Media :: Finally An EQ Works Pretty Good
Jul 14, 2010The latest update to Mixzing has EQ. Works pretty good.

The latest update to Mixzing has EQ. Works pretty good.
Already tried this, but it worked good for me...
Does any one know of any audio players with good sound or an equalizer for free or reasonable priced.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have a dual SIM adapter fitted to their HTC phone? I am looking for one and would prefer the non-cutting type, though there doesn't seem to be enough room under the cover for the second to sit. Has anyone managed to find a good one that works on the Magic?
View 3 Replies View RelatedFrom the Cnet review, it looks like the unit doesn't come with a screen protector. What kind works good with a capacitive screen? I have a Hero now, but no protector on it. But with the Droid X's monster screen, I will need one.
View 15 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have any idea how Tango works internally, from the Logcat I came to know that it used xmpp jingle as the protocol, however when I sniffed the data using wireshark I found that the entire data was going over SSL, was wondering if anyone knows anything about this piece of work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedEncoding a video to the following specs and loading it on the EVO plays with the included video player perfectly. No jumping and clear, in sync sound. 720p resolution so the HDMI out should work once the cables are available. h.264 at Level 3.1, 3 reference frames and baseline profile. 1280 x 720 AAC stereo audio at 44100Hz, 128kbps Bit rate does not seem to be all that important as long as the video file is less than 2GB.Muxed to an mp4 container in IMSA standard format and optimized for streaming.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI downloaded the free version of Media Monkey on Wendsday to sync songs to my 32g memory card. I had over 2000 songs with missing artwork and tags to begin with. It took me over 2 days to get all the artwork/tags with the built in search on MM. I finished with the library last night andd this morning I plugged the card into my computer (didnt sync phone). MM found the card right away without changing any settings. Took almost 2 hours to transfer just over 4000 songs. When it was done, I mounted the card on the phone. Took awhile to scan. Went to music player and all the songs were there (thank god). And to boot, all the artwork was there also. So if you need a good sync program comparable to itunes, use MediaMonkey Download.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have the calendar that app that comes on the HTC desire, however I was wondering if there was a better app for scheduling work hours/school hours/projects/appointments.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMedia Hub Updates for Epic Works for Other Galaxy S Devices! | Android Yeah it works but 10 dollars for a movie for your phone is HIGH
View 6 Replies View RelatedThere are so many good readers out there. It seems that none of them have it all. I think Laputa makes reading fun,in my opinion is the best reader on the market.
This app has changed my relationship with my phone. It is amazing, a must have for avid readers.
Download and read thousands of books right on your Android phone. Anywhere. Anytime.
The page animation is unlike any other page animation - the page actually rolls WITH your finger as you push it across the screen; other page flipping readers have a very fake looking flip compared to this ones
I'm really surprised and disappointed by the lack of podcast apps out there, especially for videos. I don't want to pay for Doggcatcher, but all the free ones are very poor apparently and don't do a good job. I use Google Listen for my audio podcasts, and even tho it isn't great it is does the business. However I can't view any video podcasts with ease or without having to download them first. Does anyone know of any at all? or of any that are in development?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to find some really good Comics to read on the Droid. Is there a site that kind of has previews or details about Comics available on the Droid? I tried google searching but even with Advanced Techniques you get a bunch of Comics about Robot Droids.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a cheap old bluetooth headset that worked great with my Q9c. Now I want to use it with the DX for podcast. It paired and connected just fine. And I can make phone call with it. However, it won't play any media audio (Google Listen, Pandora, etc.).
In bluetooth setting the device is connected to phone audio. Does it need to be connected to something like "media audio"? Is it just the limitation of my BT headset or I can work around it by tweaking a setting on the phone?
Would any1 be able to reccomend some good media players for the eris? Ive been playing with the stock MP3 player, and likes the way it intergrates with the lock screen, but I find that it repeats lots of songs while in shuffle mode on playlists ><. I tried a few of the Meridian and Mixzing players, and really don't like the interfaces, and Intergration into the lock screen is a major + for me which neiither of these have. I guess what i'm looking for is something to replace my ipod 30GB (4th Gen?) thats slowly showing its age. That was the most user friendly, functional music player ive ever used.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI swear I can't find a decent media player that works on 2.2. I don't care for the stock player that much. I want a player that just monitors one folder on my SD card that I can designate. I tried MixZing, but it does this stupid thing where it monitors what I play and tries to play similar stuff from my library. I skip a song and I end up seeing the same song I heard 3 songs ago. It's frustrating. I don't want that feature. Any suggestions on what media play will work best for me? I had bTunes, but it's buggy on 2.2 and it would seem that the developer has no plans to update the app any time soon.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHas any body got a good police siren ringtone mp3 I've looked on the net but they don't last long i had one on my old Sony Eric k770i but cant fine it any where
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis post in AndroidGuys claims that the Epic 4G's Media Hub update will also work on other Galaxy S phones. Not that I care about the Media Hub that much but has anyone tried to apply the Epic 4G's Media Hub update to their non-Epic 4G Galaxy S phones? Media Hub Updates for Epic Works for Other Galaxy S Devices! | AndroidGuys
which leads to: Samsung Media Hub Update Also Works On Other Galaxy S Phones! | Edit: Never mind I saw another thread on the same subject.... sorry for posting it again..
I have a Live Wallpaper app that is working very well on Eclair but there is a strange issue with Froyo that I can't find any information about. The user is able to select a custom picture as a background from their gallery and it will be saved to internal storage (/ Snowflakes/CustomBG.jpg) and applied as a background to the live wallpaper. That all works fine until the user reboots their phone... The problem is that the internal storage doesn't seem to be mounted in time for when the live wallpaper starts and so it reverts to the default setting when null is returned (see code below). As I say, this problem has only been introduced with Froyo as Eclair works fine (the image is found and used so the internal storage must be mounted before the Live Wallpaper starts).
Here's the code that searches for the CustomBG.jpg image on startup...
Apologies for the code formatting - is there any way I can improve this? Anyway, I'd be very grateful for any help you may have... I can't find any information about this on-line so perhaps there's something wrong with my code?
I'm sure this subject has been beat to death, but I was bored earlier this evening and decided to do some experimentation. I was interested in finding a good program with which to sync play lists, music, pictures, movies, etc. As it turns out, Media GO works really well. I have been using it as my default music player for some time now because of the "Sense Me" play list option. I'm still pretty new here and I hadn't seen anything posted regarding this program and it's INC compatibility.
View 2 Replies View Related1 - Any good apps for controlling Windows 7 media center? Something like VLCmote, that one works well.
2 - Any way to delete "remembered" words? For example, when I text people and I type "You?" it always defaults to "Yiy?" instead. It's really annoying!
3 - Is Better Keyboard any good? I love the default qwerty keyboard, but I have a few minor problems with it. The spacebar isn't big enough, I often accidentally hit the period button, for example. Just basically want one that's the same as the default but with a larger spacebar.
trying to find a way to do this? any suggestions? my two favorite shows. Would be awesome to have the option to download to my phone (EVO). tried watching Sons of Anarchy new episode last week on fastpasstv and didnt work to great
View 11 Replies View RelatedOne of the only disappointments I had with my EVO was that the audio quality through the headphone jack seemed muffled and quiet compared to my old iPhone. This wasn't a huge issue but very noticeable when listening to music in my car through the AUX input. After doing the following, I'm happy to say that the quality now even surpasses the iPhone.
Installed the paid version of MixZing - the price was kinda steep but well worth it since it comes with an EQ. Boosting the overall gain tweaking the low frequencies has done wonders - best music app IMO hands down!
(Following Requires Root and NAND):
Flashed a custom 2.2 ROM - the newer ROMs are using modified versions of HTC's source kernel to boost the audio volume. I prefer BakedSnack 1.4 using his included kernel. Better audio quality and better battery life to boot. Flashed the workaround (or manually edit build.prop) to temporary disable stagefright. This fixes the audio issues with Pandora running on 2.2.
Reckless Racing - Android app on AppBrain. The game downloads from market is about 3mb. When you launch the game it downloads the main file to the SD card (even on Android 2.1). The server was over run yesterday but seems to be working today but still a bit slow. The game itself is great fun ! I'll try out online game later...The game works on the HTC Legend but the frame rate drops in race. If you can pull out a lead and drop the other cars of screen its just about playable. However it is borderline on the HTC Legend, so be warned.
View 44 Replies View RelatedSorry if this has already been explained. I looked and could not find a post that answered the question.First, theres no App for the Android Market on my phone now. How do I get my apps back?Do I have to flash more things to get the cool looking status bar and other tweaks
View 2 Replies View RelatedEdit Google Docs (in near-real-time)
View 12 Replies View RelatedAfter looking at Verizon store, Best Buy, Target, and Dicks sporing goods.A salesperson at a Verizon Kiosk at the mall told me that Verizon is designing an armband for the Droid that should be available this spring.I looked through all the threads here, as well as at all the stores listed, and cannot find one that fits the Droid.Many different Iphone armbands are just a bit too small and do not fit the Droid.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI was one of the "few" users who wouldn't complain about the 2.1. update on their Hero and my phone was working fine, until I installed Launcher Pro. Yes, my phone become even more responsive and I was actually glad with the new home launcher. But for some reason after installing that, and even though my phone was more responsive, my phone ringtones wouldn't go off whenever I would get a text message or a call. Not even the alarm would go off and thanks to that, I've been late to work lately lol But anyway, I decided to uninstall LP and now HTC Sense launcher forcloses every time it tries to load, so my phone is sort of useless now because I can't even open any other app. I already did a soft reset, removed the battery and HTC Sense is still foreclosing. I've been thinking that the best thing to do is doing a hard reset, but is there anything else I can do to fix this without doing a hard reset to my phone? BTW, my phone has the 2.1 update, the very first one released by Sprint and hasn't been updated again after that and my phone is not rooted.
View 10 Replies View RelatedSo finally a video camera app is out on the market, pretty decent. Promises of bug fix and overall update in the next 5 days in good to know. Question is, has anyone else gotten it and it makes ur G1 sound kinda like a computer. Let me explain, when im phone is on, sense i downloaded the app, i can hear my phone running, kinda like how u can hear ur computer run, it makes wierd little sounds like its computing something, kinda weird i know. Kinda bugs me but I'll survive, anyone else having this problem though?
View 13 Replies View RelatedMy battery life has been pretty poor to this point, so I have been going from full charge to completely empty. I was doing that today when my phone shut off because it was out of battery. I then went and plugged it in for about four minutes, then realized I needed something so I unplugged and turned it back on, and now am showing 43% battery! I figured it was a glitch with the stock battery display, so downloaded the BatteryLife widget, which confirms I have 43%. Does this mean I need to complain to AT&T to get a new battery, or a new phone? Update: I rebooted the phone again and was at critically low battery life. I reseated the battery and rebooted again, and now I'm at 5%.
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