Motorola Droid X :: Team Black Hat Released
Sep 18, 2010P3Droid has released Team Black Hat in the Market for 1.99. Seems to be the same as ROM Manager as far as downloading ROMS from the app.

P3Droid has released Team Black Hat in the Market for 1.99. Seems to be the same as ROM Manager as far as downloading ROMS from the app.
The Team Black Hat now has an NFL wallpaper application. If you have TBH, you can just download the NFL wallpaper app, then install with a program like Astro File Manager. It has cool wallpapers for all of the teams. Here are some pics of my Vikings wallpapers (with a purple theme to match). My apologies if this has been posted about! I just thought it was pretty cool.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI downloaded Team Black Hat and downloaded the 2.3.15 deodexed and installed using rom manager i unmounted and it loaded but i am still .odex what did i do wrong?
View 3 Replies View RelatedFrom the pictures on the Seidio site it looks grey. Click on "more pictures" and look at the only with the picture of the camera lens. Innocase Surface, Black
View 2 Replies View RelatedInnocell 2600mAh Extended Life Battery.
View 49 Replies View RelatedRemember the LED Flashlight? MotoTorch? Well, I've written a new app that uses the DROID LED in connection with the phone's microphone, and now the LED acts as a strobe that flashes to the beat of music that the phone hears playing externally. Use it in the dark to add some strobing beat lights to the music coming from your stereo, and chill out.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was suprised this hasn't been posted yet. Pete is pretty excited about it. Fastest yet by a good degree.
I'm installing right now..
Matt over at Motorola has set up a thread you can subscribe to so that you can receive an email notification when 2.1 has begun its rollout. (I guess more realistically - as soon as it's started and Matt is able to get the thread updated - but I've got faith in 'ol Matt!) You do have to be a member there to subscribe.
For those of you not looking to sign up there - you can subscribe to THIS thread for instant email notification if you'd like. As soon as I get his email - I'll repost it here saying so. Yes, the notice will be a hair behind the very instant it is released, but with any luck not too behind. I will delete this thread after the update is complete. The making of this or Matt's thread does not indicate it's any closer to release. No exchanges substitutions or refunds.
Multi Maps NON root has been released by XDA developers here is a youtube demo of it with the link and tutorial on how to download...YouTube - Multi-Touch Browser (Root) and Maps Multi-Touch NO ROOT!!!!! on Droid, G1 and MyTouch 3G
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust saw that the Droid 2 was released today on the Verizon website.Is anyone here going to upgrade? I think the lack of availability to root is a deal breaker for me.What are your thoughts?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMotorola releases open-source portions of the Droid X source code Android Central. Does this mean we can take off blur?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just received an email from ProClipUSA with a link to their new Droid mount. It's $34.95.
ProClip Mounting System*-*Holder with Tilt Swivel
I have been looking for a easy way to add borders to custom made Views (Compounds or whatever), and the only answer I found was that there is no built-in support for that. Instead there are suggestions that you should add Views on top/below the View you want borders on and a bunch of others really messy ways to get borders.oming from the .NET-environment that is pretty brutal to have to do ugly workaround and "hacks" to get something as simple as borders.Thus, I want to suggest that feature to the Android team. Im not sure how they can have missed it, but it is surely missed, So, is there any official way to suggest a feature in the SDK/framework? I have looked around a bit, but cant comment on their blogs, no e-mail addresses as far as I can see.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI took the easy way, and more due to lack of time, as I am tech savvy, I used the SM Updater and now the DM updated to ROM my droid. But I do miss the black notification bar.I saw that Metamorph could do some settings, and I installed their blue theme, but all it did was change the colors of certain things, I thought I was going to get the bar too.So, how I do get the black bar with the cool round battery? Or should I just ROM to Smoked Glass ROM? I want to give this one a chance before I move to something else
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've seen a few phones with the status bar being black and it looks awesome anyone know how to do that.
View 19 Replies View RelatedWell I would like to try a custom rom now. I'm loving the 928 blackglass theme w/ stock rom. but the REVOlution theme looks nice. I want to go w/ a basic clean looking theme or maybe a rom. But do i have to change the rom can I run stock? I'm deodexed with 928 so do I put another theme on this one or do I need to clear data/wipe first?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo the bottom of my x's screen flickers and flashes colors and covered like white noise but in colors. I think i got a bad lcd. I hope they have and extra x later in the day. At first i thought it was the blur launcher but it does it with launcher pro and every other program.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI rooted my phone last night and I'm looking for the fastest and easiest way to make my notification bar black.
View 10 Replies View Relatedim running the new v5 bb and everything is great i just miss the black background i had on the mms before and was wondering if anyone had one that worked with bb to make it black again
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there just an apk I can install of a themed black Messaging app? I don't want a whole theme, I actually like the stock, but I prefer the Msg app to be black like Fab's NexBeast/Fro since it's what I use most and the bright white gets annoying at night. I suppose I could just install Handcent, but I've had issues with it in the past.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi have a big black dog. anytime i want to record her with her taking up just a portion of the screen the droid screen turns very very dark almost all black. to the point hwere i can t really make out what i am recording. whats the point? i have tried differnt settings but i still get the same thing. has anyone else had this problem with the camera goinng black?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAnyone running a black notification bar on there X? how did you do it and how do you like it?. any issues with certain things not displaying correctly?.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIm running froyo the most recent update and have searched for more hours the I can recall. Can anyone tell me if its possible to change the notification bar to black. I've found methods but none are recent. Is there something easy perhaps without changing the theme, I'm running stock and would like to keep it. Is it possible to change it through Metamorph?
View 26 Replies View RelatedI was wondering is there any way now just to get the black notification bar from the market besides rooting your Droid and doing it that way?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm happier than a pig in poo with my Droid 2, the thing is amazing.However, my girlfriend's not so much. She got the deal from Wireless Amazon Beta, where she only paid 39.99.I wasn't able to, wasn't eligible for upgrade and got mine at the store.Anyhow, her phone a couple days in would freeze, the screen would go black, and then it reboots.Now it happens a couple times a day at least.Obviously seems like it's defective, but I'm wondering if anybody else is dealing with the same problem?If so, have you taken into Verizon. what have they told you or done for you?Wondering if she should send this back to Amazon Wireless, or head into a Verizon.And I'm wondering what kind of return/exchange/refurbishing headache were in for.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOkay so I was looking at the cases for the DX and I noticed a big gaping hole on the back bottom of the case.I know there is the speaker hole and mic there, but there is another bigger black circle right above the google logo.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy screen goes black during phone calls, usually within a few seconds. This is especially annoying when connecting to voicemail. I thought I saw an app for that but now I can't find it. Or is it a setting I can't find?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm realizing that I should not have purchased this. Anyone know how to cancel this?
View 28 Replies View RelatedI finally got my phone deodexed and I am happy. I then installed Fab's REVOlution theme but I still see elements of Black Glass. Is it possible to remove them?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSwype on the Droid X with 2.1 originally had a black keyboard with bigger keys to swype or type on. With Froyo, it's now showing as a white keyboard with smaller keys that looks look the Swype keyboard I had originally had on my Droid 1. Is this the "new" keyboard look for Swype on the Droid X or is there a way to bring back the old look before upgrading to Froyo on the Droid X? The version that is showing on the DX now is
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