last week and it was fine. Working smooth. Yesterday all of a sudden, something weird happens. First, the play store icon in my app drawer ignored the alphabetical listing and moved itself to the apps beginning with "m" (where the Market app used to be)I clicked on sort alphabetically, and it went back to its original place, but it still has the old market icon. I want the Play Store icon back in my app drawer.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm compiling my own ROM project from source, and I wonder if I can remove the home "icon" on the app drawer for the stock gingerbread launcher2.apk? From source that is.
For example the latest LauncherPro have the option for removing/hiding the home icon on the app drawer, I pretty much want to do the same basically on the default Gingerbread Launcher.
Does anyone have a .png file of the default fascinate app drawer icon? I want to change the default one on launcher pro.
View 1 Replies View Relatedunderstanding why in my emulator, i can * in my settings-> manage application, see an entry for an application there * but i cant' find the icon for launching that in All Application. how can I make my application launches on the emulator?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI was wondering, maybe I have a bad .apk but for some reason when it's night, it will still show a sun, wtf? It'll show the correct temp, for example, right now it's 66* but it's showing a bright sun saying 'clear', umm it's clear, but there is NO sun in sight lol. How can I fix this or is this the same on the N1?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnybody have any idea what is causing this?It started showing up this morning when I woke up...yea, it didn't have this before I went to sleep.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy nexus one recently doesn't show the 3g icon next to the bars. I don't believe it lost the 3g signal, as I can see 3 bars in there and when I force 2G it goes to 4bars with the 'E' symbol. It just doesn't seem to get 3g data, i believe. I can call and text, but when I try to access the net it says site not found. Could somebody explain why this is? I have T-Mobile in midtown atlanta.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am using CM 6 and I have no Market Icon or app in the 'Manage Applications' window. I searched the entire phone and cannot find it.
Is there a way to fix this?
My google search bar mic icon goes to an empty mic from times to times. It does that on both my N10 and N5.
I use both devices in Quebec Canada. My phone is setup as english US. Nexus 5
I'm trying to upload an app to the market, but am getting the following error.
"The icon for your application is not valid. Please use a 48x48 PNG."
I checked my icon and its definately PNG and 48x48.
I've tried re-creating my eclipse project and workspace, tried using both GIMP and IrfanView to write out the PNG. None of this helped. I also tried using an icon from another app I wrote, and which had no problems being uploaded. Even this didn't work. I'm beginning to think its a bug in the market.
Can i apply a nova/apex icon theme on GoogleHome?
Can i change the icon theme independent of a CM theme?
On my Nexus One I keep getting "Low on space: Phone storage space is getting low" errors whenever my phone storage gets kind of low. Worst of all its preventing me from receiving text messages, yet I still have 7 MBs left. I only have a moderate amount of apps, roughly 60-70, and I use all of them. Furthermore, all the apps than can be stored on the SD card (like 1 in 10) are. Looking through the threads here and everywhere else people seem to suggest the following options:
1) Delete uneeded apps (I've done this)
2) Root your phone and install an app that forces your apps onto the SD card (I don't want to root my phone and frankly shouldn't have to)
3) Clear the cache in your browser (Done)
4) Delete text messages (I mean really, do I have 10 trillion texts on my phone taking up space, of course not)
Do I effectively have an app limit on my device if I want it to function properly? Right now my apps won't update either and I constantly have the error.
The camera icon my the bottom right Corner of my nexus 5 lock screen has disappeared .
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can no longer broadcast wi-fi. It says 'error' under 'portable wi-fi hotspot, the checkmark does not appear, and it will not allow me to access settings.
Admittedly, this may be my fault, as it happened when I changed my ssid to something stupid.. with punctuation.
I was having problems with the play store and I was told to clear data from the Play Sore and GoogleServicesFramework app. That didn't work and I got a server error. Also my signal bars and wifi/3G icon are not turning blue as usual when connected. I feel disconnected from the play store .
View 1 Replies View RelatedGizmo5/GV/Sipdroid calls were working fine yesterday over both WiFi and 3g but today for some reason whenever I make an outbound call through my N1 it dials but I hear nothing and sipdroid hangs up after 22 seconds. Inbound calls are fine and when I initiate calls to phone #'s through Google Voice on my computer it comes through on my N1 where I can pick up fine and I can hear it. Complete opposite though when making outbound calls - no sound/hangup at 22 seconds.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have an interesting problem I just can't seem to get through. I hung out yesterday in the IRC during office hours in hopes to find someone, but I guess the Google guys are swamped and couldn't make it.
We have an app that we have tested successfully across 10 different devices on 4 different networks without a problem. However, our app will not work on ANY Nexus One devices, tested across 4 different carriers. The work flow is like this:
1. Via the browser, visit a URL to download the apk file OTA.
2. Install app. App shows up on the device.
3. Click the icon to run the app. An error occurs saying "Application is not installed on your phone"
At this point, we can see the app is trying to run. LogCat shows the following interesting bit:
The funny thing is, I have android.permission.INTERNET use-permission in the manifest, and no other devices seem to have a problem with the permissions set there.
WHY this behaviour is isolated to Nexus One devices?
I'm new to Android, so maybe this is an Android problem rather than an N1 problem, but my phone keeps getting error messages whenever I try to check my notifications through my Facebook app.
View 14 Replies View RelatedRunning a Galaxy Nexus on Stock 4.1.1 (rooted).Last week, Play Store randomly started giving me the DF-BPA-09 Error when I wanted to download new apps. Old apps would update fine. I searched XDA and found that turning Google Sync Off and restarting the phone solved it. It worked once or twice, but the problem kept coming back.
Then read another thread that said go to All Apps > Play Store >Uninstall Updates and Clear Data. I did this, and now when I start Play Store, it permenantly gives me 'Server Error', with a Retry Button below it.I have Titanium Backup Pro, so tried restoring an older version, tried Freezing and Unfreezing the App, still not working.
DF-BPA-09 Error used to come, Cleared Play Store Data and now stuck at Server Error.
If I try to download an app from the Play Store on a browser, my Nexus 4 says "[app name] could not be downloaded due to an error (906)". However, I can download the app directly from the Play Store on my phone. So, how would I go about resolving this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a floder containing Google Earth. The normal icon has been replaced by a little droid icon labeled "loading." When I click it, Google Earth loads.
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