Motorola Droid X :: Way To Reinstall Phone App CarDock?
Jul 17, 2010
Something freaked up the Motorola CarDock app, and when I start it starts to launch and then goes to a blank screen and then back to my home screen. I don't want to do a factory reset just yet and the Car Dock app in the market is not good enough for me (can't do quick calls like with the Motorla app, have to click twice to make a call etc). I have no idea what else could be interfering with it, I have a bunch of apps, but I am on the stock home screen.
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Oct 10, 2010
I'm doing a long trip on Wednesday nite, does VZW have them? it didn't seem that they did on their website?
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Mar 29, 2010
OK just like the stock messenger i am having a problem now with the stock phone app, if i try to add a line during a call, the second i click call the app freezes up, then i get a wait or FC option, i have clicked wait over and over to see if it eventually does something, and no it doesn't. then after i do that if someone calls me when i go to slide to answer it will slide and then it freezes at the end of the slide, call is answered though. now with the messenger i replaced it with the handscent sms, works wonders. is there a phone app? or a way to reinstall the phone app.
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May 31, 2010
i had sprecovery originally then changed to clockworkmod recovery. how do i change back to sp recovery?
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Aug 2, 2010
I still cannot add an account to gmail. If I delete the Gmail app, is there a way to reinstall it? If in fact I can uninstall it. Actually it's a Google account that I can't add. I can add a gmail acct via the corporate email client.
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Aug 3, 2010
Ok got my droid X rooted and removed a few apps before realizing what renaming them was actually for I understand when the 2.2 comes if all of the stock apps arent on there it will lock down the phone where can I find these apps to reinstall (like system dump or something?)
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Jan 5, 2010
I was wondering if anyone knew where to get Android firmware 2.0 and how to re-install or re-flash the droid. I'm having problems with my firmware and I wanted to re-do my Droids firmware back to 2.0.
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Aug 20, 2010
I was trying to get my phone prepared to update to 2.2 and I wanted to reinstall the bloatware. I did something stupid. I went into adb shell, went to the system/app folder and did "mv *.bak *.apk" which basically destroyed everything in that folder. At that moment, I tried to RSDLite flash my phone the SBF but it wouldn't take. Phone froze up, couldn't do anything and, of course, I get the Droid animation when booting infinitely due to nothing being in /system/app I can reboot into recovery and connect the phone to my PC, but nothing really seems to happen. I imagine I could recover the phone if someone made an which restored the default apps into the /system/app folder, but I don't have an of that nature. Even the Verizon ones I have seem to look for old versions of the files. Does anyone have or can tailor an which would restore the system/app folder for me? I think that, if you could do that, I could be saved. Otherwise, I think I am screwed, unless someone has another option for me.
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Nov 20, 2010
Can anyone tell me how to reinstall the DLNA.apk to my X? Lost the app since rooting and I get errors in terminal saying not found and in root explorer i get a not installed error.
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Mar 24, 2010
I have ultimate droid "newest" and helix launcher, and im having a problem where it wont let me use the option to attach recorded audio in a text message. it just force closes every time. even if i try to send it by finding the file in astro and clicking send to message. it just force closes, any fixes or anyone else have this problem.
restarting it didn't fix it.
should i reinstall messenger? how?
and is there a way to select multiple contacts from a contact list to send a forwarded message to? like on normal vzw phones "not smart phone" or is typing the persons name the only thing you can do.
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Nov 12, 2010
I've recently found PowerAmp and started using this as my only music player. However, when I enter Car Dock the music button links to the stock music player. How do I / can I change this default so that PowerAmp starts when I press the music button or any of the music controls once I enter the music player in the Car Dock? I've tried other players (Mixzing, Music Mod) and all have the same issue. I also haven't found a substitute Car Dock that I like, so I'd like to keep using the stock one until an update to it comes out.
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Feb 27, 2009
It seems that I might made something wrong and deleted important files on my dev phone. it does not turn on now. Is there a way to reload the dev image again?
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Jun 18, 2010
When I first got my phone I installed Facebook from the android market and it overwrote the original HTC Facebook app that was already on my phone. Is there a way to get the original HTC Facebook app back? I do not care much for the android Facebook app and would like to try the HTC version (the version that was originally on the phone).
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Sep 13, 2010
I recently was having trouble with the Wifi application on the Behold 2. If turned on it would scan, but would not see any of the available networks. If the wifi was turned on and the phone went to sleep, I could not wake the phone. I would have to take the battery out, restart the phone, and before the phone would go asleep again I would have to disable wifi. The problem could be related my earlier attempt to install the rooted version of 1.6 and barnacle wifi that I tried a couple of weeks back. Whatever I did that time failed and ended up restoring the phones settings. I noticed a couple of days ago the problem I described in the first paragraph. I also wanted to ODIN the rooted version again and see if I could get Barnacle Wifi to work -- which I did. During this process I had done a soft and a hard reset trying to get the wifi to work, but to no avail.
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Oct 21, 2010
I was having trouble seeing all my saved mail on my AOL email setup through the Mail App. I tried deleting my AOL Email address so I could reinstall it. I started the process to delete it but it lock up during the process. The phone wouldn't respond to anything so I had to turn it off. When I turned it back on the Mail App shows I have emails but when I tap on it, it comes up to a screen that says choose a mail provider. Choices are Exchange Activesync or Other (POP3/IMAP). I choose Other (POP/IMAP), entered email address & password. It came up to a warning screen (an account with the email address already exists. It doesn't allow me to complete the setup. It seems it deleted part of the email address setup but it still remembers the old setup. Is there anyway to totally delete this email address to start all over without resetting the phone?
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Feb 13, 2010
I updated my Milestone last week and all was working ok. I decided to root the phone today and ended up in some constant re-boot loop where the android logo would appear then reset. I managed to get the phone working again after several hours of worry, but there still seems to be some issues. I would like to remove the 2.0.1 update and re-install it again from frest so that i can fully remove this root access and hopefully my problems.
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Aug 16, 2010
I rooted a few weeks ago, am running xtrsense 3.0.1 and apps2sd. Certain apps that i had installed prior to root were not working after root. I tried to uninstall these and reinstall. Whenever I tried the reinstall, there is an error stating insufficient storage available. Checking the SD card, it says 140 MB available. I seem to be able to install new apps, but not reinstall previously installed. The specific apps this has happened with are Better Keyboard, shazam and handcent. Any suggestions?
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May 15, 2010
Ive noticed that some people like myself are not happy with video quality on the htc incredible. I've also noticed that some people are having no problems with their video quality. Compared to the moto droid its video difference is the difference between choppy pixilated standard def and hd video. I realize neither phone displays hd but just using that to help compare what im seeing in comparison. Youtube videos are better if you hit menu and select high quality...but even then the moto droids video is still much better. So question.. since some people seem to be experiencing poor vid quality and others are not... this kind of sounds software related, is it possible to reinstall phone software or even just the flash lite software? Thinking this potentially could help.
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Nov 17, 2010
I had a free version of an app. I upgraded the app and paid through paypal, when I did this, the developer sent me an upgrade password. Now the problem is, when I reset my phone or get a warranty replacement I have to send the developer an email to get a new password, which is kind of a pain. Is there a way around this where I can reinstall the app without going through this every time?
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Oct 6, 2010
I don't have LED light or anything like it installed. Running stock 3.29 unrevoked, no other custom kernels/ROMs.Camera half the time doesn't start. If I clear the camera cache/data, it'll sometimes run but all the colors are wacky. Like whites show up as bright pinks and greens. I've tried manipulating the white balance, hue, etc.. with absolutely no change. Same effect with camcorder or a 3rd party camera app like zoomFx.Do I need to reinstall the camera.apk?
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Dec 1, 2009
At one point I'd downloaded the Dolphin browser to my Droid, and then uninstalled itI was recently going to try it again, but when I went to the market, it said it was already installed. When I went to Manage Applications to uninstall it again, it wasn't in the list.I've been messing around with the contents of my SD card, and I wonder if I did something to get this app into some strange state. Anybody have any suggestions?
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Jul 11, 2010
I had my Evo rooted with Unrevoked and then it stopped working when I did the OTA update (I believe this happened for everybody). So then I uninstalled Unrevoked and I saw that Superuser Permissions was still there in the apps list, so I uninstalled that too. But now I think I want Superuser Permissions back, but it didn't get installed when I tried to install Unrevoked again. How can I get it back? Also, am I correct that it was bundled along with Unrevoked when I installed it the first time, or is it park of the Android OS?
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May 23, 2010
I got my desire last week. When I did the initial wizard setup, I put in my Facebook id and my Flickr one as well. I remember on that first day, I was quite pleased with the Flickr app and my photos. Now, it seems to be completely gone. If I look in All Programs, it's not there. If I go to Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications, I can see Flickr (HTC Corporation) there in the list. If I choose it, I get the usual screen with the Clear Cache and About buttons.
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Oct 12, 2010
I bought HTC Evo 4G. At first, youtube app was working. Now it is not working. When I click on the app, it crashes. I even unsuccessfully tried launching app by website or link. I went to Settings>App>YouTube. I cleared the cache and file storage but it did not make the difference. I cannot reinstall the app. I do not what to do.
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Oct 11, 2010
I know you get this time and time again (I know, I've been reading and searching here and xda all weekend) ....... but I really have researched this. I saw a link somewhere, now i can't find it, I didn't flag it cuz I didn't know I would need it at the time. I rooted using unrevoked 3.3 (? The newest one), uninstalled all the programs I didn't wanted, played with rooted stock for a while, liked it, then flashed a custom rom. All that ended up OK. I am trying out myn warm twopointwo . I like it I have no idea how to reinstall sprint navigation!! The new rom doesn't have it (super cook that most Rome remove the bloatware ) The closest I have seen for a apron is to flash Fresh, it puts the sprint apparently in a aspirate folder on the SD card, then coy and install it back into my current rom. I really don't want too have to wipe, just to come back to the same thing.
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Nov 18, 2009
can someone explain how re-installing (from an old version of your app to a new version of your app) works with respect to an app widget?
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Oct 18, 2010
I have several apps that I am told need to be updated. Sometimes the files are downloaded but they won't install or sometimes the files won't even download. One example is "We-Fi Connect." I decided to uninstall this app to see if it would reinstall, but that didn't solve the problem.
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Jun 1, 2010
My N1 has been giving me all sorts of issues so I would like to reinstall the standard Rom that the phone comes with. Where can I get this from as I could not find it on the htc site.
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Feb 15, 2010
After a couple hard resets and stuff my girlfriends phone is still losing its scenes... Goes blank. Only home pic... I updated and reinstalled the OS on my blackberry a few times, wonder if its possible on this or if its a tech nightmare.
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Jul 3, 2013
I'm developing an app that is a shell in which a user will purchase and load business information from 29 separate, purchasable regions in the US. These regions are database driven, and I'm still modifying the database for 2014 data. This is a test environment. The problem I'm having is that once I've simulated the purchase of a region (let's say, Chicago), my device apparently caches that data, so that when I update the database, the updates don't push through. I've tried clearing the cache on the app, erasing all the app data, and disabling the Backup & Restore feature on the device, then completely uninstalling the APK. But when I reinstall a the APK from scratch, it installs with the Chicago region already showing as having been purchased, still showing the old database data.
how can I get the APK to reinstall as if for the very first time, with no previous purchases or downloads, so that it pulls fresh data from the DB?
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