HTC Incredible :: Screen Go Unresponsive / Then Turn Black?
Nov 9, 2010
Continually The screen will go unresponsive, and then turn black and the only things that'll light up are the bottom buttons. Sometimes the screen will just freeze without going black... and i constantly have to do battery pulls.
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Nov 10, 2010
MY SITUATION: My phone was rooted with unrevoked3. I tried to install one of the modaco ROMS and did not realize that it was incompatible with my phone because my Desire has a newer type of screen (not amoled) but SLCD. This caused the phone screen to go black on start up and be unresponsive. It was frightening because at first the HTC bootscreen (green HTC on white) had black streaks through it , then goes black. But don't worry it is easily redeemed in below instructions. You need the latest ROM in zip form, put onto your phone and run recovery. Sweet as suzi, you will be debranded (if you were in the process of doing this , remember to make your gold card).
1. Desire screen not switching on at all even though phone switches on.
2. Phone boots but doesn't go beyond bootloader/recovery/fastboot
3. Can get into recovery even though nothing comes on screen (test: press volume down and power. Wait for 10 seconds. Press volume down. Press power. Phone should vibrate. Wait 20 seconds. Phone should now be in recovery mode.)
4. Can get into fastboot (back+power)
5. No goldcard
I had Aura Sense7.9+AlphaRev S-Off. Cause::Ran a very old RUU just because I wanted to bring things back to stock. The RUU overwrote my HBOOT from 0.93 to god knows what. Turned out, the RUU was for amoled screens and not for SLCD screen. So even though the phone turned on, the screen never did......
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Feb 26, 2012
I dropped my phone from a waste level height onto concrete, the phone appears to be in perfect condition but the screen is completely black and unresponsive. I had upgraded the phone, a motorolla Backflip, to Cyanogen 7.1 so it would suck less (still sucks) and what I need to do is somehow fix the screen or maybe view the files somehow from my computer. There was tons of really important school related notes on a notes app I downloaded as well as other really important files. My number one goal is to somehow get these notes or just see them at least in whatever way possible, fixing the phone is not so much of a worry because I already have a replacement. The phone vibrates when it powers up and the LED notification light blinks as it is being charged like its supposed to, the keyboard keys don't light up like they're supposed to and I'm not sure they work, but the home, back, and the other button with the four squares on the front of the phone work and vibrate when tapped but they don't light up either. The phone is clearly on I just can't see it.
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Jun 7, 2010
Anyone else have this happen? If I try to delete a thread that has a shit ton of texts, the screen will freeze up, turn black, tell me its not responding in which I force close but the screen just stays black. I have to restart my phone every time I try to delete it.
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Jun 27, 2010
I am well aware of a few threads on this topic but I just got off the phone with HTC. The rep asked me to do a hard (factory) reset of the phone and see if that resolves the problem. I am not ready to do that at this point, and he said there was nothing he could do unless I was willing to reset first. In fact, he said they didn't have a lot of complaints about this at this time.So, please call HTC (or email them) if you have this issue. If enough people do, they will "look into it" and if the problem is similar to the EVO issue, maybe it wont be long for the software fix to come.I am not willing to do a factory reset because I have put too much time into getting my phone where I want it to be and this problem only effects when I try and use in car NOT plugged in (which I rarely do).
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Apr 30, 2010
Basically, the phone screen is unresponsive when your not holding it or any time it's not grounded. If I put it in the car holder and then touch the screen, its very sporadic.I have compared it with the droid eris and the Moto Droid under the same conditions at the same time, and it performs flawlessly. I have tried the incredible with the screen protector and without.If I take it out of the dock and hold the phone in my hand, it works great again.It's not just the car dock either. If I set it on certain surfaces and just touch it with one finger it does the same thing. The car dock itself has nothing to do with it. I've narrowed it down to a grounding issue. I've also tested 3 Incredibles and ALL of them do it. I am going to post another video showing it on top of a piece of styrofoam which also creates the problem. It's definitely more widespread then just a few phones. Basically, If the phone has very little ground it is unresponsive. If you ground it, either by holding it or placing it on a surface that is grounded then it solves the problem. If you plug anything into it that is grounded it solves the problem.
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Nov 18, 2010
It doesn't happen all the time, but it happens 7-10 times a day.Basically I can be using the keyboard or even in an App (like say angry birds) and the screen becomes unresponsive.The speed and responsiveness is comparable to trying to do anything on a 486 PC with a virus scan running.I type a letter and five seconds later it shows up.Interestingly, if I hit the sleep button, and then wake the phone back up it's completely fixed.I'm not saying I'm unique in this, I'm just saying I haven't figured out the correct search terms.I have a HTC Incredible, with the updated 2.2, vanilla.I highly doubt it is an App but here is my list just in case.
advocatus's Apps on the phone
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Jun 25, 2010
When I use a app the requires super user permissions it hours to the su permissions screen but its all black and unresponsive... It wasn't doing this before
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Aug 31, 2010
Only when the phone is plugged in to the computer is the screen really slow to respond and is usually inaccurate.I pretty much only use the "Charge Only" option when plugged in.There is no problem when plugged into the wall.
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Apr 29, 2010
I have had my Incredible for 24 hours now, and I am having problems with the touch input becoming completely unresponsive. Sometimes just waiting will fix the problem, sometimes I have to turn the screen off with the power button and then turn it back on to get it to recognize input. Just as an example, for the last 20 minutes I have been trying to type my password in Market to associate my Google account in order to buy an app, and have given up because I cannot successfully get through typing my entire password without the screen becoming unresponsive to the point that I cannot finish.Also, in regards to the keyboard specifically and not the entire screen in general. When using the landscape keyboard, I CANNOT, no matter what I do, get the keyboard to recognize the character "G" every letter surrounding G works, but G is a no go.Last night I even did a hard reset and that did not fix the problem. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.
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Aug 2, 2010
So I just finished my ota 2.2 update... since the install everything has been working great however when I open the camera (still or video) it will not open. The screen will turn black with the camera or video image and then go back to the home screen. I have tried restarting the phone with the same results. Any suggestions? Has anyone else experienced this? btw I was unrooted and stock if that makes a difference prior to the update.
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Jan 16, 2013
Anytime i am done using my phone it stays on unless i black it out by hitting the power button. shouldn't it do this automatically? If i get a text in the middle of the night it stays lit up killing my battery, how do i stop this?
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Apr 22, 2014
I bought a bricked Bruneau tablet and wanted to stock flash it. But the "script" named folder that i put it on the sdcard was for other kind of wonder media processor. I have a WM8505+ procesor and the software was for WM8605. Now the tablet does not turn on, black screen, no sound nothing. I saw on other forums and youtube that i can shortcircuit 2 pins from a Samsung chip on tablet motherboard but it`s not working.
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Aug 18, 2010
I've had this issue happen a few times, so I disregarded it, but a few hours ago it happened 3 times in a row.I'm in the middle of a phone call, and suddenly I hear a beep, and I look at the phone and the call was disconnected (I'm back on the 'Phone' screen). I then realize that the phone becomes unresponsive (the screen doesn't respond, same thing goes for the Home/Menu/Back/Search buttons).The only thing I can do is press the top 'Off/Lock' button to shut off the screen, then press it again, and everything goes back to normal.Is anyone else experiencing this problem? If so, any advice/solutions?My phone is stock, no rooting or roms. I've downloaded a few apps from Android market and that's about it.My 30-day purchase window is up in about a week, so I'd like to get this resolved before then to avoid any headaches.
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Jun 18, 2010
I couldn't find anything specific through a search, but whenever I get an email on gmail I get a white envelope notification. That is linked to the gmail folder. At the same time I get a black envelope with a white outline. I cannot figure out what email folder/widget/whatever it is linked to and I have to manually clear the notification.
Is there anyway to turn off the black envelope?
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Aug 3, 2010
I have Flickie Wallpapers and went to load it. Screen went black and froze. Had to open the phone, remove the battery and reboot. When I came back, I got a message that my SD card is damaged. Maybe there is an app that can check and possibly repair the card?
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Jun 5, 2010
ok so so about an hour ago i was playing with my phone and everything worked. I set it down and then go take a shower and i hear it chime so i get out and towel off and go to the kitchen where i left it and tried turning the screen on to see who it is....nothing
the screen is black and the none of the buttons seem to be responding, the only thing working is a blinking orange led light. so im thinking the battery is dead and i can just put it in the charger i do that and the blinking stays for about 30 seconds and then stops and i tried turning it on again and its still black. Normally i can just turn the phone on when its charging but this time no.
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Feb 28, 2013
I have an HTC Droid Incredible LTE 4 and for the most part it's fabulous...
But when I'm talking on the phone the screen goes black and if I try to unlock it to schedule something in my calendar, etc., the screen just goes black over and over and won't stay active long enough for me to unlock the screen. This is exceedingly frustrating since I can't use any apps when I'm on the phone, and I have to push the button on the top to get the screen to light up at all if I'm on the phone, it doesn't automatically light up if I take it away from my ear to look at something on my phone.
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Sep 28, 2010
I've been doing the same thing for weeks now, but suddenly after I bump charge, my screen is black every morning.
I'm starting to see more and more threads about this over the last few days with other phones, but not for the Incredible. Everyone is saying 'turn it in, get a new phone.' What a pain in the butt to do that.
No one seems to have a cause for this. For me, I bump charge in the morning, and when I unlock after restart, everything goes black. I lock, unlock a few times, then I see my apps, but over a black back ground. I swap out my wallpaper and it works fine for me all day. But the last 3 mornings has resulted in a black screen.
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Sep 23, 2010
So, I flashed .92 hboot from adrynalynes website and it is stuck in some kind of weird hboot boot loop. When I try to reboot it just goes black and comes back to this screen. I can get to clockwork and do and nandroid backup, but I just wanted to know what potentially caused this so I can avoid this in the future.
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May 5, 2010
I have tried both handbrake and xvidtopsp and with both programs I am just getting audio with a black screen. Can anyone help me figure out what I am doing wrong. I used the handbrake settings that someone had posted in a thread in here but that gave me the black screen as well.
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Jun 5, 2010
I have a third-party micro-USB charger that I bought in an airport once for my Tour. When I plug it into my EVO, the screen becomes unresponsive. I'm not using the charger for now. Is this charger potentially causing damage to my phone?
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Jul 27, 2010
I have yet another problem now occurring with my Evo randomly my screen will become unresponsive it will pretty much be the lock screen without the time and date bar just my background and notification bar at top and nothing works at all the only way to fix it is by taking the battery out and putting it back in.. i have no idea what is causing it, but it seems to happen randomly today it happened about four times throughout the day. thankfully im getting a new one in a week or two because of the usb port randomly breaking
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Jul 20, 2010
Had my desire on charge last night as usual, woke up in middle of the night, hit the button on the top of the desire so i could see the time, but rather than the screen lock appearing my homepage appeared but it was rapidly flashing between that and a white screen and was unresponsive. I have the spinning earth and moon live wallpaper for weeks now and the moon was moving back and forth a tiny amount much like when you press pause on an old VCR.
After a few seconds swiping with my finger it eventually responded and the flickering went but came back when i swiped screens once more. i unplugged it from the charger and it did it again.
I then took the battery out and put it back in and since then it seems to be working normally. I also noted that the clock had been frozen at 00.15, when i resolved the prob it jumped to the true time of 03.30. 00.15 was probably about the time i put it on charge so has plugging it in caused it to lock up?
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Nov 23, 2010
I have a desire with slcd and I installed an old ROM for AMOLED screens. It resulted in my phones screen being unresponsive. I bought the phone from someone who rooted it and don't quite understand how to do this procedure. Also if there's anyone from Southern Ontario (golden horseshoe area) that could do it for me that would be great as well.
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Nov 20, 2010
I have noticed in the last couple weeks that my X will start to lose some screen sensitivity and make it almost impossible to type on, whether in portrait or landscape mode. Yesterday I actually had the screen become completely unresponsive. The hardware buttons worked fine. I could bring up my last 8 opened apps, open up the settings bar, even hit home and it would let me check which home screen I wanted to go to. But the actual screen would not respond to anything. I held down the power button to chose to power down the phone for a reset, because for some reason I was expecting to be able to select shut down from an unresponsive screen, and couldn't select this for the said reason. I did a battery pull and was able to use it again. Has anyone had this happen to them? Any thoughts?
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Nov 14, 2010
just got my desire HD on friday and i've noticed a massive problem already. a part of the screen is unresponsive or just doesn't work properly. its a massive pain to try and type on and sometimes a button to press is in that gap on the screen so essentially you cant select it? a friend of mine has got an experia phone and he said he had the same issue but, when he did a 'manual update on his computer using software on phone?' it fixed it. so i'm hoping this could be a software fix and hopefully not have to wait to send it back.i hope you guys have heard of a problem like this and could really help me
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Nov 18, 2010
Just recently, the top part of the screen where I would normally swipe to slide out the notification tray turned unresponsive. I downloaded the screen test tookit and tested the touch screen, and it confirmed the top part of the screen is not registering any touches. Is there anyway to fix this? Or am I stuck with this unless I bring it back to Sprint?
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Mar 18, 2013
I have bought galaxy tab 2 p5110 last weekend and when i started it up, the screen was unresponsive.. so I locked the screen and when I unlocked it worked normal. I used it for couple of hours then I gave it to a friend for him to root it.. he installed ClockworkMod, CryogenMod, used Odin etc and set up android 4.2.2
However this screen issue hit back later and it still continues for more than a week.. If i have to describe the issue a bit more detailed: "when I unlock the tablet, if i dont click on anything, sometimes the screen becomes unresponsive so i have to lock and unlock it again only then it works fine for hours. It used to happaned rarely now it happens a lot more often.. Now it also happens during games or while surfing as well so it is even more annoying.
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Aug 24, 2010
So over the past few days I'll go to use my phone only to find that I can't make the screen work. I can't swipe my pattern or even touch to power down the phone therefore requiring I used the d-pad to select shut down. Its happened about 4 times now, twice yesterday and once this morning. Is it a froyo issue? Or just my certified "like-new" breaking after 2 months already?
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