HTC Wildfire :: Side For Texting The Keys Don't Work
Sep 23, 2010Since then if you turn the phone on it's side for texting the keys don't work.

Since then if you turn the phone on it's side for texting the keys don't work.
I tried the mod for other set models like galaxy s 2 but they put my phone into bootloops.
View 1 Replies View RelatedApplications such as LOOKOUT ANTI VIRUS do work with the wildfire. Most apps may not be available via the Marketplace so you have to download an application called 'APPBRAIN' and 'FAST WEB INSTALLER' (Basically an add on to enable downloading apps via your HTC browser). By installing Appbrain you can download apps which are not available via the marketplace. To install both apps, simply search for them via the marketplace.
Once you are done installing, You can go to via your computer and log in with your Google mail account and install apps. When you click install, it will send the apps to your phone and will automatically download and install.
The other alternative is to log into appbrain via your HTC wildfire browser and install apps directly to your phone. (DO NOT TRY AND INSTALL APPS VIA THE APPBRAIN APPLICATION ON YOUR HTC BECAUSE IT WILL SIMPLY NOT WORK) Its as simple as that.
Before i purchased my phone i browsed through these forums and a lot of people were claiming apps would not work with the wildfire due to the low res screen, This did put me off a little but i went for it anyway
I have downloaded Lookout Antivirus and it works flawlessly. I have downloaded other applications and they all work.
For some reason a row of keys on my keyboard will not work properly. I have to sort of hit the "top" of the key, or it wont pick up anything at all. It's frustrating because every other row of keys works. It does this in both screen modes. It is mostly affecting keys towards the very bottom of my screen if I hold the eris from the bottom.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently bought on-ear headphones "The House of Marley," and like all modern headphones, the box says "For iPhone and iPad". The headphones, on my Android Nexus One work well, but the volume keys do not work. Is there a way to make them work well on Android phones?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have loaded some of my own music to use as ringers, and they show up when selecting phone ringers and via contacts to select unique ringers for specific contacts, but they do NOT show up when I am trying to select the ringer to use for SMS messaging. Only the factory ringers show up for SMS. Any idea how to get my side loaded music to work as the SMS ringer?! I can't stand the factory ringers. This was so easy to do on my BB Curve and Palm Pixi, so I am baffled why I can't figure it out on my Moment.
View 11 Replies View RelatedAnyone else? i have it check marked.. and it vibrates when i check or uncheck it but no go wile texting....
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got my android today and the apostrophe doesn't work when I text. I put it in the symbol mode, but I consistently get a . not '! Any ideas?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAbout 10 minutes ago i tried to hit the home button and it didnt work. I proceded to push the back button and it worked to take to the home screen. I then tried the menu button and it worked. I then tried the search button and it didnt work.Is this a known problem and if so how do i fix it? If theres no fix will verizon give me a replacement?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got a HTC Wildfire and I cannot setup HTC Sync on my phone. Does the Wildfire doesn't support PC connectivity via Sync?
View 35 Replies View RelatedRecently, i got myself an HTC Wildfire. It's great, except one thing. Some of the games lags, but the lag gets less and less the more i play the game. It does'nt disappear totally but it gets smaller.
Its not the processors because i tested the games on an Xperia X10 Mini and they worked perfectly fine.
What cam it be?
Now i want to write an application to make a certain text to run slowly from right side screen to left side screen and rotate to repeat. How can i do that?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get my textview to hug the left side of the screen while the button hugs the right side (and if possible just for ocd sake have the text view center itself vertically to be in line with the button) but not do it using absolute values.I thought layout_gravity took care of what I'm trying to do but apparently not.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have 2 buttons side by side in RelativeLayout (170dip each) but in landscape view, they are too narrow - I want to increase their widths automatically for landscape. I need a 'fill_parent' for two buttons at once kinda thing.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo will two identical phones on the same carrier give the same results when speed tested side by side?Stock EVO running 2.2
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am running an lg optimus 3d (LG P-920) on CM10 nightly 19/12 (todays) and i installed a rom the other day (pacman) and it had a neet feature in the settings page where it had dual panel view kinda how facebook works. but anyway on the cm10 official it doesnt have it and i been looking around and seen it on email too and it looks reallly nice.
I was wondering how i would do this myself to any app that i choose
I think what its doing is forcing tablet UI in certain apps..
I'm developing an app and i need to detect when the user shakes the phone from side to side , that means just along one axis (in this case X).I want to know when the user shakes the phone to the left and when to the right, the problem is that my code does not detect shaking but tilt, i have tested this code and it works when i tilt the phone to left or to the right, but not when a shake it from side to side (no matter the orientation of the phone).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was going to contact the dev to see about a fix but it's not showing in the market anymore. I installed Battery Indicator just so I could put two side by side and show the difference. They both do the same exact thing so I'll just stay with the Indicator one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI figured the X screen would only look a tad bigger than the 4.1" Fascinate. But side by side the X looks like so much more screen real estate.Hands-on with the Verizon Fascinate | Android Central
View 27 Replies View RelatedOpinions aside, it seems useful to have some lists developed in here with actual comparisons of the relative merits of each of 1.5 and the 2.1 leak.I'm hoping the thread does not degenerate into allegiances for one or the other so much as real data, although the experience users are having is part of the equation and should be commented on.2.1 has this or that, but 1.5 does not. 1.5 is more stable in this area, but 2.1 is not. .. etc.
View 39 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a Telstra HTC Wildfire and unlocked it by code to use my 3 SIM card on it. However, after unlocking my mobile, when I choose the option "use phone for data connection when wi-fi is unavailable" it doesn't work. When i go to mobile network and network operators, I select to search for networks and the phone is automatically connected to "3Telstra(3G)". They also show 3(3G) and 3 networks, but when I try to select any of them, it says that the SIM card does not allow the connection to this network. I don't know if one thing is connected to the other, but I always used my old phone for data connection with the same SIM card.
View 7 Replies View RelatedCan .zip bootanimations work on rooted wildfire s with stock Rom and that splashscreens also in .zip work or not and if so any cool splashscreen......
HTC Wildfire S A510e using xda premium
my buttons go one under the other, but I want them side by side.How do I place two buttons side by side?
View 8 Replies View Relatedi read the migration notes for 1.6 and I could not tell if 1.5 and 1.6 can co-exist side by side.i need to build applications for both 1.5 and 1.6, and i only have one build machine.other than changing my PATH variable, are there any other gotchas? especially for an automated build process which will need to build images for both platforms.also, i am a bit concerned about updating the ADT plugin. if I do that (update the ADT plugin), will that screw up my development on/for 1.5?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIt seams for every kind of important function, there are at least 2-5 apps.With all the websites and forums there does not seem to be a place where Android apps are compared directly against each other.I'm constantly trying to find the "best in class" app before I download one of them.I'm trying to avoid downloading and removing a bunch of them in a "trial and error" fashion.I am amazed that these types of comparisons have not been done and documented a thousand times over.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a way to put three ListViews side by side. Documentation specify that ListView "displays a scrolling single column list". As I'm a bit stubborn, I've done some tests but I only manage to display one ListView which fill all the screen even if I use "wrap_content" or if I put each ListView in a LinearLayout. The final goal is to connect these ListViews together, clicking on an item from the first will update the content of the second, and so on.Should I user ScrollView instead ? For those who will say that three ListViews won't fit in a mobile screen, I trying to make an application for a tablet :)
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have used link2sd to link all my apps to my sd card. But link2sd doesn't move the data, it only moves apk and cache and library files. I have asphalt 7 with a data of about 1 gb, and I can use Gl to sd to move the data.
But on Gl to sd download page it is said that it will interfere with other mount scripts and all that. My question : is it safe to use Gl to sd and link2sd side by side, or will it cause any problems???
When I hit the "phone" button on my HTC wildfire it brings up all my contacts on both my SIM card and in the phone memory. Is there anyway that I can see just the SIM card contacts as it shows up all of my contacts twice! When I hit the HTC people button it will just bring up a list of each contact only once, but this takes a few seconds to load.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there are any applications for free or cheap international SMS available for android (wildfire). I found a application with the name Free SMS in market but that doesn't work and get disconnected from Internet every time.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI bought myself the HTC Wildfire about a week back. I have a few questions regarding the wallpaper and the lock screen resolution.
The Wildfire screen resolution is 240x320. What should the ideal resolution be for my lock screen and wallpaper images?
When I set a 240x320 image as wallpaper or lock screen it appears very pixelated. However, when using resolutions of 640x480 and above, the wallpaper looks great but the lock screen is still pixelated. Also, when selecting the lock screen image I can't select the whole thing. Parts always get cropped.
Somehow the HTC backgrounds that are present on the phone don't look as pixelated although they are of a lower resolution.