Motorola Droid X :: Clock Similar To Blackberry Storm Clock
Jul 15, 2010It says it all in the title really. I'm just curious coming from my old Blackberry Storm if there is a similar full screen clock I can use for a bedside alarm clock?

It says it all in the title really. I'm just curious coming from my old Blackberry Storm if there is a similar full screen clock I can use for a bedside alarm clock?
im running fabs latest rom and on the phone i have both clock and alarm clock the old app and i think there conflicting cause i have my alarms set in clock but no alarm clock displayed near the time or in the lock screen like it should
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a new Alarm Clock/Digital Clock widget because the default one lags. Any suggestions?
View 18 Replies View RelatedThe Mrs likes the weather clock widget on my hero. Is anything identical available in the market for her Samsung?
View 6 Replies View RelatedMake a clock widget similar to the test chamber signs in portal?
Is there a, possibly, a fullscreen clock widget that shows the clock and active alarms? Thanks.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy phone is still on the FedEx truck but I'm wondering should I just take it to the Verizon store and let them do it on there machine? What other ways can it be done?
View 11 Replies View RelatedOk so I have created about 8 different clock widgets and I am trying to combine all of them into one clock pack... Is there anyway to combine 8 clocks into one apk file to put on the market place?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody know how to change the clock skin back to original after uninstalling a clock skin? When you uninstall a clock skin, it uninstalls but the skin remains.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I never used the alarm before (in 2.1 or 2.2) I was using the stock alarm clock in 2.2 for the first time this morning. But when the alarm went off, there was no sound, only vibration (fortunately the sound of the vibration on the table was enough to wake me up!). The first issue is that there was no ringtone sound even though the volume was on and a ringtone was set. Then next issue is that when I went to slide the slider to dismiss the alarm, it didn't do anything. The phone kept vibrating madly and the phone was fully functional. When I went to open the alarm panel again (through the app drawer, cause it was no longer a status icon), it said the alarm was off, even though the phone kept vibrating. The only way I could get the darn thing to stop vibrating was to turn the phone completely off then back on.
View 9 Replies View RelatedTell me favorite wheather/clock app. I would like to have something as close as possible to what I had on my incredible. 1st day with Droid X after switching from Incredible and loving every second of it. It is much different however so I can't wait to get it all down. Took about a week with Incredible.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have had both the EVO 4G and the Incredible. I for, one at least, happen to be a big fan of the HTC Sense UI. Does anyone know of an app that would have the stock clock/weather app so i can install it on the X?
View 30 Replies View RelatedI don't know if anyone else is having these problems with the Droid Unrooted on stock 2.1-update1 (ESE81), but my alarm clock never goes off in the morning at 6:00 AM like I need it to. I don't want to purchase a travel clock. No sounds are off, both Wifi and Cellular Networks are enabled, but it will go off occasionally. (Usually if I set it to go off in the next minute.) Could it be my task manager?
I use the alarm mainly for traveling, I have a dedicated alarm clock that I could use at home, but I would prefer not to.
I had my droid updated to 2.2 by the verizon people the other day and i just noticed now that there is NO alarm clock on it... or am i missing something? i remember 2.1 had it as an app in the app drawer... but there is no alarm clock there now... i even went to settings and searched through all of the apps on the phone and still nothing? i rely on the alarm clock.
View 14 Replies View Relatedanyway to remove top right clock?? i think its kind of counter productive to have a beautiful widget clock when there is ALWAYS that clock in the top right... same with the built in widget clock. why why why have it show 2 clocks?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI got a replacement droid and dropped it into the media dock and when it changed to the clock mode I noticed no light bulb icon to dim it. Anyone know what to do? I like to dim it when using it as as alarm clock.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone got a fix why the 2.1 desk clock app or cradle is only showing the temperature in Celsius. I have unchecked the Celsius icon in the settings but no luck. If i tap the Celsius weather is shows the temperature in Fahrenheit.
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan somebody tell me in easy instruction on how to get the clock with the weather and everything together on the droid x please. Don't know what app to get or how to set it up.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get the 2.1 Analog Clock without rooting? I don't think it comes with Launcher2, but I was just curious because I like the look of it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know where we can download this clock(the black analog w/ green hands) for our DX? I really like the look of it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a slick looking clock/weather widget. free preferably. i was going to get beautiful widgets but i heard it killed battery. true?
View 7 Replies View RelatedNeed some inputs on the best widgets for Clock and Weather.
View 26 Replies View RelatedI have noticed a bunch of threads in this forum and other forums discussing the white clock fix while using themes. The first fix that I came across was the xUltimate way, which for me was not that big of a deal, but I could see where it might be a problem for some. Well, thanks to Adamz over at the other site, there is a new way to fix this problem as well as adding an easier way to change the fonts within your droid. I have only tested this on the Smoked Theme, but from the way that it works, it looks as if it will work for most themes. Link: AllDroid - View topic - [Rom.tgz] Clock Color & Font Changer v1.0 *2/28*
View 9 Replies View Relateddoes anyone know if i can get the sense time widget on my droid x. is there a look alike somewhere?
View 17 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody know why the alarm clock turns itself off after 10 minutes? This is kind of a problem. I'm very difficult to wake up. I have to set two alarm clocks, and they usually go off for a good 15-20 minutes before my brain even recognizes the sound and wakes me up. I've always been this way.For some reason, though, I've woken up late several times while using the Droid as one of my clocks. I don't remember ever having woken up to silence the alarm or hit snooze, so I could not figure out why it wasn't going off. Today I noticed a notification in the status bar saying "Alarm silenced after 10 minutes". The alarm turns itself off after going off for 10 minutes, apparently?
View 11 Replies View Relatedat night i'll "silence" the phone (using volume keys) to alarm only/ringer volume X so other notifications don't go thru and alarm wakes me up in the morning. so far it failed 3 times even tho i have 2 different alarms set at two different times alarm did not ring at all. i know for a fact i didn't snooze/dismiss it because as soon as the alarm goes off i'm up.i'm a blackberry convert and it never failed on it while phone was in phone calls only there something i'm doing wrong or what?
View 12 Replies View RelatedIS there an alarm clock app then lets you set more then 3 alarms at a time?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI downloaded Polar clock off of the market, and I can not remove it from my Droid. I cant find it in the market and it is stored in my live wallpapers only. Any one have any ideas.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhere can I get this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn all the screenshots I see, there is a clock to the right of the battery level indicator. I don't see a clock on mine. Am I missing something or is there a way to turn that on?
View 7 Replies View Related