Motorola Droid :: Cannot Find Option To Attach Sound In MMS?
Nov 12, 2009My question is pretty simple. I cant find an option to attach sound in MMS.
View 1 RepliesMy question is pretty simple. I cant find an option to attach sound in MMS.
View 1 RepliesAnyone find a decent holster/pouch for their droid? Most of the ones out there seem to use magnets, which I've read is a bad idea.I want one that at least somewhat protects the corners so that I can take the hard shell (Body Glove) off (although I think I'm going to get one of the invisible shields for it).
View 25 Replies View RelatedOk i have not been able to find any answers what so ever regarding the people that can not find the backup/restore option after entering the recovery mode. I have recently rooted using the new z4root application. I get a skull and crossbones supper user app, and was wondering if that means its different than the one with the ninja icon that everyone else gets.
Anyways, When i go to make a nandroid back up, i follow the steps to the letter, but when i get to the recovery menu, my options stop after the wipe baseband data option. there is absolutely nothing else there that says anything about backup/restore option everyone seems to be screaming about. Its not there!
Now please can someone figure out a solution to this problem?
My recovery looks like as follows: Android system recovery <3e>
Use d-pad to highlight: center to select.
reboot system now
wipe data/factory reset
wipe cache partition
wipe baseband data
Anyone know how to find the option to stop this vibration? It started when I upgraded to 2.1 and can't find the option to turn the it off. I know when I'm calling someone, I don't need a vibration.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to attach pictures to gmail (using the onboard gmail application). I hit menu, attach,gallery. The problem is I have several hundred pictures which means that I have to cycle through all of them. Is there a easier way to pick/view the files? Right now the pictures I'm trying to find are in a different folder than the other pics.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAmzer Non-Slip Weighted Beanbag Dash Mount For Motorola - Motorola Droid A855 - Vehicle Mounts -
I am a car nut. I love to keep my car clean and I don't want a mount to attach to my windshield. What do you think? I kinda think this is my best bet.
So now that the threaded text messaging displays both the pic of the person your texting and your own display pic how do you get your phone to display your own facebook account picture to your messages just like it does to your facebook friends that text you or your texting? Cause it just displays that blank android pic for me.
View 8 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone use a better program? Or is it better to pay for the upgraded version? Has anyone found a way to attach the Droid to their arm or waist? Where is the GPS antenna located? If my wife makes me a arm band for it I want to be able to have that portion of my phone exposed.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI can't find a refresh option in the browser? Sorry if this has already been answered, but I've done multiple searches from my little BB and I can't find the answer!
View 3 Replies View RelatedI install everything that I need for first app, but I don't have option-new->Android Project, just some is picture, that you will now what I am talking about.
View 1 Replies View RelatedActually i need to get calendar entries.But I can't find option like calendar entries in emulator.Is this feature available in android or not?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI like having big icons on my phone but I'm having trouble figuring out how to do that. It seems the only launcher that will let me resize the icons is Go Launcher but I find it to be bulky and cumbersome is there any other launcher out there that will let me resize or even an app which will do it for me? I've used desktop visualizer to no avail and I'm pretty sure I've gone through most of the more popular launchers but was unable to find a resize option in them.
My phone is unrooted and I'm using a Xperia Pro.
I have a Galaxy S, and would like to know if it's possible to download from bbc iplayer, as i cannot find that option.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've just upgrade my S2 from andriod 2.3ish to 4.1.2. Before doing so I changed the default system sound to that droplet sound (in the normal settings view, no root, nothing special with this phone) but now I've upgraded the 'normal' setting to change 'system sound' has gone. Have they really just scrapped that option?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a Galaxy S3 that I got a couple months ago, love it but there's just this one problem. The headphones that I was using at the time that I got it were a little damaged so the left side was quieter than the other. I used the accessibility option to shift the sound balance to the left so that it would be balanced. A little bit after the most recent update (4.3?) rolled out I happened to purchase new headphones so I went to switch the sound balance back, but to my surprise there was no longer the "sound balance" option in the accessibility menu. It seems like the settings for the sound balance managed to stay how they were but the actual option to change them disappeared. This makes it extremely hard to listen to music in headphones and when I plug my phone into car speakers it's much louder on the left side of the car.
I know that Poweramp and Rocket Player both have sound balance options, but I often use apps like Songza, Google Play Music, and Soundcloud so buying the full version of Poweramp wouldn't cut it. No equalizers gave me the sound balance options I needed either.
If I absolutely have to I guess I could do a factory reset of my phone, but that's the last thing I want to do as it would be a huge hassle to transfer all the music/pictures/apps back onto the phone.
I recently decided on a AT&T Xperia X10a and also own a Droid 1 with Verizon. So naturally I tried to install my apps from my Titanium Backup since my move has left me with no 3g coverage. I have searched the web to enable "unknown sources" on the X10 and they say it is possible but for the life of me I can't find it.
View 3 Replies View Related"How to" I find said that if I select a contact, there should be a box to check for "send straight to voicemail". As far as I can discover, this does not seem to exist on my fascinate. Is there something I might have done that would make this disappear? Or is it something the fascinate doesn't have for some reason?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhere i find the XML files associated with UI sound like charger_connecting or sound camera
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a cheap no-name 3G phone using Android 4.1.1..I want to change the sound settings. When I originally bought the phone I set the ringtone etc but now I can't remember for the life of me how I did it because I can't find a setting for sound anywhere.
BUT no sound anywhere! All the 'audio profiles' does is literally change the audio profile..I have downloaded the 'Quick settings' app but all this does is toggle silent and vibrate off and on.
Use k9 for aol mail and gmail in aol mail when i reply or compose i can attach a file by hitting menu but when i go to my gmail account in k9 i dont have an attachment option..anyone help me out?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to buy an screen protector for the Droid, i usually get invisible shield for everything, but after reading few threads here, there has been couple of members on this forums unhappy with it. So those of you that have an screen protector on your droid, what are you using? r u happy with it? I have tried Wrapsol, and i ended up taking it off right away and going to return it back for an refund because after putting it on, i saw alot of haziness on the screen and it drove me nutz, i don't know if i should have waited for the next day to see if it goes away but it did not look right.
View 38 Replies View RelatedWhy does the "Contacts" app not have an option to text. The only options I get are to call or email my contacts when I tap on the "contacts" icon.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn friday I am going to be getting my droid in another city and driving home, roughly 2 hours. Should I plug it in and let it charge all the way home? Can I use it? Should I leave it off and charge it when I get home for the night?
View 21 Replies View RelatedI just realized that you can add folders to the home screens by long pressing an empty space, then choosing folders. There are options to add New Folder, All contacts, etc. After adding a new folder and dragging app shortcuts, I can't seem to figure out how to rename the folders from the default "Folder" name.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan we take screenshots? if so, how? And why the hell would they take the vibrate only feature out? it goes from sound mode to silent mode.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been curious, as to whether there is a Digital Output option for the Motorola Droid. I would like to set the phone so all output through the headphone jack is digital, that way, I could have it run through a dedicated DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) and use superior (and dedicated) audiophile equipment. If this is not possible, is there any third party programs that can or do make this possible?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSupposedly with Froyo there is the option to sort contacts by last name. However I do not see any way to do this on the Droid 2. Has anyone been able to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy first droid died recently (RIP), and thankfully the insurance did have droid 1's to replace it (refurb). My original had the raised keyboard, this one doesn't. Otherwise seems the same--except: under Settings-->Wifi and Networks is a tab called "Tethering." So I plugged it into my computer, turned on USB Tether, and yet I couldn't seem to get internet from the phone's data service. Is this a weird, non-working foyo feature?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI know that probably asking this question for a Google product would get me setup for a firing squad appointment, but is there any way or any app that would sync my Yahoo contacts to my Droid? I use both accounts and want a way to sync it up.
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