Motorola Droid X : Way To Reinstall DLNA To Android?
Nov 20, 2010Can anyone tell me how to reinstall the DLNA.apk to my X? Lost the app since rooting and I get errors in terminal saying not found and in root explorer i get a not installed error.

Can anyone tell me how to reinstall the DLNA.apk to my X? Lost the app since rooting and I get errors in terminal saying not found and in root explorer i get a not installed error.
Has anyone been able to get DLNA to work? If so, how?
View 8 Replies View RelatedSo I was just toying around with the X and started the DLNA deal and now it keeps giving me updates when a sync is available and not available. I had to go to running services to turn it off. Does anyone know of any other way to stop DLNA when not in use?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've used DLNA to connect my phone with my PS3 but it does not see any of the pictures or video in my phones folders. I also tried connecting to my Windows 7 PC. As of right now, I have no idea how to view my phones files using DLNA? Do I need a program? When I select share media, it connects and then nothing happens.
View 9 Replies View RelatedAnyone figured out what the magical combination is to make videos actually play on the phone from a DLNA server? I have tried Tversity and a few others changing all the settings around to find a combination that would work. Most of the settings I tried should have worked based on the formats supported on the X matching the transcode settings I had on Tversity but no luck.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if anyone knew where to get Android firmware 2.0 and how to re-install or re-flash the droid. I'm having problems with my firmware and I wanted to re-do my Droids firmware back to 2.0.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis app is sooo cool! My Droid is now a DLNA Server. I am streaming my Droid's music, pics and video to my home network's DLNA Clients: PS3, PCs, and WD TV Live. TwonkyMedia Goes Mobile with Android Launch at CES:
TwonkyMedia Goes Mobile with Android Launch at CES | Business Wire
I downloaded and installed from the Android Market. When you first start the app, it scans your phone for media. I turned on my Droid's Wifi. The TwonkyServer Mobile was immediately visible to any DLNA or UPnP client. It took 2 minutes. No setup was involved. The UI looks pretty cool too.
i had sprecovery originally then changed to clockworkmod recovery. how do i change back to sp recovery?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI still cannot add an account to gmail. If I delete the Gmail app, is there a way to reinstall it? If in fact I can uninstall it. Actually it's a Google account that I can't add. I can add a gmail acct via the corporate email client.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOK just like the stock messenger i am having a problem now with the stock phone app, if i try to add a line during a call, the second i click call the app freezes up, then i get a wait or FC option, i have clicked wait over and over to see if it eventually does something, and no it doesn't. then after i do that if someone calls me when i go to slide to answer it will slide and then it freezes at the end of the slide, call is answered though. now with the messenger i replaced it with the handscent sms, works wonders. is there a phone app? or a way to reinstall the phone app.
View 5 Replies View RelatedOk got my droid X rooted and removed a few apps before realizing what renaming them was actually for I understand when the 2.2 comes if all of the stock apps arent on there it will lock down the phone where can I find these apps to reinstall (like system dump or something?)
View 7 Replies View RelatedSomething freaked up the Motorola CarDock app, and when I start it starts to launch and then goes to a blank screen and then back to my home screen. I don't want to do a factory reset just yet and the Car Dock app in the market is not good enough for me (can't do quick calls like with the Motorla app, have to click twice to make a call etc). I have no idea what else could be interfering with it, I have a bunch of apps, but I am on the stock home screen.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was trying to get my phone prepared to update to 2.2 and I wanted to reinstall the bloatware. I did something stupid. I went into adb shell, went to the system/app folder and did "mv *.bak *.apk" which basically destroyed everything in that folder. At that moment, I tried to RSDLite flash my phone the SBF but it wouldn't take. Phone froze up, couldn't do anything and, of course, I get the Droid animation when booting infinitely due to nothing being in /system/app I can reboot into recovery and connect the phone to my PC, but nothing really seems to happen. I imagine I could recover the phone if someone made an which restored the default apps into the /system/app folder, but I don't have an of that nature. Even the Verizon ones I have seem to look for old versions of the files. Does anyone have or can tailor an which would restore the system/app folder for me? I think that, if you could do that, I could be saved. Otherwise, I think I am screwed, unless someone has another option for me.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have ultimate droid "newest" and helix launcher, and im having a problem where it wont let me use the option to attach recorded audio in a text message. it just force closes every time. even if i try to send it by finding the file in astro and clicking send to message. it just force closes, any fixes or anyone else have this problem.
restarting it didn't fix it.
should i reinstall messenger? how?
and is there a way to select multiple contacts from a contact list to send a forwarded message to? like on normal vzw phones "not smart phone" or is typing the persons name the only thing you can do.
I updated my Milestone last week and all was working ok. I decided to root the phone today and ended up in some constant re-boot loop where the android logo would appear then reset. I managed to get the phone working again after several hours of worry, but there still seems to be some issues. I would like to remove the 2.0.1 update and re-install it again from frest so that i can fully remove this root access and hopefully my problems.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI would like to know if Android have PictBridge and DLNA support, if the board vendor decides to supports it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI rooted a few weeks ago, am running xtrsense 3.0.1 and apps2sd. Certain apps that i had installed prior to root were not working after root. I tried to uninstall these and reinstall. Whenever I tried the reinstall, there is an error stating insufficient storage available. Checking the SD card, it says 140 MB available. I seem to be able to install new apps, but not reinstall previously installed. The specific apps this has happened with are Better Keyboard, shazam and handcent. Any suggestions?
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor a semester project, I had the idea to implement Windows 7's Play to infrastructure to either use a phone as the end point (the player) or to stream stuff from the phone to a Windows 7 machine. Does anybody have experience working with this API? Is this do able over a couple of weeks (prototype, just proof of concept, not end-user ready) or is it too much for a project of this scope? Note: I'm not looking for code samples, just an assessment of the feasibility of this project. If you have any documentation from MS or otherwise that would be awesome although not the crux of the question.
I discovered that the Windows 7 Play-to functionality is based on DLNA and any device supporting DLNA (I think) can be used as a destination for the Play-To context menu. However, I'm having a really difficult time finding any sort of documentation on DLNA. I'm wondering if you need to be a member of the DNLA to actually get access to the spec? Alternatively, I know DLNA is built on UPnP, it wouldn't exactly do what I want, but it would be a step in the right direction, so, to revise my question does anybody know of any open-source C/C++ or Java (preferable) libraries that would help me implement UPnP or DLNA?
How to connect my Galaxy S3 to my Xbox 360 thru DLNA. I have been screwing with this freaking thing for over an hour and have made absolutely no progress. I am about to destroy everything I own.
I did this before on my Droid X and it worked great. Now I can not get it to work at all. I turn on my sharing on my S3 and then it asks me if my xbox is allowed. I click yes. Nothing shows up on my xbox. It doesn't recognize it or find it at all. Then I search the internet and all I get are these crappy search engine responses that take me to a list of 50 things completely unrelated to what I am looking for.
Is there any DLNA player that read also subtitles from media server? I have TP-1042ND and conected HD with movies, my stock S3 player sees nearby device TP link media server and plays movies but without subtitles (they are in correct format as when i download movie to device with them plays ok)... Samsung Link don't see nearby device so can't use it... Only thing i can do i play movie from DLNA explorer via Mx player and then load subtitles form device when i downloaded them... MX player is slow and plays in SW only to see subs on TV... when HW subs are on phone screen and movie is on TV... I try some players from market but none plays subs and movie together.. only movie is shown...
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a Pioneer AVreceiver which does not support DLNA but can be connected to a router to play music from the internet, i.e. shoutcast radios. To let it play I need to enter stream IP in AVreceiver interface. I can do the same using my PC, playing mp3s with winamp chained with a shoutcast server which broadcasts to my LAN, inputing in AVreceiver the LAN IP of my PC (
I have just bought a SamsungNote and I have put my mp3 collection on it and I was wondering in there's an app that can broadcast music from phone to LAN in order to be played on my AVreceiver using the phone LAN IP.
Just wondering if this feature works well or not. Does it ever pause or skip? I don't have any devices / TV's capable of receiving this type of feed but will buy one next time if it's worth it.
View 34 Replies View RelatedI need something along the lines of ipad's keynote + airplay so that powerpoint presentations with notes can be stored and displayed via upnp/dlna from my tablet on our presentation screen...I don't always have time to load the powerpoints to the PC and make the small format changes that always seem to be required when you copy a ppt file to another computer and since the pc has both xbmc and windows media center and the screen has a apple TV something should be doable. If this already exist..I have been wearing out search xda and Google. I need to see thumbnails of my slides and see my notes on the tablet and wireless display my slides on the screen.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo Google Music App can stream to Bluetooth perfectly fine but not DLNA or over WiFi. Seems like it should be able to stream DLNA or WiFi if it can handle Bluetooth. Any technical reason why it cannot? I have only been able to get it to play over Bluetooth, Headphones or connect directly to Media device but not DLNA or WiFi the most ideal connections. With the infamous Nexus Q I believe it could connect and stream via WiFi but that is the only instance I am aware of. So outside of buying a discontinued Nexus Q our all powerful devices are crippled? Any app to accomplish this. 20,000 songs on my Google Music account and I you limit how I can play my music.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have purchased an MK802 which I intent to use as a mediacenter. I have my 1TB hdd hooked up to it now, but I am having problems find finding an App that allows me to:
Browse the hdd without setting up a mediaserver, and then push a selected file via dlna/upnp
To my Samsung tv. I do this all the time from my windows 7 pc (right click, play to, select source).
I am having problems with just finding a DLNA app that supports USB.
I'm very much interested in being able to send my music/audio from my phone to a DLNA renderer on my home network. There are plenty of individual apps out there to do this, such as BubbleUPnP, Twonky, etc, or even indeed the music app built in to my HTC One X. However what I'm wondering is if there's a way to have all music/audio re-directed over WiFi to a DLNA renderer?
What I'm looking for would be something similar to when you plug in headphones or connect a Bluetooth audio device: any application that plays media has the audio directed to the headphones or bluetooth connection, instead of the internal phone speaker - that's exactly what I want, but with the audio being directed over WiFi to a DLNA renderer. I'd configure the app/service/whatever to send all audio over DLNA, and then it doesn't matter whether I'm using Dogcatcher, Spotify, the built-in Music app or Google Music - all audio automatically gets directed to the DLNA renderer.
Having to use yet another app on top of the various media applications I already use is a real pain; plus I highly doubt any of the existing applications will support Spotify streams (Twonky and BubbleUPnP don't), and I had little success when experimenting with Twonky yesterday. As mentioned my built-in music app already does this so I'm already part of the way there, but I'd like it to be system-wide rather than app specific.
The DLNA renderer I'll be using will either be a standard PC running XBMC, or a headless Raspberry Pi embedded Linux computer; either way they'll both be fully UPnP/DLNA compliant.
When I first had my HTC Hero, I found about android's DLNA capabilities and it was pretty. Amazing that I could stream music and pictures to my tv, even videos in some rare occasions but actual on-the-fly transcoding was completely impossible. Now skip ahead to my third phone, ZTE Blade III.
1Ghz and 512mb ram is quite good for what I need and I was hoping that it could transcode some poor-quality videos I film with my phone. Why? Well, my TV has pretty small range of supported video formats and of course that my phone records video in the unsupported format. I tried a wide varety of DLNA apps and none of them had anything to do with transcoding. I tried twonky, skifta, bubbleupnp... No result.
Why is this so taboo? I understand if the file is in full HD but Blade III records in VGA. It shouldn't be a problem
to transcode or am I mistaken?
tl;dr need app that can transcode files in real time and send them to my tv (something like wmp but on android).
I can't figure this out. First thing I did was open allshare. I selected "play media from phone on another device." It couldn't find any devices. I then checked out my PS3. I tried going to the remote play settings to register my device. It gives me a number to input during device registration but this is where I get stuck. I don't know where to go from here. Allshare doesn't have an option to "register a device." How to do this: DLNA works with a PS3.
View 4 Replies View Related[Guide] A little guide to Galaxy S to latop via DLNA.A Little Guide to The Galaxy S DLNA.This is not meant to be a comprehensive guide, but rather a starter's guide to get you on your feet. If you want to add more contents to this thread, feel free to do so. If you want to post this guide somewhere else, also feel free to do so, but do give credit where it is due.Wikipedia's definition of DLNA: The Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) is a non-profit collaborative trade organization comprised of more than 250 member companies[3] in the mobile, consumer electronics, PC, and service provider industries. Alliance members have stated the common goal of using standards-based technology to make it easier for consumers to use, share and enjoy their digital photos, music and videos.
What this mean is that DLNA allows you to stream videos, pictures and music across multiple platforms without the need to actually transfer the file itself. Streaming between hardwares that comes with the DLNA label is easy. However, if you do not have a wifi capable TV, the next best option would be to stream to a computer screen instead. And here is what you need.A Galaxy S (or a Captivate for our dear U.S. buddies)A wifi capable computer - which can be a laptop or a computer connected to a wifi router.Windows Media player 12.
I'm getting a DLNA TV next week and was wondering if i would be able to stream pics and videos from my phone to the TV? Anyone tried this yet?
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