Motorola Droid X :: Headphones W No Mic

Aug 3, 2010

As soon as I got my Droid X, I have been looking for a pair of headphones that has a mic. However I was walking home the other day with my sony headphones that does not have a mic and called my dad. I was able to speak with him through the X's mic without taking out my headphones. So it was like having headphones with a mic without having it.

Motorola Droid X :: Headphones w no mic

Motorola Droid :: Ear Headphones With Mic - Apple Headphones And Bose

Jun 11, 2010

Is there a pair of in the ear headphones with mic that's in between the apple headphones and bose ones? I've looked into the bose headphones, but that's alot of money to go into some wired headphones.. Does anyone have them, can you say they're worth getting for that cash? I use my phone alot for music, so good headphones are important.

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Motorola Droid :: Best Headphones

Mar 15, 2010

I need some for my new droid which should i get? i only want in ear buds

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Motorola Droid : Need Best Android Headphones

Jun 28, 2010

I checked out some old threads about this, but didn't find what I was looking for. I'm looking for the best pair of headphones (blue-tooth preferably) to use while running w/ my Droid or just at the gym with it.. I like to run w/ my phone, and have no problem with it in my pocket.

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Motorola Droid :: Bluetooth Headphones - Recommendations

Aug 19, 2010

My boyfriend has a Motorola Droid and wants Bluetooth headphones. Does anyone have any recommendations on which would be good to get him? I don't know too much about this stuff and I want to get him a good gift.

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Motorola Droid X :: Work With Handsfree Headphones?

Aug 11, 2010

I have ultimate ears headphones and was wondering whether they were compatible. The UE site says iphone and other smartphones.

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Motorola Droid X :: Apple Headphones With Mic / Buttons?

Nov 13, 2010

I've read around that the Apple headphones with the microphone do not work with the X. But all the threads I've read that from are from a while ago. What I've learned is that apparently other headphones with mics will work but these will not pickup your voice through the mic, and the volume and click buttons will not work. My question to you is, did anybody get these headphones to work with the mic and buttons? How did you get it to work? It seems to me that it is a software issue because other headphones will work, so has anybody configured there phone in a way to make it happen?

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Motorola Droid :: Music Not Loud Enough With Headphones

Nov 18, 2009

I loaded my music onto my Droid recently. When I took it to the gym to work out I was disappointed with how little noise came out of the headphones. I am just using the stock headphones from my iPod. Would another brand give me more volume? And, if so what are some of the loudest you know of?

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Motorola Droid : Need Inline Remote Headphones

Nov 6, 2009

Loving my new Droid, but having a bit of a problem with the media playback. Once I get a track playing, and the screen is off, it is a major hassle when I want to simply pause for a second to talk to someone. I have to press button, swipe open, then press pause. The way I solved this on the iPod Touch was using the earbuds with the inline remote (even has a mic to use for calls in the iPhone). I am looking for a similar set up earbuds for the Droid, any suggestions?

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Motorola Droid :: Crackling Sound In Headphones - At Max Volume Only

Nov 23, 2009

Anyone else getting a crackling sound out of their headphones when media volume is 100%? If I turn it down one notch the crackling disappears. Headphones are not the issues as I have verified this on 3 different pair. Im gonna see if my wifes droid does the same thing but figured I would post up and see what others thought.

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Motorola Droid :: Best Stereo Bluetooth Headphones To Use With Device?

Dec 1, 2009

Im looking to get a pair of stereo bluetooth headphones to use when I work out. There are three so far that caught my eye

Motorola Motorkr S9-HD
Jaybird JB-200m
Altek BackBeat 903

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Motorola Droid :: Headphones Crackling - Hardware Or Software?

Feb 7, 2010

I have a problem on my droid where when I use headphones it crackles and is really annoying. I have a pair of Bose over the ear headphones that have no issue on any other source however on the droid the crackling make me want to throw it across the room. Although many would jump to hardware, the catch is that it is only on random songs and the same ones each time. So it does it randomly on pandora on the same songs every time and not on any in my library but the actual external speaker will crackle on random ones as well. Maybe it will be addressed in 2.1? I know about the one at max volume but this is very different.

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Motorola Droid X :: FM Tuner - Won't Work With Bluetooth Headphones

Jul 19, 2010

Just got the phone today and i cant get enough of it. I am trying to check all the new stuff and am kinda stuck on the tuner. So my understanding is that you have to insert a headphone jack to listen to it and it won't work with the bluetooth headphones. If that's the case then it sucks as I really wanted to use my BT headphones.

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Motorola Droid X :: MP3 Audio - Sound On Phone Through Headphones?

Jul 15, 2010

For those of you who have the DX how is the sound on it through headphones when using it as a MP3 player?

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Motorola Droid X : How To Get Iphone Headphones (with Mic) To Work With Phone?

Oct 29, 2010

Having trouble to get the headphones to work consistently with my DX. I've only gotten it to work once and I have no idea how I did it...When the headphones are plugged in I can hear the caller but they can't hear me, but once I unplug the headphones the normal mic input on the phone works correctly and the caller can hear me just fine. Are there settings that I need to adjust in order for the iphone headphones to work with DX?

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Motorola Droid :: Bluetooth Headphones Sennheiser MM200

Jan 14, 2010

I'm having some totally inexplicable trouble with a pair of Sennheiser MM200 Bluetooth headphones I just picked up.When I first got them set up, they paired just fine with my Moto Droid (latest firmware, 2.0.1). I was able to listen to music great, talk on the phone, etc., for a few hours.Then for no reason they became disconnected. I checked the bluetooth status and it said they were "Paired but not connected". I tried connecting, but it would simply say "Could not connect".So, I unpaired them and started the headphones up on pairing mode again. Now, the Droid can't even detect them, at all.

This went on permanently. I restarted the Droid, pulled the battery, turned bluetooth on and off, paired it to another bluetooth device, I even reformatted the damn thing! STILL can't see my MM200 headset! What's worse is that my wife's BlackBerry Storm can see them and pair with them just fine! Every time.But to my Droid, they have become completely invisible.

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Motorola Droid X :: Auto Callback Last Numner In Log When Plugging In Headphones?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a pair of Dr Dre Beats Solo headphones. Theses are equipped with a mic and inline controls for answering calls/pausing the music. The problem I have with my DX is that when I plug in the headphones, it will automatically dial the most recent # in my call log. Anyone else have this issue? Is there a setting somewhere and I just cant find it? Also the Mic inline does not work, it uses the phones mic from what I can tell.

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Motorola Droid :: Audio Playback Using Headphones With Inline Remote

Jun 24, 2010

I have had my Droid since release day, and I am still carrying an iPod Touch as well. My problem is that I keep getting problems with audio playback using headphones with an inline remote. For me, it is absolutely essential to be able to pause/play audio when out and about. People talk to me, I get up to the checkout stand, etc. And, the process of pulling the phone out, swiping it on, getting to the app and pressing pause just won't work. Headphones with inline remotes are the only thing that really work for me.

The problem is that the Droid can't seem to play nicely with these remotes. The volume controls never work at all, and sometimes the pause/play works, sometimes it acts like a skip to the next track. Sometimes it just freaks out and starts cycling through my various audio apps (Listen, Pandora, the stock music app) and then eventually freezes. Has anyone found a workable way to do what I want? I need to be able to pause and play audio while the phone is entirely stashed away.

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Motorola Droid :: Headphones Screws Up And Stops Playing Whenever I Plug In / Fix That?

Feb 27, 2010

This is kinda hard to explain but whenever I plug in headphones into my droid if they move a certain way it screws up and stops playing. It goes in and out too if I turn the jack while its plugged in. I tried several headphones that I know have no problem with them. Has anyone else had this problem? Also if you still don't get what im trying to say let me know.

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Motorola Droid :: Pandora Wont Turn Off After I Unplug Headphones With 2.2 Forced

Aug 11, 2010

I forced to 2.2 and now when I unplug my headphone jack from the phone pandora will keep playing. With 2.1 it would turn off and I like it that way. Is there any way to change this, is there a setting or is it the 2.2 software problem.

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Motorola Droid :: Media - Whenever Move Around Headphones Inside Jack Music Stops Or One Of Ear Buds Stop Working

Jan 11, 2010

Well the problems started 3 weeks ago when i noticed whenever i move around the headphones inside the jack, the music stops or one of the ear buds stop working. so i thought it was the headphones since skullcandies don't last long. i got a new pair and listened again but it STILL HAPPENED . (btw, the phone is not rooted)

The Phone still plays media fine without the headphones, so i thought no big deal. NEW PROBLEMS started to occur. The phone would NOT PLAY Media files whatsoever. (games, music, notifications, APPS ) every time it happens i have to restart the phone.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Headphones Calling People

Jan 20, 2010

So on my way to class the other day listening to the media player in the car was just fine, I plug it in to one of those little FM transmitter things and it bounces along under my e-brake handle just fine. But when I parked my car and plugged in my headphones things went bonkers. It started skipping tracks, fast forward, and rewinding tracks, and finally started calling people, I called a friend of mine 4 times. When it started doing it again tonight I did some investigating and discovered that it's recognizing my headPHONES as a headSET. I tried it with my roommate's headphones and it started as headphones but if I twisted the plug the little microphone would appear.So I guess this is a 2 part question.

1.) Can I turn off the microphone of a headset through the phone?

2.) Has anyone else encountered this problem and how did you fix it?

Ok that's 3 parts but who's counting.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Audio Line Noise With Headphones

May 12, 2010

Haven't been around these parts in awhile, but news of the update brought me back. I have a question about an issue I've had since day 1, but always just kind of accepted. When I listen with headphones to podcasts, music, etc. I get weird signal noise. It's most noticeable when listening to podcasts/talk as there is lots of room to hear the noise on the line. It's like low little hums, "chirps," not totally sure how to describe it. Just not a clean, clear silence when there should be silence. I've used different headphones, definitely not anything there. I'm wondering if this is a known issue, a problem with some handsets, fixable, etc.?

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HTC Droid Eris :: No Music When Headphones Connected / Solve This?

Jan 25, 2010

Someone please tell me I'm an idiot and searching the wrong place for this setting but I have no music when headphones are connected but can take calls on wired headset so I know it works. . . I have sound when Bluetooth headphones are connected. When no headphones are connected music does not play thru speaker either.

I have only installed in the last week and have since uninstalled
It..... yes my volume for ring and media are set all the way up. I'm muted somehow here. Any ideas?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Music Play From Phone When Headphones Plugged In

Jan 21, 2010

I went to use my Eris as a music player for the first time. I plugged in my headphones and tested it out by playing a song. The song plays loud and clear through the headphones, but also plays loud and clear through the phone speaker/earpiece. I could not figure out why it would not just play through the headphones. (I have tried a pair of apple earbuds, as well as basic Sony ones).

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HTC Droid Eris :: Music Player Freaks When Headphones Adjusted In Jack

Feb 7, 2010

When listening to music via the music player through headphones, any movement of the headphone input in the headphone jack causes tracks to FF it seems. i.e. If you spin the cord while in the jack, or even if you just push it in farther to see if it is fully seated tracks will FF. Not a showstopper, but I wanted to put this out there and see if anyone can reproduce this or is my phone just weird?

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HTC 4G : Evo Won't Recognize Any Headphones?

Jun 28, 2010

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I've tried 2 different earbuds and 1 casette to mp3 adapter and nothing has worked. It simply keeps playing with the regular speakers. Do I have to activate or allow these accessories somewhere on the phone? Anyone else have this problem?

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General :: Headphones With Mic?

Sep 27, 2011

I am switching to Sprint soon and getting the EVO 3D. The one thing I will probably use the most is the front camera to make video calls. I am wondering if there are any headphones with a mic that are compatible with the EVO 3D and I can use for that.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Video Out Via 3.5mm Headphones Jack?

Aug 24, 2010

So I see the Galaxy and Captivate support Video Out via 3.5mm headphones jack. Any chance this (apk?) could be ported to the EVO or other Android phones?

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HTC Desire :: No Sound From Headphones

Sep 3, 2010

I bought a set of beats headphones they worked great on my desire but know they dont work (they work on other devices including my wifes desire)What can i do to solve this problem?Do i need to reset my phone to factory settings?and will reseting the phone resolve this problem?

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