HTC Incredible :: Wifi Tethering Vs Bluetooth Thethering
Jul 29, 2010I was just wondering which waste more power. Wifi or bluetooth tethering?

I was just wondering which waste more power. Wifi or bluetooth tethering?
I cannot figure out how to get pdaNet to do bluetooth tethering, is this possible? Has anyone done it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm kind of ashamed to ask this but I'm curious. Now that I have Froyo and the option in settings to WiFi tether will I get charged an extra fee from Verizon for doing so?
And if so, what are my options for doing it for free with-out root? I don't ever use it nor do I really need it but I can foresee in the future using it some random day.
Wireless tether worked perfectly before installing custom rom. I still have android.tether folder on sd card with fw bcm4329 but cant get wireless tethering to work again. can revert to stock nandroid backup and wireless tether works fine.
does anyone have any suggestions to try to get my wifi tether working. i can start the app, i can connect my laptop to the access point it creates, but i have no internet access. any thoughts? is the app DHCP compatible or do i need to manually setup my ip settings on laptop?
View 5 Replies View RelatedRooting sounds like a great thing, but right now the only thing I want is WiFi tethering. I found the following instructions to get free WiFi tethering on my Incredible using verizons hotspot app that came with with Froyo upgrade a few months ago.. So far , it works fine (although I do have to reset the wireless adapter on whatever machine I want to tether to the phone, but that only take 2 seconds).
1. Dial ##778
2. Go into edit mode
3. The password is 000000
4. Once in go to M.IP Default Profile and edit DUN NAI from to
5. Then hit menu and press commit modifications.
6. It should then reboot.
7. FREE WiFi!!!
I recently rooted my Incredible and installed Cyanogen 6.00 RC3. I liked some things about it but missed some of the stock HTC widgets and apps. The Cyanogen rom had wifi hot spot, and it worked great. I could connect more than one computer to it, as it acted like a Hotspot.
Today i reflashed to Virtuous 2.7 Rom, which is alot like the stock 2.2. I got back the things I missed in Cyanogen but no wifi hotspot. Instead, there is "Wireless Tethering" which doesn't seem to work. The latest version is installed, version 2.0.5-pre9. Neither of my computers can "see" the connection.
Is there any way I can get the wifi hot spot app that was in Cyanogen and install it on my phone with the Virtuous 2.7 Rom? wireless tethering really doesn't do what I want it to.
I lost my dare phone and need a replacement. I was looking at the droid for its led flash, and rooted wifi teathering for my ipod/future ipad. Also love the gps feature. But the camera kinda sucks, and i'm big on cameras and i'm not sure how future proof the processor is. The incredible does not appear to have an LED flash worked out yet(was my favorite feature on my casio tough phone) and as far as i know none has successfully tethered it to an idevice yet? Do you think wifi tethering is going to be a future on this device? And how do you think Big red is going to handle it? And with the LED flash is it just a matter of time thing or are the talented app developers running into some blockades? Any other considerations between the two devices? keyboard i could care less about, and the price right now is the same.
View 10 Replies View RelatedDon't know who here has seen this as its for the Motorola Droid....but if things stay this way...... looks like Big Red is going to take away that function. More Android 2.2 Photos on the Motorola Droid | Droid Life: A Motorola Droid Blog
View 34 Replies View RelatedSo I'm running the CM 6.0.2 rom and i had Kings kernal #1 installed and I was getting great quadrant scores and very stable. Then I tried to use wifi tethering today and....didn't work
I use wifi tethering alot for my ipad(don't flame to much on that) but the wifi tethering kept me from having to buy a 3g ipad and kept me away from AT&T.
So my question is what is the best kernal to use that supports wifi tethering? Without breaking GPS or BT audio?
I have rooted my DI, and I downloaded the newest WiFi tethering app 2.0.5. I can connect to my droid with my wireless PC, but it always say no internet connection. It shows I'm connected but without internet access.
View 35 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to customize my home screen. Where can I find the toggle switches for WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS? Are these separate apps I need to download or are they included already? I can't seem to find them.
View 6 Replies View RelatedFor some reason my wifi will completely disconnect about a minute after starting a phone call when bluetooth is on. If I turn off BT, wifi comes right back on. I can use phone without bt, wifi on, no problems.
Running Virtuous 2.7
2.15 radio
stock kernel in virtuous package
unrevoked forever
Anyone else seeing this issue? It was also happening when I was on Skyraider 2.5.2.
Tried 4 ROMs so far, Skyraider 2.5.2 and 3.0, and Virtuous 2.7 and 3.0. My wifi completely turns itself off about a minute after beginning a phone call while on bluetooth. Can anyone please confirm if your wifi stays on and connected while on a bluetooth call, and if so, what ROM, radio and kernel are you running?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI listen to music at work with some Bluetooth speakers. I also occasionally connect to WiFi while at work. Since the Froyo update if I am connected to both Wifi and Bluetooth while listening to music, the bluetooth will turn itself on and off over and over again. This did not happen to me prior to the Froyo update.I guess my question is, can we not be running and be connected to WiFi and Bluetooth at the same time with Froyo?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can i add the quick WiFi and bluetooth on/off buttons to my own, custom scene?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble tethering my phone to my computer via pdaNet and bluetooth (USB works fine). I've seen several threads and tried a lot of things, but nothing seems to solve my problem. I have tried under Mac OS X and Win XP...
Under Mac OS X, it detects my phone and pairs successfully. It gets to the point where it says "Select the services you want to use with your mobile phone" and I check "Access the Internet with your phone's data connection." When I hit continue, it say "Configuring services..." forever, and it never connects.
Under Win XP (same machine), in my Network Settings, I tried to search for my phone and it doesn't find my device. Alternatively, if I go to Control Panel -> Bluetooth, it will pair. However I then go to Properties, Services and check "Dial-Up Networking", hit OK, and it says "The parameter is incorrect"
So basically the problem is that although my phone and computer can see each other via bluetooth, the DUN service from my phone isn't recognized by my computer. I have tried this with another computer as well, with no luck. Is there a setting on my phone that I need to change in order to get this working?
I just got the HTC Magic and so far I'm getting more and more disappointed in it Does anyone know how to tether over Bluetooth? I'm using a Mac, so I can't use Windows software, and I don't want to connect cables when I'm using my laptop outside.
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust got my HTC Wildfire and found something annoying, please help and let me now if there is a fix for this or if i'm doing something wrong. I'm trying to connect to the internet using my phone as the modem. It is possible to do using the USB cable, but I'd like to do it using Bluetooth. When i search for Bluetooth services available, Dial-Up Networking is NOT in the list. Come on HTC, I was able to do this with every phone I owned up to now.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBluetooth Tethering is so gangster that it deserves a special place in my heart.
View 8 Replies View RelatedAny method for Bluetooth reverse tethering.......
I have a work phone with bluetooth and 3G internet capiblity that I don't pay for but the phone SUCKS! I have my personal Sprint Hero rooted and flashed to Pageplus. I would like to tether my Hero to the work phone thru bluetooth and use the 3G internet from the work phone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI figuered out how to tether with the phone. Pair the phone via Bluetooth and go to "Show Bluetooth Devices" and "connect using" and then "access point. Now you have tethered with Bluetooth.
View 49 Replies View RelatedS3 - How can i use DSL on my PC to my galaxy 3 via Bluetooth?? Is there any app to do so?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I reverse tether my Android phones to my PC via Bluetooth? Is this even possible?
PC is running Windows 7 x64. Phone is an HTC HD2 running JellyBean AOSP from NAND. I know Wifi would be easiest, but this is a work PC and company policy is we are not allowed to run our own Wifi networks.
I managed to connect the HD2 to the PC via Bluetooth with a PAN network, it only worked when I turned on Internet Tethering on the phone. this makes the HD2 into the server and PC into the client so PC can use phone's internet connection. I need the reverse! I need HD2 to be the client, PC to be the server. I found a Bluetooth PAN client from the Play store, but it can't connect via PAN to the PC. I assume because the MS BT stack only has a PAN client and not server. Is there such a thing as a PAN server for PC? I've looked at Widcomm and Bluesoleil BT stacks, but neither specifically mentions having a PAN server.
I found this tutorial that sounds promising, using DUN instead of PAN: URL....It's for reverse tethering an Android device to another Android device. Looks like BlueVPN on the Android side will do what I want, be a DUN client. However, similar problem to PAN, I can't find a DUN server. It's apparently not built into the MS BT stack either.
Is it even possible to reverse tether an Android phone to PC over Bluetooth? Only other idea I can think of is to use an intermediate device as a bridge. USB reverse tether a phone to PC, and use phone's Bluetooth tethering abilities to tether my bluetooth phone to it.
I know it is possible to tether android tablet to an android phone via bluetooth so the tablet can use phone internet. Is it possible to do the same with two android phones? I know it's doable over wi-fi, but bluetooth uses less battery.
in this specific case two phones in question are thunderbold and incredible. thunderbolt is rooted, incredible is not but I can root it if needed to make this work.
I used to have a samsung moment that was rooted and i used the samsung moment wifi tethering program. I just got the HTC Evo 4G yesterday and rooted it using the Unrevoked method (not sure if there is another). I then downloaded the Wireless Tether for root users. For some reason i cant get anthing to recognize it. I've tried looking for the signal with my ipod and laptop but nothing! What setting needs to be changed? I have tried to find this issue on other posts, but nothing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhile USB tethering over 3G/4G networks doesn't work unless you pay for the $30/mo hotspot feature (which I still cannot get Sprint to admit is a stupid name since I don't want a hotspot, only tethering, but I digress), you can tether and use the phone's WiFi connection.
Why would you want to? Well, I have a laptop that requires a USB dongle and now I have one less thing to carry. OK, not the best reason, but I found it interesting.
Any chance of a root tether application coming out with WPA2? I would think a app could be developed similar to Sprint's mobile hot spot.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI only have Internet via wifi.
Is there a way to tether the wifi i have on the Phone via USB to my PC?