HTC Incredible :: No Proper Google Contact Sync On Phone

Aug 21, 2010

I synced my google contacts with my phone and they are on my phone. If I go to people - view I show 466 contacts and google is checked. If I go to people I am the only one there. If I search or dial they are there but if I just look at people it does not show them. I reset contact storage but that did not help. I added a contact on my phone to the google contacts and the count went to 466 and the one I added shows up on the phone.

HTC Incredible :: No Proper Google Contact Sync on Phone

HTC Incredible :: Any Way To Change Phone Contact To Google Contact?

Jun 23, 2010

I have done a search for this and I have not found answer. I have inadvertently created some of my contacts as phone contacts instead of google contacts. The main negative of this is that I can not sync these contacts. Does anyone know of way to change the contact type? My phone is rooted if that makes a difference.In another thread relating to this someone mentioned an app that fixes this but I could not find it. Does anyone know of the app?

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HTC Incredible :: Way To Sync Contact Photos On Phone To Gmail Address Book?

May 18, 2010

Does anybody know a program or app that i can sync my contact photos from my phone address book to my gmail or even outlook address book... with blackberry i could sync it to outlook then to gmail, but with the INC i have not found a solution.

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Motorola Droid X :: Unable To Sync Directly From PC To Phone / No Proper Order For Music

Sep 9, 2010

This is my first "smartphone" although I have used a corporate Blackberry and I have used a Palm for many years. I've had this phone for about a month now. While the hardware is ok, the software for critical functions (Calendar, Contacts, Notepad, and Music) absolutely sucks!

1. I do not want to use Google/Gmail for my calendar and contacts. I don't know about any of you, but I do not feel comfortable having my confidential contact and calendar information sitting on the internet in Google. The company I work for even has a block on Google contacts & Gmail because it is not secure and fraught with potential for virus. I want a way to sync calander, contacts and notepad directly from my PC to my phone. Unfortunately, this can't be done. I've tried Companion Link. Besides the fact that it cost $39, I can't even get it to work. This type of functionality should be a basic part of a smartphone. Iphones do it. Blackberry's do it. Palm Pre does it. Why not the Droid?

2. Music - I have been trying to figure out a way that music synced to the Droid will play in the proper order. The Droid will only play music in Alphabetical order. I can't find a way to play music in Track # order. I have been on the phone with Motorola for hours. Finally got to Level 2 tech support. They told me that it cannot be done. How stupid is this? Try listening to a Broadway Show album in alphabetical order! Right now I feel if you just want a fancy toy, buy a Droid. If you want a real "smartphone" look somewhere else.

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HTC EVO 4G : Google Contact Sync Keeps Failing After About 5 Min

Aug 21, 2010

I keep receiving an error message from when it syncs by Google contacts. It fails after about 5 min. Mail and calendar are fine.

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HTC Desire :: Default Contact Sync With Google

May 20, 2010

I have now deleted all my phone contacts and am managing everything in google.So when I click on people, only one contact comes up.myself. Yet for some reason this does not link with google,so it's not syncing my picture or details.Anybody know how I can do this? You cannot delete the main contact.though I can add myself as a new phone contact(but then I would have two.)

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HTC Desire :: Google Contact - Calendar Sync

May 27, 2010

I am thinking of getting the Desire this weekend. If I Sync my contacts and Calendar with Google - does that mean it connects to the internet everytime to get the calendar and contacts? Or does it store a local copy then sync every so often?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Add A Contact And Have It Sync With Google

Feb 11, 2010

I want to add a contact and have it sync with google. Only problem is when I create a contact I go into 'people' - 'add contact' and then select the drop down box my only option is 'phone'. am I missing something here? I have google sync turned on.

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Android : Can I Get Proper Uri Of A Particular Contact In Droid 2.1?

Mar 18, 2010

I have written an application and added 2 contacts on emulator, but i
am not able to update their names on android 2.1, code is working on
android 1.6 platform with the following code.

ContentValues contactValues = new ContentValues();
contactValues.put(Contacts.People.NAME, firstName+" "+lastName);
getContentResolver().update(UpdateContactUri, contactValues, null,

In android 1.6 i am getting Uri for those two contacts are "content://
contacts/people/1" and "content://contacts/people/2".

but in 2.1 I am getting these values are "content://contacts/people/8"
and "content://contacts/people/9" and while updating its giving
"java.IllegalArgumentException, Empty values" exception.

When i tried to put a static Uri like "content://contacts/people/1",
code was debugged sucessfully but contact was not updated.

How can i resolve it, why i am not getting uri like 1.6 platform ?

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HTC Hero :: Turn Off Google Calendar And Contact Sync

Sep 14, 2009

I'm planning on getting the Sprint Hero. I have a hosted Exchange account that I use to manage my emails, calendar, contacts, and tasks. I'm planning on continuing using my Exchange account. I do not want to use Google for Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks syncing.

I have the following questions.

1. How do I turn off Google calendar, contacts, and tasks syncing?

2. Do I need to turn off Google syncing?

3. Is Exchange data stored and managed separately on the phone from Google's calendar, contracts, and tasks but displayed together in the HTC applications?

4. Will the HTC implantation of Exchange ActiveSync allow me to sync tasks?

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Android :: Sync Blackberry To Google Contact W/o Outlook

Aug 26, 2010

I am just putting it out there because I have never used any type of sync to get contacts from one phone to another.I simply let my my providers use their CellBrite machine to move from my old device to the new one. I don't use outlook although I might start. Point is I was truly starting at ground zero and the following post was to the point and detailed enough not to assume you had done this.It will be common knowledge for a lot, but for the rest of us very helpful. Have a great day fellow Droidians.Sync from Blackberry to CSV to GMail / G1 without Outlook.Here's a procedure to export contacts from a Blackberry and import into the G1 / Android using a CSV file and GMail Import, without using Outlook or Google Sync (I don't use Outlook, and had read about limitations/problems with Google Sync for Blackberry). This initially works best when you have a GMail account with maybe some but not all of the same contacts as are in your Blackberry, and with your G1 phone contacts relatively empty (or cleared) to avoid duplicating contacts.

Basically, you create a CSV file using Blackberry Manager (free download from T-mobile, etc.,), edit it using Excel or other spreadsheet program to change the heading names, import the resulting CSV file into the Gmail, then sync it directly into the G1. There are a few tricks, but the result is your contacts will be displayed exactly as you want them.The Export to CSV from Blackberry Manager (BBM) and the import of CSVs into GMail were not intuitive (at least not to me ;-), nor well documented anywhere I found. Here is how I did it using a T-Mobile Blackberry Pearl 8120, BBM vers 4.6 for Win XP, GMail as of 17-Nov-09, and T-Mobile G1 (Android 1.6)

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Android :: Google Sync Taking Contact Pictures From Facebook?

Jul 30, 2010

just a minor inconvenience: I used to have my phone set to sync with google, which alerted me every time I received an email. I then found out that google sync was causing an issue with my contact pictures, taking them from facebook and resizing them. it caused them to looked pixelated or "zoomed in" in hilli billy terms. So now I have it set to never sync with google. So now I never receive a notification when I receive an email. Anyone know a way I can set it to sync only to gmail and not sync the contacts? I don't really need to sync them anyway, as I have backup assistant for that purpose.

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Motorola Droid X :: Any Way To Sync Only Specific Google Contact Group?

Jul 16, 2010

Is there a way to sync only one specific Google contact group rather than getting everyone that happens to have a phone number from the generic "All Contacts" section? If I go into the standalone Contacts app the only contacts I see on the "Contacts: Google" list are the ones I want but when I go into the contacts in the phone app everyone and their grandparents are listed.

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Motorola Droid :: Google Voice And Contact Group Sync

Nov 25, 2009

Is anyone else noticing that the three "built-in" groups in Google Voice: Friends, Family and Coworkers are NOT synced? These are my three biggest groups. I'm sure I could create duplicate groups, but that seems silly. Can anyone confirm the same behavior and/or suggest something to get these groups syncing properly?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Facebook 1.3 And 1.3.1 Continuous Google Contact Sync

Aug 6, 2010

After installing Facebook 1.3 and 1.3.1 on my Eris with 2.1 my Google Contacts are stuck in a sync loop and draining my battery. It tries to sync, gets an error about contact sync not being available, tries to sync, gets error, etc over and over. Since I'm not able to uninstall Facebook, only uninstall upgrades, going back to an older version causes the non-stop syncing to stop. WOO HOO! Has anyone else experienced this? I want the new Facebook 1.3.1, but the I can't live without contact sync.

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General :: Galaxy S4 - Google Hangouts And Facebook Contact Sync?

Dec 13, 2013

I know that the next kitkat update makes galaxy s4 users from Verizon use Google hangouts. So in preparation of this coming, is there anyway to sync hangouts with Facebook contacts? My biggest issue is that I want the Facebook pictures of the person I am talking to to show up in hangouts similar to how it does/did in the text messaging app.

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Motorola Droid X :: Want To Change Phone Contact To Google Contact

Jul 18, 2010

When adding new contacts to the droid x, it added it as both a goggle contact and phone contact. (i only have one goggle account setup). I went into contacts -> menu -> more -> settings. I am UNABLE to check/unchecked the "Phone Contacts" (it is always checked). The goggle one i am able to check/unchecked. WHY and HOW can i toggle the phone contact? Also, backup assistant only takes PHONE contacts and not GOOGLE contacts...while g mail contact sync only takes goggle contacts and NOT PHONE contacts. How can one change phone contact to goggle contact? (i have seen posts all over but no answers...and just replies saying "i have the same problem") I am trying NOT to have two (2) different types of contacts. PHONE and GOOGLE. I just want goggle contacts ( or phone contacts. so i can at least use verizon's backup assistant.

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HTC Droid Eris : Philosophical With Google Sync Contact / Put Contacts Onto SD Card

Dec 4, 2009

Here me out for a minute. I think it's great that I can have my contacts all safe and backed up to my gmail account. However, when I use my gmail e-mail, and I send an automatically adds them to my contacts.

Am I weird for wanting my phone JUST to have peoples numbers in my contacts? I don't need people's phone numbers who live in England, because I'll just e-mail them if i need to ask them anything. Maybe I'm just old school and so used to my non-smart phone.

Anyway, I want to put my contacts onto my SD card and have People read from that. Is that possible to do?

The thing I'm scared of doing is that IF i unclick sync google contacts, all the contacts on my phone disappear. Did this one before by accident.

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Jelly Bean :: Google Sync Results In Impossible SMS Contact List

Feb 18, 2014

I am using a locally made make of phone called a Firefly. My last phone was a samsung, which was way too small and too slow.

When I first added my google account to my andoid phone, I thought nothing of it syncing the contacts. I did not realize that google had kindly created a contact for every single person I had ever emailed in my entire life. For most people, I am sure that this is quite an accurate list, but I manage a business, so I get lots of emails from people and systems that I never need on my phone.

When I first noticed this, I disabled syncing of contacts and manually removed all the contacts from my phonebook. This left me with a nice neat list of contacts. Great. But... When I go to send a text message and add a recipient, I am displayed with a gigantic list of thousands of contacts, most of whom are email addresses and at least 98% of whom are people I would never ever want to send a text message to.

I have searched everywhere, but can not find any way to access this contact list within my phone so I can clean it. The only solution I have been able to find is to first delete all contacts from google, then enable sync, then disable sync after it completes. This is really not ideal as I need these contacts in my google account, but not on my phone.

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HTC Incredible :: Sync With MS Business Contact Manager

Jun 2, 2010

I'm coming from a Windows Mobile 6.5 phone to the Incredible. My old phone allowed me to sync all of the contacts from my Microsoft Business Contact Manager on my PC to the phone. There was an add-on for Office 2007. I would love to be able to do the same with my new phone.

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HTC Incredible :: Sync Contact's Birthday's To Calendar

May 22, 2010

I've seen quite a few people wondering how to get the birthday's from their contacts (either google, facebook or both) into their calendars. Here is how to do it.

First, Facebook limits the way you can view their data (phone numbers, birthday's, etc.). They will allow you to view it, but not to scrape the data to transfer to another app (which is why there is no way to sync your google and facebook addressbooks). I remember a while back somebody wrote a facebook app that would sync with Plaxo and facebook shut down the users account within a day of him starting to use the program. Because of this limitation, you will need to add 2 calendars to get all your birthdays and if you have a birthday in both facebook and google, that birthday will appear twice. That being said, here is what you can do.

To add Birthdays from Google contacts to your Google Calendar.
1. Using a computer go to
2. Top Right corner, click on settings/calendar settings.
3. Under Calendar settings click Calendars
4. By Other Calendars, click Browse Interesting Calendars
5. Under Interesting Calendars, select More
6. Subscribe to the Contacts' Birthdays and Events calendar.
7. Return to Calendar, your Contacts' Birthdays should now be appearing.
8. On your phone open the calendar app and go to menu/more/refresh
9. Go to menu/more/calendars and make sure the new CBE calendar is checked.
10. Back to Calendar. The birthdays should now be showing.
11. If they do not appear, try menu/refresh.
12. If they still do not appear go to menu/more/calendars/remove and remove the CBE calendar then menu/more/calendars/add and readd the CBE calendar (this is what I had to do).

*Google does not currently have a way to add reminders to this calendar. You can add a reminder to any individual birthday, one at a time, from your phone, but the reminders will not sync back to the web version of Gcal and will only work on the phone.

To add Birthdays from Facebook to your Google Calendar
1. Go to - Facebook Calendar Generator, and click Get your calendars now
2. In facebook click Allow/Allow/Allow
3. Under "Subscribe to Friends Birthdays" click the Google Calendar icon
4. In Google Calendar, Select Yes add this Calendar
5. In Google Calendar go to Settings/Calendars, double click the calendar with the really long complicated name, and rename to fbCal or something else you will remember, Save. Facebook birthdays should now be showing in Gcal.
6. In your phone calendar, menu/more/refresh
7. Menu/more/calendars/ and put a checkmark next to the fbCal calendar.
8. Menu/more/refresh
9. Everything should be working now.

*If you go back to the fbCal page in facebook, you can follow the same process to create a calendar for Facebook events. You CAN create regular Google notifications for both facebook calendars.

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HTC Incredible :: Need Exchange Server Contact Sync App

Aug 20, 2010

Is there an easy way to add email addresses from the company email directory on Microsoft Exchange to existing contacts already in my phone & have a complete company email directory? I had it on my BB with AstraSync & thought I saw it on my Eris when I had 1.5 but I can't find it on my DINC.

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HTC Incredible :: Facebook Contact Sync Error

May 1, 2010

I've tried to search the forums and also google about my problem, but I haven't found a solution yet.I am trying to link my Facebook account via HTC Sense sync, but I'm getting this message when I try to sync my facebook contacts:"Sorry!The process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again."I then tried to manually add my facebook contacts via the contact list, but my facebook friends aren't showing up.

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HTC Incredible : Way To Sync Birthdates Entered In Information For A Contact?

Sep 4, 2010

Sorry if this has been solved and is common knowledge now, but I haven't really been able to keep up with the forums over the past several months. Is there any way to sync birthdates entered in the information for a contact with the calendar on your phone? I've got the full page calendar widget, but none of the birthdates I enter for any of my contacts sync over to that calendar. Is there a way to do this and/or another app I could download that would solve this?

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Motorola Droid X :: Picasa Account Added But No Proper Sync

Jul 15, 2010

I just got my droid x this morning. I have everything setup and have added my picasa account, but when I look in my gallery there is nothing. On my droid all of my picasa albums showed up in my gallery which i loved. Or does the x just not sync properly with picasa?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Can't Get Phone To Sync Contact / How To Fix?

Aug 15, 2010

All my contacts are in my Gmail under contacts. I can not get my Evo to sync them though. I keep getting sync is not working, will return again. Sometimes the sync icon next to the checked box is froze. They were all in there before but I deleted people contacts from my phone. I wonder if this had something to do.

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HTC Incredible :: Facebook Contact Sync - Sms Backup - Automatic App Installation

Aug 19, 2010

I've rooted my Dinc and got skyraider 2.5.2 with full backup through titanium and nandroid.

Here are my questions.

1) Is there a way to transfer the exact status of my previous contact to my new rom? I've linked and synced all my contacts with facebook and stuffs and it looks like all those links have been disconnected. I don't want to link again manually.

2) Why does titanium not backup SMS? I've restored my titanium backup and none of my SMS got restored. Luckly I've used SMS Backup & Restore to backup, so that's not a problem, but I was wondering if I'm misssing something in titanium.

3) When I'm restoring apps with titanium, I have to keep giving permissions to install apps (clicking install button). I have around 80 apps, and I would much prefer if it's automatic without asking for my permission. Is there a way to do that?

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HTC Incredible :: Sync Phone Contacts With Google Contacts?

Apr 28, 2010

Every time I add a new contact it goes under "phone". I'd like it to go under "Google" where it would sync and be done with, but I also would like the current 6 I have under "Phone" to go to "Google".

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HTC Tattoo :: Phone Contact Sync Failed / Fix It?

Nov 29, 2009

I saved my contacts in my pc .. synced it to my pc "successfully" running windows 7... and then reset my tattoo to factory settings .. but then after that i cannot sync my contacts back from my pc to my phone .

any suggestions please.. my phone is contact less and i dont want to insert 300 contacts manually.

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General :: How To Add New Phone Contact Without Corporate Sync

Mar 1, 2014

I am honestly pretty ignorant when it comes to messing with my phone. I am trying to add a new contact on my phone and something new just occurred. When I press the icon to add a new contact, it is requiring me to choose a corporate account in which to sync my contacts to before it even allows me to enter the contact. There does not appear to be an option to skip this. I do not want to sync my contacts with anything. I want my contacts on my local phone storage only. Is this something specific to just my phone? I am currently using a rooted LG spectrum running Avatar ROM version 3.0.1-1434-20130723-vs920.

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