HTC Incredible :: Weird Music Being Played / App That I Have Possibly Causing It?

Jul 2, 2010

I have Pandora, Slacker, and bTunes and sometimes I will be playing bTunes and Pandora will start playing too. Or Slacker will just start playing. Its super odd. Has anyone heard of this? Is an app that I have possibly causing it?

HTC Incredible :: Weird music being played / app that I have possibly causing it?

Motorola Droid :: How Music On SD Card Will Be Played?

Jun 2, 2010

If I load all my music on my SD card can I just put it in my Droid and it will play?

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HTC Hero :: Music Played Through Loud Speakers Only With Stock Application

Jan 10, 2010

When playing my music, stock music app the music plays through loud speaker, even if headphones are plugged in. I've tried the HTC headphones and my own both used to work fine now even through the little headphones or headphones and mic icon is displayed the music still plays through the loud speaker. Its actually playing through both loudspeaker and ear phones.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Music Stuttering At Begnning Of Every Track It Played

Mar 31, 2010

I was playing some music today while doing some yardwork and i noticed it was stuttering at the beginning of just about every track it played. I listened to about 12-14 songs and it stuttered in the beginning on about 8 of them, somtimes it would also stutter a few seconds after that but would be fine after that until it went to the next song. Anyone else have this issue? I've got all the apps closed with advanced task manager, so nothing is running and eating up the processor or memory. Any ideas what would cause this or a remedy for it? Any help is appreciated.

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HTC Incredible :: Possibly Bricked From Accidental Format

Sep 16, 2010

I managed to reformat my internal storage on my phone (to FAT) and now I can't boot the phone. It just bootloops. If i boot into recovery and try to wipe i get the error E: Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 (File Exists) Error mounting /data/! Now, i tried to reformat data from adb shell by doing:

adb shell
format /data

but SU is coming up as an unrecognized command... format also anyone know what I should do or should i chuck this out the window

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Motorola Droid : Weird Compression In The Stock Music Player

May 15, 2010

I've started to notice that past a certain point, my phone doesn't clip like I'd expect it to, but sorta softly eases into a really terrible sort of compression that drives me nuts, particularly when I'm trying to run sound through my car stereo over A2DP. It seems that once you reach the last 3 or 4 ticks of the volume control, the music will start compressing heavily which really mucks with the audio quality and causes the music to lose punch in the midrange (as generally it seems tracks with high levels of bass are affected by this.) Has anyone else noticed this? I assumed at first it was an A2DP issue (possibly conditioning the sound for the A2DP stream?) but then heard it when hooked up hardwired as well.If you have noticed this, is it just a 'feature' of the phone, or are other music player apps not affected by the issue? Is there one you'd recommend? Obviously I'm not expecting audiophile quality sound but it is quite annoying when suddenly the middle drops out of a track in the midst of listening.

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General :: Music Player Makes Song Titles Weird

Feb 13, 2013

I have the LG Intuition and I sync it with iTunes. I use iTunes because I used to have an iPod and a phone, now since I have both in one, i sold my iPod but kept iTunes. I have a lot of playlists and whatnot. Also most of the music files are something crazy like "it's-a-long-way-2-the-top.mp3" or "Nightclub-Mixers 2012 Monstercat April 101 (DJ Mix Madmax)". I cleaned up all the titles in my iTunes so the title is just the title and so on. But when I sync my phone with iTunes, it uses the file name and it looks like crap. Is there anyway (different music player) or something that uses the name i have in iTunes?

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HTC Incredible :: Possible To Have Audio Played Through USB Port Into My Car Stereo

Jul 3, 2010

I would like to know if it's possible to have the audio played through the usb port and into my car stereo. I have a usb port on my after market stereo and it's obviously not natively supported from the stereo, but is there a setting to play audio through usb?Sent from my HTC Incredible

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HTC Incredible :: No Sound In Video When Played On Laptop / Get That?

Jul 17, 2010

Can't seem to find the answer im looking for. I took a few videos at the zoo and they have sound when i play them back on my phone. But when i upload them to my computer, there is no sound.

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HTC Incredible :: Better Keyboard Doing Weird Things

Aug 7, 2010

so ive been using better keyboard since I had my Eris..I just noticed it started to do something annoying that it did on the Eris..and it just came out of nowhere. when I'm typing a text, ill type my first letter, hit space, and then for ni reason at all it switches to the 123 number symbol view...for no reason. its so annoying. any ideas?

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HTC Incredible :: Something Weird Happened To My Keyboard

Aug 16, 2010

Hey guys, something is going on with my keyboard. I'm currently using the stock keyboard. You know when you put your finger on a letter and you get the box hovering over telling what letter you are pressing? For some reason mines not showing up when I use the keyboard in portrait mode. But when I go to the number pad or w/e they show up again. When the keyboard is in landscape mode, it doesn't suffer from any of these problems. The only thing I did with the keyboard was install the thick fingers keyboard to test it out and then I installed it. Can you guys help me out?

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HTC Incredible :: Weird Hue Using Auto Brightness

Jul 8, 2010

So I just got my phone two days ago and I have auto brightness set which works well. What I do notice though, and it might just be in my head because I read the issues with the pink hue on the screens, is the following.When using the phone normally it looks great, the screen looks really nice. When you place the phone down and have the screen timeout set (I have mine set to one minute) a few seconds before it goes to sleep mode it dims the screen, and if I'm on my main home screen it looks fine, however, if I'm on a page where there is a lot of white like a white background, it seems as though the screen takes on a weird hue right before it shuts off. I wouldn't say it is a pink hue, but it is definitely a weird hue. It isn't that big of a deal because like I said, it only happens before the screen automatically times out. Anyone else experiencing this? If so, what are your settings (screen timeout time, is auto brightness on or off)?

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HTC Incredible :: Weird Screen Pops Up Sometimes / What This Is?

Aug 17, 2010

Every once and a while when im doing something the screen will flash then a black screen comes up with HTC on it then the phone resets the home screen like when it is first turning on does anyone know what this is

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HTC Incredible :: Weird Random Text From BREW?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a weird problem, has anyone seen this before, I get random text messages and they say /Brew:01013D82:27110L N bhpbear_2000 And then this really long code of letters some CAP, most not and ends with Anyone seen this before? I get them randomly, and to me it seems like it�s sending me my coordinates, and bhpbear_2000 is my yahoo. Any clue? I searched it here, BREW SMS messages and it says it might be from backup assistant, anyone else know anything about this? I'm tired of these text.

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Android :: Weird VLINGO Bug - Resetting Phone (Incredible + Bluetooth)

Nov 3, 2010

I was wondering if this was happening to anyone else consistently.

Turn on Vlingo In-Car.
Turn on Bluetooth headset and pair it w/ your phone.
Make a phone call and then hang up.

WHen I do that, my phone RESETS. I think it's only w/ Vlingo in car on, regular bluetooth doesn't do that. (ALTHOUGH, my phone resets if I use gps, charge, use bluetooth, and talk at the same time....) Let me know if it's only an Incredible thing, or HTC thing, or all android thing...

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HTC Incredible : Weird Notification Icon Wasn't Shown In Manual

May 16, 2010

I just started seeing a weird icon that wasn't shown in the manual. It looks like a headset. Even after turning off Bluetooth and after powering the phone off, it still appears. Uploaded with

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HTC Incredible :: Random Sync / Causing Lockup

Oct 7, 2010

Im having something that syncs, only after a startup. i cant figure out what it is. all i know is that when i see the sync icon in the notification bar it lags really bad. im about to start removing bloatware until i find it. is there any other suggestions?

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HTC Incredible :: What's Causing Reboots / Can't Exactly Uninstall 1 App At A Time

Sep 10, 2010

I was using Cyanogen 6.0.2 but it was rebooting randomly so I switched to Ruby 1.1.1. Instead of letting everything come in from my backups on Google's servers, I only restored a small number of apps and have been running it today with minimal applications running. Lo and behold, I just got my first random reboot. It must be some application that I'm running, but since I can't trigger it I can't exactly uninstall 1 app at a time.

I'm very comfortable in the command line (I do it in my job); is there a log somewhere I can read that would list what's happening? I'm not running any special kernels, but I'm starting to wonder if the phone's rebooting due to a kernel panic. Is there a log I can view this kind of information somewhere?

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HTC Incredible :: Froyo 2.2 Causing Reboot Cycles

Sep 5, 2010

I never really had an issue of reboots until recently, before I actually updated to froyo (week and a half or so) I started getting some random reboots.

Now I have been having some major problems, I am not sure if it is related to froyo or not, but i suddenly am getting a lot of more reboots, and when it does it will sometimes get stuck in a cycle of reboots and just keep going and going. Tonight it literally just kept rebooting over 10 times. I battery pulled multiple times and still was doing the same thing. Is there a reason this could be happening?

Yes I have done factory reset since install of 2.2, and actually right when i installed and did factory reset it got stuck in this cycle.

I have talked to verzion and they could not make it reboot so they said they could not do anything at the moment but put a note on the account.

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HTC Incredible :: Is Red-eye Bubble Causing Poor Photo Quality?

Aug 9, 2010

I now understand that the strange red-eye housing over my camera lens, which looks so much like an android (or maybe an HTC engineer) after a long night of drinking, is purported as protection for the actual lens. Why HTC didn't just settle for a sliding blackout cover instead of this bulky lesion is anybody's guess. I know that it's relative permanence over my lense will certainly not protect my photos from any dirt and scratches which this protector picks up, so I have been extremely careful to keep it clean and un-scratched. What I suspect is that this lens cover may be responsible for some of my camera quality issues, such as high noise, a reddish tint which tends to flicker on and off, some periodic jerking of the autofocus (flashing out of focus) when you are hardly moving, and indoor shots which are much, much darker than life without the flash. Hey, I get that this camera, no matter how many megapixels they can list, doesn't come with a world-class sensor, but I would like to know from anyone with a background in photography what they think of my concern that even a clean, transparent cap can reduce the amount of light entering the actual lens, while adding its own reflective noise. The same with the opaque cylinder which surrounds the lens (the red eye housing), from a photo-quality standpoint is looks to me like it's only good for cutting the light. If removing this cover would make a significant difference, then it may still not be the best solution as it leaves the lens at risk, but I am still interested in any qualified opinions on how much this red-eye housing causes, if any. It may be good for the future of smart phone design if they see that they have educated consumers, who are paying attention to such possible problems.

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HTC Incredible :: Wireless Tethering Causing Me To Lose Internet

Aug 8, 2010

Ok, I am rooted and have the wireless tethering app installed. @ 1st it worked pretty good, but here recently it will work for a few minutes then cause my internet to go out for like 30 min or so...but when I tether with pdanet it works for hours with no problem ever. what am I doing wrong when I wirelessly tether to make it stop working, when it stops working, my mac is still connected to the wifi but won't transmit anything.

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HTC Incredible : Light Causing Phantom Swipes On Optical Track Pad

Jul 21, 2010

I am still experiencing phantom swipes (only to the left) on my Incredible. Putting a piece of duck tape over the optical track pad seems to resolve it. This has been ongoing for about a month and a half. I have a warantee but really don't want to wait for my new phone/get one of the newer LCD phones. I have been able to recreate the phantom swipe by moving the phone under different light sources. This is so annoying.

I have tried everything, there isn't dust on my track pad and its not a matter of grounding. I really hope this is not a hardware issue. I got my Inc by pre-order (original with AMOLED). I have been able to toy with some of the newer Inc builds (with the LCD screen). I have noticed the trackpad is more flush with the unit, this leads me to believe they reworked the hardware to fix an issue. Anyone else with the original AMOLED Inc builds experiencing this?

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HTC Incredible :: Getting Lag When Switch Screens With Optical Trackball / Whats Causing This?

Jun 14, 2010

I have been getting some lag on my droid incredible. Does anyone else get lag if they switch the screens with the optical trackball? If I switch homescreens back and forth with the trackball I get glitchy lag. Also the app tray is laggy. I also notice lag in the game doodle jump. Whats causing this.

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HTC Incredible :: Slacker Radio Causing Reboots / Is This Software - Hardware Issue?

May 5, 2010

In the short time that I've used Slacker radio, my phone has rebooted itself twice. At the time I was on Wifi and was skipping a lot of songs. Has this happened to anyone else? Is this a software or hardware issue?

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HTC Incredible :: "This Video Can Not Be Played" Got Message

May 6, 2010

Is there any way to default the stock you tube app to play in high quality? Any suggestions for another you tube player...

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HTC EVO 4G :: How Could You Possibly Brick An Evo?

Nov 30, 2010

I was just talking to someone about bricking mobile devices and I couldn't even think of how I could accidentally brick my own phone. Couldn't you always just go into recovery and wipe/reflash? Unless there was a way to stop you from getting into recovery but I don't see how.I'm not an expert and I've learned everything I know from reading here and on XDA so I could be missing something.

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General :: S3 - Possibly Tried To Flash ROM Without Bootloader?

Mar 6, 2013

I rooted my S3 a few months ago based on some detailed instructions found online - no issues. The method used involved clockwork mod or some such.I was following these URL....

instructions to attempt to install liquid smooth (URL...) ROM. I had backed up everything on titanium backup and using the back up in ROM manager. In step 3.1, "flash a recovery image," I didn't think I needed to do this, as I thought it was a part of ROM manager.I proceeded onward, and after the phone finished making a back up, immediately after it started to install the new ROM, the screen went black (I assume the phone turned off).

I'm currently unable to get it to turn on at all, taking the battery out didn't do anything, and when I plug it into the comp via USB, it doesn't seem to recognize the device.I'm a broke med student on loans, and a new phone is going to hurt the bank account a lot.

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Android :: Backing Up SMS Periodically (possibly Timestamped)

Dec 18, 2009

I currently use SMS Backup & Restore, but that has two drawbacks I see

-I have to manually initiate the backup
-It only stores and restores one file, so I have to overwrite and rename

I just lost my texts and only had a two day old backup. I'd love to see the same thing but that can do it with a timestamped file such as backup_2009-12-18-15-08.xml (pickable when restoring) and can run at a preset time each day or each half day.

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HTC Droid Eris :: 2.1 V2 And Gmail Possibly Hacked

Apr 7, 2010

This morning at 3 am spam was sent out of my gmail account. I am not sure if it came from my phone or my account just got hacked (my computers were turned off). I changed the Password on my account. Since I am running 2.1 and it is not an official release there is the possibility this is where it came from it was a simple email with a link in it. Just wanted to post a heads up to keep you eyes open

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Motorola Droid :: Possibly Have To Exchange Phone

Apr 15, 2010

i might have to exchange my phone,i have a few questions..first to get back to unroot i can just use droidmod to do that right? then should i update to 2.1 before i send it back? the person from motorola said i would keep my sd then all my backups from say titanium and mybackup that i put on the sd card would be good to go on the new phone right?

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