Motorola Droid :: Battery Percentages - Don't Display The Remaining In 1% Increments

Jul 10, 2010

how come none of the roms for the droid don't display the battery remaining in 1% increments. I just put a new ron on my girlfriends eris and it has this ability, just wondering why we don't have that, it would be nice.

Motorola Droid :: Battery percentages - don't display the remaining in 1% increments

Motorola Droid 2 :: Why Is Battery Meter In Increments Of 10

Aug 26, 2010

This is the one thing that grinds my gears about this phone. I downloaded battery widget and the battery meter goes in increments of 10. Not 93% battery life, 90. Not 72%, 70. Is there a setting to make the battery display the exact life left or is this it?

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Motorola Droid :: Battery Only Reads In 10% Increments

May 6, 2010

I'm coming from an Eris and one of the things I loved was the HTC battery widget which showed the battery life in 1% increments with a pretty little icon. I've come to find out that the Moto Droid only reports battery life in 10% increments. Have they developed any apps that are able to accurately show 1% increments on the Moto? If not, which is the best battery widget for the Droid?

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Motorola Droid X :: Widget To Shows Battery Life In Smaller Increments Preferably 1%?

Aug 5, 2010

Anyone know of a widget that shows the battery life in smaller increments, preferably 1% increments.

i have "Batterylife" But it only tells you every 10% which is annoying to me.

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Motorola Droid :: How To Show Remaining Battery?

Jan 7, 2010

I am able to see how much of my phone is using the battery i.e. display 50%, but I can't find what my total battery remaining is. How do I show that?

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Motorola Milestone :: New Battery - Wrong Battery Remaining % Shown

Oct 14, 2010

Today i found a new battery issue with the phone. I tried searching the forum but as you can probably see from the title could not find the right words to define it. At night i left the battery at around 70% and when i woke up it was shown as 5% (no i did not sleep for 24hrs straight.). with the sync, bluetooth, GPS, wireless and Data (through Quick Settings) off.

but thats not the fun part yet. it comes when i plugged in my car charger the battery level jumped from 5% to 60% within a millisecond. I know the the charger box said "Fast Rate Charger" but this is ridiculous. unless i got one of those freak hyper super fast charger (which i doubt, hardly that lucky), there is a software bug. Does anyone know how to remedy this cuz now i dont think i can trust the battery level thingy. It fun when it happens this way but i dont think i would be laughing if the battery dropped by 50%.

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HTC Incredible :: Battery Use Percentages?

Apr 30, 2010

Just wondering what all your guys batt %'s are mine right now are at

Droid system 43%
Cell stand by 26%
Phone idle 17%
Display 11%
Internet 3%

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HTC Desire HD :: Battery Status In Percentages

Nov 7, 2010

How or where can I see battery status in percentages (%)? Can you tell me witch widgets is best for this, if I can't see this by default?

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HTC Incredible :: Circle Battery With Percentages?

Oct 1, 2010

I am running SkyRaider 2.5.2 Vanilla and would like the round battery icon with the percentages. I have tried a few that I found but all of them altered the original look of the ROM and I really like the ROM the way it is. Does anyone know of one that won't mess up the look of the ROM?

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Android :: Battery Life App That Does 1% Increments?

Aug 4, 2010

Does such a thing exist? I've only come across ones that show the remaining battery life as 10% increments and was looking for something more accurate/exact. My Evo had this ability, but my Droid X doesnt.

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Samsung Moment :: Battery - Setting Phone To Do Different Things At Percentages

Dec 17, 2009

So I am trying to see if there is anyway to set the phone to do different things at different percentages. B/c once my moment it 5% it dims and keyboard no longer lights up. But I know it really isn't that low do to the well battery reading issue.

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Android :: How To Get Remaining Battery Level?

Feb 9, 2010

Searching old posts reveal that no one knows a way to get the current battery level without using intents. Is this true? There's no method to just return the current battery level?

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HTC EVO 4G :: 62 Hours / 24 Percent Battery Remaining

May 26, 2010

62 hours and 24% battery still remaining. This is after my initial period of hammering on the phone and back to my normal daily usage pattern which is like a blackberry user (some phone calls in and out, lots of email, at least a few every 30 minutes during the day and early evening). What this means for me as a blackberry user is that I can now confidently switch over from blackberry to the Evo as primary phone and get through a normal day (16 hours) without needing a mid-day charge.

Here are settings from my testing experience that I wish I had known when I first got the EVO at Google I/O:

1. Add to home sense screen:
widget: Power Control Android
widget: settings, 4G
widget: settings: Hotspot

2. Install android market apps (free):
Advanced Task Killer
Spare Parts
K-9 Mail

3. Run Advanced Task Killer (some disagree, do what you want. I'll revisit and retest this when 2.2 gets released by HTC for the EVO. I don't need sprint navigation, sprint tv, etc. to ever be running since I will use google navigation. I haven't had time to do another endurance test without using ATK and I'm not planning to do another endurance test)

Deselect things you actually want to keep running in the background, e.g.:
voice dialer
voice search
google voice
k-9 mail
Kill selected apps

ATK will put a notification up at each boot and remember your selections so it's easy to re-kill off all the sprint and other apps you don't normally want 'running' in the background.

4. Turn off 4G and hotspot on the main page with widgets installed.
Note: I found I don't need to disable gps or bluetooth since with streamlined apps running nothing is using them unless I want it to and I want my bluetooth to automatically pickup when I get in the car.

5. Turn screen brightness to low or medium using widget icon. this disables auto brightness but the lower screen brightness seems fine for me. When outside in the sun just click it up if needed

6. Settings Wireless and Networks, Wi-Fi Settings, <menu button> Advanced, Wi-Fi sleep policy, Never.
It's a bit counterintuitive, but I've tested it out both ways and confirmed the articles that recommend this. The phone uses dramatically less power in this state as opposed to auto sleeping wi-fi which turns on the 3G radio. Dramatic as in without keeping wi-fi alive overnight my battery went from like 70% to almost nothing during earlier tests.

7. <optional> Run the battery from a full charge to completely drained once. I'm not sure if this had an effect or not, just putting it in because I did it once before this current long runtime since charge to make sure the battery was properly profiled. It's easy to do with 4G on and watching HD youtube videos.

8. K-9 versus gmail client. I'm seeing much more cpu usage from gmail client versus K-9. I have work email on a host service that supports imap idle (rackspace). The imap idle push seems to really save on cpu usage and my work email delivers as fast to the Evo as it does to my blackberry. I like the gmail client for my personal mail but may end up switching my to deliver via K-9 instead to really save on battery. Needs more exploring but it appears the gmail client 'push' is not as efficient as the imap idle.

9. Summary, when you want to show off your 4G Youtube HD or use the phone as a mobile hotspot, just click on the 4G and away it goes. But normally keep that radio off since you don't actually need it and it's a huge power drain. With the widget installed this becomes an easy habit.

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Motorola :: My Droid X Only Has 4 Home Screens / Need Remaining

Aug 4, 2010

I just got my Droid X and I saw someplace that it is supposed to have 7 home screens, but mine only has 4.. how do I get the other 3?

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Motorola Droid :: Minutes Used / Remaining Alert Application?

Mar 25, 2010

Anyone know of a simple app that you can set your minutes per month allowance, monthly end dates and have the app pop an alert at a predefined # of minutes used. So, I could tell it to alert me when I reach 800 minutes (or when I have 100 remianing)? I use the MyVerizon app, but would like a way to set an alert in case I forget to check and get close to my minutes.

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General :: Android App That Shows Battery Life Remaining In Notification Bar?

Jun 29, 2012

I'm looking for an app that would show the battery life remaining in my notification bar (similar to battery life remaining on mac computers), I've searched and searched and searched and cannot seem to find an app that does so. I have found apps that can tell me the time remaining, just not in the top bar of my phone. I'm running a Galaxy S3 w/ ICS.

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Motorola Droid X :: Battery Life Is Terrible - Shows Display At 93% And Cell Standby At 7%

Aug 2, 2010

First off, I read these forums like every day for 2 months (nearly drove my wife insane!) leading up to the release of the X. Stood in line and bought one in the store on the 15th. Had nothing but iPhones until now - loving my DroidX!


As of right now my battery is down to 60% after having been unplugged (when I unplugged I was at 100%) for 1hr 46m 9s!

It shows display at 93% and cell standby at 7%.

I'm running smart battery mode, auto screen brightness, not that many widgets, and I rooted it and have autokiller running on Aggressive.

Do I just have a bad battery? And if so will Verizon (or Moto) give me a new one?

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Motorola Droid X :: 90 Percent Charge Remaining Soon After Disconnecting Charger

Aug 23, 2010

I would say within 5 minutes of taking the phone off of the charger, the battery drops to 90%. I'm running stock software (2.1), ran the *228 option 2, turned off GPS tried anything simple I could find by searching.

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HTC Incredible :: Way To Change Volume Increments

Aug 1, 2010

Is there a way to change the percentage that the volume goes up by for media? While I am at work the lowest setting is too soft and the next one up is too loud and I cant hear whats going on around me.I know its most likely my headphones but if there is a way to do this that would help.

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Android :: Create Horizontal LinearLayout - Width Percentages?

Oct 8, 2009

Is it possible to create a horizontal LinearLayout where we specify how wide percentage-wise each element is? Something like:

LinearLayout ll = new LinearLayout(); ll.add(new TextView("a")); ll.setViewWidthAtIndex(0, 30); ll.add(new TextView("b")); ll.setViewWidthAtIIndex(1, 50); ll.add(new TextView("c")); ll.setViewWidthAtIndex(2, 20);

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Motorola Droid :: Root Option To Add Battery Percent % Symbol Over Battery Icon In STATUS Bar?

Aug 6, 2010

I know this comes in some ROMs and maybe some themes, anyone seen a stand alone option for people in root to add this ability in the MENU bar, not the task bar?

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Motorola Droid :: Battery Meter Wont Accurately Read Long Life Seidio Battery

Apr 12, 2010

The internal meter says it is due for charge long before its out of juice. Battery Left widget will give accurate voltage levels, but it too is fooled, even after proper calibration.

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Motorola Droid :: Battery Wipe (inconsistent Battery Drain)?

Nov 13, 2010

Rooted Droid 1, running LFY 1.9 with it's 1ghz kernel, SPRecovery. Had a weird issue recently; the phone displayed that my battery life was at 40%, then probably ~30 minutes later it was down to 20%. I wasn't using it during that time, I just unlocked the screen to check something. Anyway, I opened my browser and within a minute or two I got the "15% battery life remaining" message, prompting me to connect my charger. I decided I would allow the phone to just die and shut itself down. So I waited ~45 minutes and it went down to 10%, then almost immediately to 5%. I turned on the GPS just to make it drain faster... I watched a one-hour television show and when it was over, I glanced over to the phone to see if it had died - nope, still on. I turned the LED light on, leaving the GPS running for ~25 minutes and it finally powered down. Then I plugged it in to charge and left the room. Came back in about 2.5 hours later and picked up the phone - it was very hot. Unlocked the screen and checked SetCPU and it was running ~135?F but it immediately started cooling down. It was fully charged, however so I unplugged it. I went to bed shortly thereafter and the battery life displayed 90% as I set the alarm to wake me up the next morning. I happened to wake up shortly before the alarm was set to go off and I picked up the phone to disable the alarm and noticed the red 'charge me' light blinking - unlocked the screen to see 5% and just then it powered itself down.

TL;DR -- Phone only got hot that one time, phone hasn't gone dead in stand-by mode again like it did that night. Battery drains at a seemingly normal rate based on my regular use from 100% down to 40%, then it rapidly drains after that, always skipping 30% and when it gets down to 5% it stays alive for quite a long time under heavy load. Is there a way to 'teach' the phone how to check and calculate actual and remaining battery % and to display it correctly? Is it kernel-related? I heard somewhere about doing a 'battery wipe' but I am unsure what that entails and searches are proving fruitless for me so far.

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Motorola Droid X :: Does Battery Status Pro Drain Battery Life?

Aug 12, 2010

does battery status pro drain your battery life?

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Motorola Droid :: Battery Life Worse At End Of Battery?

Nov 18, 2009

Does anyone else find that their battery does best at like 60%-70% charged and when it gets below 40 it moves a lot quicker? Also I've done 3 full drain and full recharges so far and my battery has improved sloightly each time, do you reccomend I do it again or is that just bad for the battery?

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Motorola Droid :: Does Battery Indicator Use A Lot Of Battery Power / When Used?

May 17, 2010

Does the battery indicator use a lot of battery power when used ?

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Motorola Droid X :: Clear Up Battery Tab After Battery Pull

Sep 2, 2010

Motorola clears up Droid X battery tab confusion with design change | Android Central. Anyone with newer phones seeing this change?

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Motorola Droid :: Battery Life - Or Battery Widget

Mar 16, 2010

Background info:

- I'm running the "Battery Left" widget and I have it displaying "estimated percentage left", "system percentage", and "estimated time left until dead".

- I listen to A LOT of Slacker Radio.

My issues:

- I was previously getting about 19+ hours out of a fully charged battery. 2-3 days ago I started having issues with the widget (I think it may have started when I installed an update to the widget) so I recalibrated it to no avail. Then I uninstalled it and reinstalled it. Within a few hours it claimed that it was getting accurate readings (when I first installed the widget weeks ago, it took days to get accurate) and now says that I should be getting 9 hours out of a fully charged battery. I know that can't be right so I'll see how the widget adjusts itself over the next few days, but, any thoughts? (I know a lot of you guys use the same widget and know how it works...)

- Also, In the first two hours of my phone being unplugged this morning, it went from 100% to 70%. I did run Slacker for about an hour and a half of that time, but could it really drain the battery that much that quickly? And I noticed that when I close Slacker, if I go into phone settings, applications, running services - there's still a Slacker update thing running in there. Could that be draining the battery too, even if it's only checking for updates?

- I really don't run a lot of stuff on this phone. I keep wifi and gps turned off. I use bluetooth only a few hours each night. Minimal web browsing. Although, my POP email gets checked every 5 mins (but I just changed it to every 10) and I do use gchat and text a decent amount, but I'd say overall, it's "light" use (except for Slacker which could be a huge drain, right?)

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HTC EVO 4G :: Display Resolution - Battery Affect

Jul 22, 2010

Just curious of what you guys have your resolution set on, 720 or 480 and does battery affect this?

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General :: Android 4.4 - How To Mod Battery Display

Feb 8, 2014

I used to mod battery display in the status bar by modifying some PNG.But, with android 4.4 things appear to have changed...We are facing a real issue attempting to understand the way the system operate to display battery in the kitkat version of android

In the previous versions of android, displaying battery icons used to require PNG and two XML files in the systemUI. It seems that it's different now under kitkat.We've seen, on some custom ROM, some battery variants, even on Google ROM. But so far, despite my searches, I've not seen any in deep explanation on the "how to" mod the battery display, just like we usually did for our modd before kitkat. According to our researches, commands are now located in smalis, but... we don't know how to modify them and make them work. However we don't know where to find images (ex PNG)... what miracle explains the battery images displaying.

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